
Athletes (486)

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#2021phrc×156, #2021frc×147, #2021wrc×85, #2021phrcravenclaw×83, #fansruntheworld2021×67, #2021phrchufflepuff×63, #2021crc×60, #phrc×55, #2021phrcgryffindor×44, #potterheadrunningclub×42, #wrc×41, #2021wrctimelords×38, #frc×38, #2021wrcvillains×37, #2022frc×32, #fandomrunningclub×32, #2021wrccompanions×31, #lionsrtw×28, #2022phrc×25, #takingiteasy×25, #hogwartsrunningclub×22, #2021phrcslytherin×20, #crc×19, #frcbattleofthefandoms×19, #whovianrunningclub×17, #ravenclaw×16, #2022phrchufflepuff×15, #austentatious×15, #hrc×15, #2022crc×14, #fansruntheworld2022×14, #hufflepuff×13, #chupas×12, #chiltonrunningclub×11, #phrcravenclaw×10, #slytherin×10, #2022phrcravenclaw×9, #2022wrcvillains×9, #bobsunite×9, #dragons×9, #fanthropy×9, #gryffindor×9, #nifflerbob×9, #owlbears×9, #2021gryffindor×8, #2021phrcfaculty×8, #2022wrc×8, #bigdamnheroes×8, #foramy×8, #krakens×8, #2022phrcslytherin×7, #buggingout×7, #dontpanic×7, #fanthropyrunningclub×7, #frclasvegas×7, #nessies×7, #onephrc×7, #phrcquidditch×7, #quirkynerds365×7, #treadmilltrivia×7, #2022wrccompanions×6, #cjb×6, #fansruntheworld×6, #frcnerfherders×6, #frtw2022×6, #frtw2023×6, #hogwarts×6, #madeye×6, #mermaids×6, #phrchufflepuff×6, #unicornbob×6, #2022frtwscotland×5, #2022wrctimelords×5, #awesomewow×5, #bandofwitchers×5, #boulderdash×5, #conesofrunshire×5, #fiercefriars×5, #fruitsdelaterre×5, #hellhounds×5, #hmbb×5, #ithoughtyousaidrum×5, #pensieveyalater×5, #pewpew×5, #runningchoux×5, #shellyeah×5, #silurianbob×5, #strideandprejudice×5, #tothepain×5, #unicorns×5, #varietypack×5, #velocityraptors×5, #washington×5, #wedontneedroads×5, #wrcteamtimelords×5, #youshallnotpass×5, #2460run×4, #always×4, #bombarda×4, #crcroadtrip×4, #excelsior×4, #fandomrunning×4, #frtw2021×4, #helgasbadgers2021×4, #hhmf×4, #hufflemania×4, #mahnamahna×4, #makeitso×4, #melodysmaniacs×4, #movingrightalong×4, #notinkansas×4, #oneracemore×4, #outforawalk×4, #phrc19hufflepuff×4, #phrcravenclaw2021×4, #roadsofar×4, #ruhroh×4, #salazarssnakes×4, #swansong×4, #talonted×4, #teamcompanions×4, #teamtimelords×4, #tulachard×4, #wrccompanions×4, #2022phrcgryffindor×3, #2023frc×3, #934stitches×3, #affirmative×3, #amokamokamok×3, #ateamhasnoname×3, #barkandcheese×3, #bobsruntheworld×3, #botf×3, #cawcrawmf×3, #clawandorder×3, #clockwork×3, #defyinggravity×3, #disgruntledpelicans×3, #expectopatrorun×3, #ferrytogayhead×3, #fiendfyre×3, #grangerdanger×3, #grangerthings×3, #helgasbadgers2020×3, #hellraisins×3, #hmwc×3, #hrcgryffindor×3, #ineffable×3, #jellybabies×3, #jinkies×3, #jogularity×3, #lovethinkrun×3, #mileflayers×3, #mileliquidators×3, #missouri×3, #mooseandsquirrel×3, #notdeadyet×3, #onehrc×3, #onyourleft×3, #padfoot×3, #phrc19ravenclaw×3, #phrc2022gryffindor×3, #phrcslytherin×3, #phrcslytherin2020×3, #pointofnoreturn×3, #puffsgocoastal×3, #rtistaff×3, #rubbersole×3, #rundermifflin×3, #runmagicrun×3, #runnersofplenty×3, #running×3, #saltysneks×3, #shinymetalmiles×3, #sisterhoodofbob×3, #sistersruntheworld×3, #slayerfest19×3, #somethingcrazy×3, #somuchgood×3, #sontarbob×3, #teamonfire×3, #teamriversong×3, #thatdamteam×3, #thisistherace×3, #timelord×3, #torunornottorun×3, #trackerjackers×3, #trustnorun×3, #unicorncabin×3, #wearethefire×3, #whatsthis×3, #wherearewe×3, #wrcteamvillains×3, #wrctimelords×3, #wrcvillains×3, #wrcvillains2021×3, #yetis×3, #2021wrcvillians×2, #2022ravenclaw×2, #2022villains×2, #2023frtw×2, #2023frtw365×2, #allfriaredup×2, #alwaysremember×2, #angelbob×2, #arizona×2, #attackeyebrows×2, #bangarang×2, #battleunicorns×2, #bazingo×2, #biggerbadderbetter×2, #bookingit×2, #caffeinate×2, #ceteonfire×2, #companions×2, #confringo×2, #crcchasingbono×2, #dalekbob×2, #definitelycultshiz×2, #dementorbob×2, #dickwolf×2, #dinosruntheorient×2, #doctordances×2, #duckponds×2, #electricmayhem×2, #fansruntheworld2023×2, #fawkes×2, #flightclub×2, #foraslan×2, #forfawkessake×2, #fortheglort×2, #frcrubbersole×2, #friendsfromwork×2, #geronimo×2, #gotdragons×2, #graphitiartists×2, #greyladies×2, #harrypotteralliance×2, #helenashawks×2, #helgasbadgers×2, #hellosweeties×2, #herecomestherun×2, #holdmytiara×2, #holdmywhiteclaw×2, #houseelves×2, #hpa×2, #hrcgryffindor18×2, #hrcravenclaw×2, #humankirk×2, #illinois×2, #irantue×2, #jolliestbunch×2, #kiefferfam×2, #longbottom×2, #marleynmarley×2, #massachusetts×2, #mauroders×2, #ministryofsillywalks×2, #minnesota×2, #mustrunfaster×2, #nerfherders×2, #ogreachievers×2, #onlymostlydead×2, #onlyzuul×2, #onthyfeet×2, #oogieboogies×2, #ooobers×2, #outlander×2, #page394×2, #parischitkickers×2, #peeves×2, #permylastowl×2, #phrc2021ravenclaw×2, #phrc20ravenclaw×2, #phrcgryffindor2020×2, #phrcingfierce×2, #phrckissmedeadly2019×2, #phrcrowenaeagles2020×2, #pitchplease×2, #pouncingpride×2, #quidditch×2, #rainbowbob×2, #randomzebrasinc×2, #ravenclawsome×2, #readycetego×2, #rhinobutts×2, #rowenaseagles×2, #rowenaseagles2020×2, #rti×2, #rufiooo×2, #runfaire×2, #runnersofberk×2, #runscript×2, #runwashrepeat×2, #scroogeyou×2, #sgrun×2, #sillywalks×2, #sluglife×2, #squidditch×2, #stabbysaysrun×2, #starfeet×2, #studyinspeed×2, #talklessrunmore×2, #teampond×2, #teamshiny×2, #teamvillains×2, #theonewith×2, #thesnitch×2, #timelords×2, #together×2, #totallytonks×2, #turnthecastleyellow2022×2, #unleashchaos×2, #valkyries×2, #wanttobelieve×2, #wewilllapyou×2, #wewudliketorace×2, #whovian×2, #wisconsin×2, #wrcraceacrosstime×2, #wrcteamriversong×2, #xovillains×2, #youknowthatsright×2, #yourestillhere×2 … >>

