ADC Summer “Kick Off” Challenge
All groups:
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1.#accountingdepartmentcom 43 racers × 332.5 avg = 14296 miles
2.#acctingspecialist 39 racers × 300.1 avg = 11705 miles
3.#controllers 12 racers × 266.3 avg = 3195 miles
4.#cis 7 racers × 392.9 avg = 2750 miles
5.#salesmarketing 6 racers × 374.2 avg = 2245 miles
6.#florida 7 racers × 291.4 avg = 2040 miles
7.#redhotchilisteppers 7 racers × 277.0 avg = 1939 miles
8.#nobowlforme 4 racers × 445.1 avg = 1781 miles
9.#missouritigers 5 racers × 316.2 avg = 1581 miles
10.#adc 6 racers × 259.1 avg = 1554 miles
11.#admindirectors 3 racers × 473.9 avg = 1422 miles
12.#teamoscar 4 racers × 354.5 avg = 1418 miles
13.#fsunoles 4 racers × 333.4 avg = 1333 miles
14.#babygottrack 5 racers × 243.2 avg = 1216 miles
15.#bsb 3 racers × 402.8 avg = 1208 miles
16.#bloodsweatbourbon 2 racers × 575.1 avg = 1150 miles
17.#accountingspecialist 2 racers × 561.4 avg = 1123 miles
18.#ugabulldogs 5 racers × 215.8 avg = 1079 miles
19.#notredame 4 racers × 250.4 avg = 1002 miles
20.#hrtraining 2 racers × 435.5 avg = 871 miles
21.#teamfelix 3 racers × 253.8 avg = 761 miles
22.#washyourhands 2 racers × 369.9 avg = 740 miles
23.#usfbulls 4 racers × 182.6 avg = 730 miles
24.#kentuckywildcats 3 racers × 236.9 avg = 711 miles
25.#numberninjas 2 racers × 339.4 avg = 679 miles
26.#indianahoosiers 3 racers × 213.2 avg = 640 miles
27.#georgia 3 racers × 193.1 avg = 579 miles
28.#clemsontigers 2 racers × 282.6 avg = 565 miles
29.#mississippi 2 racers × 282.4 avg = 565 miles
30.#olemiss 2 racers × 282.4 avg = 565 miles
31.#ufgators 3 racers × 160.6 avg = 482 miles
32.#idaho 2 racers × 209.4 avg = 419 miles
33.#maineblackbears 2 racers × 162.4 avg = 325 miles
34.#unctarheels 2 racers × 140.2 avg = 280 miles
35.#pennsylvania 2 racers × 137.8 avg = 276 miles
36.#acctingspecial 2 racers × 122.4 avg = 245 miles
37.#fiscallyfit 2 racers × 105.5 avg = 211 miles
1.Team Felix Finished
2.Team Oscar Finished
1.Team Felix 5195.7 miles
2.Team Oscar 5107.2 miles
Athletes (92)
(participants active in race)
1.Nel 1530.1 miles
2.JennyJennyC 1396.0 miles
3.JessA 1010.3 miles
4.Whendee 997.7 miles
5.Jen.Clarke 979.4 miles
6.ShawnM 747.8 miles
7.ElaineM 742.0 miles
8.andrea.boccard 732.6 miles
9.MelissaC01 673.3 miles
10.CristyP 617.2 miles
11.Roo1984 597.6 miles
12.JWBulldog 586.6 miles
13.Cool_Hand 566.8 miles
14.CaptainKirk 565.1 miles
15.LoriAnnM 555.2 miles
16.AR1001 520.5 miles
17.Mkeeran 487.9 miles
18.ShawnaK620 481.0 miles
19.JulieShaw 460.5 miles
20.CJHarlow 395.2 miles
21.AprilN 392.5 miles
22.SarahMR 383.0 miles
23.BKMom 371.2 miles
24.Awall 370.6 miles
25.BrittanyLloyd 364.5 miles
26.MissSam 354.3 miles
27.AliciaK 352.1 miles
28.LisaA 350.5 miles
29.Cldouty 345.3 miles
30.LisaDixon 323.0 miles
31.skpz 319.7 miles
32.JamieSan 313.9 miles
33.TeraV 312.8 miles
34.ChristieC 300.8 miles
35.SusanS 286.8 miles
36.SMay 286.4 miles
37.Raven.ADC 280.0 miles
