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#frtw2023×6, #hellhounds×6, #nifflerbob×6, #phrchufflepuff×6, #ruhroh×6, #runningchoux×6, #scroogeyou×6, #unicornbob×6, #bigdamnheroes×5, #cjb×5, #fansruntheworld×5, #frclasvegas×5, #hogwarts×5, #ithoughtyousaidrum×5, #jinkies×5, #movingrightalong×5, #pewpew×5, #silurianbob×5, #swansong×5, #talonted×5, #tothepain×5, #treadmilltrivia×5, #unicorns×5, #whatsthis×5, #wrcteamtimelords×5, #youshallnotpass×5, #2021gryffindor×4, #2021phrcfaculty×4, #2021wrcvillians×4, #2022ravenclaw×4, #2460run×4, #arizona×4, #boulderdash×4, #buggingout×4, #excelsior×4, #ferrytogayhead×4, #foramy×4, #gettheracewon×4, #greyladies×4, #hhmf×4, #hmbb×4, #makeitso×4, #notinkansas×4, #onephrc×4, #onlyzuul×4, #phrcslytherin×4, #phrcslytherin2020×4, #salazarssnakes×4, #shellyeah×4, #strideandprejudice×4, #timelords×4, #trustnorun×4, #varietypack×4, #velocityraptors×4, #wrccompanions×4, #wrcteamvillains×4, #2022phrcgryffindor×3, #2022villains×3, #amokamokamok×3, #bandofwitchers×3, #bangarang×3, #barkandcheese×3, 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#ravenclawsome×2, #readycetego×2, #readysetgozer×2, #riseup×2, #rowenaseagles×2, #rowenassoaringeagles×2, #rti×2, #rufiooo×2, #runfaire×2, #runnersofplenty×2, #runsummoners×2, #runwashrepeat×2, #scaryfeet×2, #schoolhouserun×2, #shoesfulloffeet×2, #shriekingeels×2, #silentbob×2, #sillywalks×2, #somuchgood×2, #sontarbob×2, #squidditch×2, #teamriversong×2, #teamshiny×2, #teamvillians×2, #thatdamteam×2, #theonewith×2, #thezalords×2, #together×2, #totallytonks×2, #turnthecastleyellow2022×2, #unleashchaos×2, #wanttobelieve×2, #wearethefire×2, #wedontneedroads×2, #wegetfang×2, #wewouldliketorace×2, #whatthepuck×2, #whovian×2, #whovianmiles×2, #winginintherain×2, #wrcraceacrosstime×2, #xovillains×2, #youknowthatsright×2, #yourestillhere×2 … >>
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    This race ended 12/31/22 - check out the final activity below.

