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#2022wrcvillains×8, #bookingit×8, #dontpanic×8, #frtw2023×8, #phrc19gryffindor×8, #runningchoux×8, #salazarssnakes×8, #strideandprejudice×8, #talonted×8, #unicornbob×8, #2021gryffindor×7, #2022phrcslytherin×7, #2022wrccompanions×7, #amokamokamok×7, #bigdamnheroes×7, #bobsunite×7, #hrcravenclaw×7, #mermaids×7, #pewpew×7, #quirkynerds365×7, #treadmilltrivia×7, #unicorns×7, #wizardofcaws×7, #yetis×7, #2022frtwscotland×6, #2022phrcgryffindor×6, #2460run×6, #bombarda×6, #bookwyrms×6, #conesofrunshire×6, #confringo×6, #dementorbob×6, #fiercefriars×6, #flightclub×6, #frclasvegas×6, #frcnerfherders×6, #makeitso×6, #mooseandsquirrel×6, #movingrightalong×6, #onlyzuul×6, #pensieveyalater×6, #permylastowl×6, #phrc19hufflepuff×6, #phrc19slytherin×6, #phrcslytherin2020×6, #valkyries×6, #2021wrcvillians×5, #bandofwitchers×5, #buggingout×5, #ceteonfire×5, #cjb×5, #clawdyssey×5, #dalektricslide×5, #diademfiles×5, #fansruntheworld×5, #fanthropyrunningclub×5, #ferrytogayhead×5, #gettheracewon×5, #godricslions×5, #grangerthings×5, #hawkward×5, #helgasbadgers×5, #hmbb×5, #holdmywhiteclaw×5, #ithoughtyousaidrum×5, #longbottom×5, #nerfherders×5, #notdeadyet×5, #notinkansas×5, #padfoot×5, #phrcgryffindor×5, #rowenaseagles×5, #runnersofplenty×5, #runscript×5, #shellyeah×5, #sillywalks×5, #silurianbob×5, #sluglife×5, #slytherati×5, #starfeet×5, #swansong×5, #teamsalty×5, #tothepain×5, #tulachard×5, #velocityraptors×5, #warandbeaks×5, #wedontneedroads×5, #whatsthis×5, #witandgrit×5, #2021phrcfaculty×4, #2022wrctimelords×4, #allfriaredup×4, #ateamhasnoname×4, #awesomewow×4, #bazingo×4, #clawandorder×4, #crcroadtrip×4, #electricmayhem×4, #fancourtsstargazers×4, #fiendfyre×4, #forfawkessake×4, #frtw2021×4, #gogopwrgrangers×4, #grangerdanger×4, #helgasbadgers2021×4, #jellybabies×4, #jinkies×4, #knockturnallies×4, #mahnamahna×4, #ohio×4, #oncomingstorm×4, #onehrc×4, #oneracemore×4, #outforawalk×4, #page394×4, #potterheadrunclub×4, #readysetgozer×4, #rhinobutts×4, #roadsofar×4, #runasaurus×4, #runmagicrun×4, #running×4, #saltysneks×4, #secondbreakfastclub×4, #sisterhoodofbob×4, #slayerfest19×4, #somethingcrazy×4, #sontarbob×4, #talklessrunmore×4, #teamcompanions×4, #teamonfire×4, #thelastbattle×4, #thisistherace×4, #timelords×4, #torunornottorun×4, #varietypack×4, #washington×4, #wherearewe×4, #wrcteamtimelords×4, #wrcteamvillains×4, #wrcvillains×4, #2021phrcquidditchcup×3, #2022ravenclaw×3, #2023frc×3, #934stitches×3, #always×3, #alwaysremember×3, #angelbob×3, #areyoumystabby×3, #babblingcandle×3, #bangarang×3, #barkandcheese×3, #bearsbeetsbsg×3, #bitemark×3, #boulderdash×3, #cawcrawmf×3, #chiswicktemps×3, #clockwork×3, #club×3, #companions×3, #defyinggravity×3, #disgruntledpelicans×3, #dropbears×3, #elitefeet×3, #excelsior×3, #fandomrunning×3, #farsquad×3, #frtw22×3, #fruitsdelaterre×3, #ganggreen×3, #graphitiartists×3, #greyladies×3, #helgasbadgers2020×3, #hellraisins×3, #holdmytiara×3, #hordeofthewings×3, #hpa×3, #hrcgryffindor×3, #hufflemania×3, #ineffable×3, #jogularity×3, #kissmedeadly×3, #lovethinkrun×3, #mamdinos×3, #mauroders×3, #mileliquidators×3, #moramiles×3, #mustrunfaster×3, #neversurrender×3, #nighuncatchable×3, #onegoodjump×3, #onthyfeet×3, #ornotatall×3, #phrc2021slytherin×3, #phrcfallquidditch×3, #pointofnoreturn×3, #puffsgocoastal×3, #ravenclawsome×3, #readycetego×3, #revelio×3, #rowenassoaringeagles×3, #rti×3, #rufiooo×3, #ruhroh×3, #rundermifflin×3, #saltandburn×3, #scroogeyou×3, #sgrun×3, #shinymetalmiles×3, #slytherinhouse×3, #supergreen×3, #teamriversong×3, #teamvillians×3, #thatcorktho×3, #thatdamteam×3, #timelord×3, #together×3, #trackerjackers×3, #unicorncabin×3, #wickedfast×3, #wrccompanions×3, #wrctimelords×3, #yourestillhere×3, #2022villains×2, #2023frtw×2, #2023frtw365×2, #2ndbreakfastclub×2, #addercadabra×2, #adiposebob×2, #affirmative×2, #aflockalypsenow×2, #allonsy×2, #arizona×2, #attackeyebrows×2, #badgermcbadass×2, #biggerbadderbetter×2, #bobsruntheworld×2, #botf×2, #buenperro×2, #caffeinate×2, 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#ministryofsillywalks×2, #minnesota×2, #missouri×2, #nomanenogain×2, #notagain×2, #ogreachievers×2, #onlymostlydead×2, #onyourleft×2, #oogieboogies×2, #ooobers×2, #outabreath×2, #outlander×2, #outrunthenargles×2, #owlways×2, #partyponies×2, #peeves×2, #pennsylvania×2, #phrc2021ravenclaw×2, #phrc2022gryffindor×2, #phrc20hufflepuff×2, #phrc20ravenclaw×2, #phrcgryffindor2020×2, #phrcingfierce×2, #phrckissmedeadly2019×2, #phrcravenclaw2021×2, #phrcrowenaeagles2020×2, #phrcslytherin19×2, #pithon×2, #pompousprincetonguy×2, #potterheadruns×2, #pouncingpride×2, #puckingrun×2, #quidditch×2, #rainbowbob×2, #randomzebrasinc×2, #roadsofar2021×2, #rowenaseagles2020×2, #rowenaseagles2021×2, #runfaire×2, #runinzehay×2, #runjunkees×2, #runnersofberk×2, #shellebration×2, #shoesfulloffeet×2, #simplemiles×2, #slytherati21×2, #solefamily×2, #solesquad×2, #somuchgood×2, #squidditch×2, #stabbysaysrun×2, #svrchzbrns×2, #teacher×2, #teamshiny×2, #teamtimelords×2, #teamvillains×2, #teamworkisajointeffort×2, #texas×2, #thenicks×2, #thesnitch×2, #theunkindness×2, #thucydides×2, #torchwood×2, #totallytonks×2, #trustnorun×2, #ttthon20×2, #unleashchaos×2, #unprecetented×2, #upandaddams×2, #violentlypink×2, #wanttobelieve×2, #wearbluetoremember×2, #wearethefire×2, #wegetfang×2, #well×2, #werunasone×2, #wewillflockyou×2, #wewouldliketorace×2, #whookers×2, #whorunnit×2, #whovian×2, #winginintherain×2, #wisconsin×2, #witchplease×2, #wrcraceacrosstime×2, #wrcstarwhalers×2, #wrcteamcompanions×2, #wrcteamriversong×2, #xovillains×2, #youknowthatsright×2 … >>


