2019 Tunnel to Towers Virtual Run & Walk
Fundraising ($4,951 raised)
Top groups:
1.#princewilliamt2t 3 racers × $106.25 avg = $318.76
2.#blt 2 racers × $106.53 avg = $213.05
3.#stephensillertunneltotowersfoundation 2 racers × $18.53 avg = $37.05
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Top fundraisers:
1.mimi cummings $708.53
2.Karin Schroeder $310.03
3.Mike Brisson $238.53
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Top contributors:
1.Anonymous $770
2.Stacey Estrada $200
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Team 11963 $773.67
2.grand rapids mi $710.14
3.BLT $387.63
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Latest contributions:
343&Counting Sept 30, 2019
BLT Sept 29, 2019
3SWAP Sept 28, 2019
BLT Sept 26, 2019
BLT Sept 25, 2019
3SWAP Sept 25, 2019
BLT Sept 25, 2019
RoadTripBuddies Sept 25, 2019
BLT Sept 24, 2019
Let Us Do Good Sept 22, 2019
$50 from AnonymousFOREVER
Slow & Steady Sept 21, 2019
VPWC Sept 21, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 17, 2019
BLT Sept 15, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 15, 2019
Seeley Sept 14, 2019
Brave Hearts Sept 14, 2019
K9 Sirius Sept 13, 2019
RoadTripBuddies Sept 12, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 12, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 12, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 12, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 12, 2019
Altadis USA Sept 11, 2019
DUSTOFF Sept 11, 2019
Team 11963 Sept 11, 2019
RoadTripBuddies Sept 10, 2019
343&Counting Sept 10, 2019
343&Counting Sept 10, 2019
$35 from Tim Tracey
K9 Sirius Sept 10, 2019
$100 from Holly MandalaNever Forget. God Bless
$50 from Joe JohnsonIn memory of John J Corcoran
$11 from Thomas SmithGod bless you all
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All groups:
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1.#princewilliamt2t 3 racers × 98.7 avg = 296 miles
2.#blt 2 racers × 69.3 avg = 139 miles
3.#grandecachefiredepartment 2 racers × 58.4 avg = 117 miles
4.#potterheadrunningclub 2 racers × 58.1 avg = 116 miles
5.#ravenclaw 3 racers × 38.4 avg = 115 miles
6.#stephensillertunneltotowersfoundation 2 racers × 34.0 avg = 68 miles
7.#soulsistas 2 racers × 7.6 avg = 15 miles
8.#hogwartsrunningclub 2 racers × 4.2 avg = 8 miles
9.#tunneltotowers 2 racers × 2.4 avg = 5 miles
1.Team Prince William Finished
2.Coast2Coast Finished
3.Let Us Do Good Finished
4.Sugar & Spice Finished
5.T2T Savannah #3 Finished
6.GC Team Trucker Finished
7.T2T SAVANNAH Finished
8.Wewillnever4get Finished
9.Hose Me Down Finished
10.Team 11963 Finished
11.K9 Sirius Finished
12.TNT Savannah #2 Finished
13.RoadTripBuddies Finished
14.Dashers! Finished
15.Team FireSafety Finished
16.BLT Finished
17.SLAMin the Ham Finished
18.JCMO T2T Champs Finished
19.Anderson & Co. Finished
