
Fundraising ($21,915 raised)

Support PHRC!

Raised: $21,915
Contributors: 1,049

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Justin Viskoc $480
  • 2.
    Angela Stickels $300
  • 3.
    Heidi Mallett $260
  • see more...

Top team fundraisers:

Latest contributions:


All groups:

#2021frc×76, #2021phrc×74, #phrc×72, #hogwartsrunningclub×54, #potterheadrunningclub×46, #hrc×43, #2021wrc×42, #2021phrcravenclaw×39, #fansruntheworld2021×36, #2021phrchufflepuff×35, #frc×34, #wrc×33, #2021crc×32, #ravenclaw×29, #fandomrunningclub×26, #whovianrunningclub×24, #hufflepuff×22, #2021phrcgryffindor×20, #2021wrctimelords×19, #phrc19ravenclaw×18, #gryffindor×17, #lionsrtw×17, #2021wrccompanions×16, #2021wrcvillains×16, #2022frc×16, #slytherin×16, #chiltonrunningclub×15, #2022phrc×14, #onephrc×14, #takingiteasy×14, #hogwarts×13, #austentatious×12, #frcbattleofthefandoms×12, #phrc19gryffindor×11, #phrc19hufflepuff×11, #phrcquidditch×11, #2021phrcslytherin×10, #crc×10, #sluglife×10, #battleunicorns×9, #chupas×9, #fansruntheworld2022×9, #talonted×9, #bigdamnheroes×8, #dropbears×8, #expectopatrorun×8, #fanthropy×8, #hhmf×8, #madeye×8, #owlbears×8, #pensieveyalater×8, #phrchufflepuff×8, #phrcravenclaw×8, #2022crc×7, #2022phrchufflepuff×7, #hrcgryffindor18×7, #hrcravenclaw×7, #nessies×7, #nifflerbob×7, #runningchoux×7, #wrcteamvillains×7, #youshallnotpass×7, #ateamhasnoname×6, #boulderdash×6, #ceteonfire×6, #foramy×6, #frtw2022×6, #jogularity×6, #phrc19slytherin×6, #rhinobutts×6, #runscript×6, #slayerfest19×6, #strideandprejudice×6, #unicornbob×6, #2021phrcfaculty×5, #2022phrcravenclaw×5, #2022wrc×5, #2022wrccompanions×5, #bobsunite×5, #bookingit×5, #bookwyrms×5, #buggingout×5, #elitefeet×5, #fanthropyrunningclub×5, #fiercefriars×5, #frclasvegas×5, #frcnerfherders×5, #godricslions×5, #hrc18ravenclaw×5, #hufflemania×5, #knockturnallies×5, #mermaids×5, #onehrc×5, #onyourleft×5, #page394×5, #phrcslytherin2020×5, #rowenaseagles×5, #salazarssnakes×5, #teamonfire×5, #teamsalty×5, #teamtimelords×5, #tothepain×5, #velocityraptors×5, #wrcteamtimelords×5, #bazingo×4, #bombarda×4, #clawdyssey×4, #conesofrunshire×4, #confringo×4, #dalektricslide×4, #dontpanic×4, #dragons×4, #fancourtsstargazers×4, #fandomrunning×4, #frtw2023×4, #ganggreen×4, #giantsquid×4, #hmbb×4, #krakens×4, #makeitso×4, #mileflayers×4, #nerfherders×4, #onlyzuul×4, #pewpew×4, #phrcfallquidditch×4, #phrcingfierce×4, #phrcslytherin×4, #quidditch×4, #rahrahravenclaw×4, #runmagicrun×4, #saltysneks×4, #secondbreakfastclub×4, #shellyeah×4, #sillywalks×4, #starfeet×4, #trustnorun×4, #tulachard×4, #unicorns×4, #violentlypink×4, #wrccompanions×4, #2021gryffindor×3, #2022phrcgryffindor×3, #2022wrcvillains×3, #2460run×3, #affirmative×3, #always×3, #alwaysremember×3, #bearsbeetsbsg×3, #cjb×3, #club×3, #companions×3, #dementorbob×3, #disgruntledpelicans×3, #excelsior×3, #fiendfyre×3, #flyingfirebolts×3, #frtw2021×3, #fruitsdelaterre×3, #gettheracewon×3, #giveemhelgas×3, #grangerthings×3, #greyladies×3, #harrypotteralliance×3, #helenashawks×3, #helgasbadgers2020×3, #hellraisins×3, #holdmywhiteclaw×3, #hrchufflepuff×3, #ithoughtyousaidrum×3, #jinkies×3, #longbottom×3, #mahnamahna×3, #mauroders×3, #melodysmaniacs×3, #ministryofsillywalks×3, #movingrightalong×3, #nighuncatchable×3, #partyponies×3, #permylastowl×3, #phrcgryffindor×3, #pithon×3, #potterheadrunclub×3, #rowenaseagles2020×3, #rti×3, #rtistaff×3, #runasaurus×3, #runnersofplenty×3, #running×3, #shinymetalmiles×3, #silurianbob×3, #sisterhoodofbob×3, #sontarbob×3, #teamcompanions×3, #thatcorktho×3, #thatdamteam×3, #thelastbattle×3, #thesnitch×3, #timelords×3, #treadmilltrivia×3, #valkyries×3, #well×3, #wesleycrushers×3, #wherearewe×3, #wrctimelords×3, #wrcvillains×3, #2022frtwscotland×2, #2022phrcslytherin×2, #2022wrctimelords×2, #934stitches×2, #andkeggy×2, #angelbob×2, #arizona×2, #badwolftracks×2, #bandofwitchers×2, #barkandcheese×2, #buenperro×2, #cawcrawmf×2, #chasingbono×2, #clawandorder×2, #crcchasingbono×2, #crcgilmore×2, #crcroadtrip×2, #cupofambition×2, #cybusindustries×2, #darwinners×2, #defyinggravity×2, #dementors×2, #dendefenders×2, #diademfiles×2, #dreadfulhats×2, #elitefeetquidditch×2, #fansruntheworld×2, #fastandfurriest×2, #fearourowlsomeness×2, #finalfrontier×2, #flightclub×2, #florida×2, #forbill×2, #forfawkessake×2, #friendsfromwork×2, #galgoing×2, #grangerdanger×2, #graphitiartists×2, #helgasbadgers×2, #helgasbadgers2021×2, #hellhounds×2, #hellosweeties×2, #holdmybutrbeer×2, #holdmytiara×2, #houseelves×2, #hpa×2, #hrcgryffindor×2, #humankirk×2, #illinois×2, #ineffable×2, #irantue×2, #jellybabies×2, #jesuisprest×2, #kissmedeadly×2, #lovethinkrun×2, #mamdinos×2, #mileliquidators×2, #mooseandsquirrel×2, #mustrunfaster×2, #noonerunssolo×2, #notdeadyet×2, #notinkansas×2, #oncomingstorm×2, #oneteamtorulethemall×2, #oogieboogies×2, #outforawalk×2, #owlways×2, #padfoot×2, #phrc20hufflepuff×2, #phrcravenclaw2021×2, #phrcslytherin19×2, #pompousprincetonguy×2, #potterheadruns×2, #randomzebrasinc×2, #ravenclawsome×2, #readycetego×2, #rowenassoaringeagles×2, #rubbersole×2, #rufiooo×2, #rundermifflin×2, #runnersofberk×2, #runtomisbehave×2, #somuchgood×2, #squidditch×2, #svrchzbrns×2, #swansong×2, #talklessrunmore×2, #teampond×2, #teamworkisajointeffort×2, #thisistherace×2, #together×2, #torchwood×2, #totesmcgoats×2, #trackerjackers×2, #unicorncabin×2, #unleashchaos×2, #wanttobelieve×2, #warandbeaks×2, #washington×2, #wedontneedroads×2, #whenarewe×2, #wisconsin×2, #witandgrit×2, #wizardofcaws×2, #wrcraceacrosstime×2, #wrcteamcompanions×2 … >>


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    Team Mileage Log:

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Runners (780)

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          Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.

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          Team Mileage Log:

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity

              This race ended 11/04/19 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 11/04/19 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      Inactive user!

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                      • runs/week

                      's Log

                      About + Join

                      • From: Brisbane, Australia
                      • To: Uluru
                      • Start date: October 25, 2019
                      • End date: November 4, 2019
                      • 12:00 EST
                      • 11:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 2,113.1 miles
                      • Total logged: 33,304.4 miles
                      The PHRC Benefit Quidditch Event is a chance for members from all Houses to come together to support eight amazing charities to find a cure for pancreatic cancer, to support the Slug Club of NPO Harry Potter fandoms committed to change, to bring music to those with Alzheimer's and dementia, to protect Vanishing species and ecosystems, to work toward earlier detection of Cerebral Palsy in infants and to positively connect people experiencing homelessness through free laundry, showers and conversation!

                      Whether you are running, walking, donating or cheering, we're thrilled to have you join us!

                      Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.

                      • No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
                      • Only walking/running miles please!
                      • Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
                      • Please do not backdate mileage
                      • Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards

                      No mileage submitted yet.