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • Smidge Dec 31, 2022
      Happy New Year!
    • Barbarita Dec 31, 2022
      Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you so much for joining this event and smashing your goals this year. If you want to do this again... Join us as we run around Hawaii starting tomorrow!
    • MidwifeTCoffee Dec 29, 2022
      Happy 2023, everyone! This has been such a fun year in the Racery event. See many of you virtually next year, I hope!
      It’s been so much fun and I really appreciate you liking and commenting on my post this year! Best wishes to you in 2023!
    • MusicLinguist Dec 11, 2022
      Reminder of the Dec challenge, pretty please!
      At least one mile this month, @MoosicLinguist
    • MidwifeTCoffee Dec 7, 2022
      How can I find a yearlong Racery event for 2023?
      @BookMasterJMV Thanks! But only 1 yearlong event? Is there a non-fanthropy one?
      @MidwifeTCoffee I'm not sure about any others - might want to check with
      Did you find another race? The one I have joined is the 2023 Orient-Express virtual race!
      @ScrapperKaren Just found the Orient Express! Now trying to switch to it from Hawaii. I love the model of Racery events with postcards and sights along the route. It's also been really fun learning about fandom this year. ❤️
    • JesAlilMurder Oct 1, 2022
      October challenge: Get on track! Get to 300 miles. Totally doable with some determination!
    • Barbarita July 25, 2022
      Admin reminder: You have up to 7 days to upload miles for the previous week. Please make sure you are uploading your sessions promptly and accurately within that timeframe.
    • MidwifeTCoffee July 24, 2022
      After one finishes, how does one see their mileage total? Would appreciate a reminder.
      Once you enter the next session, after you hit 365 miles, you will enter the loop... And you are on the ultramarathoner leaderboard which tracks your miles through the end of the year. Keep going!
    • MusicLinguist July 10, 2022
      what is July’s goal again?
      Log at least 7 miles in July and don't forget to hydrate so you don't die-drate!
      oh right! Think I can manage that
    • MidwifeTCoffee June 23, 2022
      Hello. Emailed 3 days ago and no answer. Other ideas?
      What's the issue? There are lots of folks here that might be able to help.
      @BookMasterJMV Thanks! Where are the rules posted? Like 15/mile day max and what time lag (1 day? 7 days?) is permissible in posting? Also what FB group ties in to the Scotland race?
      @MidwifeTCoffee The FRC Fan Domain has the rules in the Files.
      @MidwifeTCoffee 15 miles per day is the cap unless you are training/participating in a longer live race and the grace period to post is 7 days.
    • Barbarita June 2, 2022
      June's goal is to get in 60 miles by July 1.
    • QueenofHaartz May 24, 2022
      I need another reminder, what is the goal for this month? So much has happened lately that I can't remember.
      150 miles total by the end of the month, @QueenofHaartz
      @BookMasterJMV thank you!
    • GoGoBootGirl May 18, 2022
      It’s a brand new day and I’m going to use SPITE and ANGER for my training miles this evening and for the foreseeable time! #somuchgood #untiltheveryend #raceryaddictforlife #iweargreenforareason #hhmf
    • MidwifeTCoffee Mar 25, 2022
      Beautiful scenery alert: click on my "red dot" for March 23. I think it's where Loch Linnhe and Loch Eil meet.
      just scrolled back and looked, what an amazing place.
      Scenery alert: my red dot for August 25. Made me gasp.
    • QueenofHaartz Mar 15, 2022
      What was the challenge for March?
      Half mile a day so 15.5 total miles
    • AJGrifdog Feb 14, 2022
      @PuffieDust come do your PPP for Quidditch 😜
    • GloriousPurpose Feb 7, 2022 shows the updated number send not my original one..but that's okay, I'm using the original one-- 394
    • GloriousPurpose Feb 5, 2022
      When I registered 4 days ago, my bib number was 394. Now when I look at my bib via the link in my email it changed to 396. Could you please explain that? And return it back to my original number?? Thank you
      Did you verify the number on your profile? That would be the official number. I was curious so I checked a couple of random people and couldn't see any one else's number, looking at my own page its there.
      Hi..I don't see a number on my profile, but I have a screenshot from the day I registered and it shows 394. When I click on the link in my email to look at my bib, it says 396.. Where do I find it in my racery pridile?
      Hi, if you click on your name from the main athlete list, it takes you to a page that says "edit/profile/groups" click on that link, it opens up a screen that has your hashtags and race awards. Scroll down a little. Your FRTW badge with number should be the first thing listed.
    • Barbarita Jan 5, 2022
      keep an eye out for MORE milestone emails this time around!! Some of you should have received the first couple mile badges. Some of you should trigger the first art postcard by Dawn - coming up when you complete the first quarter of the map!
      @Barbarita I didn't get an "art postcard." Maybe? got an email for 100 miles and 200. If anything, I'm getting fewer emails than in past years: definitely not "MORE."
    • Barbarita Jan 3, 2022
      The challenge for January is to STREAK all month!
    • Barbarita Jan 3, 2022
      Y'all are smashing this route, already! Thank you for joining us in Scotland for 2022. We have added a few more postcards and email badges, so be on the lookout for those as you travel the map!
    • RuckusMaker Jan 2, 2022
      Saw all the fun everyone had last year. Decided to try it this year. Hope this keeps me motivated. Looking forward to seeing some great pictures.
      You’ll do great! It is really awesome seeing how far you can go in one year 😊
      Welcome to Scotland!
      Love this about seeing great pictures...I hope folx will post if they see some good scenery.
    • HolmiumSharks Jan 1, 2022
      Anyone else having problems with Racery accurately recording their miles? All if 2021? No problems. Today? I went 4.08 miles - first it gave me 2.5 (yes, I actually typed 4.08). Annoyed at being shorted, I added another 1.58 to bring it up to 4.08. It told me I was at mile 3.5, still short. I added another 0.58 and now I am at 3.9, still 0.28 short. If it’s going to be like this all year It’s going to drive me batty. Anyone have any thoughts on how to fix?
      Hey! Do you know if you have your entries set to KM? It would go in KM and Racery would convert to miles.
      It shouldn’t be - it’s logged just fine for the last year…
      Maybe with it being the new year something reset? I would suggest checking. I only say this because 4.08 KM equals 2.5 Miles so the difference you saw makes sense in that respect.
      If the setting is fine, it very well could just be Racery… with everyone logging miles on day 1, I’d give it a day and try again tomorrow. With FRTW, you can post up to a day late for miles.
      Did you get it figured out? 🤞
      Chatted with Racery and they didn't have any server glitches, but I had heard from a few of you that Racery was being glitchy on Saturday - hopefully it sorted itself out on Sunday. Sometimes it just needs a bit of a time out and works later!
      Yes, I would just go to just tenths and not be so exact, it seems to me in prior years I ran into issues like that and recording just to the tenths seemed to solve the problem.
    • RavenQueen Jan 1, 2022
      Happy New Year everyone!!!
    • Riabininohadros Jan 1, 2022
      Happy New Year, everyone! Happy mile-ing 😁😍
    • StargazerSuzi Dec 29, 2021
      #everymilematters Have fun everyone!!
    • Turgle Dec 9, 2021
      Whooohooo.... a new year, a new race. FRtW keept me moving all year in 2021. Here's to many more miles.... Have fun everyone!
    • CrazyDutchgirl Dec 5, 2021
      Have a lot of fun in 2022! Everyone has her/his/their own goal. Let's cheer for everyone! And please share mileage if you have nice sights.
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    About + Join

