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(team members logging since Mar 13, 2025)



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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Athletes (92)



        (participants active in race)

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        (team members logging since Mar 13, 2025)



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          Team Mileage Log:

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity

              This race ended 09/02/19 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

              Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

              • Tamarra Team Oscar Sept 2, 2019
                0.8 miles
                1767.0 steps of steps = 0.8 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.84 miles/day.
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Sept 2, 2019
                4.0 miles
                8455.0 steps of steps = 4.0 miles
              • JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
                7.5 miles
                15883.0 steps of steps = 7.5 miles
              • LeeAnnM Sept 2, 2019
                2.0 miles
                35.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 2.0 miles
                 4th Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 2.14 miles/day.
              • ShellyB Sept 2, 2019
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
                 Back after 7 days.
              • AR1001 Team Oscar Sept 2, 2019
                5.7 miles
                5.65 miles of running = 5.65 miles
                 Back after 9 days.
              • BLC Sept 2, 2019
                3.6 miles
                3.6 miles of walking = 3.6 miles
                 7th Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 3.31 miles/day.
              • CaptainKirk Sept 2, 2019
                6.9 miles
                14631.0 steps of steps = 6.9 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 22 days at 5.11 miles/day.
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
                1.9 miles
                45.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.9 miles
              • JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
                3.0 miles
                1.2 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.0 miles
              • JennyJennyC Sept 2, 2019
                2.1 miles
                1.2 hours of cooking = 2.1 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 99 days at 13.99 miles/day.
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Sept 2, 2019
                5.2 miles
                3.0 hours of cooking = 5.2 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 99 days at 5.57 miles/day.
              • CristyP Sept 2, 2019
                6.4 miles
                13552.0 steps of steps = 6.4 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 5.96 miles/day.
              • tiffany.brown Team Felix Sept 2, 2019
                0.4 miles
                15.0 minutes of cooking = 0.4 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 1.51 miles/day.
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
                4.5 miles
                45.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 4.5 miles
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 2, 2019
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 99 days at 9.80 miles/day.
              • CJHarlow Sept 1, 2019
                4.5 miles
                9469.0 steps of steps = 4.5 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 24 days at 4.71 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • CristyP Sept 1, 2019
                7.0 miles
                14734.0 steps of steps = 7.0 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 5.90 miles/day.
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Sept 1, 2019
                5.0 miles
                2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 5.57 miles/day.
              • JVarner Sept 1, 2019
                1.6 miles
                3424.0 steps of steps = 1.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 2.04 miles/day.
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                5.0 miles
                120.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                10.5 miles
                180.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 10.5 miles
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                2.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 2.6 miles
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                1.7 miles
                60.0 minutes of cooking = 1.7 miles
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                8.0 miles
                240.0 minutes of shopping = 8.0 miles
              • Nel Sept 1, 2019
                19.8 miles
                240.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 19.8 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 70 days at 16.94 miles/day.
              • BLC Sept 1, 2019
                3.5 miles
                3.5 miles of walking = 3.5 miles
                 Extends streak to 6 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
              • LeeAnnM Sept 1, 2019
                1.3 miles
                30.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.3 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.76 miles/day.
              • JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
                5.7 miles
                60.0 minutes of spinning = 5.7 miles
              • JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
                3.0 miles
                1.75 hours of cooking = 3.03 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 13.99 miles/day.
              • Whendee Sept 1, 2019
                30.0 miles
                5.0 hours of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 30.0 miles
                Bulk edit
                 7th Longest personal exercise.
              • Whendee Sept 1, 2019
                8.2 miles
                120.0 minutes of soccer, competitive = 8.2 miles
                 Back after 7 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • Tamarra Team Oscar Sept 1, 2019
                2.8 miles
                5835.0 steps of steps = 2.8 miles
                 7th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.33 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • ShellyB Sept 1, 2019
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
                 Back after 6 days.
              • AR1001 Team Oscar Sept 1, 2019
                5.4 miles
                5.4 miles of running = 5.4 miles
                 Back after 8 days.
              • LisaDixon Sept 1, 2019
                2.1 miles
                4332.0 steps of steps = 2.1 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 3.30 miles/day.
              • LeeAnnM Sept 1, 2019
                2.3 miles
                40.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 2.3 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.94 miles/day.
              • kenodi Sept 1, 2019
                0.5 miles
                1048.0 steps of walking = 0.5 miles
                 Back after 13 days.
              • skpz Sept 1, 2019
                2.6 miles
                5406.0 steps of steps = 2.6 miles
              • skpz Sept 1, 2019
                0.9 miles
                30.0 minutes of cooking = 0.9 miles
              • skpz Sept 1, 2019
                3.1 miles
                75.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.1 miles
                 10th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Back after 47 days.
              • tiffany.brown Team Felix Sept 1, 2019
                2.5 miles
                30.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 2.5 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.69 miles/day.
              • Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
                0.2 miles
                30.0 minutes of stretching = 0.2 miles
              • Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
                2.5 miles
                1.0 Hour of chasing Kids Around = 2.5 mile
              • Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
                1.9 miles
                45.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.9 miles
              • Megan.I Sept 1, 2019
                0.9 miles
                30.0 minutes of cooking = 0.9 miles
                 Back after 6 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • Roo1984 Sept 1, 2019
                5.8 miles
                12295.0 steps of steps = 5.8 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 26 days at 4.54 miles/day.
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
                5.2 miles
                180.0 minutes of cooking = 5.2 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • Jen.Clarke Sept 1, 2019
