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    This race ended 12/31/19 - check out the final activity below.

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    This race ended 12/31/19 - check out the final activity here.

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • del_6Ut7cw Dec 29, 2019
      Hahahahaha. Never mind my last post. It’s fixed!! Congrats to everyone who finished!! I finished last week! I’m in disbelief!! Already signed up for 2020 challenge :)
    • del_6Ut7cw Dec 29, 2019
      I went log my run but is only in 2020 year?? Won’t let me put in 2019?? Keeps saying this in in the future. Hahahahaha. I know. But when I press 2019 it reverts right to 2020
    • Alterreal63 Dec 2, 2019
      I just finished my 1200 Invincible Race 2019. So excited. Looking forward to signing up for 2020
    • del_4q8pfA Dec 2, 2019
      How do I sign up for 1200 Invincible Race 2020? My sister would also like to join.
    • Trigirl169 Oct 16, 2019
      For all those who have completed the challenge congratulations & awesome job!!! Been a rough spring/summer/fall. Husband's health took priority - he's made a full recovery!! House renovations are nearing completion and yes both things were going on at the same time. I am finally starting to find some balance with work and working out now that my husband has returned to full time status. Just need the last few items checked off to complete the renovations. I don't log in daily as y'all can tell. Doesn't mean I'm not cheering y'all on from a far because I am. Setting goals and signing up for new challenges for myself. :) Stay tuned and keep it up invincibles !!!
    • Beerlady Oct 5, 2019
      Are there any year-long challenges planned for 2020? I'm a walker, and I want to do another one like I did in 2018 and 2019.
    • Dragonesque Sept 6, 2019
      Why in the new app update doi no longer get street view? Is there a remedy?
      working on this with the next app update :)!!
    • del_4q8pfA Sept 3, 2019
      It takes a very, very long time to log my activity on my laptop. I cannot log into my app because my passcode is alphanumerical. I keep clicking for a new passcode but I do not get the email. Please send me suggestions. TY
      Hey there! Happy to help :) Just regenerated a new passcode for you. If you're not sure where the email is going, check your "all mail" and "spam" folders :)!!
    • TheGeneral Sept 2, 2019
      I messed up with my August tracking and need to delete one activity, I have seen that if I click on the down arrow by the date of the activity it should show share but also should show an option to delete but it doesn't show on the dates I need to edit, is there a way to go back to early August?
    • Field July 31, 2019
      Hey keep doing your best
    • SEAR July 12, 2019
      Is it possible to edit a logged activity?
      Copied from that page: What if I submit wrong data or need to edit/delete an activity log? Your fingers slipped and you added 50 miles (or 500 minutes!) instead of 10?! It happens! You can delete any activity log by clicking the “v” icon that appears in the top right corner of all your logs in activity feeds everywhere on the site. After you click the "v" icon, you’ll see the option to Share Link, Share on Facebook, or Delete activity. You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to delete your activity, and, VOILA, your miles will be deleted.
    • Abeo May 16, 2019
      I just entered all my activities for March through present....whew! Now, I plan to enter consistently
    • aporommel May 9, 2019
      How long will overseas entitlements arrive?
      Please email administrator@runmotivators... if you have questions about rewards packs.
    • Phairenthoi Mar 13, 2019
      I have been uploading regularly in RMR but not in racery. Is it ok if I upload my distance for the month of Jan, Feb and march?
      Yes -- you may not be able to back date it that far though. If it doesn't accept the dates, you can just log it on a current date. Please note that neither log is mandatory, so you can log however you'd like.
    • Llamas1983 Feb 21, 2019
      What happens for all the super motivated people who already are finished with the race??? Do they circle back to pick the rest of us up? Or do they just start lapping us?
      Probably start lapping us or maybe can help pick us up ...
    • Bamd Feb 19, 2019
      Think this is my last ... ppl cheat on here
      don't pay attention. the challenge is only for yourself.
      @Dan73 ok ... I won’t pay attention ?
      This is to challenge yourself and not others. If they cheat, who cares
      It is a little frustrating when you see people are already done and it hasn’t even been 3 months. Do they not work? Also I feel runners and bike riders should be separate as it way the hell easier to ride 40 k then to run it. Just my opinion though