    • From: Bannockburn
    • To: The Witches Well
    • Start date: January 1, 2022
    • End date: December 31, 2022
    • 0:00
    • 23:59
    • Route distance: 365 miles
    • Total logged: 263,975.9 miles
    Join us as we run through Scotland, celebrating our love of Fandom all year long!

    The $85 registration fee includes access to Fans Run the World 2022, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2022.

    The Fans Run The World Event Medal: 

    Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2022. Watch your own progress on the map of Scotland. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers. Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2023.

    We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    1. Only log intentional miles on foot (arm powered allowed for wheelchair users), by walking, running, using treadmills or elliptical machines.

    2. Minimum distance allowed is 0.5 miles per session. 

    3. Maximum daily distance allowed is 15 miles.

      • Exception: if you participate in a live event with a timed official bib that is more than 15 miles, you may submit the entire race mileage. 

      • Exception: if you are training for a marathon or ultramarathon, please send an email for directions on how to manage this exception to

    4. Please upload your "proof of miles" with each exercise session you submit. When logging your activity, click on the camera icon to upload your screenshot. Each "proof of miles" screenshot needs to be from a tracker that includes the distance (how far you went), the duration (how long it took), and the date. 

    5. Please attribute your mileage to the date posted on your "proof of miles."

    6. Don't combine mileage from multiple days. Each session needs a "proof of miles" that matches the submitted miles. 

    7. If you forget to upload your miles, you may backdate them within 7 days of your exercise session.

    8. If you finish the 365-mile route early, keep logging to become an ultramarathoner! Keep running through 12/31/2022!

    9. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on December 31, 2022 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.

    Questions? Write!
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