
Fundraising ($24,125 raised)

Support Associa Cares, Inc.!

Raised: $24,125
Contributors: 415

Top groups:

  • 1.
    #associa 57 racers × $105.88 avg = $6,035.10
  • 2.
    #csshoa 12 racers × $366.28 avg = $4,395.47
  • 3.
    #cmc_management 34 racers × $89.75 avg = $3,051.38
  • see more...

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Angela Castro $1,000
  • 2.
    AWT Construction Group Inc. $1,000
  • 3.
    Terri Guest $815
  • see more...

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              This race ended 07/14/21 - check out the final activity below.

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                  This race ended 07/14/21 - check out the final activity here.

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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies July 7, 2021
                    Hi Racers! SO proud of everyone for continuing to move each and every day! We have one week left in the Race and killed it with our miles! The Cares team and Associa leadership are so proud of how much we have raised for disaster relief. Do you think we can reach the goal of $50,000 for relief? Did you know if every racer took the next week to reach out to their network to raise $100 we'd be there! Let's do this (and remember top performers for miles and fundraising win accolades & prizes!)
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies July 3, 2021
                    to our US colleagues- Happy 4th weekend! And a belated Happy Canada Day to our colleagues up North! Let’s keep moving and make sure to enjoy your long weekend…
                    Happy 4th July everyone
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 29, 2021
                    SURPRISE TRIVIA TIME! 1st correct answer gets a $5 donation backing! All this work may have you craving it... and singing "ba da ba ba ba I'm Lovin' It!" Hey, it's okay to indulge every now and then! Stepping into breakfast fare, fast-food giant McDonald's introduced the Egg McMuffin in what year? (A.)1972, (B.) 1981, (C.) 1988, (D.) 1994
                    Ding ding ding! Yes @NinjaKC a $5 donation will be made to back you. Thanks for playing!
                    I agree - 1972 :)
                    Yes. 1972
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 29, 2021
                    Hi Racers! REMINDER: Weekly Photo-Themed Scavenger Hunt (Email re: Where's Waldo?) This week's photo theme requires a little bit of hunting and creativity, and it may leave you feeling a little nostalgic too. #whereswaldo This week let's have some fun with our photos. Let's see how many things we can find that are red and white during our daily run, walk, or workout. Include #whereswaldo in all your red and white photos!
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 28, 2021
                    Team, let's give a big Congrats to Surina Wright in Houston who won last week's fundraising challenge. Surina raised $350 last week, earning herself a $25 Starbuck's gift card. Also - please take a moment to give yourself some affirmation as you all are literally going the extra mile to help those in need! Proud to be part of this amazing group - Andrew Fortin, President, Associa Cares
                    Yay @TigerCats ! Congrats and thank you for your efforts. :)
                    Our VP is inspiring!!!!!!!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 28, 2021
                    Hi Racers! Weekly Photo-Themed Scavenger Hunt (Email re: Where's Waldo?) This week's photo theme requires a little bit of hunting and creativity, and it may leave you feeling a little nostalgic too. We hope you have fun with it! #whereswaldo This week let's have some fun with our photos. In tribute to that pesky Waldo, let's see how many things we can find that are red and white during our daily run, walk, or workout. Include #whereswaldo in all your red and white photos - from a red and white bike to a pup channeling its inner Waldo with red and white attire. There are no rules, only that you have fun! Happy #whereswaldo hunting!
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 24, 2021
                    WHY WE RACE: Racers, I wanted to share with you that the Cares board has just approved funds to help the families impacted by the tragic condo tower collapse in Florida this morning. 300 families are now homeless and many are still missing. We are able to help because of your support thru events like BOTB. Please keep these families in your heart as the rescue efforts continue. ❤️ Andrew, Cares President….
                    Glad to hear we can do something for the families in the building. Hard reminder about the reality of why we are fundraising. I hope we can help as many as possible heal. Keep up the good work, and although it’s a tragedy, maybe keep us posted?
                    Thanks we will keep you posted. We have reached out to the law firm that represents the board to assist residents and getting help to them as soon as possible. This wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of our employees. You all are the best….
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 24, 2021
                    Recovery day for me with a short walk. logging lots of miles is awesome but our bodies need recovery time too!
                    FOR SURE!!!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 24, 2021
                    Hey Racers! Keep up the pace! So proud of everyone. :) REMINDER: We have 'coffee for cash' and the challenge ends tomorrow, end of day! @ASFDallas , Associa Cares board president, is putting up a $25 Starbucks (or another coffee spot of your liking) gift card for the most improved fundraiser (% increase). We are so grateful for all the awareness you are spreading and support you are building for Associa Cares - You are making a big impact!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 24, 2021