      There is an option to convert biking miles to running miles, but not everyone has the same goals and may not choose that option. In the end, you are your only competitor. This is just for fun. It's not a race and there are no actual winners. This is about getting fit and keeping up with a regular fitness routine. The point is for you to be able to see how far YOU have progressed.
      This is just for fun... it's not a real race. There are no winners. The only competitor you have is yourself. If you are intimidated by the Racery feature, it is not mandatory to use it. You can keep track however you'd like.
    • AliCatandWillow Feb 16, 2019
      Are there any other South African's participating in this Challenge?
    • Bounds Feb 13, 2019
      Been a rough couple weeks getting over pneumonia hoping I’ll be able to start training again next week. ?
      feel better soon!
    • MJ711 Feb 12, 2019
      Im looking for copies of the monthly tracker fir the 1200 mile challenge.
      They are in the event's Facebook group under the Files tab.
    • Trigirl169 Feb 11, 2019
      Been quiet lately due to vacation and work schedules. Listened to my body and rested - had an awesome run yesterday first one in about 3 weeks - did some weights and aerobics today. Hopefully the weather cooperates tomorrow morning and will attempt a mini brick workout bike/run. Fingers crossed!
    • AwesomeAsa Feb 9, 2019
      Just updated my log! Wow! Looking at the map I can feel the mountains we are climbing and still have in front of us. So appropriate for my workouts right now. How funny is that? Can wait for the low lands to come... LOL
    • NiaS Feb 5, 2019
      Where do I get the February sheet ?? Thanks
      In the Facebook group under the Files tab.
    • Ddeal Jan 24, 2019
      I has been logging my miles on the run motivators. I just found this race yesterday . I’ve walked over 50 miles . Can I add those all at once to get caught up on this ??
      Yes. :) Any miles from Jan 1 count.
    • Abeo Jan 24, 2019
      How can I see all of my activities? I cannot remember the last day I logged in
      I found it!
      Glad you were able to find it!
    • Suds Jan 20, 2019
      I have been logging minutes for stationary bike time instead of actual miles. I notice the leaders are logging stationary bike time in miles. Which is right? .....Rob
      Hey there! It's totally up to you. See the About Tab for more information on optional conversions :)!!
    • KarlaL Jan 17, 2019
      Is there a way to follow a friend that registered with me, but we're running individual races. Not as a team? :-)
      There's no way to follow someone at this time BUT it's super easy to create your own group. Just add the same Group hashtag to your Bios and then you'll be able to see each other's progress by clicking your Group at the top of the Athletes tab :)
    • Udeni666 Jan 14, 2019
      The date in my log is wrong and when I select the present date I get a message saying that I'm selecting a date in the future . How do I correct this pls
      RunMo Racery is based on US times so it will not match your time zone, unfortunately. You may need to log the date prior to your actual run date. Craigy
      Thank you
    • ShePink Jan 14, 2019
      Why can I add 10 miles of cycling? My time equates to fewer miles than I actually covered.
      Racery is based on US times so it will not match your time zone, unfortunately. You may need to log the date prior to your actual run date.
      Please excuse the prior comment. To enter exact miles, use the run/walk option. All other options are for the purpose of conversion to running miles.
    • Craigy Jan 12, 2019
      How do I add my friend who registered with me to my team #GandC2gether
      Just use the hashtag to log your miles together. Give him the copy of your email you got from us so he can sign up.
      @RunMo which email I have recieved almost 10 emails.
      If he does not have Racery access yet, you need to give him the one with the directions to get on Racery.
    • Trigirl169 Jan 9, 2019
      So I submitted my activity for our bike ride - rode about 10 miles on Sunday - didn't calculate correctly on this - only registered maybe a mile? Kayaking have no issue with - but cycling - those are different miles - especially on days when I go long distances by myself - why can't I put down miles versus minutes? All miles count for this journey shouldn't just be running/walking that counts in miles or kilometers.
      Hi!! All activity selections are an OPTIONAL conversion method that will convert other activities to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage for ANY activity, simply use the Running/Walking option. The conversions are for the benefit of those that don't have trackers :) See the About Section for more information.
    • drakos Jan 9, 2019
      while I'm doing in 50 minutes 18 miles or 29 kilometers showing me that I only do 4.2 miles. why?