                2.3 miles
                2.3 miles of walking = 2.3 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 9.80 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • JennyJennyC Sept 1, 2019
                6.3 miles
                13407.0 steps of steps = 6.3 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 98 days at 14.03 miles/day.
              • CaptainKirk Sept 1, 2019
                9.9 miles
                20808.0 steps of steps = 9.9 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 21 days at 5.03 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
              • JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
                5.9 miles
                12384.0 steps of steps = 5.9 miles
              • CJHarlow Aug 31, 2019
                6.4 miles
                13518.0 steps of steps = 6.4 miles
                 2nd Longest personal streak grows to 23 days at 4.71 miles/day.  5th Longest personal exercise.
              • BLC Aug 31, 2019
                4.3 miles
                4.3 miles of walking = 4.3 miles
                 Extends streak to 5 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
                10.7 miles
                130.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 10.7 miles
                 8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
              • JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
                3.1 miles
                75.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.1 miles
              • Nel Aug 31, 2019
                1.3 miles
                15.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 1.3 miles
              • Nel Aug 31, 2019
                7.0 miles
                120.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 7.0 miles
              • Nel Aug 31, 2019
                12.1 miles
                7.0 hours of cooking = 12.1 miles
                 7th Longest personal exercise.
              • Nel Aug 31, 2019
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 69 days at 16.60 miles/day.
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Aug 31, 2019
                2.0 miles
                1.0 hour of shopping = 2.0 mile
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Aug 31, 2019
                3.5 miles
                1.0 hour of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 mile
                 Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 5.45 miles/day.
              • JennyJennyC Aug 31, 2019
                2.8 miles
                30.0 minutes of spinning = 2.8 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 13.90 miles/day.
              • BeckyJoyce Team Oscar Aug 31, 2019
                1.1 miles
                38.0 minutes of cooking = 1.1 miles
              • Tamarra Team Oscar Aug 31, 2019
                2.0 miles
                4269.0 steps of steps = 2.0 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • ShellyB Aug 31, 2019
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of running = 4.0 miles
                 Back after 5 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • AR1001 Team Oscar Aug 31, 2019
                5.5 miles
                5.45 miles of running = 5.45 miles
                 7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 7 days.
              • LisaDixon Aug 31, 2019
                1.6 miles
                3438.0 steps of steps = 1.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 3.31 miles/day.
              • kenodi Aug 31, 2019
                1.4 miles
                3017.0 steps of walking = 1.4 miles
                 3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 28 days at 0.87 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • skpz Aug 31, 2019
                0.3 miles
                10.0 minutes of cooking = 0.3 miles
                 Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
              • skpz Aug 31, 2019
                7.0 miles
                14801.0 steps of steps = 7.0 miles
                 Back after 46 days.  9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • tiffany.brown Team Felix Aug 31, 2019
                0.5 miles
                15.0 minutes of shopping = 0.5 miles
              • Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
                1.0 miles
                30.0 minutes of shopping = 1.0 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
                3.7 miles
                1.5 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.7 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • Megan.I Aug 31, 2019
                1.7 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.7 mile
                 Back after 5 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • Roo1984 Aug 31, 2019
                4.9 miles
                10445.0 steps of steps = 4.9 miles
                 10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 25 days at 4.49 miles/day.
              • Jen.Clarke Aug 31, 2019
                7.5 miles
                180.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 7.5 miles
              • Jen.Clarke Aug 31, 2019
                5.2 miles
                5.2 miles of walking = 5.2 miles
                 9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 9.76 miles/day.
              • CaptainKirk Aug 31, 2019
                3.7 miles
                7747.0 steps of steps = 3.7 miles
                 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 20 days at 4.78 miles/day.
              • LoriAnnM Team Felix Aug 31, 2019
                9.9 miles
                2.0 hours of swimming, leisure = 9.9 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 5.52 miles/day.  Passed 2 athletes.
              • JVarner Aug 31, 2019
                1.6 miles
                3348.0 steps of steps = 1.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 97 days at 2.05 miles/day.
              • Nel Aug 31, 2019
                19.8 miles
                240.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 19.8 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 69 days at 16.85 miles/day.
              • LeeAnnM Aug 31, 2019
                1.2 miles
                35.0 minutes of shopping = 1.2 miles
                 7th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 1.86 miles/day.
              • CristyP Aug 31, 2019
                6.4 miles
                13422.0 steps of steps = 6.4 miles
                 6th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 5.77 miles/day.
              • Whendee Aug 31, 2019
                4.0 miles
                2.0 hours of shopping = 4.0 miles
                Grocery shopping
              • Whendee Aug 31, 2019
                10.4 miles
                6.0 hours of cooking = 10.4 miles
                Bulk cooking
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • Whendee Aug 31, 2019
                12.5 miles
                5.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 12.5 miles
                Deep clean!
                 Back after 6 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • BLC Aug 30, 2019
                3.5 miles
                3.5 miles of walking = 3.5 miles
                 10th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                1.3 miles
                15.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 1.3 miles
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                5.2 miles
                90.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 5.2 miles
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                14.8 miles
                180.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 14.8 miles
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                4.0 miles
                120.0 minutes of shopping = 4.0 miles
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
              • Nel Aug 30, 2019
                0.9 miles
                30.0 minutes of cooking = 0.9 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 68 days at 16.40 miles/day.
              • JessA Team Oscar Aug 30, 2019
                4.7 miles
                4.67 miles of running = 4.67 miles
                 10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 96 days at 10.52 miles/day.
              • Tamarra Team Oscar Aug 30, 2019
                0.6 miles
                1175.0 steps of walking = 0.6 miles
              • ShellyB Aug 30, 2019
                1.0 miles
                30.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.0 miles
                 Passed 1 athlete.
              • AR1001 Team Oscar Aug 30, 2019
                4.7 miles
                4.75 miles of running = 4.75 miles
                 Back after 6 days.
              • see more...
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              (team members logging since Mar 13, 2025)



