
Donate ($8,080 raised) updated 5:59PM 

Support wear blue: run to remember!

Raised: $8,080
Contributors: 126

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Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Pamela Jock $1,000
  • 2.
    Anonymous $500
  • 3.
    Dominic Castro $200
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Latest contributions:

Participants (369) updated 5:59PM 



(participants active in race)

Goal 120,000 miles

  • Total 13021.3 miles
    (LAP 131)

Filter by partners::

#visaΓ—62, #californiaΓ—38, #wearblueruntorememberΓ—36, #amazonΓ—27, #texasΓ—21, #virginiaΓ—21, #washingtonΓ—20, #kentuckyΓ—11, #coloradoΓ—10, #floridaΓ—9, #marylandΓ—9, #arizonaΓ—6, #ohioΓ—6, #tennesseeΓ—6, #illinoisΓ—5, #missouriΓ—5, #indianaΓ—4, #massachusettsΓ—4, #minnesotaΓ—4, #warriorsatbwi4Γ—4, #alabamaΓ—3, #georgiaΓ—3, #jllΓ—3, #kansasΓ—3, #lifeatvisaΓ—3, #pennsylvaniaΓ—3, #piestewachallengeΓ—3, #raceryΓ—3, #wbr2rΓ—3, #coxΓ—2, #fukuokaΓ—2, #hawaiiΓ—2, #jllwbr2rpiestewaΓ—2, #louisianaΓ—2, #mexicoΓ—2, #nebraskaΓ—2, #nevadaΓ—2, #vermontΓ—2, #wearblueΓ—2, #wearbluedmvΓ—2, #wearbluetorememberΓ—2, #addagroupΓ—0 … >>
  • 1.
    #visa 62 racers Γ— 48.5 avg = 3004 miles
  • 2.
    #california 38 racers Γ— 56.7 avg = 2154 miles
  • 3.
    #wearblueruntoremember 36 racers Γ— 47.3 avg = 1702 miles
  • 4.
    #amazon 27 racers Γ— 41.1 avg = 1110 miles
  • 5.
    #virginia 21 racers Γ— 35.1 avg = 736 miles
  • 6.
    #washington 20 racers Γ— 33.3 avg = 666 miles
  • 7.
    #kentucky 11 racers Γ— 55.6 avg = 612 miles
  • 8.
    #maryland 9 racers Γ— 43.1 avg = 388 miles
  • 9.
    #texas 21 racers Γ— 17.1 avg = 360 miles
  • 10.
    #florida 9 racers Γ— 36.4 avg = 328 miles
  • 11.
    #colorado 10 racers Γ— 31.0 avg = 310 miles
  • 12.
    #minnesota 4 racers Γ— 75.5 avg = 302 miles
  • 13.
    #ohio 6 racers Γ— 46.0 avg = 276 miles
  • 14.
    #wearbluedmv 2 racers Γ— 130.0 avg = 260 miles
  • 15.
    #vermont 2 racers Γ— 127.0 avg = 254 miles
  • 16.
    #arizona 6 racers Γ— 36.7 avg = 220 miles
  • 17.
    #illinois 5 racers Γ— 40.0 avg = 200 miles
  • 18.
    #massachusetts 4 racers Γ— 47.0 avg = 188 miles
  • 19.
    #missouri 5 racers Γ— 37.2 avg = 186 miles
  • 20.
    #tennessee 6 racers Γ— 29.3 avg = 176 miles
  • 21.
    #warriorsatbwi4 4 racers Γ— 41.0 avg = 164 miles
  • 22.
    #kansas 3 racers Γ— 47.3 avg = 142 miles
  • 23.
    #pennsylvania 3 racers Γ— 46.0 avg = 138 miles
  • 24.
    #lifeatvisa 3 racers Γ— 44.0 avg = 132 miles
  • 25.
    #louisiana 2 racers Γ— 56.0 avg = 112 miles
  • 26.
    #wbr2r 3 racers Γ— 36.0 avg = 108 miles
  • 27.
    #jll 3 racers Γ— 35.3 avg = 106 miles
  • 28.
    #cox 2 racers Γ— 53.0 avg = 106 miles
  • 29.
    #wearblue 2 racers Γ— 52.0 avg = 104 miles
  • 30.
    #jllwbr2rpiestewa 2 racers Γ— 51.0 avg = 102 miles
  • 31.
    #nevada 2 racers Γ— 51.0 avg = 102 miles
  • 32.
    #indiana 4 racers Γ— 19.0 avg = 76 miles
  • 33.
    #hawaii 2 racers Γ— 30.0 avg = 60 miles
  • 34.
    #piestewachallenge 3 racers Γ— 16.7 avg = 50 miles
  • 35.
    #alabama 3 racers Γ— 12.0 avg = 36 miles
  • 36.
    #wearbluetoremember 2 racers Γ— 13.0 avg = 26 miles
  • 37.
    #georgia 3 racers Γ— 6.0 avg = 18 miles
  • 38.
    #racery 3 racers Γ— 6.0 avg = 18 miles
  • 39.
    #fukuoka 2 racers Γ— 2.0 avg = 4 miles
  • 40.
    #mexico 2 racers Γ— 2.0 avg = 4 miles
  • 41.
    #nebraska 2 racers Γ— 0.0 avg = 0 miles
  • 42.
    #addagroup 0 racers Γ— 0.0 avg = 0 miles
… <<