20.911 America #1 Finished
21.Mom & Dtr Finished
22.DUSTOFF Finished
23.SlamInTheHam2 Finished
24.grand rapids mi Finished
25.Seeley Finished
26.Nana & PopPop W Finished
27.T2T LIZZY Finished
28.3SWAP Finished
29.Hungry Dogs Finished
30.4chicks&agoose Finished
31.SFD 14 Finished
32.Savannah Sister Finished
33.Tybee Island PD Finished
34.CornTown Fire Finished
35.Never Forget Finished
36.Bourbonnais Finished
37.VPWC Finished
38.FLCO Ladies Finished
39.Ican&willdoit Finished
40.Savannah T2T Finished
41.SavannahTexas Finished
42.T2T Clearwater Finished
43.GaryHerold9/11 Finished
44.HonoringFromKY Finished
45.Coasties2Towers Finished
46.BSOFR Finished
47.Chicks w/kicks Finished
48.Do More 4 9/11 Finished
49.We Do Good 129.9 miles
50.343&Counting 122.9 miles
51.T2T YP Network 122.8 miles
52.Thin Blue Line 122.0 miles
53.Unexcelled Fire 119.9 miles
54.HHI-Hbg 114.8 miles
55.Nor Cal run 105.0 miles
56.911 Patriots 97.0 miles
57.A Fly Chiweenie 94.0 miles
58.KF75 87.8 miles
59.Cool Cats 86.8 miles
60.Saint Augustine 81.8 miles
61.Team Liberty 78.2 miles
62.T2T Jackson 77.3 miles
63.Team RWB 70.2 miles
64.SoleSistas 68.0 miles
65.911 Remembrance 66.1 miles
66.Team California 65.2 miles
67.Brave Hearts 64.2 miles
68.T2T Iowa 61.1 miles
69.Wicked Warriors 59.9 miles
70.Makinen 59.4 miles
71.Capitola Clowns 58.4 miles
72.NalaGator 57.7 miles
73.Jake & friends 56.8 miles
74.FreedomStriders 56.7 miles
75.FLT2T 54.1 miles
76.WDW WelcomeHome 50.7 miles
77.Garrett and Polly 48.5 miles
78.Bandana19 47.5 miles
79.WNY Remembers 47.1 miles
80.Terry Farrell Dream Team 45.7 miles
81.ForThoseLost911 41.8 miles
82.KYANG Vets 41.6 miles
83.Pghslip&Friends 29.6 miles
84.Slow & Steady 27.0 miles
85.Canarsie 24.8 miles
86.Altadis USA 24.7 miles
87.RH Wildcats 24.3 miles
88.Lenore 24.2 miles
89.Team Silver Fox 21.0 miles
90.Navy Vets 19.0 miles
91.T2T New York 18.5 miles
92.Erhart/York FD 16.3 miles
93.Ruck It 13.9 miles
94.John J Tipping 8.4 miles
95.TY Heros 4.1 miles
96.Eagles Rising 3.8 miles
97.Army Veteran 3.3 miles
98.NortheasternPa 2.0 miles
99.JCKS Fire 0 miles
100.PFD 0 miles
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Looping Leaderboard
1.Coast2Coast 532.3 miles
2.Team Prince William 448.2 miles
3.Let Us Do Good 401.1 miles
4.Sugar & Spice 370.7 miles
5.GC Team Trucker 331.9 miles
6.Hose Me Down 307.0 miles
7.Never Forget 287.5 miles
8.JCMO T2T Champs 281.4 miles
9.T2T Savannah #3 268.2 miles
10.Dashers! 267.7 miles
11.BLT 260.5 miles
12.Team 11963 257.7 miles
13.TNT Savannah #2 254.4 miles
14.T2T SAVANNAH 249.0 miles
15.RoadTripBuddies 247.5 miles
16.911 America #1 243.9 miles
17.Wewillnever4get 234.4 miles
18.K9 Sirius 232.3 miles
19.Mom & Dtr 208.5 miles
20.grand rapids mi 207.9 miles
21.Seeley 202.3 miles
22.Team FireSafety 200.2 miles
23.Nana & PopPop W 198.1 miles
24.DUSTOFF 196.4 miles