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • Barbarita Dec 31, 2021
      Quick reminder that TODAY is the LAST DAY to add miles to Fans Run the World 2021. This event closes at midnight ET, 12/31/21. And congratulations to everyone on an amazing year! If you want to join us again for next year, Fans Run the World 2022 is open for registration:
      I'm at 365 miles, but the board still doesn't show me as finished. Is there something else that has to be done?
      @abs36 you might need to log another .5 to get you back to the start. You might be stuck in limbo.
    • Barbarita Dec 6, 2021
      The registration for 2022 is now open! New rules for 2022 include a 7 day grace period to upload your miles. We would love to have all of you join us for 2022 -- we are going to Scotland:
    • Barbarita Dec 6, 2021
      The final challenge of the year is to submit an exercise session during the month of December! Keep MOVING!! And thank you to everyone for running with us in our very first Fans Run the World!
    • Barbarita Dec 6, 2021
      Another quick reminder to email if you have changed your address since you signed up for this event. The address pull for this event is NOT the same system as for our medal registrations, so we need you to send us an email even if you have updated your Fanthropy Dashboard profile!!
    • Barbarita Nov 9, 2021
      If you have changed your address since you signed up for Fans Run The World, drop us an email at so we can update your address as we get closer to getting your medals shipped at the end of this year!
    • QueenofHaartz Oct 28, 2021
      Anyone remember the challenge for this month? I forgot! thanks
      31 miles during the month/1 mile a day average
      @BookMasterJMV Thanks Justin!
    • GoGoBootGirl Aug 8, 2021
      Well after a month of rapid immune allergy treatment I’m cleared to workout again! I have a new goal… I signed up for the Route 66 5k and Marathon Relay! So out of shape but I will get there! I’m currently at 17:56 miles (at 2 miles) I need to get it down to 15 minute miles for 5.6!
      Whoohoo! You’ve got this 😍
      This is great news! woohoo
    • Barbarita Aug 2, 2021
      The August Challenge is for every 66 kilometers you complete, you are entered into the drawing for a prize!!
    • Barbarita July 31, 2021
      Sunday is the Fans Run the World Ocho!! Join us in one of the main Fanthropy Running Club at 6pmEt for the fun!
    • QueenofHaartz July 31, 2021
      Anyone else having issues with Athletes not scrolling past 202, I can't see all the finishers (thinking there are about 211 now). I like to know who is close so I can send a note of encouragement.
      Um. I can't seem to scroll past 202 either. Let me see if there is a reason why!
      I sent an email to their support to see if they can fix this! t
      also, we do know if someone is right at the end of the first loop, but haven't added another full mile... they are sorta in limbo until they add that next full mile to enter the loop. So they could be in the "racery limbo" and need to add more miles to get into the loop!
      Confirming that Racery said... They will appear on the ultramarathon leadership enthusiasm they add their next miles. They are in that racery limbo and need to add miles to officially enter the next leaderboard
    • QueenofHaartz July 21, 2021
      What is the July challenge?
      Each Dopey distance (48.6 miles) you complete gives you an entry into the giveaway.
      @BookMasterJMV thank you!
    • BrickMasterJMV June 26, 2021
      Don't forget - you have to be at mile marker 181 to be eligible for June's prize drawing before the end of the month. A lot of you are super close!
      @BookMasterJMV Where would an outsider find this kind of info?
      @MidwifeTCoffee I just linked the Facebook pages/groups in your recent activity that will have more info.
      @BookMasterJMV Thought I already thanked you, but thank you! Truly appreciate.
    • GoGoBootGirl June 2, 2021
      Happy Global Running Day!!
    • Keir June 1, 2021
      Brilliant job by the hundred-and-something-bajillion people who passed me in the May Challenge! My boughs bow to you! 🌳
      Don’t blame me…Lord knows it wasn’t me!
    • BrickMasterJMV May 21, 2021
      Anyone else bullied into movement by their resting heart rate? 😆 Throughout Quidditch, I was coasting in the low-mid 50s and now it has jumped up to 64 after a few less active days.
    • Barbarita May 3, 2021
      May's Challenge is to out run our Ent, Keir. He stated this month at 527.2 miles. We don't know how much he'll run this month, but to put your name in the hat for a change to win a prize during the June FanCast, you'll need to run more miles than Keir during the month of May!
    • BrickMasterJMV Apr 29, 2021