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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

Group Mileage Log:

    Recent Activity updated 5:59PM 

    This race ended 11/11/23 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

    Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

    • SteamDoggieDogg Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of swim any distance = 2.0 mile
    • SteamDoggieDogg Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #136 fundraiser.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.00 miles/day.
    • KSUltraMom Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
    • RBarnett Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of read about suicide prevention = 2.0 mile
      26 Miles 24 - 30 Sept total of 117 miles. Not loading each race individually. You need a program that allows you to load miles not in 1 and 2 mile intervals.
       #67 fundraiser.  Passed 3 participants.
    • NB100 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of listen to a podcast, watch a video or read an article = 2.0 mile
       #232 fundraiser.  Finished in 67th place.
    • RBarnett Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of read about suicide prevention = 2.0 mile
      26 miles 10 - 23 Sept
       #67 fundraiser.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Back after 56 days.  Passed 8 participants.
    • Booters Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of walk any distance = 2.0 mile
    • Oaks Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
      Ran the 2023 Bishop’s Events Lake Accotink Evening 5k this late afternoon in support of Operation Turbo. - Lake Accotink Park, Accotink Park Road, Springfield, VA, USA
    • TxAgBQRV94 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of bike any distance = 2.0 mile
      12 Mile Bike Ride with Sons
       #108 fundraiser.  Back after 5 days.
    • Grammy-Phyl Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of read about suicide prevention = 2.0 mile
    • Grammy-Phyl Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of read about suicide prevention = 2.0 mile
      #forthefallen #veteransday
       #283 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 38 days at 2.68 miles/day.
    • RashmiJ Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of read about suicide prevention = 2.0 mile
      10 miler - Manually logged in 1901 J Hart Clinton Dr, San Mateo, CA 94401, USA
       #188 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 72 days at 2.08 miles/day.
    • Kyhill7 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #75 fundraiser.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Back after 13 days.  Passed 1 participant.
    • womommyo Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of participate with wear blue (attend wear blue Tribute Mile, Saturday Run, or other event). = 2.0 mile
    • MIMAJ Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #76 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 52 days at 2.23 miles/day.
    • Wendy12345 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #326 fundraiser.  Passed 12 participants.
    • Wendy12345 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #326 fundraiser.  Passed 34 participants.
    • Wendy12345 Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #326 fundraiser.  Longest personal run/walk.
    • aurea Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of physical activity other than running, walking, biking and swimming = 2.0 mile
      Hiked for 3 hours
       #102 fundraiser.  Passed 3 participants.
    • BFerg Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of physical activity other than running, walking, biking and swimming = 2.0 mile
       #124 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.50 miles/day.  Passed 2 participants.
    • Donica Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of walk any distance = 2.0 mile
    • Donica Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of listen to a podcast, watch a video or read an article = 2.0 mile
    • Donica Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of ensure your firearms and other lethal means are safely stored = 2.0 mile
       #165 fundraiser.  Passed 1 participant.
    • Donica Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 ACT of connect with and share your thoughts with someone you trust = 2.0 mile
    • Donica Nov 11, 2023
      2.0 miles
      1.0 MOVE of run any distance = 2.0 mile
       #165 fundraiser.  Passed 1 participant.
    • see more...
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    This race ended 11/11/23 - check out the final activity here.