25.T2T LIZZY 195.7 miles
26.SavannahTexas 186.9 miles
27.Tybee Island PD 176.5 miles
28.SFD 14 175.9 miles
29.Savannah Sister 174.8 miles
30.Anderson & Co. 174.3 miles
31.3SWAP 171.9 miles
32.SLAMin the Ham 160.9 miles
33.Hungry Dogs 151.6 miles
34.Savannah T2T 149.9 miles
35.4chicks&agoose 149.0 miles
36.CornTown Fire 146.6 miles
37.SlamInTheHam2 145.4 miles
38.T2T Clearwater 144.3 miles
39.Do More 4 9/11 142.8 miles
40.Bourbonnais 141.2 miles
41.Ican&willdoit 140.5 miles
42.VPWC 138.1 miles
43.Chicks w/kicks 137.4 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Participants (256)
1.Spicy Finished
2.CharityRunner Finished
3.hazelfrey Finished
4.Thurston Finished
5.MikeyB Finished
6.Lindajojo Finished
7.lou7256 Finished
8.Katie74 Finished
9.Maga Finished
10.ArmyVet11thACR Finished
11.jimE Finished
12.Ubidi Finished
13.Worrell Finished
14.McRex Finished
15.gridings Finished
16.Dom75 Finished
17.Crystyna Finished
18.Nightterror Finished
19.FireChic Finished
20.Sister1 132.0 miles
21.Dickthehandiman 120.9 miles
22.Canada1427 119.9 miles
23.ScottPS 118.3 miles
24.runningnutt 118.0 miles
25.Ashley1119 112.2 miles
26.SuperMamaU 111.5 miles
27.Patty19 110.1 miles
28.Annimal 109.0 miles
29.MattMemoli 107.2 miles
30.Springs95 106.9 miles
31.sccotr31 105.0 miles
32.JCMO 101.9 miles
33.Coulson1603 101.5 miles
34.Maryanna 97.9 miles
35.DasherK 97.8 miles
36.TMan 97.0 miles
37.LilD 96.4 miles
38.Diamonds 92.1 miles
39.Caillou 92.0 miles
40.Ashes 90.3 miles
41.DrVal14 89.7 miles
42.Chief72 89.0 miles
43.Goldlust 88.5 miles
44.VirtualGail68 88.4 miles
45.flemdog75 87.8 miles
46.Qupie 87.6 miles
47.CatMama 86.8 miles
48.FlyLou 83.4 miles
49.CF 83.4 miles
50.StephDurso 82.7 miles
51.TheHill 82.4 miles
52.Mrklean343 81.8 miles
53.DC725 80.9 miles
54.1daughter 79.7 miles
55.Re-Becca 78.7 miles
56.Lorenzen21 78.6 miles
57.JeffK 78.2 miles
58.Chef 78.2 miles
59.1Aviation 77.8 miles
60.bbutterfly31499 77.1 miles
61.gr8dad1965 77.0 miles
62.Karen10 72.9 miles
63.RMH113 70.8 miles
64.Sydney24 70.2 miles
65.BoroJacket 70.0 miles
66.TeamMichelle 69.1 miles
67.LizzyT2T 68.0 miles
68.Zimzam 67.3 miles
69.LAB3 66.8 miles
70.Kryssia 66.1 miles
71.Meagster 65.2 miles
72.Gregg 65.0 miles
73.DD943 64.4 miles
74.mrs_elder 64.3 miles
75.Withgreatlove 64.2 miles
76.Coreno 63.9 miles
77.Yve 63.5 miles
78.chall81 63.3 miles
79.RunNeely 62.7 miles
80.MtkSusie 62.6 miles
81.LClarke 61.3 miles
82.JBR 60.2 miles
83.Scarpa 59.9 miles
84.Kbeth 59.4 miles
85.Philly21 59.4 miles
86.Wesi 58.9 miles
87.Strawberry 58.8 miles
88.HStoddart 58.1 miles
89.jwalters0285 57.7 miles
90.MamaDukes 57.2 miles
91.Rhon 57.0 miles
92.Jake2687 56.8 miles
93.Smoke 56.0 miles
94.Hammett 55.5 miles
95.CindyShuman 54.3 miles
96.JennRegis 54.1 miles
97.hvrobinson 54.1 miles
98.DmcApproved 54.0 miles
99.aph453 53.2 miles
100.Shelby_Young 53.0 miles
see more...