      This is random, but so am I. 🤓 If you are looking for a new show to watch, check out Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. In this week's episode (Sunday, May 3), main characters are running in an on-TV-only version of San Francisco's Bay to Breakers race (which is virtual this year and was last year). It's a fantastic show that isn't doing great in ratings, so I'm just trying to get word out there about it. 😁
      Here's an article about it, but SPOILER WARNING if you aren't caught up to Season 2: https://datebook.sfchronicl...
      I'll have to check it out! Thanks, Justin!
      I keep meaning to check that show out!!
    • Barbarita Apr 2, 2021
      The April challenge is 'Out Run The Fool'! Earn more miles than Brian Biggs and you will earn a chance to win a prize during the next FanCast on May 1!
    • Barbarita Apr 2, 2021
      If you wish to get the postcards, please make sure you didn't opt out of all racery emails. They come to you via a racery email! If you missed a postcard, send me a note via PM or email and I can send you the postcards. Let me know your FRtW mileage so I know which ones to send you. Andif you want to opt back in to emails, you can email
    • Barbarita Mar 31, 2021
      Reminder that Brian will be going live in the Great Hall, the TARDIS, the Domain, and the Diner for the April FanCast at 7pm EDT!! Were you able to earn 32 miles or more? If so, you have a chance to win a prize!
    • GoGoBootGirl Mar 26, 2021
      Today I got to really let lose... okay all that means I could do a longer time in the treadmill but I still have to walk and hang onto the sides! Have to put my garmin in my good ankle but it felt good (part of the time I have to go backwards) I may be in #therapyforlife but I’m getting there! #hhmf #byanymeans & now I have a new structured routine since officially PT is over and it’s all on me!
      You’re doing amazing! So proud of you! #hhmf
      Thanks! I just have to schedule myself time at the treadmill at the gym and be consistent now!
    • Barbarita Mar 14, 2021
      Today is Pi Day! Post 3.1...or 3.14 miles today for an extra chance to win the monthly prize, drawn during FanCast on the first of the month!
      @Barbarita For us neophyte fandom ppl, could you explain what FanCast is?
    • RobertR Mar 3, 2021
      Ran 10.25 miles earlier but Garmin won’t sync it, corrupt file. It’s there on my watch but no way to get a DDD pic. This ever happen to anyone else? Any recourse?
      Update: resolved!
    • BrickMasterJMV Feb 19, 2021
      You know there's a competition going on when there's already 100 entries for the day at 6am. 😂 Good luck to the R.A.T. racers!
      Thanks Justin! Bob is spudtacular!
      I knew it was starting soon but forgot until I was looking at the board last night and there were a few huge jumps!
    • BrickMasterJMV Feb 11, 2021
      Anyone else planning some midnight/early morning miles watching WandaVision? 👀
    • Barbarita Feb 3, 2021
      Hey Everyone!! What an amazing January and a brilliant start to February! You all are smashing those miles! If you have any questions about the proofs or the rules for our Fanthropy runners, feel free to email me questions and/or message me on FB! And thank you for participating in this year long event with us. It has truly been a blast seeing all your miles piling up and moving you along!!
    • GoGoBootGirl Feb 3, 2021
      Whooo hooo!! I was finally able to hit a half mile on my wonky ankle! It’s not going to be often (most likely only during PT for now!) but I’m finally on the board! #hhmf #donittellmeicannot #slowbutididit
      Way to go @GoGoBootGirl!
      Way to go!! I am excited for you and keep that wonky ankle protected!!
      So exciting!! 😍
    • BrickMasterJMV Jan 30, 2021
      Yes, there is a new post on run day. #sorry #ihadto
      😂 thank you for that 😂
    • BrickMasterJMV Jan 26, 2021
      What's everyone's goal for the month? Let's finish January strong!
      My realistic/responsible goal is 160 (4.8 mpd) and my stretch goal is a half lap, 182.5 (8.6 mpd).
      My overall goal is to exceed 1000 miles over the course of the year. My current goal is to get back into the top 100. Unfortunately every time I up my miles, so does everyone else!
      @HolmiumSharks Good luck! I'm hoping to hit 2021 for the year myself.
      My goal is at least 1mile per day. Every. Single. Day. This. Year. I'll often try to do better and hope to be released to start at square 1 for running sometime this summer, but bottom of the barrel minimum is 1 mile per day.
    • HeathernHounds Jan 25, 2021
      I put in a 2.0 u stead of a 1.0. Is there a way to delete and renter? Darn fat fingers.
      I moved to my laptop and figured it out. Of cousr in the process I got my races mixed up and deleted and and screen shotted to the wrong ones, but i believe it is all correct now.
      Possibly it is not my fat fingers that are the problem, but rather the fact that I need my glasses on read the small screen as seen in all my typos in my response to myself.
      Glad you got it figured out!