    OR start a new challenge here!


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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • RashmiJ Sept 15, 2023
      Is there a way I could sync my Strava account to Racery so the miles/activities sync automatically?
      That would be so awesome! I'm not a technical expert on the platforms, though, so I don't have any answers.
      That would be fabulous if there was however, Racery does not have that capability just yet.
    • Arleen_A Sept 6, 2023
      Ok got it thank you!
    • SaintsFan Sept 5, 2023
      I can't get it to log my miles. All I can do is chose active
      @SaintsFan each activity is two miles. It's a bit different than a regular challenge. So in the notes section is where people have been sharing the milage they did. The goal of the challenge is to complete 50 activities for 100 miles that range from physical like running to other activities like saving 988 into your phone, checking in with a friend, etc.
      @RamblingMom I logged my 6 miles run on a single day as 3 run activities on the same day - so the mileage total is 6. Hope that is OK. Or should I log only once?
      @Dpower4 it would count as one activity for 2 miles. The overall goal is to complete 50 activities for 100 miles. It's much different than we are used to when it comes to counting mileage because we want you to do more than just run. We want you to store 988 into your phone and that is 2 miles. Check in on a friend - 2 miles, etc. Physical movement is just one component of this challenge.
      @RamblingMom, Thank you - Understood! Makes sense after reading the finer details as well and your response - Will go back and correct. It's the activity that counts towards the mileage, not the physical miles that you put on your legs.
      @Dpower4 thanks for being a warrior! πŸ’™
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    About + Join

    • From: Woodstock, Virginia
    • To: US Marine Corps War Memorial
    • Start date: September 1, 2023
    • End date: November 11, 2023
    • 0:00
    • 23:59
    • Route distance: 100 miles
    • Total logged: 13,021.3 miles

    September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness month and wear blue: run to remember has launched the Warrior 100 to honor the more than 120,000 service members and veterans who have lost their lives to suicide since 2001, support their families, and help those who are currently at risk.

    Rosie Gagnon is running 100, 100-mile races, in honor of her son, Marine Corps veteran James Dexter Morris, who passed away by suicide on February 25, 2018. On October 29, she will run the Marine Corps Marathon to mark her 60th race to raise awareness about military and veteran suicide.

    We are inviting you to come alongside Rosie, and families like hers, in your own commitment to 100. Between now and Veterans Day, we invite you to MOVE and ACT for suicide prevention and GIVE in support of our community.

    The goal is to achieve 100 activity-miles by November 11, 2023.  Unlike other Racery challenges, you earn 2 miles for each activity you do, regardless of the amount of distance or time done in each activity.  For example, if you go for a run, and run 5 miles, you will earn 2-activity-miles.  You will have the option to walk, run, bike, swim, row, do yoga, lift weights, but also have the unique opportunity to earn 2 miles each time you check on a buddy, learn and share about suicide prevention,  request a Tribute poster for a wear blue Tribute Mile, volunteer, attend a wear blue Saturday Circle of Remembrance and more.

    Our 100 mile route starts in Woodstock, VA - the city where Rosie's son, Dexter, lived when he joined the Marines.  It finishes at the US Marine Corps War Memorial - the finish line of the Marine Corps Marathon,  which is where Rosie will complete the first 26.2 miles of her 100 mile run.  Washington D.C. is also home to the headquarters of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. 

    Thank you for joining this Warrior 100 challenge and giving 100 to be a part of the fight.
    No mileage submitted yet.