      Hi!! All activity selections are an OPTIONAL conversion method that will convert other activities to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage for ANY activity, simply use the Running/Walking option. The conversions are for the benefit of those that don't have trackers :) See the About Section for more information.
    • RunMo Jan 8, 2019
      First week done! How did everyone do??
      Off to a good start! Just trying to keep the momentum going. I like how the Challenge motivates me to do at least a little bit every day! :)
    • Crity Jan 7, 2019
      Question: I didn’t get a run walk in today. But I did a high impact step class giving me about 3 miles in step class and or 6500 steps. Does this count? Or should I not count this?
      Of course it counts. All steps regardless of how achieved count.
    • Dragonesque Jan 7, 2019
      Why is my map in Florida not France?
      You have two maps -- the group map and your own personal map. The group map is in Europe. The personal map is a trek across the US. It's just another way to monitor your overall progress.
      @RunMo Is there a map for Canada that I could use rather than the US?
      No. These are the Racery settings.
      Thanks for your reply, it never hurts to ask. I am still enjoying the challenge and mostly I'm looking at the group map anyway.
    • SallyFK Jan 7, 2019
      How come on the first couple of days I could log bike rides as miles/kms but now only in minutes. Strava says I did 9.7 miles in 56 minutes but if I log 56 minutes on here it only gives me 4.5 miles. I could just log it as a run but it just seems odd that it’s changed. Really enjoying it though! Thanks for the motivation!
      Sorry! Should have read replies to other comments first! Question answered already!
    • GMoney Jan 6, 2019
      Having a blast with all this! Very cool way to stay motivated. Everyone keep up the good work and thanks to the admins for being so helpful!
    • Bounds Jan 6, 2019
      Exellent job to everyone keep putting that first step forward!!!
    • Albita Jan 6, 2019
      I logged the previous mileage through my cellular but unfortunately it is not working properly today and I entered the information through the computer. I just want to make sure I have a total of 30.13 miles since I started last January 2, 2019. Have a wonderful day!
      I don’t see your total for some reason
      Hi! I'm only seeing .7 miles logged. Shoot me an email at if you continue to have issues -- happy to help!
      Checking back in :) On your .7 mile log, it looks like you posted 7 miles in minutes instead of choosing the exact mileage option. You can delete the incorrect log yourself at any time. Again feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any continued questions/issues!!
    • RunMo Jan 5, 2019
      ANOTHER REMINDER!!!! All activity selections are an OPTIONAL conversion method that will convert other activities to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage for ANY activity, simply use the Running/Walking option. The conversions are for the benefit of those that don't have trackers :) See the About Section for more information.
    • Bamd Jan 5, 2019
      Yeah I totally agree was so much better before..
      All activity selections are an OPTIONAL conversion method that will convert other activities to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage for ANY activity, simply use the Running/Walking option. The conversions are for the benefit of those that don't have trackers :) See the About Section for more information. RunMo
    • Mirfxp Jan 5, 2019
      Didn't like the new way to log the distances., cause it translate minutes in miles and its not accurate.. Its better if we can put the miles, yards or meters, I think the time is irrelevant in this challenge and distances and time depends in athlete pace
      The cycling activity selection is an OPTIONAL conversion that will convert cycling to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage, use the Running/Walking option :) See the About Section for more information. RunMo
    • Mirfxp Jan 5, 2019
      Didn't like the new way to log the distances., cause it translate minutes in miles and its not accurated.. Its better if we can put the miles, yards or meters, I think the time is irrelevant in this challenge and distances and time depends in athlete pace
      The cycling activity selection is an OPTIONAL conversion that will convert cycling to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage, use the Running/Walking option :) See the About Section for more information. RunMo
    • BobbyReen Jan 5, 2019
      Hey Admin .... we biked a vigorous 25 miles today and the moderate biking of 90 mins translated to 7.2 miles ..... that’s a downer .... should the biking not be changed actual distance travelled ..... 25 miles becoming 7.2 is not motivating for sure .......
