
Donate ($220 raised)

Support wear blue: run to remember!

Raised: $220
Contributors: 8

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  • 1.
    Niki Dorsey $50
  • 2.
    Tim Jock $40
  • 3.
    Robert Mashburn $40
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              This race ended 01/20/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                  This race ended 01/20/21 - check out the final activity here.

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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • CurtisBrake Emergency Brake Jan 20, 2021
                    Congrats DevelopingSpeed!!
                  • LiveLikMtnIsOut YewwwCrew Jan 17, 2021
                    Would love to connect with you all on Instagram! Run_fast_dont_die (My motto for my first half marathon. 🤣)
                  • Bourne2Run DevelopingSpeed Jan 16, 2021
                    I live in the Augusta, GA area. My favorite running music runs the gamut from classic rock to country to Motown. I love chocolate milk or a giant latte after a long run or race. Excited to be part of this team!
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Tuba City, AZ
                      • To: Prescott, AZ
                      • Start date: January 16, 2021
                      • End date: January 20, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 174 miles
                      • Total logged: 887.7 miles

                      During the month of March, wear blue: run to remember will focus on telling the stories of our nation's 399,458 currently-serving female service members and the generations who walked before them.  We will close the month with a powerful inaugural community effort called The Piestewa challenge, to honor the 174 women who have given their lives in our continued combat operations around the global.  This event now (January 16-20) is a practice event for the one later in March.  

                      This event is named in honor of Army SPC Lori Ann Piestewa.  SPC Piestewa is the first American Indian service member to be killed in combat on foreign soil, as well as the first female service member killed in Iraq.  In honor of her and all 174 women, we are asking our wear blue community to form teams of up to 8 people and collectively achieve 174 miles of activity in 7 days.

                      Our route will start in Tuba City, AZ - the hometown of Army PFC Lori Ann Piestewa - and conclude 174 miles later, in Prescott, AZ.   

                      Each mile of activity will honor the women who made the ultimate sacrifice, celebrate the women who were willing to make such sacrifices, and unite our community with a shared effort of purpose, health and connection.  Thank you for being a part of this community and specifically this challenge. 

                      #wearblueruntoremember #piestewachallenge 
                      No mileage submitted yet.