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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity

              This race ended 05/30/16 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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              • ophkw Space May 29, 2016
                26.6 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #1.
              • ophkw Space May 26, 2016
                4.0 miles
              • ophkw Space May 25, 2016
                5.0 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #2.
              • ophkw Space May 24, 2016
                5.0 miles
              • ophkw Space May 21, 2016
                10.0 miles
                 Passed 3 runners to move into #3.
              • ophkw Space May 19, 2016
                5.0 miles
              • ophkw Space May 18, 2016
                7.0 miles
              • Tizzel_Sith Big Thunder May 18, 2016
                2.2 miles
              • ophkw Space May 17, 2016
                5.0 miles
                 Back after 12 days.  Passed 1 runner to move into #6.
              • SecretSpiderman Splash May 15, 2016
                4.0 miles
                LT test. I am so frustrated with my running right now it is cracra....but I am happy to be running again
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #8.
              • Whino Splash May 14, 2016
                1.8 miles
                Every bit counts
              • BigZ Splash May 13, 2016
                2.7 miles
                mixed run/walk just to get some exercise in
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #13.
              • Statler Splash May 12, 2016
                8.0 miles
                 Extends streak to 4 days.
              • Princess Big Thunder May 12, 2016
                3.5 miles
                May gray day along the bay.
                 Longest personal streak grows to 22 days.  Passed 1 runner to move into #3.
                Great alliteration
              • trummem Big Thunder May 12, 2016
                5.1 miles
                Decided to get some mileage in before it rains again
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #8.
                Way to bring us home Mike
                Way to bring us home Mike
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 12, 2016
                4.4 miles
                Easy run.....just to slog us a bit closer.
              • K-Slice Splash May 12, 2016
                2.5 miles
                Minimal Shin pain
                 Longest personal streak grows to 12 days.  Passed 1 runner to move into #12.
              • DrAmanda Big Thunder May 12, 2016
                3.6 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #15.
              • BigZ Splash May 11, 2016
                1.9 miles
                because people are passing me in the individual standings - what is up with that?
              • Jessawotona Space May 11, 2016
                5.0 miles
                it's so hot and miserable already. I'm ready for December.
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #3.
              • HMonkeyruns Space May 11, 2016
                4.0 miles
                I know we are in last place but I want to count them towards Denali
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #15.
              • Whino Splash May 11, 2016
                2.1 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #12.
              • K-Slice Splash May 11, 2016
                3.5 miles
                Walk with friends
                 Longest personal streak grows to 11 days.  Passed 2 runners to move into #12.
              • Ottertrum Splash May 11, 2016
                2.1 miles
              • Princess Big Thunder May 11, 2016
                2.8 miles
                Walk along the bay to the post office to mail a birthday card to our niece.
                 Longest personal streak grows to 21 days.  Passed 1 runner to move into #3.
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 11, 2016
                5.1 miles
                Morning run....listened to a bunch of Ted Talks podcasts for the first time. Felt more smarter.
              • trummem Big Thunder May 11, 2016
                6.2 miles
                A 10K for today
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #10.
              • Statler Splash May 11, 2016
                6.0 miles
              • Jessawotona Space May 10, 2016
                4.0 miles
              • K-Slice Splash May 10, 2016
                2.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 10 days.
              • Java-Joe Splash May 10, 2016
                5.9 miles
                Nice steady 5.9 miles...
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #6.
              • Statler Splash May 10, 2016
                3.0 miles
              • Princess Big Thunder May 10, 2016
                2.7 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 20 days.
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                7.6 miles
                Figuring this would be my last chance to run before the race finished I got my OCD on.
              • Whino Splash May 9, 2016
                2.2 miles
                Not a big day bit a little always helps!
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #12.
              • K-Slice Splash May 9, 2016
                0.3 miles
                Warm up in the gym walking.
                 Longest personal streak grows to 9 days.
              • PHarris Space May 9, 2016
                3.1 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #9.
              • PHarris Space May 9, 2016
                3.2 miles
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                0.1 miles
                I rounded down this AM and since we are about to get spanked by Team Splash I am adding every little bit....otherwise o ha r to go home and run for 45 miles and that ain't happening.
              • Ottertrum Splash May 9, 2016
                2.0 miles
                A cool, breezy spring morning but it was good to get out
                 Back after 9 days.
              • Statler Splash May 9, 2016
                6.0 miles
                Zapped the zero with 6. #teamsplash #beardbros
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #2.
              • trummem Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                5.2 miles
