
Fundraising ($15,692 raised) updated 5:31PM 

Support Blue Star Families!

Raised: $15,692
Contributors: 473

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Gretchen McCracken $1,000
  • 2.
    Anonymous $500
  • 3.
    Becca and Buddy T $250
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Teams updated 5:31PM

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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        Runners (526) updated 5:31PM 

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              Recent Activity updated 5:31PM 

              This race ended 10/03/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                  This race ended 10/03/21 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • Nickels Wolverines Oct 2, 2021
                    It was really fun working as a team to reach 300 miles and it definitely challenged me to walk 36 miles in 6 days. I don’t like the lack of accountability of the app, so will look for one that just competes based on walking and requires some sort of proof/documentation. Thanks to all for allowing me to participate. Never stop challenging yourself daily!
                    Good idea, thanks for sharing. We'll look into that for next time. Thank you again for participating!
                  • StaciH Staci's Peeps Oct 2, 2021
                    Happy Saturday Challengers! It's the final countdown, log those miles and share your fundraising goals. All activities can we logged until 9pm (in your individual time zone) Sunday. This week you received an email with your personal fundraising link, or you can share from the fundraising tab on this main page. Reach out if you have any questions. 😊
                  • Chrometigger Nomads Oct 1, 2021
                    That moment you have 16 miles left for the Team. Captain says, DRINK MORE COFFEE!!!
                  • Rebec Team SOCOM Oct 1, 2021
                    I set up my profile with the incorrect team name. Is there a way to change it?
                    I can switch your team, message me at
                  • Rebec Team SOCOM Oct 1, 2021
                    I'm trying to log activity for 9/27. Its gives me a message that it is before the start date. How can I load my activity for this week
                    HI, you can add the activities for previous days with your current day. No way to go back days. Thanks so much for participating in the Challenge!
                  • Esch Wolverines Sept 30, 2021
                    So are we finished when our team finishes?
                    Yes, the race is open until October 3rd and you'll receive a few communications. We would love for you to keep fundraising, But if your team has completed the race, last stop is Jacksonville, FL. You stop logging your activity. Hope it was fun! Love to hear your feedback at
                  • Nickels Wolverines Sept 30, 2021
                    Wow! I just did 1000 push-ups….. all while welcoming 10 military-connected families that were all sitting on my back drinking coffee! (Sarcasm).
                    I got bored while my wife was working. So I decided to do pushups and my homework. lol
                  • Chrometigger Nomads Sept 30, 2021
                    It chest day, just cracking out the push ups.....
                  • NapalmTom Running 4 Salsa Sept 30, 2021
                    “Woah, we're half way there Woah, livin' on a prayer Take my hand, we'll make it I swear Woah, livin' on a prayer” Jon Bon Jovi
                  • DeeHollywood Hollywood Team Sept 30, 2021
                    Thanks to the Skinners - a wonderful Air Force Family - for supporting the cause!!
                  • StaciH Staci's Peeps Sept 29, 2021
                    Happy Wednesday Challengers....Below is a sample social media post for you to share with your networks. Let's keep the fundraising growing😊 I’m doing my part to welcome military families by participating in the Blue Star Welcome Week Challenge: Race to support military families! From September 27th - October 3rd, I’ll be [ACTIVITY OF CHOICE - Ex. running, walking, etc.] my way virtually around military bases across the country. This is a fun, virtual event to help raise funds to support Blue Star Families’ programs and the military-connected families it serves. Find out how you can team up with me on this journey and support a worthy cause! [FUNDRAISING LINK]
                  • Chrometigger Nomads Sept 28, 2021
                    I'm running a full Triathlon tomorrow. How shall I log this?
                    @Chrometigger You can log each activity separately all on the same day. Love this!
                    @StaciH So I PRd my Triathlon. But the faster I go, the less credit I get in miles.....
                  • OldeTryker Wolverines Sept 28, 2021
                    I rode my recumbent trike 15 miles today as fast as I could ride. The only choice this software gives is bicycling, moderate pace. I was credited 7.7 miles for riding 1hr. 36 min.
                    Love the recumbent...but to keep the playing field level Racery makes the miles align with levels of effort. 😊
                  • Shelleyuh Go Guard! Sept 28, 2021
                    This app is not counting activity correctly. It’s only giving me 3 miles when I went 5 on the bicycle
                    The miles other than running or walking is calculated on effort. 😊 Love seeing your movement. Feel free to pad the miles.
                  • DeeHollywood Hollywood Team Sept 28, 2021
                    Thank you Monahan family for the donation!!! Go BLUE!
                  • LyssHill iStroll Benning 1 Sept 28, 2021
                    How many miles is it to welcome a military family?
                    In person welcome (5.0) Virtual welcome (1.0)
                  • LyssHill iStroll Benning 1 Sept 28, 2021
                    Can our team still log miles from yesterday?
                    I would just add them together. For example of you forgot yesterday and did 3 miles and today you did 3 miles just put 6 miles on the log for today. Goal is to move over the week. 😊 Keep up the great work!
                  • Chrometigger Nomads Sept 27, 2021
                    How do we log cups of coffee with a service member as 5 miles. I question whether a cup of coffee should be worth 5 miles......