                    SURPRISE TRIVIA TIME! 1st correct answer gets a $5 donation backing! I know we have all got some major pains from all this activity the past couple of weeks, at least it's not GROWING PAINS. This is for you 80s sitcom fans! On 80s sitcom "Growing Pains", what work-from-home profession did TV dad Jason Seaver practice? (A.) Family Doctor (B.) Sales Manager (C.) Divorce Attorney (D.) Psychiatrist
                    D 😊
                    @CGRichmond Ding Ding Ding! Yes. A $5 donation will be made to back you. :) Thanks for playing!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 23, 2021
                    Hey Racers! Reminder about this week's photo theme (email re: Show Me Your Buddy!). Do you have a tried-and-true fitness #buddy that is always by your side pushing you to the end? Whether your #buddy is of the wearable tech kind or of the man’s best friend variety, throughout the week share who or what is always with you giving you the encouragement and extra push that you need. Use #buddy with your Show Me Your Buddy photos throughout the week. Feel free to keep using #theforce from week 1, if you'd like too!
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 21, 2021
                    Just a quick update that I had a meeting w Asocia’s CEO John Carona today and he is very thrilled by the teamwork, fundraising and engagement of this group during BOTB! In case your ears were ringing. #yourock
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 21, 2021
                    Hey teams, I am loving the teamwork and support for Cares! Keep it up! Also SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: As Cares President I am donating a $25 starbucks (or other coffee place of your choice) to this week's most improved fundraiser. (% increase over last week). Just want to keep the momentum going! - Andrew Fortin, Esq.
                    Awesome!! And I you need any tips for fundraising, raise your hand. In UT, we have reached out to our Awesome Vendor teams, social media, friends and even my Strava account. For those of you who use fitness social media, this is a great resource to spread the word. Find me @ Bryce Ross, Sandy UT for examples of what’s working!
                    @ThatGuy307 Please give us some tips to reach out to our vendors!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 21, 2021
                    Hey Racers! Reminder about this week's photo theme (email from this morning, re: Show Me Your Buddy!). Do you have a tried-and-true fitness #buddy that is always by your side pushing you to the end? Whether your #buddy is of the wearable tech kind or of the man’s best friend variety, throughout the week share who or what is always with you giving you the encouragement and extra push that you need. Use #buddy with your Show Me Your Buddy photos throughout the week. Feel free to keep using #theforce from week 1, if you'd like too!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 19, 2021
                    Hey, racers! So we continue to crush miles and fundraising each day! Let's keep getting out there this weekend. Before you know it the AC all racer avatar will be at our end stop. What do y'all think about adding a trip up the west coast and then back to the East? #theforce
                    Also, I will take suggestions for specific pin drops/locations. :)
                    @ThatGuy307 @JDimples @LeaM noted! I'll see what I can do. P.S. We already hit up HDQ/Dallas ;) y'all are just too fast!
                    Let’s add a stop
                    Any requests? @JDimples this is a road trip after all :)
                    @DKracer definitely swing by UT please! SLC is great! We’ll put y’all up when you visit 😉
                    Let’s make a stop in Colorado
                    stop by!! @JDimples
                    We have to stop at HDQ in Dallas! Maybe hit a national park or 5 along the way.....grand canyon? Joshua tree? Take old Rte 66 back for a bit before detouring south?
                    Hit some national parks?
                  • Roserod Tread Lightly June 18, 2021
                    You are Awesome Dora !!!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 18, 2021
                    Hi Racers, #theforce has been strong with you all this first (work) week of the race! Currently at 3,160 miles down and $17,249 raised! What do you think - can we stay active this weekend and hit 4,200 miles and $18,500 raised for disaster relief by week's end?
                    We can definitely hit that walking Mark! And will work towards raising additional funds.
                    Love it! Thank you for all of your support and participation @JDimples!
                    I think we’ll be in the Ocean by the end of the weekend.
                    Yea I think so too. Need to think about if we should go back to the east coast or if it is possible to add on another leg to our road trip! @ThatGuy307
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 18, 2021
                    SURPRISE TRIVIA! 1st to answer correctly gets a $5 bonus donation backing! Is it POP or is it SODA? It doesn't matter - this one is for all you SODA-POP fans! Which of the following classic root beer brands was invented first? (A.) A&W (B.) Barq's (C.) Dad's (D.) Mug
                    Ding Ding Ding! @RachelSelwan15 There will be a $5 donation made to back you! Thanks for playing.
                    I can’t seem to catch these trivia questions but love them!
                  • Roserod Tread Lightly June 18, 2021
