

All groups:

#phrc×95, #hrc×75, #2021frc×71, #hogwartsrunningclub×70, #2021phrc×68, #potterheadrunningclub×56, #slytherin×42, #wrc×41, #ravenclaw×38, #frc×36, #2021phrchufflepuff×32, #2021wrc×31, #2021crc×30, #2021phrcravenclaw×30, #fansruntheworld2021×30, #hufflepuff×28, #2021phrcgryffindor×25, #fandomrunningclub×23, #gryffindor×20, #phrc19ravenclaw×19, #talonted×18, #2021wrctimelords×17, #2022frc×17, #whovianrunningclub×17, #2021wrcvillains×16, #2022phrc×16, #hogwarts×15, #lionsrtw×15, #phrcquidditch×14, #hhmf×13, #2021wrccompanions×12, #chiltonrunningclub×12, #2021phrcslytherin×11, #crc×11, #expectopatrorun×11, #onephrc×11, #phrc19slytherin×11, #bookwyrms×10, #frcbattleofthefandoms×10, #godricslions×10, #onehrc×10, #phrcslytherin×10, #austentatious×9, #fansruntheworld2022×9, #grangerdanger×9, #hrcravenclaw×9, #phrc19gryffindor×9, #takingiteasy×9, #2022phrchufflepuff×8, #ceteonfire×8, #chupas×8, #fanthropy×8, #madeye×8, #phrc19hufflepuff×8, #forfawkessake×7, #hrc18ravenclaw×7, #knockturnallies×7, #salazarssnakes×7, #sluglife×7, #witandgrit×7, #wrcteamvillains×7, #youshallnotpass×7, #2021gryffindor×6, #2022phrcravenclaw×6, #clawandorder×6, #frcnerfherders×6, #ganggreen×6, #gettheracewon×6, #giveemhelgas×6, #hrcgryffindor18×6, #hrchufflepuff×6, #hufflemania×6, #phrcslytherin2020×6, #teamsalty×6, #wrccompanions×6, #2022crc×5, #ateamhasnoname×5, #bigdamnheroes×5, #bookingit×5, #dragons×5, #fancourtsstargazers×5, #hmbb×5, #holdmybutrbeer×5, #mermaids×5, #owlbears×5, #phrcravenclaw×5, #rowenaseagles×5, #running×5, #runscript×5, #saltysneks×5, #sillywalks×5, #starfeet×5, #teamcompanions×5, #tulachard×5, #wrcteamtimelords×5, #2021phrcfaculty×4, #cjb×4, #club×4, #dalektricslide×4, #diademfiles×4, #dontpanic×4, #fiercefriars×4, #frclasvegas×4, #frtw2022×4, #grangerthings×4, #hellhounds×4, #hellraisins×4, #hrcgryffindor×4, #hrcslytherin×4, #jellybabies×4, #makeitso×4, #mooseandsquirrel×4, #nerfherders×4, #nifflerbob×4, #notdeadyet×4, #onlyzuul×4, #pewpew×4, #phrchufflepuff×4, #phrcingfierce×4, #rahrahravenclaw×4, #rhinobutts×4, #runasaurus×4, #runningchoux×4, #secondbreakfastclub×4, #slayerfest19×4, #slytherinhouse×4, #somuchgood×4, #strideandprejudice×4, #teamonfire×4, #tothepain×4, #unicornbob×4, #unicorns×4, #velocityraptors×4, #wrcteamcompanions×4, #wrctimelords×4, #2022phrcgryffindor×3, #2022wrc×3, #2022wrccompanions×3, #2022wrcvillains×3, #2460run×3, #amokamokamok×3, #battleunicorns×3, #bazingo×3, #bobsunite×3, #bombarda×3, #boulderdash×3, #clawdyssey×3, #conesofrunshire×3, #crcroadtrip×3, #dementors×3, #elitefeet×3, #excelsior×3, #fandomrunning×3, #fansruntheworld×3, #fanthropyrunningclub×3, #fastandfurriest×3, #finalfrontier×3, #foramy×3, #forbill×3, #giantsquid×3, #harrypotteralliance×3, #hawkward×3, #helenashawks×3, #helgasbadgers×3, #hpa×3, #hrcquidditch×3, #huffletuff×3, #kickingasps×3, #kissmedeadly×3, #longbottom×3, #lovethinkrun×3, #melodysmaniacs×3, #nessies×3, #noonerunssolo×3, #onthyfeet×3, #onyourleft×3, #pensieveyalater×3, #phrcravenclaw2021×3, #phrcslytherin19×3, #pithon×3, #pompousprincetonguy×3, #potterheadrunclub×3, #pouncingpride×3, #puffsgocoastal×3, #quidditch×3, #rowenaseagles2020×3, #rufiooo×3, #saltandburn×3, #shellyeah×3, #soco×3, #talklessrunmore×3, #teamriversong×3, #teamtimelords×3, #thatcorktho×3, #thatdamteam×3, #thelastbattle×3, #torchwood×3, #totesmcgoats×3, #unicorncabin×3, #well×3, #wesleycrushers×3, #wherearewe×3, #wrcbionicredibles×3, #wrcraceacrosstime×3, #wrcstarwhalers×3, #wrcteamriversong×3, #2022frtwscotland×2, #934stitches×2, #affirmative×2, #allfriaredup×2, #always×2, #alwaysremember×2, #andkeggy×2, #angelbob×2, #arizona×2, #babblingcandle×2, #badwolftracks×2, #barkandcheese×2, #basicallyrun×2, #bearsbeetsbsg×2, #bobsruntheworld×2, #bookthewin×2, #buggingout×2, #california×2, #cawcrawmf×2, #chasingbono×2, #chosswans×2, #cleansweep7×2, #companions×2, #confringo×2, #crcgilmore×2, #dalekbob×2, #darwinners×2, #defyinggravity×2, #dementorbob×2, #dickwolf×2, #diggorysseekers×2, #eatrunlovegood×2, #electricmayhem×2, #elitefeetquidditch×2, #epalumni×2, #farsquad×2, #fasterthanafirebolt×2, #flightclub×2, #florida×2, #flyingfirebolts×2, #forsalazarssake×2, #friendsfromwork×2, #frtw2021×2, #frtw2023×2, #fss×2, #galgoing×2, #graphitiartists×2, #greyladies×2, #helgasbadgers2020×2, #helgasbadgers2021×2, #hmwc×2, #holdmytiara×2, #hrcrunningclub×2, #hrcslytherrun18×2, #illinois×2, #irantue×2, #jesuisprest×2, #jogularity×2, #jolliestbunch×2, #kickingassbutt×2, #krakens×2, #leftturnatabq×2, #mamdinos×2, #marleynmarley×2, #mauroders×2, #mileflayers×2, #ministryofsillywalks×2, #moramiles×2, #movingrightalong×2, #ogreachievers×2, #ohio×2, #onegoodjump×2, #oogieboogies×2, #outlander×2, #outrunthenargles×2, #padfoot×2, #page394×2, #partyponies×2, #permylastowl×2, #phrc2021slytherin×2, #phrckissmedeadly2019×2, #phrcrowenaeagles2020×2, #potterheadruns×2, #quidditch2019×2, #quidditchhesaidcalmly×2, #ravenclawsome×2, #readycetego×2, #roadsofar2021×2, #rowenassoaringeagles×2, #rti×2, #ruhroh×2, #rundermifflin×2, #runmagicrun×2, #runnersofberk×2, #runtomisbehave×2, #shinymetalmiles×2, #silurianbob×2, #slothymcslothface×2, #slytherati×2, #slytherwin×2, #snekymcsnekface×2, #sontarbob×2, #squidditch×2, #studyinspeed×2, #supergreen×2, #svrchzbrns×2, #swansong×2, #teamworkisajointeffort×2, #thegameisonfoot×2, #thenicks×2, #thesnitch×2, #thisistherace×2, #timelord×2, #timelords×2, #treadmilltrivia×2, #valkyries×2, #violentlypink×2, #washington×2, #werunasone×2, #wewouldliketorace×2, #wewudliketorace×2, #whatyearisit×2, #whookers×2, #whovian×2, #wickedfast×2, #winkandyoullmissus×2, #wisconsin×2, #wizardofcaws×2, #wrcdoctordonna×2, #wrcvillains×2, #yahoo×2, #yetis×2 … >>


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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Runners (1,093)

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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              Recent Activity

              This race ended 05/15/19 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  This race ended 05/15/19 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Blarney Castle, Ireland
                      • To: Burgas, Bulgaria
                      • Start date: May 1, 2019
                      • End date: May 15, 2019
                      • 12:00 EST
                      • 11:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 3,149.5 miles
                      • Total logged: 82,021.3 miles
                      It’s back and better than ever – the PHRC Quidditch Cup!! Last year, you escaped from Azkaban. This year, your name has been plucked from the Goblet of Fire and you – along with your Housemates – have been entered into the Tri-Wizard Quidditch Challenge! We’re taking Quidditch to a whole new level with THREE sub-competitions (“challenges”). Run with us through the Dragon Challenge, the Black Lake Challenge and the Maze Challenge to determine the winner of the 2019 Quidditch Cup.

                      Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.

                      • No step counting or "hacking", please use intentional miles
                      • Only walking/running miles please!
                      • Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
                      • Please do not backdate mileage
                      • Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards

                      No mileage submitted yet.