
Runners (194)

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    This race ended 08/31/16 - check out the final activity below.

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    • SueLu-A Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • Oldmanwinter Aug 31, 2016
      4.0 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 19 days at 7.81 miles/day.
    • Bilzo Aug 31, 2016
      4.7 miles
      back to hillsborough Riverwalk and occoneechee
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
    • MaryAnn Aug 31, 2016
      2.5 miles
       Passed 3 runners.
    • Drea Aug 31, 2016
      4.5 miles
       Passed 4 runners.
    • CaptainD Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       Back after 6 days.  Passed 5 runners.
    • PaulW Aug 31, 2016
      4.2 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
    • Gingersnap18 Aug 31, 2016
      1.2 miles
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.97 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • MizMegan Aug 31, 2016
      4.1 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • KrishnaM Aug 31, 2016
      4.5 miles
      thats end of this sprint
       Passed 2 runners.
    • agz Aug 31, 2016
      2.0 miles
      Walking back and forth to class :) Darn, I came so close to finishing this race!
       Passed 1 runner.
    • Kianna Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.50 miles/day.  Passed 5 runners.
    • Lulu_Crunch Aug 31, 2016
      2.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 35 days at 3.59 miles/day.  Passed 4 runners.
    • raqui32 Aug 31, 2016
      3.9 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 3 runners.
    • Msmithevv Aug 31, 2016
      5.0 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
    • Cw Aug 31, 2016
      4.5 miles
       Passed 7 runners.
    • AyeAyeRon Aug 31, 2016
      3.1 miles
       Passed 3 runners.
    • MichelleS Aug 31, 2016
      1.4 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 3.12 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Roosie Aug 31, 2016
      2.5 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • betsy Aug 31, 2016
      6.0 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 6 runners.
    • supermannino Aug 31, 2016
      4.4 miles
       Passed 2 runners.
    • Shellie Aug 31, 2016
      2.5 miles
      several small walks around campus between classes to save students! //
       Passed 1 runner.
    • KRC Aug 31, 2016
      4.0 miles
       Passed 4 runners.
    • MyObsession Aug 31, 2016
      1.3 miles
    • GaulyWally Aug 31, 2016
      9.4 miles
      Afternoon run on the treadmill while the kids nap. That was rough! But at least I'm done!!!!
       3rd Longest personal run.  Finished in 75th place.
    • Snakesgalore Aug 31, 2016
      1.0 miles
    • Dia Aug 31, 2016
      4.0 miles
       9th Longest personal run.  Passed 3 runners.
    • Amazon42 Aug 31, 2016
      2.0 miles
    • umi Aug 31, 2016
      6.0 miles
      didn't finish this time
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 5 runners.
    • pcon Aug 31, 2016
      1.1 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 31 days at 2.29 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • kaleycredle Aug 31, 2016
      4.7 miles
      WU / 4x1000 / CD @ the speedway trail
       Passed 5 runners.
    • GaulyWally Aug 31, 2016
      3.5 miles
      Walked to the park and back with the kids instead of driving!
       Passed 2 runners.
    • Bine Aug 31, 2016
      6.0 miles
      Wisconsin Dells run and hunt Pokemons with Lisa
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 3 runners.
    • Jamie73 Aug 31, 2016
      9.0 miles
      Chicago training
       7th Longest personal run.
    • RunnerGirl Aug 31, 2016
      12.3 miles
      Life gets in the way of running.
       5th Longest personal run.  Passed 9 runners.
    • Dan Aug 31, 2016
      3.7 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
    • KrishnaM Aug 31, 2016
      1.0 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.16 miles/day.
    • Traildiva Aug 31, 2016
      4.4 miles
      Finished in the Knicks of time :-)
       Finished in 74th place.
    • Penguinrunner Aug 31, 2016
      7.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 7.60 miles/day.  Finished in 73rd place.
    • MaryS Aug 31, 2016
