
Donate updated 7:21PM 

Support wear blue: run to remember!

Raised: $5
Contributors: 1

Top groups:

  • 1.
    #florida 2 racers × $2.50 avg = $5
  • 2.
    #fukuoka 2 racers × $2.50 avg = $5
  • 3.
    #mexico 2 racers × $2.50 avg = $5
  • see more...

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Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Anonymous $5

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Teams updated 7:21PM

Total Progress:

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#florida×2, #fukuoka×2, #mexico×2, #racery×2, #addagroup×0 … >>
  • 1.
    #florida 2 racers × 11.6 avg = 23 miles
  • 2.
    #fukuoka 2 racers × 11.6 avg = 23 miles
  • 3.
    #mexico 2 racers × 11.6 avg = 23 miles
  • 4.
    #racery 2 racers × 11.6 avg = 23 miles
  • 5.
    #addagroup 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
… <<


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(team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Athletes updated 7:21PM 



        (participants active in race)

          Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.

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        (team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity updated 7:21PM 

              This race ended 11/11/23 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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              (team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  's Log

                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 11/11/23 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
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                  (team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Amazon DCY9 in New Haven, CT
                      • To: Memorial Amphitheater at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Arlington Cemetery
                      • Start date: October 13, 2023
                      • End date: November 11, 2023
                      • 1:41
                      • 23:59
                      • Route distance: 311 miles
                      • Total logged: 23.3 miles

                      THANK YOU for joining the non-sort warehouse community to
                      move around the world in support of our military, veterans and families of the fallen.

                      for AMAZONIANS to log enough miles of exercise to circumnavigate the world (24,901 MILES).

                      HOW IT
                      :  Each warehouse builds a team of at least 20 participants, with a team goal of logging 311
                      miles from November 1-11, 2023. The challenge closes at Midnight on Veterans Day.

                      WHY 311
                      :  If each warehouse team moves a total of 311 miles, the collective force of all warehouses will
                      have logged 24,901 miles, the circumference of the earth.  Your virtual race starts at the Amazon fulfillment
                      center in New Haven, CT, and ends 311 miles later at the Memorial Amphitheater, at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, at
                      Arlington Cemetery - the site of the national Veterans Day commemoration.

                      REACHING THE
                      :  You will log
                      activities on the race page, then our platform will tally your miles and your team's.  1 mile of running or
                      walking will equal 1 mile on the route.  All other activities are effort-based —
                      the platform
                      will automatically convert the amount of time you bike, swim, row, do yoga, lift weights, or
                      do HIIT into route

                      You and your team will be able to see your efforts contribute to the movement
                      around the world.  wear blue will release a daily email to participants highlighting unique miles and
                      accomplishments, while also providing insights into military service, mental health, and physical health, as well as
                      inspirational videos of the families we serve.  You will also have the opportunity to make donations in support of
                      wear blue: run to remember’s Gold Star Race Program, which empowers our families of the fallen on their healing

                      WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR EACH PARTICIPANT:  While 15.5 miles over the course
                      of the week will allow a team of 20 to achieve their 311-mile goal, we challenge each teammate to log the symbolic
                      equivalent of 16.8 miles over the course of the challenge. According to the 2020 National Veteran Suicide Prevention
                      Annual Report, we lose 16.8 veterans each day by suicide. Just like our service members go above and beyond for our
                      country, we will go above and beyond for them.

                      THE INSPIRATION:  Less than 1% of our
                      nation serves on behalf of the whole.  As a grateful nation, we are all impacted when we lose a service member.
                      They are our spouses, children, siblings, battle buddies, friends, neighbors. The Gold Star Race Program allows us to
                      come together as a community to honor our fallen by supporting their families - to move from surviving to thriving
                      through the power of training for and completing a marathon.

                      THANK YOU for being a part of
                      this unique and special Veterans Day event.

                      #wearblueruntoremember #amazonveteransday test123

                      No mileage submitted yet.