      Thank you.
    • BrickMasterJMV Jan 23, 2021
      I'm tired just looking at all of the miles you all have logged... 😂
      Are you racing with us? I haven't noticed you on the FB boards recently, but I have also been in my own little world. You're such a fantastic cheerleader with a postive written presence. Plus, you taught me how to hashtag for BOTF.
      @HeathernHounds I'm kind of off social media for the duration, but I'm glad that I still have this Racery I can still connect to you with.
      I understand the need to break from social media. It’s nice to see you here.
    • Rebakay Jan 21, 2021
      Can anyone tell me why my screen shot isn't showing up when I post? Is it because it's not from my phone?
      I'm seeing your screenshots attached to your mileage posts, @AlottaMiles 🤷‍♂️
      @BookMasterJMV I had an issue with my Garmin so I was going to use my strava computer screen shots and it wouldn't go through. I gave up on it after my Garmin was acting right again lol I only lost a mile and a half
    • RTITimeWizard Jan 18, 2021
      Battle of the Fandoms Season 2: Episode 3 kicks off this week! Don’t forget to double dip and enter your miles in BOTF AND in Fans Run The World!!
      Double dipping sounds yummy! ;)
    • BrickMasterJMV Jan 18, 2021
      If anyone is looking for a new podcast, once-and-always RTI partner Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome now has one! #allonsyforcharlie
    • Barbarita Jan 16, 2021
      Dropping in here to remind everyone that you can simply opt out of any and all emails by going to the bottom of your emails and clicking on the opt out options!
      cannot seem to opt in though!
      @tmcfarlane send a message if you want those emails.
      I like the idea of these emails. It's a little extra fun motivation to kick it in gear... When you don't have 100s of people on a team Lol. It's a bit much with how many we are! 😂
    • DaisysMom Jan 16, 2021
      Happy Weekend Fandom Runners!!
    • HeathernHounds Jan 16, 2021
      Is there a way to opt out of the emails telling me how I am being passed?
      At the bottom of those emails, there is a section you can click to unsubscribe.
      Thank you from the bottom of my soles😀
      Was just about to add: I did the same, but it took 24 hours to kick in, so I got a couple more. Ugh.
    • EffieBrandybuck Jan 15, 2021
      Goal of breaking into the top 100 before the end of the month 🤠 🐎 100-140, better watch out!!
      I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of rank changes with Battle of the Fandoms!
      Ohhhh dang!! I forgot abt BoTF!!! Whew, it’s gonna get crazy
      I’ve ‘liked’ nearly every activity so far for FRTW... (I think I’ve gotten them all, actually) I don’t think I can keep that up during the insanity of BotF 😅 I’m not sure how I feel about that.
      @MusicalMM I tend to do my liking while I'm pacing as it kind of makes it feel like the other 423 racers are *with me* as I do circles around my house. 😂
      You got this!!
      I'm just trying to stay in the front half of the field. :)
      Fast as fast can be...
    • ControlsGuru Jan 10, 2021
      Friday-Sunday are usually my best. Nowhere to go; nothing to do except online church. Rising before the sun and getting kiddos off to online school keeps the miles short during the week.
      I don’t know why but I usually do worse when my husband is around. This week has been weird with the kids home but they return to school tomorrow so I should start doing better this week 🤞
    • Turgle Jan 9, 2021
      Happy Weekend fellow runners and walkers and walk-runners.
      Happy weekend to you too.
    • BrickMasterJMV Jan 8, 2021
      What are your intentional walk/run peaks and valleys for the week? My peak is Sunday-Monday-Tuesday as I'm off for the first two days and I don't go into work until 12noon on Tuesday. Valley is Thursday-Friday-Saturday since work is slow and makes for such long days that I'm not motivated to walk when I get home.
      Mine are random, depending on changing demands of children, virtual schooling and self employment. Winging it!
      I have more time for miles on the weekends.
      Same here, my (M-F) work week limits the non-Team event Racery miles. Glad my weekend is starting today so I can catch some extra miles! Miss your presence in Companions!
      @HufflePond I think I'm social media'ed out for the duration, but I'm glad there's always Racery!
      Weekdays are difficult due to work so I end up doing pacing. However the stress of online teaching has been a great motivator since walking is a healthy stress relief for me
      I don’t know. Depends on schedule. I don’t have work schedule. And weather.
      I’m still at zero. The reclining stepper I use at PT I’m only up to .38 miles! One day though! Hoping to be able to start the elliptical soon!
      @GoGoBootGirl I've seen several workouts posted here under 0.5 mi - maybe you can contact RTI and see if they will let you log your miles?