      3.5 miles
      and i have finished!!
       Longest personal streak grows to 31 days at 3.72 miles/day.  Finished in 72nd place.
    • jlscout289 Aug 31, 2016
      4.1 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 5.76 miles/day.  Finished in 71st place.
    • christofletch Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       Passed 3 runners.
    • TMGirl Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 3.00 miles/day.
    • Scull Aug 31, 2016
      9.0 miles
      Capital Crescent Trail with exploration and strides
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 12 days at 19.52 miles/day.
    • Buttercup Aug 31, 2016
      6.2 miles
      Run/walk with Katie and Dawn on the trail route - still a few slick spots.
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 46 days at 7.86 miles/day.
    • DawnInKC Aug 31, 2016
      7.1 miles
      Rain run with @Buttercup , Katie, and Liz. Buh bye gross, sweaty August. Hello September! :-)
       5th Longest personal run of this race.  Finished in 69th place.
    • MyObsession Aug 31, 2016
      6.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 39 days at 7.36 miles/day.
      Oops, I hearted myself. Lol. See you in September for the next race!
    • Elizabethaknee Aug 31, 2016
      1.0 miles
    • Kate Aug 31, 2016
      5.0 miles
       Passed 7 runners.
    • Amos Aug 31, 2016
      1.6 miles
       Passed 4 runners.
    • Mic Aug 31, 2016
      6.2 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race.  Finished in 68th place.
    • peggyerickson Aug 31, 2016
      3.7 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 5 runners.
    • agz Aug 31, 2016
      4.6 miles
      HV golf course. Tackled the big hill. Avg pace = 9.40 min/mile. I am going to come so close to finishing this race but I don't think I'll be able to today. :(
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 5.86 miles/day.  Passed 3 runners.
    • FearlessLeader Aug 31, 2016
      2.5 miles
      Finished YAY!! Today's 2.5 miles were MUCH better than yesterday's "hell" run. So thankful I was able to finish this race after a nasty toe injury that kept me off the road for a full week. What's next? :)
       8th Longest personal run of this race.  Finished in 66th place.
      Excellent work, @FearlessLeader! I encourage you to join September's challenge, 123 miles through Bali:
    • Huss Aug 31, 2016
      1.2 miles
       Passed 1 runner.
    • markosg Aug 31, 2016
      6.4 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
    • HuffleJess Aug 31, 2016
      3.3 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 3 runners.
    • Roosie Aug 31, 2016
      3.0 miles
       Passed 2 runners.
    • Snakesgalore Aug 31, 2016
      15.0 miles
       Longest personal run.  Passed 14 runners.
    • Snakesgalore Aug 31, 2016
      2.0 miles
       Passed 5 runners.
    • movilvr Aug 30, 2016
      2.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 4.39 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
    • billhartnett Aug 30, 2016
      4.0 miles
       Back after 5 days.  Passed 5 runners.
    • Drea Aug 30, 2016
      4.7 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 3 runners.
    • HuffleJess Aug 30, 2016
      2.9 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 1 runner.
    • SueLu-A Aug 30, 2016
      0.6 miles
    • Oldmanwinter Aug 30, 2016
      10.3 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 8.02 miles/day.
    • jlscout289 Aug 30, 2016
      7.5 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 6.17 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Passed 7 runners.
    • HuffletuffSally Aug 30, 2016
      4.0 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.60 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
    • MizMegan Aug 30, 2016
      1.4 miles
      Time used wisely during kids football practice
    • Fit4Me2016 Aug 30, 2016
      5.4 miles
       7th Longest personal run.  Passed 6 runners.
    • agz Aug 30, 2016
      5.5 miles
      Laurel Hill in CH + walking to the Bulls game and back + dog walk. I'm tired!
       Passed 9 runners.
    • Traildiva Aug 30, 2016
      4.3 miles
      I see the light at the end of the tunnel :-)
       Passed 4 runners.
    • see more...
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    Log Activity