                    Thank you Barry!!! You are awesome
                  • CherW Best Intentions June 17, 2021
                    Super proud of everyone for just participating❤️❤️. We are moving and that’s what matters.
                  • AWT AthletesWlkTgtr June 17, 2021
                    Hey Sac friends….it’s really darn hot! Do it anyway. ❤️😂❤️
                    Haha love it. Agree with that mantra! Do it anyway!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 17, 2021
                    2,266.6 miles traveled together and $16k raised! We are #theforce.
                    Closing in on Dallas too! #homeofficeflyby
                    I know! With How fast we are going I really need to put a second leg on this #roadtrip. Lol @ThatGuy307
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 17, 2021
                    Good morning! Day #4. So impressed with everyone's movement the first three days and generosity with donations. Keep up the pace - you are making a difference in your lives and others! #theforce
                  • CGRichmond On the Road June 16, 2021
                    Why the holiday photo? I love the generosity, cheer and support that the holiday exudes. Why not make every day feel that way. Let's keep making a difference!
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 16, 2021
                    Did I mention how proud I am of all the folks competing in TBOTB? Just shows what an awesome team we have….keep it up…
                  • Tor3 4 Road Runners June 16, 2021
                    Thank you so much for donating!!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 16, 2021
                    Good morning! May #theforce be with you.
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 15, 2021
                    Hey, Racers! REMINDER: This week's photo theme #theforce Use #theforce when you're snapping photos or selfies of what keeps you going and motivated each day. Whether your a Star Wars fan or not, everyone's got #theforce.
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 15, 2021
                    Hi All! If you notice the AC racer avatar calculating all of our miles has moved back quite a ways, don't be alarmed. We are at the same amount of miles as before. There was a misconfiguration with the map and it has been corrected. Keep up the great pace y'all!
                    Still. One day in and we have passed DC already! Great job everyone!
                    Yes - Still extremely impressive!
                  • Statcomm Statcomm Steps June 15, 2021
                    Thanks to everyone participating and @associa cares! This is gonna be a fun and fast 30 days!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 15, 2021
                    SURPRISE TRIVIA TIME! 1st correct answer will get an additional $5 donation backing! Answers to this thread only. What 1980s actor was valedictorian of his high school class and later turned down the lead in the film “American Beauty”? (A) Bill Murray (B) Chevy Chase (C) Dan Aykroyd (D) Eddie Murphy
                    B - Chevy Chase!
                    Ding ding Ding! @NeeGee
                    A $5 donation will be made today @NeeGee
                    Well looks like it will be $10 donations for trivia since the system doesn't allow for less. Whoo-hoo!
                    Well alright - looks like they changed it just for us. Sorry to go back - but will be $5. More Trivia then! :)
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 15, 2021
                    Good morning Racers! Awesome first day! Over 600 miles and over $14,000 raised so far! We've got 29 more days of this. Let's keep the #theforce strong and pace ourselves! Keep safe with the heat everyone - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
                    Good morning all. There are some impressive bars being set out there. We’re gonna need a bigger goal!
                    @ThatGuy307 I know! I emailed the system admin to check the calculation of the miles and/or the mapping piece of it. Once I get that settled and at about the midway point of the race if we look like we are going to crush it I may see if we can head back to the East Coast. lol
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 15, 2021
                    Good morning racers! It’s 5 AM and I am headed to my trainer. But, it’s for two good causes 1) my health and 2) Associa Cares….so thankful for all you guys supporting the cause and having some fun along the way.
                    Good morning!!!
                    Good morning all!
                    Happy to participate and support!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 14, 2021
                    Wow! Y'all, we have already passed Chicago! Gone 340 miles total. Are we going to have to hit the west coast and then go back to the east? :)
                    I mean good job us!! Though that map math is pretty fishy. ATL to CHI straight is 723 miles. (Credit Siri)
                    I thought that seemed off in distance for so far but didn't look into it. lol @ThatGuy307
                  • JessMula Tread Lightly June 14, 2021
                    LETS GOO!!!!!
                  • LeaM Baby Got Track! June 14, 2021
                    I just want everyone to see that both shopping and cooking are on the activity list.....I wonder how many miles you get for cooking dinner?? See also - yard work and household work.
                    I am taking calls and walking around. I still have 6 more hours to go before I am done for the night! So far 3.57 miles. Goal is to just keep going! Let's do this Team Baby Got Track!
                    Lol cooking. Love it. I’m quitting running and getting #cheeseburgerfit
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 14, 2021