    • Rebakay Jan 7, 2021
      I made it! Yay! I see otters talking about groups or teams... Are you talking about our houses? Why aren't I on a team? Lol I hate slowing up late because I feel so unprepared!
      Some people made their own hashtag group on their profile, in addition to the house and group hashtags :)
      @MusicalMM gotcha, thanks!
      Omg the typos! I'm sure you can figure out what I mean lol
      Yea I was thinking, which Hogwarts house is otters.... 😁
      @RobertR new phone, new autocorrect battles lol
    • CindyL Jan 6, 2021
      How do I find the leaderboard for the various ‘#’ teams? I can pull up the team, but it just shows me the recent activity logs?
      If you go Menu > Athletes and click on the hashtags there it should list the leaderboard for the individual team for this race.
      When i click on athletes it just shows me the list of athletes - there are no teams or hashtags or anything? Is it because I am on an iphone that I can’t see anything?
      @CindyL Maybe? I use the desktop version mainly.
    • GoGoBootGirl Jan 6, 2021
      Who’s outpacing any seasonal storms today?? I know it’s summer down in New Zealand but surely they get summer thunderstorms! For you northerners any snow, sleet or rain today??
      I’m in central NY. It was cold and kinda snowy. It was more blowing than snowing 😂
      North Texas is going to get snow/sleet/ice this weekend and everyone's #freakingout. (it happens maybe once a year, lol) I only find it funny because everywhere I've lived for the majority of my life gets major winter snow.
      Not much snow near Detroit, Michigan...yet. We’re waiting for our Canadian neighbors to send us a cold front from the northeast over Lake Erie and for our friends in TX to send some gulf moisture north. Timing hasn’t been great yet.
    • WinterLady Jan 5, 2021
      If I deleted activity, then re added it to get the right DDD on (I did it just now), will it adjust my tot eventually? The deleted activity is gone from my log, it my total seems to still be including it.
      It should fall off after a few hours.
      Racery sometimes takes a bit to update, but yes, it will eventually settle to the correct mileage! :D
    • GoGoBootGirl Jan 4, 2021
      Can you guys slow down a bit 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously what fun sights have you seen and at what mile?? I need to make my plans for when I am able to start walking!! I want to see EVERYTHING!!! Bonus points for any animal sightings... I want to stop and pet all of them!
      I've seen the Party Tree at 0.7 mi and there's a Hobbiton sign with some people on a tour at 1 mi.
      @BookMasterJMV mile 2.3 is a Hobbiton visit center like thing :)
      I don’t actually know how to comment on things here 😂 Mile 2.3 is a Hobbiton visit center like thing.
      There's a thread in the Great Hall too-- stop in and drop some screenshots :D I keep getting open roads with lovely scenery!
      At mile 16.1 there’s some sort of animal. Maybe sheep? They are far away. Totally petable.
    • KarenMurphy Jan 4, 2021
      Hi how can I filter to just see my group’s activity?
      Menu > Athletes > Find your team and click on the hashtag. You should be able to bookmark that particular page for easier viewing now.
      On my screen Menu > Athletes has no option to Find Team. I can see my teammates’ positions/activity but there is no hashtag to click on. We are #sistersruntheworld. Can you see the team?
      @BookMasterJMV thanks a bunch
    • Muggle_Bubba Jan 3, 2021
      Hey guys! It’s day 3! How is everyone doing? I haven’t gotten any miles yet today but I’m excited to get out there.
      It was in the 30’s on my walk and I’m pretty sure my ears are still thawing out 😆 But I got out! Next time I’ll wear something to cover my ears!
      Way to go! I always wear two hoodies when it’s cold out and having two hoods together keeps my head really warm 😁
      I'm feeling my four-ish months of decreased activity and higher caloric intake. 😪😴😫
      Same! My body is like “what are we doing?! I thought we didn’t do this any more?” 😂
      Was supposed to be a rest day for me but I got out and grabbed a quick mile 😌
      Awesome job! I think today is going to be a low one for me but we will see. I might get some energy later.
      Its raining/snowing/sleeting here. So I snuck into a gym and got some treadmill miles.
      I hate when it’s sleeting. Way to get your miles!
      I’ve logged every day so far! My trackers are unfortunately behind my treadmill readout by about .18 miles (more last night as I played with the best place for my phone), but it is what it is!
      HATE when this happens. Ymmv, but it seems that if I swing my arms more (normally I’m a minimal arm-swinger), my Garmin is closer to what my treadmill reports—or even a bit faster!
    • maryguertin Jan 3, 2021