Looping Leaderboard
1.Spicy 279.1 miles
2.hazelfrey 207.9 miles
3.Thurston 175.9 miles
4.Lindajojo 165.7 miles
5.MikeyB 161.8 miles
6.Katie74 150.5 miles
7.Maga 150.1 miles
8.jimE 146.6 miles
9.lou7256 146.6 miles
10.Worrell 140.6 miles
11.Ubidi 140.5 miles
12.ArmyVet11thACR 138.1 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Ladder 38
- To: One World Trade Center
- Start date: September 11, 2019
- End date: September 29, 2019
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 135.4 miles
- Total logged: 13,205.3 miles
Welcome to the 2019 Tunnel to Towers Virtual Run & Walk!
Keep up with the T2T virtual race community on Facebook by liking this page:
The virtual race starts on September 11th, 2019 - create or join a team of up to 5 people using the team drop down during sign up. As a team, you will complete the 135.4 mile route AND as you move around the route, you'll pass individual firehouses of first responders and our FDNY heroes. Click on each red pin drop to read about the station and the brave men and women.
Challenge Coin (available at the $35 Bling + Challenge Coin Package level):
This virtual run and walk will begin at Ladder 38 in the Bronx and passes five other firehouses in the borough. After the Bronx, the route moves to upper Manhattan at Engine 37 and travels all the way downtown to Engine 10 and Ladder 10 passing 31 more firehouses. You'll skip the bridges and tunnels and find yourself in Staten Island where the route then travels the distance between Battalion 22 and Ladder 13 to Rescue 5 in Staten Island. Lastly, the route moves from Ladder 166 in Queens and zigzags between the numerous firehouses in Queens and Brooklyn to to finally end at Engine 205 and Ladder 118 in Brooklyn. From there, the route is completed by traveling Stephen Siller's final steps through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the site of the World Trade Center.
Run or walk anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leader boards. Catch a Google Street View of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!
To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- We rely on the honor system - you don't have to use a device to prove your miles
- Only running or walking miles are permitted to be tracked (step-counting is OK!)
- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day - don’t combine mileage from multiple days
- Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leader boards
- Once your team completes the route - keep going! You can ‘loop’ the course until the race closes on 9/29
Having trouble joining the Virtual Run & Walk?
Please make sure to select or create a team before trying to hit the JOIN button. The JOIN button won't turn green until all of the necessary information is filled out.
Additional questions? Send an email to team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Keep up with the T2T virtual race community on Facebook by liking this page:
The virtual race starts on September 11th, 2019 - create or join a team of up to 5 people using the team drop down during sign up. As a team, you will complete the 135.4 mile route AND as you move around the route, you'll pass individual firehouses of first responders and our FDNY heroes. Click on each red pin drop to read about the station and the brave men and women.
Challenge Coin (available at the $35 Bling + Challenge Coin Package level):


This virtual run and walk will begin at Ladder 38 in the Bronx and passes five other firehouses in the borough. After the Bronx, the route moves to upper Manhattan at Engine 37 and travels all the way downtown to Engine 10 and Ladder 10 passing 31 more firehouses. You'll skip the bridges and tunnels and find yourself in Staten Island where the route then travels the distance between Battalion 22 and Ladder 13 to Rescue 5 in Staten Island. Lastly, the route moves from Ladder 166 in Queens and zigzags between the numerous firehouses in Queens and Brooklyn to to finally end at Engine 205 and Ladder 118 in Brooklyn. From there, the route is completed by traveling Stephen Siller's final steps through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the site of the World Trade Center.
Run or walk anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leader boards. Catch a Google Street View of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!
To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- We rely on the honor system - you don't have to use a device to prove your miles
- Only running or walking miles are permitted to be tracked (step-counting is OK!)
- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day - don’t combine mileage from multiple days
- Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leader boards
- Once your team completes the route - keep going! You can ‘loop’ the course until the race closes on 9/29
Having trouble joining the Virtual Run & Walk?
Please make sure to select or create a team before trying to hit the JOIN button. The JOIN button won't turn green until all of the necessary information is filled out.
Additional questions? Send an email to team@racery.com
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.