38.Jspring 277.0 miles
39.EricaB 271.9 miles
- 266.4 miles
41.LeeAnnM 264.0 miles
42.Tamarra 254.3 miles
43.Meagan68 252.1 miles
44.TheWright 249.2 miles
45.Kim7 240.4 miles
46.FattyGurl 239.5 miles
47.ATully 238.5 miles
48.BLC 230.9 miles
49.Kris.Merritt 227.0 miles
50.Scammack0529 226.3 miles
51.Becker 220.2 miles
52.lara.ketterl 219.4 miles
53.Bill.Gerber 215.3 miles
54.Mareska 215.1 miles
55.SamantaH 207.6 miles
56.ShaSha 206.5 miles
57.erin.stjames 204.1 miles
58.JVarner 200.2 miles
59.ElizabethAnn 193.0 miles
60.Megan.I 188.6 miles
61.ShellyB 187.1 miles
62.rkruize 186.6 miles
63.BetterButter 182.5 miles
64.AliciaProw 182.1 miles
65.JenHoff 171.9 miles
66.FightingIllini 171.2 miles
67.Tawnia 170.9 miles
68.MichelleHoward 170.4 miles
69.JS5 165.5 miles
70.dkgray 164.6 miles
71.Kermie 154.4 miles
72.BeckyJoyce 142.2 miles
73.Karen1 134.7 miles
74.Coin 131.4 miles
75.DebT 131.0 miles
76.Subwife98 130.8 miles
77.ErinBowling17 128.5 miles
78.CelesteW25 112.4 miles
79.KimM 109.4 miles
80.SoniaC 99.3 miles
81.Brookester 92.2 miles
82.parkerbell 73.9 miles
83.kenodi 64.3 miles
84.HelenM 62.9 miles
85.JazzyW 58.1 miles
86.Ned 41.7 miles
87.AliB 37.0 miles
88.NGordon 33.6 miles
89.StaceyT 30.3 miles
90.stewbaby 27.5 miles
91.ALloyd82 24.3 miles
92.OsuchJoy 4.7 miles
Recent Activity
Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.
JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
LeeAnnM Sept 2, 2019
ShellyB Sept 2, 2019
BLC Sept 2, 2019
CaptainKirk Sept 2, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
CristyP Sept 2, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
CJHarlow Sept 1, 2019
CristyP Sept 1, 2019
JVarner Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
Nel Sept 1, 2019
BLC Sept 1, 2019
LeeAnnM Sept 1, 2019
JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
Whendee Sept 1, 2019
Whendee Sept 1, 2019
ShellyB Sept 1, 2019
LisaDixon Sept 1, 2019
LeeAnnM Sept 1, 2019
kenodi Sept 1, 2019
skpz Sept 1, 2019
skpz Sept 1, 2019
skpz Sept 1, 2019
Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
Roo1984 Sept 1, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
CaptainKirk Sept 1, 2019
JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
CJHarlow Aug 31, 2019
BLC Aug 31, 2019
JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
Nel Aug 31, 2019
Nel Aug 31, 2019
Nel Aug 31, 2019
Nel Aug 31, 2019
JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
ShellyB Aug 31, 2019
LisaDixon Aug 31, 2019
kenodi Aug 31, 2019
skpz Aug 31, 2019
skpz Aug 31, 2019
Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
Roo1984 Aug 31, 2019
Jen.Clarke Aug 31, 2019
Jen.Clarke Aug 31, 2019
CaptainKirk Aug 31, 2019
JVarner Aug 31, 2019
Nel Aug 31, 2019
LeeAnnM Aug 31, 2019
CristyP Aug 31, 2019
Whendee Aug 31, 2019
Whendee Aug 31, 2019
Whendee Aug 31, 2019
BLC Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
Nel Aug 30, 2019
ShellyB Aug 30, 2019
see more...