      I posted a picture from my hike this morning instead of my proof. How can I add that? Also, I’m using NRC but it has no date on it and I don’t know how to get a date on it. Am I disqualified or something?
      Thank you to the person who helped me correct this! Unfortunately when I deleted my post I lost her name in the comments.
      I am glad you figured it out! Mostly, we want our Fanthropy runners to stay in the habit of adding their "DDD" to their submissions so this race can have the "proof of miles" like our other Racery events. But we are not micromanaging it! Do you best and if needed, we will ask you to edit a proof if we have to!!
    • WinterLady Jan 2, 2021
      I realized that my first two entries, I didn’t use the right page of NRC to get the DDDs. What do I need to do? They were from yesterday, so I don’t want to delete and resubmit. Thanks.
      It looks like you can still log miles for yesterday (click on the Today in Log Activity). I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do, but it's something!
      You can either just leave it be... and from here on out, add the DDDs as appropriate, or feel free to delete your submissions and back date the ones from yesterday (or the 1st!) and add your DDDs to those when you resubmit them. And note that sometimes it takes a bit for the leaderboards to catch up with submissions/deletions.
    • GoGoBootGirl Jan 2, 2021
      While I’m still in a boot 👢 I’m up to .25 at a time so not enough to log just quite yet! But some of you peeps are just booking it!! Take time to see the pretty scenery... I know you could always catch it the second time around, but it you’re like me I never quite land in the same place!!
      You’re getting closer!
      I know I’m excited about it! It takes me a bit of time to do that but it’s getting easy! Right now it’s crutches for short distances and knee scooter or wheelchair for longer distances! But I’m hoping within a week or 2 I can do a half mile a day!
    • Turgle Jan 2, 2021
      Day#2: #raceryaddiction intensifies. Have a nice run / walk!
    • Iowafarmwife Jan 1, 2021
      Hi all, this is my first Racery. Is there a way to link a tracker or do we just post a screen shot? I logged my miles manually today with a Garmin screenshot.
      Post a screenshot in your upload ☺️
      @PinkFlamingo91 thank you!
    • A-ChaoticPuff Jan 1, 2021
      Hooray for a full year of Racery. I hope 2021 is kind to each and every one of you 💛🖤
    • Sarelle Jan 1, 2021
      HNY! I am excited to see what I am able to do with this year-long racery. I look forward to running/walking/jogging with you all. You rock!! 💛✨
    • HeldineA Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New Year! Excited to re-visit New Zealand virtually with all of you! <3
    • Barbarita Jan 1, 2021
      For those in the Great Hall, Brian hosted his first FanCast for this event!
    • AslanClaw Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New Year to All! <3 Love, Health, Happiness and All the Support on All Your Goals! <3
    • Barbarita Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New YEAR! Lets start this one off right!!
    • CrazyDutchgirl Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New Year everybody!!!
    • Turgle Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New Year! So many familiar and so many new faces. 😀💛💚💙❤
    • GoGoBootGirl Jan 1, 2021
      Have we spotted any marsupials yet?! I need to stop and pet them all?!
      No but I got the finger at mile 1.13
      Oh my that’s funny 😆
    • KTeaSpoonie Jan 1, 2021
      Happy New Year to you all!
    • MidwifeTCoffee Dec 30, 2020
      What "approved trackers" are people using for this race? My previous Racery events haven't required one. I've been mapping my routes on MapMyRun and using that mileage.
      As long as your tracker shows date, duration, and distance - you should be good to go.
      I do a combination of Gain, Fitbit and MapMyRun... whatever tracks the most and battery doesn’t die wins!
      Garmin... stupid autocorrect next thing you know it will Start seeing ducks again
      I use Nike Run Club!
      I'm using Nike Run Club b/c they have an Apple Watch app and Atlas Go.
      I generally use my Apple Watch but before I had one I used Nike run club for all events.
      I didn’t think we posted a DDD/PPP anywhere for this one. Was there a separate Facebook group made for all the Fans Run The World 2021? If so, I didn’t get the memo.
      Your DDD/PPP gets posted here on Racery when you log those miles in no separate FB group.
      @Sarelle @KivaDiva et al.: Thank you all! I was going off of rule #4 specific to this event about using an approved tracker (but only for Fanthropy, which I didn't know if I had to be in). I just used Runkeeper and it worked fine. I'd prefer to post pictures of rivers and mountains and interesting things about the workout...
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    's Log

