2022 PHRC House Tournament #1
All groups:
Sorting Loop
1.A-Fast&Furriest Finished
2.A-Totally Tonks Finished
3.A-MotherFlocker Finished
4.B-PerMyLastOwl Finished
5.C-Hawkward Finished
6.B-LionAwakens Finished
7.C-Hangin' Puff Finished
8.D-Chasing Fire Finished
9.D-Highway2Helga Finished
10.E1-OxfordCommas Finished
11.B-Star Biter Finished
12.E1-Twist&Sprout Finished
13.E2-WeWillFlockU Finished
14.C-Bite Mark Finished
15.E2-SnitchPerfec Finished
16.D-Spite Bite Finished
17.The Grey Ladies Finished
18.The Friars Finished
19.The Nicks Finished
20.The Barons Finished
Fluffy Challenge
1.A-Fast&Furriest 3719.3 miles
2.A-Totally Tonks 3615.0 miles
3.B-PerMyLastOwl 3114.0 miles
4.B-Star Biter 3079.4 miles
5.C-Hawkward 2872.8 miles
6.A-MotherFlocker 2872.8 miles
7.C-Hangin' Puff 2802.7 miles
8.C-Bite Mark 2653.9 miles
9.D-Chasing Fire 2599.0 miles
10.E1-OxfordCommas 2551.4 miles
11.D-Highway2Helga 2472.5 miles
12.B-LionAwakens 2405.2 miles
13.E2-WeWillFlockU 2302.6 miles
14.D-Spite Bite 2276.3 miles
15.E2-SnitchPerfec 2104.4 miles
16.E1-Twist&Sprout 2086.0 miles
17.The Grey Ladies 1570.8 miles
18.The Friars 970.8 miles
19.The Nicks 841.2 miles
20.The Barons 580.8 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Runners (735)
1.CaptainData 176.2 miles
2.CallMeHippis 168.1 miles
3.RunninCircles 165.0 miles
4.PureBloodPrince 165.0 miles
5.PuppyBrain 165.0 miles
6.DinoSalt 165.0 miles
7.Fieryfae 165.0 miles
8.CaitasaurusRex 165.0 miles
9.QueenofHaartz 165.0 miles
10.Widget 165.0 miles
11.PrincessChica3 165.0 miles
12.YodaPotato 165.0 miles
13.2Star2Right 165.0 miles
14.Pod227 165.0 miles
15.VillainClaw 165.0 miles
16.mamabirdie 165.0 miles
17.LadyGranger 165.0 miles
18.TriceraBrandy 165.0 miles
19.Exp3lliarmus 165.0 miles
20.Megan.R 165.0 miles
21.Rachel_Eva 165.0 miles
22.BuckeyeBrit 165.0 miles
23.Fireheart 165.0 miles
24.LionOnFire 165.0 miles
25.FrostingOfWhite 165.0 miles
26.SlyKwast 165.0 miles
27.Grammy-Phyl 165.0 miles
28.BittySteps 165.0 miles
29.EctoElphie 165.0 miles
30.NightMan 165.0 miles
31.PoodlePowered 165.0 miles
32.AMLoki 165.0 miles
33.WickedSlytherin 165.0 miles
34.SlyBee13 165.0 miles
35.RavenclawNerd 165.0 miles
36.DrStrange 165.0 miles
37.MoaningMyrtle 165.0 miles
38.PnkA-BookJockey 165.0 miles
39.mushamoo 165.0 miles
40.SleepFuriously 165.0 miles
41.TriviaServedHot 165.0 miles
42.Knightofni 165.0 miles
43.GhostRunner7 165.0 miles
44.KateBrady 165.0 miles
45.GryffinMoogle 165.0 miles
46.SoCalGal 165.0 miles
47.Lizerdoo 165.0 miles
48.DarkOne 165.0 miles
49.TazUKLion-C 165.0 miles
50.GryffinKeeper 165.0 miles
51.JHawke 165.0 miles
52.PippinAintEasy 165.0 miles
53.HumanGuineaPig 165.0 miles
54.MaggieGo 165.0 miles
55.Starlightcla 165.0 miles
56.CaffeinePixie 162.0 miles
57.MixingUpMiles 161.4 miles
58.Cat_Meow 160.9 miles
59.ImUrHuckleberry 160.5 miles
60.AlienLizzie 160.1 miles
61.LHoov 160.0 miles
62.TabbyMom55 159.0 miles
63.BrickMasterJMV 158.7 miles
64.kvan79 158.2 miles
65.Pendery 158.0 miles
66.HuffleJess 157.6 miles
67.Catattack 157.1 miles
68.SpringerMom 157.0 miles
69.TennisTina 156.3 miles
70.SassafrASP 156.0 miles
71.HoshiRinMaro 155.5 miles
72.SmellyMelly 155.0 miles
73.Beckimo-B 155.0 miles
74.Kiaara 154.0 miles
75.Astralii 154.0 miles
76.BombaySapphist 153.0 miles
77.QueSaRAH 152.2 miles
78.QuiltyQuibbler 152.0 miles
79.CountryPuff 151.9 miles
80.HairofSlytherin 151.7 miles
81.OntheroadagainC 150.0 miles
82.cupcaker 150.0 miles
83.BatAlien 150.0 miles
84.NifflersMama 146.6 miles
85.Moogie 146.6 miles
86.GraphThat 144.6 miles
87.PrtndItsAPlan-C 142.9 miles
88.HufflePond-B 141.5 miles
89.HuffletuffSally 141.2 miles
90.JessycaWalks 141.0 miles
91.CindyL 140.7 miles
92.jwilliams74 137.6 miles
93.MaryV311 137.5 miles
94.ProfessoRex 136.6 miles
95.TheOncomingNap 136.3 miles
96.PibblesNGlitz 136.0 miles
97.magpie47 135.0 miles
98.runningunicorn 134.1 miles
99.Xanthippe 134.0 miles
100.KoalaClaw 133.6 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Rantue, Karelia, Russia
- To: Rantue, Jyväskylä, Finland
- Start date: February 18, 2022
- End date: February 28, 2022
- 12:00 EST
- 11:59 EST
- Route distance: 500 miles
- Total logged: 47,490.7 miles
2022 PHRC House Tournament #1!
Instead of just one 10-day event, we'll now have THREE events in February, May and September. Each one will be unique with its own challenges and strategies. Houses will earn House points for each event and the one with the most overall points across the three House Tournament events will hoist the Quidditch Cup aloft as the 2022 Quidditch Champions!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please.
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
Questions? team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Instead of just one 10-day event, we'll now have THREE events in February, May and September. Each one will be unique with its own challenges and strategies. Houses will earn House points for each event and the one with the most overall points across the three House Tournament events will hoist the Quidditch Cup aloft as the 2022 Quidditch Champions!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please.
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
Questions? team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.