                    Hey racers! REMINDER: This week's photo-themed scavenger hunt (email re: May The Force Be With You, for more detail): #theforce As the great Jedi Master, Yoda would say, "Workout you must." The force is strong with you, so what motivates you and gets you going for the day? Throughout the week, capture your motivation in a photo or selfie, and feel free to include references or quotes if you're a Star Wars fan, and even if you're not! Use #theforce in your photo uploads for this week, done through the LOG ACTIVITY function. Have fun with it. And may the force be with you!
                  • ASFDallas The Pink Ladies June 14, 2021
                    Great start with a morning 5k! Feeling good….
                  • JLeDell RHOME/Dreamwork June 14, 2021
                    Made it to my favorite indoor tread/spin/hitt place. #fsyfitness
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 14, 2021
                    This week's photo-themed scavenger hunt (email re: May The Force Be With You, for more detail): #theforce As the great Jedi Master, Yoda would say, "Workout you must." The force is strong with you, so what motivates you and gets you going for the day? Throughout the week, capture your motivation in a photo or selfie, and feel free to include references or quotes if your a Star Wars fan, and even if you're not! Use #theforce in your photo uploads for this week, done through the LOG ACTIVITY function. Have fun with it. And may the force be with you!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 14, 2021
                    Good morning, from The Associa Cares Team! Thank you EVERYONE for your support and joining the race. Let's do this!
                  • ThatGuy307 Dream Team SLC June 13, 2021
                    Cheering for everybody as we get started tomorrow! Hope we all have a great time and use each other’s activities as inspiration to add our own! Special shout out to #csshoa branch—go get it UT teams! But stay safe—so hot out there!!
                    Yes. Big cheers for everyone and for staying hydrated!
                  • JLeDell RHOME/Dreamwork June 13, 2021
                    Happy Sunday all! Might be indoors on the treadmill and cycle this week…pushing 117 degrees in Las Vegas 😮. Did 15 miles on bike this morning and already laying down to take a nap from the heat exhaustion. Dang it’s hot. Signed up for a indoor class 6am tomorrow
                    Wow! Now that's hot! Kudos to you for 15 miles on a Sunday and nice prep for the kick-off tomorrow. Weather has been unusually cool for Texas. Only recently has it made it to the mid 90s. 😮
                    That’s nice! How’s the humidity out there?
                    @JLeDell it's pretty muggy I'd say. In North Texas it seems we start the days with high humidity and end the days around 50%.
                    We feel you out here in UT buddy! 102 next couple days to get us started. Need to do a PSA on the importance of hydration!
                    Yes! Thats a good idea.
                  • LeaM Baby Got Track! June 11, 2021
                    Can't wait for Monday! Supposed to be 85 and sunny here, I may head outside instead of to the treadmill. What's your plan to get extra-active for Associa Cares this week?
                    Me either! I gave up on checking the weather here after 100 million days of rain. But I plan to get some yoga in each morning, then walks at lunch and/or the evening.
                    I don’t have any meetings this week so plan of walking with my husband every night - although I haven’t clued him in on our plans
                    @JDimples ❤ that! Hope the no meetings week holds up. I'm sure that's a nice break and will make for some nice evening walks!
                  • CorgiLegs Team Berg - Straight off the Couch June 7, 2021
                    Ready to get this party started! Woot!
                    Us too @CorgiLegs! Thanks again for Team Berg's support!
                    So excited! And I love your username lol
                  • LT1 CMI-HI's Finest June 2, 2021
                    Thank you for your suppport!
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Hilton Head Island, SC
                      • To: Stockton, CA
                      • Start date: June 14, 2021
                      • End date: July 14, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 4,247.9 miles
                      • Total logged: 25,968.0 miles
                      Road Trip! Battle of The Branches Race Across The U.S.

                      Exercise anywhere you want then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!

                      We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips.

                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.

                      3. Update your passcode in settings.

                      4. If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                      5. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.

                      6. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                      7. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!

                      8. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.

                      9. Only log intentional exercise please.

                      10. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      11. Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.

                      12. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      Technical Questions? Write!
                      General Questions about the race, fundraising, or Associa Cares? Contact Danika Knoop at
                      No mileage submitted yet.