               Full profile >>

                Team Mileage Log:

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                  Inactive user!

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                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 09/02/19 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • BeckyJoyce Team Oscar May 22, 2019
                    Great job early birds! Just an FYI once a "Group" has more than one member it will show up on the Team Dashboard under "All Groups". You will see all of your chosen groups under "My Groups". Happy challenge everyone!!!
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                  (team members logging since Mar 13, 2025)



                   Full profile >>

                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      Inactive user!

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                      's Log

                      About + Join

                      • From: Seattle. WA
                      • To: Columbia, MO
                      • Start date: May 27, 2019
                      • End date: September 2, 2019
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 5,034.1 miles
                      • Total logged: 29,234.6 miles
                      Welcome to the ADC Summer “Kick Off” Challenge!

                      When the race launches on May 27th, convert any intentional exercise, log your activity and see your team’s avatar move on our map and leaderboards. Your personal progress will also be tracked in the individual leaderboard. As you log, catch a Google Street View of your team’s virtual locale, then cheer on your real fellow racers!

                      No matter what you’re doing to be active, we’re thrilled to have you join us! Together, we’ll make this summer’s challenge the best one yet!

                      The route takes us on a no-nonsense course traveling to our favorite College Football stadiums -- from coast to coast! Together we’ll tour the country while on a full college tour!

                      What you’ll get by participating:

                      - Cool Team SWAG!
                      - A summer-long fun challenge!
                      - Camaraderie & team spirit!
                      - Motivation throughout the entire challenge!

                      FAQ and Guidelines:

                      We've got participants from all over, so to keep everyone on the same page, we suggest these guidelines:

                      1. We believe in the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices if you’re logging actual miles.

                      2. This year, LOTS of intentional activity -- dancing, swimming, yoga-ing, and many more -- can be converted to miles. (See full list here.) Note: All conversions are based on a translation of steps into hour/mile. For example, an hour of moderate cycling will register as 4.83 miles on the route, while the same period of breaststroke will register as 5.14 miles. If you use a step counter while you are intentionally walking or running, just enter those as steps and we’ll convert them too!

                      3. If your team finishes the route early, keep logging to become an Ultramarathoner! An Ultra leaderboard appears below the original leaderboard. Keep that competition alive right up to 9/2!)

                      4. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on September 2nd at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards.

                      5. Last but not least, Racery is more fun if you log activities as part of a group, comparing progress with friends and colleagues. With thousands of people participating in this year’s event joining a group can make a big difference. Go to the Athletes tab, click the group you’d like to join, and select “race with this group.” (If you don’t see a group you want to join, read this blog post about creating a new group that others can jump into!)

                      HAVE FUN!
                      Technical questions?

                      Other questions about the race?
                      No mileage submitted yet.