Cycle Croatia Virtual Race
Cyclists (28)
1.j-squared Finished
2.Maherxito Finished
3.Ckdavis3127 Finished
4.Surfchik67 Finished
5.Koronin Finished
6.Seggie Finished
7.Muffyn Finished
8.TxOkWa Finished
9.CycleGuyWI 328.2 miles
10.tibrown72 323.2 miles
11.kelly1218 261.9 miles
12.Lilesj130 196.6 miles
13.SherryS 87.8 miles
14.Amzst80 71.0 miles
15.billhartnett 56.1 miles
16.Glimmergirl 46.5 miles
17.ralu 40.0 miles
18.michellehinn 30.7 miles
19.hc 27.3 miles
20.LZ 26.8 miles
21.aGagliardiGirl 21.0 miles
22.heatherblakely 16.0 miles
23.Trichic85 14.9 miles
24.Mostiky 7.0 miles
25.KiltsAndWhiskey 1.3 miles
26.tonitourony 0 miles
27.Camelothosting 0 miles
28.Nack 0 miles
Recent Activity
Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.
billhartnett Sept 30, 2016
Koronin Sept 30, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 30, 2016
Trichic85 Sept 29, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 29, 2016
SherryS Sept 29, 2016
Amzst80 Sept 29, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 29, 2016
Muffyn Sept 29, 2016
Muffyn Sept 29, 2016
SherryS Sept 28, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 28, 2016
Amzst80 Sept 28, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 28, 2016
Seggie Sept 28, 2016
Muffyn Sept 28, 2016
billhartnett Sept 28, 2016
Muffyn Sept 28, 2016
Muffyn Sept 28, 2016
Muffyn Sept 28, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 28, 2016
Koronin Sept 28, 2016
Seggie Sept 28, 2016
Muffyn Sept 28, 2016
Koronin Sept 28, 2016
billhartnett Sept 27, 2016
Koronin Sept 27, 2016
Lilesj130 Sept 27, 2016
Amzst80 Sept 27, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 27, 2016
Seggie Sept 27, 2016
Muffyn Sept 27, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 27, 2016
Koronin Sept 26, 2016
Muffyn Sept 26, 2016
billhartnett Sept 26, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 26, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 26, 2016
Seggie Sept 26, 2016
Muffyn Sept 26, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 26, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 26, 2016
Muffyn Sept 25, 2016
Muffyn Sept 25, 2016
Trichic85 Sept 25, 2016
SherryS Sept 25, 2016
heatherblakely Sept 25, 2016
Amzst80 Sept 25, 2016
Lilesj130 Sept 25, 2016
Muffyn Sept 25, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 25, 2016
SherryS Sept 24, 2016
Amzst80 Sept 24, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 24, 2016
TxOkWa Sept 24, 2016
Surfchik67 Sept 24, 2016
Ckdavis3127 Sept 24, 2016
Trichic85 Sept 24, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 24, 2016
Koronin Sept 23, 2016
billhartnett Sept 23, 2016
Ckdavis3127 Sept 23, 2016
Ckdavis3127 Sept 23, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 23, 2016
Ckdavis3127 Sept 23, 2016
Muffyn Sept 23, 2016
kelly1218 Sept 23, 2016
Seggie Sept 22, 2016
Seggie Sept 22, 2016
tibrown72 Sept 22, 2016
Koronin Sept 22, 2016
billhartnett Sept 22, 2016
see more...
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Split
- To: Zagreb
- Start date: September 1, 2016
- End date: September 30, 2016
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 329.6 miles
- Total logged: 4,395.3 miles
Join other cyclists biking 329 miles from the Dalmatian Coast to Croatia's capital, passing through coastal cities like Trogir, Marina, and Primošten!
Cycle anywhere you want. Then log miles and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
--We cap our open races at 200 participants; sign up early to secure your spot!
-- We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
-- Only cycling miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, over all sports)
-- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.
-- Please only backdate mileage for a race up to two weeks in the past.
-- Only mileage added before the race officially closes on September 30 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the race leaderboards.
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Cycle anywhere you want. Then log miles and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers!
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
--We cap our open races at 200 participants; sign up early to secure your spot!
-- We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
-- Only cycling miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, over all sports)
-- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.
-- Please only backdate mileage for a race up to two weeks in the past.
-- Only mileage added before the race officially closes on September 30 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the race leaderboards.
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.