2020 PHRC Quidditch Cup
All groups:
1.Granger Things Finished
2.Flock Stars Finished
3.Siriusly Run Finished
4.Fierce Friars Finished
5.Fowl Play Finished
6.confrinGO Finished
7.Rowena's Eagles Finished
8.HoldMyWhiteClaw Finished
9.Booking It Finished
10.Talons & Tiaras Finished
11.Helga's Badgers Finished
12.Claw & Order Finished
13.Godric's Lions Finished
14.Battle Cats Finished
15.GRAPHitiArtists Finished
16.Paws Of Fury Finished
17.AmBITion Finished
18.Salty Sneks Finished
19.TTthon Finished
20.Pride Or Die Finished
21.Salazar'sSnakes Finished
22.Den Defenders Finished
23.Viperactive Finished
24.Dementor Bob Finished
25.House Ghosts Finished
26.MovesLikeBadger Finished
27.Peeves Finished
1.Granger Things 5240.1 miles
2.Rowena's Eagles 4914.3 miles
3.Flock Stars 4688.8 miles
4.confrinGO 4618.1 miles
5.Fierce Friars 4587.3 miles
6.Talons & Tiaras 4327.9 miles
7.Claw & Order 4180.9 miles
8.Booking It 4173.2 miles
9.HoldMyWhiteClaw 4110.4 miles
10.GRAPHitiArtists 4108.6 miles
11.Fowl Play 4089.3 miles
12.Siriusly Run 3758.0 miles
13.Helga's Badgers 3684.9 miles
14.Godric's Lions 3634.7 miles
15.Paws Of Fury 3504.0 miles
16.Battle Cats 3438.6 miles
17.TTthon 3397.7 miles
18.Salty Sneks 3343.1 miles
19.AmBITion 3005.1 miles
20.Pride Or Die 2933.4 miles
21.Salazar'sSnakes 2705.2 miles
22.Den Defenders 2681.9 miles
23.Dementor Bob 2626.9 miles
24.MovesLikeBadger 2472.4 miles
25.Viperactive 2379.2 miles
26.House Ghosts 2130.8 miles
27.Peeves 2110.7 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Runners (1,403)
1.Peeves Finished
2.Kelsbells 171.0 miles
3.Bill_the_Snek 165.1 miles
4.PureBloodPrince 165.1 miles
5.DinoSalt 165.0 miles
6.LionHart 165.0 miles
7.LionOnFire 165.0 miles
8.GoBananas 165.0 miles
9.HexHX 165.0 miles
10.2Star2Right 165.0 miles
11.Fieryfae 165.0 miles
12.RogueLeader 165.0 miles
13.BuckeyeBrit 165.0 miles
14.Mythical_Stark 165.0 miles
15.LordTuna 165.0 miles
16.LostGirl 165.0 miles
17.Tinkerpuff 165.0 miles
18.BustinMyStash 165.0 miles
19.jiggery_pokery 165.0 miles
20.TheRealMcCoy 165.0 miles
21.MadamPooch 165.0 miles
22.WronskiFeint 165.0 miles
23.DontTread 165.0 miles
24.CaptainData 165.0 miles
25.Nadija 165.0 miles
26.DeathFairyRugo 165.0 miles
27.NerdOnTheRun 165.0 miles
28.Herculass 165.0 miles
29.MommaSteve 165.0 miles
30.SpringerMom 165.0 miles
31.Oliver_Wood 165.0 miles
32.CaptJessSparrow 165.0 miles
33.ShippOverbay 165.0 miles
34.Exp3lliarmus 165.0 miles
35.katercharlo 165.0 miles
36.Accio_Ale 165.0 miles
37.Jmaharrey2018 165.0 miles
38.CriticalStroll 165.0 miles
39.ShieldMaiden 165.0 miles
40.Cultured_Imp 165.0 miles
41.LibrarianTrish 165.0 miles
42.TriviaServedHot 165.0 miles
43.Rachel_Eva 165.0 miles
44.MaggieGo 165.0 miles
45.RunningGeekGirl 165.0 miles
46.Somebody 165.0 miles
47.SolesOfJustice 165.0 miles
48.Starlightcla 165.0 miles
49.RunningGrandma 165.0 miles
50.MagicalMiles 165.0 miles
51.QueSaRAH 165.0 miles
52.SlyKwast 165.0 miles
53.Tri-Puff 165.0 miles
54.Hulagirl 165.0 miles
55.Kiaara 165.0 miles
56.WickedSlytherin 165.0 miles
57.LucyFlies 165.0 miles
58.TheBumbles 165.0 miles
59.KcRisesAgain 165.0 miles
60.Petrichor 165.0 miles
61.Jenbear-B 165.0 miles
62.HuffletuffSally 165.0 miles
63.ImUrHuckleberry 165.0 miles
64.Liefie 165.0 miles
65.Lizerdoo 165.0 miles
66.ASP 165.0 miles
67.RunninClaw 165.0 miles
68.PeggyPie 165.0 miles
69.Projuggler-B 165.0 miles
70.WitAndGiggles 165.0 miles
71.Jennscott 165.0 miles
72.LauraCraft 165.0 miles
73.CaitasaurusRex 165.0 miles
74.kodamamama 165.0 miles
75.24kmMagic 165.0 miles
76.JackAttack 165.0 miles
77.SoCalGal 165.0 miles
78.-Em 165.0 miles
79.StayPuft_Mer 165.0 miles
80.GryffinKeeper 165.0 miles
81.Megantron 165.0 miles
82.NightMan 165.0 miles
83.AlienLizzie 165.0 miles
84.FrostingOfWhite 165.0 miles
85.CactusPuff 165.0 miles
86.BioticFox 165.0 miles
87.MommaSusie 165.0 miles
88.BakerRunner 165.0 miles
89.Budgie 165.0 miles
90.lmatt83 165.0 miles
91.MsMagizoologist 165.0 miles
92.AimToWin 165.0 miles
93.MamaSnekVillain 165.0 miles
94.Gryfindonculous 165.0 miles
95.Manders1386 165.0 miles
96.CoryP-B 165.0 miles
97.Megan.R 165.0 miles
98.zaggirl 165.0 miles
99.CanadianBacon 165.0 miles
100.Shoregirl 165.0 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Bangkok, Thailand
- To: Nature Preserve, Singapore
- Start date: May 1, 2020
- End date: May 11, 2020
- 12:00 EST
- 11:59 EST
- Route distance: 1,236.4 miles
- Total logged: 96,845.6 miles
The 2020 PHRC Quidditch Cup!
This year, Quidditch begins at The Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand. We will run through Malaysia, and finish at the Central Catchment Nature Preserve in Singapore.
We're taking Quidditch to a whole new level. We have increased the number of players across all the teams so more members could participate. Run with us through the Sorting Challenge, the Founder Challenge, and Phoenix Challenge to determine the winner of the 2020 Quidditch Cup.
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please.
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
Questions? team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
This year, Quidditch begins at The Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand. We will run through Malaysia, and finish at the Central Catchment Nature Preserve in Singapore.
We're taking Quidditch to a whole new level. We have increased the number of players across all the teams so more members could participate. Run with us through the Sorting Challenge, the Founder Challenge, and Phoenix Challenge to determine the winner of the 2020 Quidditch Cup.
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please.
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
Questions? team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.