    This race ended 08/31/16 - check out the final activity here.

    OR start a new challenge here!


    You need to validate this device to chat.

    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • Christine Aug 30, 2016
      I have been "competing" in Racery races since last November. I really enjoyed the first 6 months or so. But in the past few months, people have been getting very "generous" with their mileage. I am marathon training and I feel like running is a full time job these days and it still takes me the better part of the month to finish. Yet people are finishing the races in the first week! It's not fun anymore when the results are so skewed. Any chance of doing a sync up with Garmin or other GPS enabled apps?
      Agreed! There needs to be a only GPS race.
      Agreed! There needs to be a only GPS race.
    • Blonderooster Aug 22, 2016
      Has anyone seen a castle?!
      I somehow missed all of them. :-(
    • MelLit Aug 22, 2016
      @racerbot When do medals start shipping?
      @MelLit Medals were dropped in the mail on Friday. Watch your mailbox this week!
    • Mic Aug 21, 2016
      Where do I see the total mileage for the Castles race? Do to health-related set-backs I may not be able to finish the race. :-(
      Hi @Mic! The total mileage for this race is 113.2 miles. This and some additional background details are available just below in the About tab:
    • baileymb124 Aug 21, 2016
      If anyone else is a big numbers geek like me, it's worth knowing that right now, EST-Time (NYC, USA) August is 64% complete. If you were EXACTLY on pace to finish, you'd have 73.1 miles completed.
    • aGagliardiGirl Aug 16, 2016
      My last two entries were a typo...they were supposed to be for the Portugal race. Can you delete them?
      @aGagliardiGirl Done! Please let me know if there's anything else we can help out with.
    • racerbot Aug 12, 2016
      Happy Friday, humans! Are any of you racing this weekend?
    • peggyerickson Aug 11, 2016
      Is biking in any form allowed? I see some using recumbent biking as part of their miles?
      How unfair. Some of us cycle 100+ miles a week. I would never count that twds the run. Pitch forks out
      How unfair. Some of us cycle 100+ miles a week. I would never count that twds the run. Pitch forks out
      How unfair. Some of us cycle 100+ miles a week. I would never count that twds the run. Pitch forks out
      How unfair. Some of us cycle 100+ miles a week. I would never count that twds the run. Pitch forks out
    • Jeannie Aug 11, 2016
      I seem to have missed one of the Castles? There are supposed to be 6? I have Criccieth, Caernarfon, Beaumarais, Conwy, and Rhuddlan Castles. Which one (if any) did I miss?
      Thanks,@racerbot! I guess I missed it while I was doing the Happy Dance, LOL!
      Thanks,@racerbot! I guess I missed it while I was doing the Happy Dance, LOL!
    • GettinFitin2016 Aug 10, 2016
      Is there a way to edit computer inadvertently put in miles for 8/5 at 1395 versus the 13.95....want to know if there is a way to delete this entry or edit it?
      Great question @GettinFitin2016! My human counterparts will be in touch with details via email.
    • DaleAceron Aug 9, 2016
      What beautiful scenery!!! I'd love to run here
    • baileymb124 Aug 9, 2016
      This race is a bit more competitive than last month's "Running of the Bulls."
      Crazy how there's already 4 finishers!!!
      Crazy how there's already 4 finishers!!!
    • MichelleS Aug 4, 2016
      Is there anyway to see street views from miles you missed? Like going from 8 to 12 (example only) is there a way to see the street views for miles 9, 10, & 11? I'd hate to miss a castle.
      You could just go to google maps and chart your route there :) I did that with the last race, and it was kind of awesome.
      You could just go to google maps and chart your route there :) I did that with the last race, and it was kind of awesome.
      You could just go to google maps and chart your route there :) I did that with the last race, and it was kind of awesome.
    • Ladybug307 Aug 4, 2016
      Thank you @RacreyLesley! It should be 28.
      Hi @Ladybug307! This is all fixed. Please let @RaceryLesley or myself know if there's anything else we can do to help!
    • Ladybug307 Aug 2, 2016
      I made a mistake on 8/1/16's entry. It should read 28.06 miles and 8/2/16 should read 3.7. Is there a way to fix this?
      Hi @Ladybug307! I'm seeing 2 entries for 8/1! :) A 25 and a 28. Should it just be the 28? Happy to help! Lesley
    • Gabe Aug 1, 2016
      hi - is Racery working on trying to validate runs/walks with actual GPS data via an app and/or a gps device? Looking forward to the running! Best
      Hi @Gabe! @baileymb is correct. A GPS integration is a great suggestion. My human counterparts have added this to their list of new features to consider. Happy running!
      Hi @Gabe! @baileymb is correct. A GPS integration is a great suggestion. My human counterparts have added this to their list of new features to consider. Happy running!
    • racerbot Aug 1, 2016
      Hi racers! I am Racerbot. I am here to help with all your needs. Just put @racerbot in your question. Good luck!
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    About + Join

    • From: Criccieth, Wales
    • To: Flint, Wales
    • Start date: August 1, 2016
    • End date: August 31, 2016
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 113.1 miles
    • Total logged: 15,014.8 miles
    Hit six of the most famous Castles in Northern Wales!

    A 113-mile route takes you through lush national parks, quaint villages, bustling port towns, and of course--castles!

    $17 at registration gets you an awesome Welsh inspired medal (limited supply!)


    Run or walk anywhere you want. Then log miles and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!

    We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    --We cap our open races at 200 participants; sign up early to secure your spot!
    -- We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
    -- No step counting, please use intentional miles
    -- Only running miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, over all sports)
    -- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.
    -- Please only backdate mileage for a race up to two weeks in the past.
    -- Only mileage added before the race officially closes on August 31,2016 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the race leaderboards.

    No mileage submitted yet.