What a difference a (good) night makes

After a string of unproductive, disjointed days, I had an incredibly fun and productive morning. I filled a notebook page with to-dos and ideas — something that can sometimes take me a week. I reread key chapters in a favorite business book. And running in 55 degrees and a steady …

Why a longer commute makes me 4X happier

I’m writing this on a Friday evening while travelling on the Triangle Transit 405 bus from Durham to Chapel Hill. What started a few weeks back as a one-day experiment has turned into an psychic journey that’s been full of pleasant surprises. A photo posted by henry copeland (@wonderfill) on Sep 9, …

Eight ways Racery boosts employee fitness

It’s no secret that physicians are committed to patient wellness, but what about their employee’s wellness? According to the Center for Disease Control, 11.6% of individuals in health-diagnosing occupations are obese. One cause: a shortage of effective workplace fitness programs.  Here are eight ways a Racery virtual race can help …

Challenge colleagues to a virtual run around Paris!

Wish you could do a cool wellness challenge with your colleagues? Here are four reasons your colleagues will thank you (merci beaucoup!) for inviting the whole office to Paris, France… on Racery’s virtual wellness challenge that is. Share this blog post with the wellness point-person in your HR department tout suite! 1) …

How to organize a workplace wellness program in 3 minutes?

Are you an HR professional looking for a way to lower absenteeism, boost job satisfaction, improve productivity, increase employee retention and lower healthcare costs? Or are you an employee who is tired of your company’s stale wellness program and looking for a better way to motivate yourself to stick to …

Need more reasons to run in a virtual race?

This sounds almost like the punchline of a joke at the expense of tea totaling couch potatoes: runners have more neurons and can drink more beer. Two cool new studies suggest that the health benefits of running are more pronounced than many of us could have hoped for. Testing the …