
Fundraising ($7,905 raised)

Support Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida, Greater Houston and Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue!

Raised: $7,905
Contributors: 202

Top groups:

  • 1.
    #btrfl 2 racers × $123.94 avg = $247.88
  • 2.
    #michigan 2 racers × $78.11 avg = $156.22
  • 3.
    #illinois 1 racers × $106.22 avg = $106.22
  • see more...

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Nicky and Scott Kearney $250
  • 2.
    Janet Moller $100
  • 3.
    Mike's Installation LLC $100
  • see more...

Top team fundraisers:

Latest contributions:


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    Team Mileage Log:

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Athletes (129)

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          Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.


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          Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.

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          Team Mileage Log:

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity

              This race ended 07/04/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 07/04/21 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • Basia Midwest July 1, 2021
                    Thank you Susan Anderson!🐾
                  • SamTull Midwest June 27, 2021
                    Hello! At what point do we receive our shirt and medal? Thank you.
                  • ChibiFan Midwest June 24, 2021
                    How many miles should we log for this race? Will it tell us when we get to the "finish line?"
                    Hi there! the race is about 7-miles and you can see your progress around the race track by clicking on yourself under athletes. You will get a notification when you've crossed the finish line. BUT... you can continue to log your activities! We have many people that get to 20+ miles by the end of the two weeks. So keep up the great work and keep posting!
                  • MWBTR Midwest June 23, 2021
                    CAN YOU BELIEVE IT IS WEDNESDAY!? Teams are doing an AMAAAZING job of staying active and logging activities. LET'S BE FULL OF THANKS TODAY. Share your thank you's on Facebook and ask for support from your friends and family. Tag @ErinAdessa . Here's how: 1. Go to the Fundraising Tab 2. Scroll down to the activity feed 3. Find a donation post that you find meaningful. 4. Click on the 'settings' looking button in the right hand corner of that activity post. 5. Click on "Share to Facebook" 6. Write your message! Say Thank You. Tag @ErinAdessa. LET'S BE THANKFUL TODAY! #midwestbostonterrierrescue
                  • MWBTR Midwest June 22, 2021
                    Check out MWBTR's Facebook page tomorrow at 8AM CT... we are premiering a video that features 2-time race runner Winston! Find out tips for fundraising and how Winston gets pumped before his run. @LoriL
                    Great Video!
                  • MWBTR Midwest June 20, 2021
                    IT'S RACE DAY!!! Racers are already starting to log their activities. Join in the fun and start logging yours! Visit our website and go to "Log Activity". Choose the correct options from the drop down and enter! Post your first walk/run/hike/workout on our Facebook page!
                  • MWBTR Midwest June 15, 2021
                    Hey TEAM MWBTR! Get your friends and family to register by Noon ET TODAY. They will be entered to win a Midwest Prize Pack included a dog bandana, kitchen towel and tote bag courtesy of @loveberryl
                  • MWBTR Midwest June 15, 2021
                    HEY THERE TEAM MWBTR! In the next two hours... post "Why I Race" on Facebook. Share why you registered for this race. If you use hashtag #thegreatbostonterrierrace and tag @ErinAdessa you will be entered to win a FREE RACE TEE.
                    DONE! I posted to my FB page, my FB Story and to Boston Terrier Addicts FB page!
                    Shared to the Boston Terrier Society of Wisconsin FB page!
                    I shared on my FB page for a second time! It still will not let me tag Erin though... but I tagged the rescue! :)
                  • KimmieC Midwest June 14, 2021
                    I did! Made my FB post with Pete’s disapproving look for those who didn’t sign up to join us yet😂
                    THANK YOU!
                    YAY!!! I saw your post and liked it! (Mostly because of the Pete pic)
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Boston
                      • To: Boston
                      • Start date: June 20, 2021
                      • End date: July 4, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 7 miles
                      • Total logged: 2,751.4 miles

                      Join us for a 5k Virtual Run/Dog Walk to benefit Boston Terrier Rescues across the United States. This race is virtual so run or take your dog for a walk wherever you want!

                      Log your activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. You'll see that we chose a map of Boston... Because what better place to hold a Boston Terrier virtual race?! Catch a Google street view of your virtual location in Boston, then cheer on your fellow racers! Seven miles not a long enough distance for you? Go for 14, 28 or more. You will loop the race and get to see new street views each time. Post pics of you and your dog on your walk! Share your race bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest runs!

                      Join the team of your favorite Boston Terrier Rescue:

                      • Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue

                      • Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida

                      • Greater Houston Boston Terrier Rescue

                      We have a leaderboard that shows how much each team has raised... So get competitive and help your rescue raise the most!

                      We've got racers from all over. So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                      1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles, plug in a best guess.

                      2. Enter the distance you ran, walked, swam or dog walked.

                      3. Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine runs/walks from multiple days.

                      4. Please only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.

                      5. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      No mileage submitted yet.