                early start to the day so got 5 miles in before physical therapy
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #11.
              • SecretSpiderman Splash May 9, 2016
                4.3 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #8.
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                3.0 miles
                Easy AM run on my usual test day since last week was a light one
              • MrNice Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                10.0 miles
                 Passed 3 runners to move into #2.
              • BigZ Splash May 9, 2016
                2.1 miles
                I needed a post race leg stretch....and because Splash wins
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #11.
              • Princess Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                3.0 miles
                Once Upon a Time...I walked three miles on the treadmill.
                 Longest personal streak grows to 19 days.  Passed 2 runners to move into #2.
              • MrNice Big Thunder May 9, 2016
                5.0 miles
                Beautiful evening run at Lake Hefner in Oklahoma. More runs here before I leave town on Thursday.
              • tomt Space May 8, 2016
                7.4 miles
                took Molly out for a little Mother's Day bike ride
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #17.
              • Java-Joe Splash May 8, 2016
                8.0 miles
                8 mile Sunday run. Just a beautiful perfect day!
              • Swish Splash May 8, 2016
                4.0 miles
                Morning walk.
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #17.
              • Jessawotona Space May 8, 2016
                16.3 miles
                Wanted 20 but started too late in the morning and it was getting too hot. Also didn't fuel properly last night.
                 Passed 3 runners to move into #3.
              • HMonkeyruns Space May 8, 2016
                5.0 miles
                Super slow 5 as I start my experiment of running by HR
                Welcome to the club!
              • Whino Splash May 8, 2016
                7.0 miles
                Happy mothers day !
                 Passed 4 runners to move into #11.
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 8, 2016
                5.0 miles
                Short run with Dogs, then longer one. Ankle bothering me a bit still so took it easy.
                Keep the ankle happy!!!
                Keep the ankle happy!!!
              • BigZ Splash May 8, 2016
                14.0 miles
                TinkerBell Half and walk to and from the start
                 Passed 5 runners to move into #11.
              • K-Slice Splash May 8, 2016
                2.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 8 days.
              • Princess Big Thunder May 8, 2016
                14.0 miles
                Tinker Bell Half Marathon!
                 Longest personal streak grows to 18 days.  Passed 2 runners to move into #3.
              • Swish Splash May 8, 2016
                4.3 miles
                Another run keeping my HR under 140. Still more walking than I'd like.
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #18.
              • tomt Space May 7, 2016
                4.0 miles
                 Back after 5 days.
              • DrAmanda Big Thunder May 7, 2016
                3.6 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #13.
              • CGess Space May 7, 2016
                16.0 miles
                Half marathon today, plus walks to start and car at finish. A very good day!
                 Passed 5 runners to move into #8.
                Booya! Nice job homey!
              • HMonkeyruns Space May 7, 2016
                4.3 miles
                Yet ANOTHER run in Themistocles cold rain. Where is the spring???
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #15.
                @HMonkeyruns Themistocoles is the Greek god of misty cold rain.
                @HMonkeyruns Themistocoles is the Greek god of misty cold rain.
              • MrNice Big Thunder May 7, 2016
                5.7 miles
                Slept in. Got fewer miles in. Still a very nice cool morning run.
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #3.
              • K-Slice Splash May 7, 2016
                4.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days.  Passed 2 runners to move into #11.
              • SecretSpiderman Splash May 7, 2016
                5.9 miles
                 Passed 1 runner to move into #8.
              • Java-Joe Splash May 7, 2016
                0.7 miles
                1,200 meter swim drill session
              • Java-Joe Splash May 7, 2016
                7.0 miles
                21 mile bike ride
                 Passed 2 runners to move into #7.
              • MakoMichael Big Thunder May 7, 2016
                6.0 miles
                Very short run in the AM, longer run in the Evening while Callie had LAX. Nice run along the Mt Vernon Trail, however the camber tweaked the front of my ankle/shin and it was bothering me.
              • BigZ Splash May 7, 2016
                2.5 miles
                brisk walking to and from the theme parks
              • Princess Big Thunder May 7, 2016
                2.5 miles
                Brisk walking to/from theme parks.
                 Longest personal streak grows to 17 days.  Passed 2 runners to move into #4.
              • Whino Splash May 7, 2016
                3.0 miles
                Walk with hubby and Elizabeth and 2 pups
                 Passed 3 runners to move into #11.
              • see more...
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                  This race ended 05/30/16 - check out the final activity here.

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                  About + Join

                  • From: Sunset Boulevard
                  • To: Golden Gate Bridge
                  • Start date: April 21, 2016
                  • End date: May 30, 2016
                  • 0:00 EST
                  • 7:56 EST
                  • Route distance: 410.9 miles
                  • Total logged: 1,292.4 miles
                  This is a real race on a virtual route, hosted by Team FastPass. Teams have been decided and anyone can participate. Real miles run or walked or swam count towards completion.
                  No mileage submitted yet.