                    @Chrometigger Good Morning Chrometrigger. This Challenge is both a physical event and an awareness event. The goal of BSWW is to welcome new Military and Veteran connected families. For anyone who takes the time to seek out a Military and Veteran connected person, buys them a cup of coffee and says "Welcome" we are happy you are here....we thought that deserved 5 miles. I hope you have an opportunity this week to be "welcomed" 😊 Looking forward to watching you team move across this U.S.
                  • Jod Military Spouses Unite Sept 27, 2021
                    I am not able to log my activity bc I keep getting an error message that the race isn’t open yet- but I’m on the easy coast and my other team members have logged their activity successfully- I’ve refreshed the browser, tried on both my phone and my laptop … still no luck, any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
                    Yikes, terribly sorry. Two things; refresh your browser and if that doesn't work, I had to restart my computer then it worked. (Such an inconvenience) Let me know if you are still having difficulties this morning.
                  • Schmiegs2 Semper Fidelis Sept 27, 2021
                    I have a member who signed up as an individual but wants to run with Team Semper Fidelis His name is Aaron Weiss. Can you move him for us?
                    @Schmiegs2 Hi Kevin, happy to move him. That name isn't registered, can you provide an email address? Feel free to send to me directly at and I can him for you. Welcome to race day! Thanks for being a Captain!
                  • kry1077 Mali's Milers Sept 27, 2021
                    Trying to log this mornings run and racery error says race is not yet open but I can see that a BSF group has logged. What am I doing wrong?
                    Good Morning, the race starts today in different time zones? So happy you are here, feel free to reach out to be directly if you are still having issues. Staci Holt
                    I'm on the east coast and thought it opened at 5am. I'll give ut till noon and try again. @StaciH
                    @kry1077 OK wow, I'm sorry about, yes you should be up and running😊 Try to refresh and I already reached out to Racery (the platform) to see what the issue could be. Thanks for your patience. @RaceryHenry
                  • RunStrong2508 Nomads Sept 25, 2021
                    My teammate, JLA-304, joined and wanted to be added to my team, Nomads, but she is not showing up on my team. How can I add her to my group?
                    Hi Normads, send me the person's name or email address to and I can add them to your team. Thanks for joining!! So glad you're here!
                  • SLBChampers Staci's Dream Team Aug 13, 2021
                    Can you help me with my fundraising page @RaceryHenry The functionality is not allowing me to send my link. When I send my link people are wanting to donate and NOT join my team. No one can donate to me because they are confuse. How can I simplify this?
                    Did you figure this out? Because I am having the same issue... very inconvenient for those that just want to donate.
                    I did @CrystalRR Email Henry at and CC They are the two people that can help you.
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Camp Pendleton, CA
                      • To: Jacksonville, FL
                      • Start date: September 27, 2021
                      • End date: October 3, 2021
                      • 5:00
                      • 21:00
                      • Route distance: 300 miles
                      • Total logged: 14,384.8 miles
                      Welcome to the first annual Blue Star Welcome Week Challenge: Race to Support Military Families. Over 600,000 military and veteran connected families transition across the country and around the world annually.  Some families are joining the military, others are moving with their families to new duty stations, and some are transitioning out of military service.  Additionally, many other families are geographically separated due to deployment or training. Blue Star Welcome Week (Sep 25 - Oct 3) is a national effort to connect military families to their new communities and encourage people across the country to welcome new military families to the area.
                      By participating in the Blue Star Welcome Week Challenge, (September 27 - October 3) we'll track your virtual progress from coast to coast as you run, walk, volunteer, or even dance your way around seven of our military communities, showing your camaraderie with our military-connected families transitioning every year.
                      During this week you learn about each branch of military service, how Blue Star Families supports all military - connected families, travel almost 300 miles  and learn some fun facts along the way about this amazing military community. 
                      To learn more about Blue Star Families please visit us at
                      Race Route
                      Point 1 - Starting Line US Marine Corps - Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA 
                      Point 2 US Space Force - Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO
                      Point 3 National Guard - Chicago, IL
                      Point 4 US Air Force - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH
                      Point 5US Army -  Fort Campbell, Clarksville, TN/Hopkinsville, KY
                      Point 6US Coast Guard  - Tampa, FL 
                      Point 7 - Finish LineUS Navy - Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, FL 

                      “See you” on the course!

                      We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips.

                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.

                      3. Update your passcode in settings.

                      4. If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                      5. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.

                      6. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                      7. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!

                      8. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.

                      9. Only log intentional exercise please.

                      10. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      11. Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.

                      12. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      Questions? Write!
                      No mileage submitted yet.