Phoenix Challenge

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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        Runners (1,152)

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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              Recent Activity

              This race ended 05/17/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                  This race ended 05/17/21 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • NoodlesBowtie Addercadabra May 14, 2021
                    Congrats Slytherati on finishing!!! 🐍🐍🙌🏼
                  • roulan Helga's Badgers May 12, 2021
                    @Lion934 You got it! 😉
                  • AmandaJo Ready Cete Go May 11, 2021
                    How do you remove miles? I thought you could add any distance as long as it adds up past .5 miles, and added .25 to a 3.5 mile day...@racery
                    Go to Runners, find your profile, find the session, click on the little cog in the right hand corner and then Delete activity.
                  • NoodlesBowtie Addercadabra May 11, 2021
                    Go Dark Smarts Go! 🐍🐍🐍
                    Not far now! You can do it before quidditchcast!
                    Congrats! You did it! 🏅🎉
                  • sherric EatRunLovegood May 11, 2021
                    Let’s go EatRunLovegood!!
                  • MomNeedsABreak Salazar'sSnakes May 10, 2021
                    Holy Cow, Helga's Badgers! That was an Awesome end to the race. Thanks for such a fantastic nail-biting finish!
                    Thank you for racing and pushing us, Badgers! That was the best finish sprint I was involved in! Insane!
                  • NoodlesBowtie Addercadabra May 10, 2021
                    Let’s go Salazar’s Snakes! So close to finish line :)
                    let's go Salazar's Snakes!!
                    Thank you for the encouragement! We did it!!!
                  • MomNeedsABreak Salazar'sSnakes May 10, 2021
                    Congratulations All Friared Up! Way to go!
                    Great work, Congrats!!!
                  • NoodlesBowtie Addercadabra May 7, 2021
                    Let’s go adders!!!!
                    You're doing amazing, keep slytherin' on!
                  • Accio_Ale LongBottomsUp May 7, 2021
                    Way to go lions !!! We are the fire !!
                  • Lion50 GoGoPwrGrangers May 6, 2021
                    Hello, is there an option to select walk when I enter activity? I only get the option for Run.
                    You can just log walks as runs
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Vancouver, British Columbia
                      • To: Denver, Colorado
                      • Start date: May 7, 2021
                      • End date: May 17, 2021
                      • 12:00 EST
                      • 11:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 1,800 miles
                      • Total logged: 77,461.8 miles
                      The 2021 PHRC Quidditch Cup!

                      It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Quidditch Season! Like last year, there will be three unique challenges that Houses must complete to earn galleons. The House with the most galleons at the end of this 10-day event will hoist the Quidditch Cup aloft as the 2021 Quidditch Champions!  

                      The 1800-mile course begins in Vancouver, British Columbia and proceeds through the stunning Canadian Rockies. You’ll pass through numerous national parks and forests in Canada and the United States including Valhalla Provincial Park, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park (with a special detour to Old Faithful!), Bridger-Teton National Forest, and White River National Forest. You’ll finish up by crusing by famous Colorado ski resorts before ending the course at Cheesman Park and the Denver Botanical Gardens…not far from where LeakyCon 2021 will be happening in October! Make sure you check out your Google view when you upload miles so you can see the scenery!!

                      Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
                      • No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
                      • Only walking/running miles please.
                      • Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
                      • Please do not backdate mileage
                      • Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards

                      No mileage submitted yet.