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Team Mileage Log:
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Team Mileage Log:
About + Join
- From: Seattle. WA
- To: Columbia, MO
- Start date: May 27, 2019
- End date: September 2, 2019
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 5,034.1 miles
- Total logged: 29,234.6 miles
Welcome to the ADC Summer “Kick Off” Challenge!
When the race launches on May 27th, convert any intentional exercise, log your activity and see your team’s avatar move on our map and leaderboards. Your personal progress will also be tracked in the individual leaderboard. As you log, catch a Google Street View of your team’s virtual locale, then cheer on your real fellow racers!
No matter what you’re doing to be active, we’re thrilled to have you join us! Together, we’ll make this summer’s challenge the best one yet!
The route takes us on a no-nonsense course traveling to our favorite College Football stadiums -- from coast to coast! Together we’ll tour the country while on a full college tour!
What you’ll get by participating:
- Cool Team SWAG!
- A summer-long fun challenge!
- Camaraderie & team spirit!
- Motivation throughout the entire challenge!
FAQ and Guidelines:
We've got participants from all over, so to keep everyone on the same page, we suggest these guidelines:
1. We believe in the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices if you’re logging actual miles.
2. This year, LOTS of intentional activity -- dancing, swimming, yoga-ing, and many more -- can be converted to miles. (See full list here.) Note: All conversions are based on a translation of steps into hour/mile. For example, an hour of moderate cycling will register as 4.83 miles on the route, while the same period of breaststroke will register as 5.14 miles. If you use a step counter while you are intentionally walking or running, just enter those as steps and we’ll convert them too!
3. If your team finishes the route early, keep logging to become an Ultramarathoner! An Ultra leaderboard appears below the original leaderboard. Keep that competition alive right up to 9/2!)
4. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on September 2nd at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards.
5. Last but not least, Racery is more fun if you log activities as part of a group, comparing progress with friends and colleagues. With thousands of people participating in this year’s event joining a group can make a big difference. Go to the Athletes tab, click the group you’d like to join, and select “race with this group.” (If you don’t see a group you want to join, read this blog post about creating a new group that others can jump into!)
Technical questions?
Other questions about the race?
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
When the race launches on May 27th, convert any intentional exercise, log your activity and see your team’s avatar move on our map and leaderboards. Your personal progress will also be tracked in the individual leaderboard. As you log, catch a Google Street View of your team’s virtual locale, then cheer on your real fellow racers!
No matter what you’re doing to be active, we’re thrilled to have you join us! Together, we’ll make this summer’s challenge the best one yet!
The route takes us on a no-nonsense course traveling to our favorite College Football stadiums -- from coast to coast! Together we’ll tour the country while on a full college tour!
What you’ll get by participating:
- Cool Team SWAG!
- A summer-long fun challenge!
- Camaraderie & team spirit!
- Motivation throughout the entire challenge!
FAQ and Guidelines:
We've got participants from all over, so to keep everyone on the same page, we suggest these guidelines:
1. We believe in the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices if you’re logging actual miles.
2. This year, LOTS of intentional activity -- dancing, swimming, yoga-ing, and many more -- can be converted to miles. (See full list here.) Note: All conversions are based on a translation of steps into hour/mile. For example, an hour of moderate cycling will register as 4.83 miles on the route, while the same period of breaststroke will register as 5.14 miles. If you use a step counter while you are intentionally walking or running, just enter those as steps and we’ll convert them too!
3. If your team finishes the route early, keep logging to become an Ultramarathoner! An Ultra leaderboard appears below the original leaderboard. Keep that competition alive right up to 9/2!)
4. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on September 2nd at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards.
5. Last but not least, Racery is more fun if you log activities as part of a group, comparing progress with friends and colleagues. With thousands of people participating in this year’s event joining a group can make a big difference. Go to the Athletes tab, click the group you’d like to join, and select “race with this group.” (If you don’t see a group you want to join, read this blog post about creating a new group that others can jump into!)
Technical questions?
Other questions about the race?
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.