    About + Join

    • From: Hobbiton, New Zealand
    • To: Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand
    • Start date: January 1, 2021
    • End date: December 31, 2021
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 365 miles
    • Total logged: 337,092.1 miles
    Join us as we run through New Zealand, celebrating our love of Fandom all year long!

    The $70 registration fee (reduced from $85 since we are half way+ through the year) includes access to Fans Run the World 2021, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2021.

    The Fans Run The World Event Medal: 

    Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2021. Watch your own progress on the map of New Zealand. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2022!

    We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    1. Only log intentional miles on foot, by walking, running, using treadmills or elliptical machines.

    2. Minimum distance allowed is 0.5 miles per session. 

    3. Maximum daily distance allowed is 15 miles.

      • Exception: if you participate in a live event with a timed official bib that is more than 15 miles, you may submit the entire race mileage. 

      • Exception: if you are training for a marathon or ultramarathon, please send an email for directions on how to manage this exception to

    4. For Fanthropy Runners: Please upload your "proof of miles" with each exercise session you submit. When logging your activity, click on the camera icon to upload your screenshot. Each "proof of miles" screenshot needs to be from a tracker that includes the distance (how far you went), the duration (how long it took), and the date. 

    5. Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day, on the day you earn them -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.

    6. If you finish the 365-mile route early, keep logging to become an ultramarathoner! Keep running through 12/31/2021!

    7. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on December 31, 2021 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.

    8. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends, and fellow fanthropists.

    Questions? Write!
    No mileage submitted yet.