      The cycling activity selection is an OPTIONAL conversion that will convert cycling to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage, use the Running/Walking option :) See the About Section for more information. RunMo
    • Coffee Jan 5, 2019
      I was wondering where did people get the calendars they are colouring in with all their miles? It would be great to have something like that on my wall to motivate me and my family to keep moving. This group is amazing and very inspirational.
      You can locate it on the 1200 Facebook group, in the files tab at the top.
      @Mantooth Thank you ?
    • Janeravn Jan 4, 2019
      Is it possible to add "favorite" participants to a list, to follow friends in the challenge..??
      Not at this time but I LOVE that idea!! I'll bring it up with the rest of the Racery team :)
      OH! Idea!!! You and your friends can create your own group. Just add the same Group hashtag to your Bios and then you'll be able to see each other's progress by clicking your Group at the top of the Athletes tab :)
      @RaceryKayla Thanks We will try that
    • Jonesy Jan 4, 2019
      Everybody is doing great! I wake up and see how many miles others have logged and it motivates me to get going. Thanks!
    • NiaS Jan 4, 2019
      So just to clarify - I can log all my miles here only -? The is the most convenient way .
      I hope so cos this is where I'm logging mine!
      Yes! All logging is optional, and you can choose to log anywhere and any way you'd like :)
    • NTboy65 Jan 4, 2019
      How come my bike session is converted to minutes and not kilometers?
      Hi! It's submitted in minutes and converted to miles. Keep in mind that is an OPTIONAL conversion selection that will convert cycling to running/walking miles. If you'd like continue submitting in EXACT mileage, use the Running/Walking option :) See the About Section for more information.
    • RunMo Jan 3, 2019
      The log has been updated so that you can convert other activities to running miles. If you prefer to enter your data in exact mileage, please select the "Running/walking" option to do so.
      Additional information about the race guidelines and optional conversions can be found in the About + Join tab :)
    • semia Jan 3, 2019
      I didn't realize this wasn't just for runners?!!!
      If you signed up through Run Motivators, it is listed in the event description, our Facebook ads, and directly on the 1200 Mile Challenge page as well as in the "About" section here on Racery. Run, walk, bike, hike, row.
      @RunMo thanks! In the past, I've only seen runners on my Racery Treks.
      We are an all-ability friendly company that permits other activities. We feel this also is important as it promotes cross training, which will help to prevent overuse injuries.
      @RunMo well said, thanks!
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    • From: Paris, France
    • To: Rome, Italy
    • Start date: January 1, 2019
    • End date: December 31, 2019
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 1,200 miles
    • Total logged: 412,620.1 miles
    Welcome to the INVINCIBLE 1200 Miles in 2019 Challenge hosted by Run Motivators!

    Run Motivators is an all-inclusive community. We encourage participants from all walks of life, all ages, and all abilities to participate by whatever means their bodies enable them to do so. Our events include everyone from beginners to seasoned marathoners to individuals in wheel chairs that hand cycle their miles.

    We emphasize the "what I CAN do", not the "what I can't", and this has motivated thousands of people to get off the couch, be active, and STAY active. We take pride in the positive, supportive, judgement-free communities that we have created. We hope you enjoy this personal challenge and that it gets you up and moving!!

    You can complete activity anyway and anywhere you want. Log on the race page and watch your own progress on the map from Paris to Rome with others in the Run Motivator Group!

    Catch a Google Street View of your current spot and cheer on your real fellow challengers with comments on their posts!

    We've got challengers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
    1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
    2. In addition to running and walking, you may also cycle, swim, or row your miles. You do NOT have to convert those miles to running miles, but may do so if that is your preference -- simply select your desired activity option when logging miles and how many minutes you did that activity. The software will automatically convert to running/walking miles. **If you do not want to convert, please select the Running/Walking activity. .
    3. On top of the specific activities listed in #3, you may choose to record other types of activity. Please select one of the general activity options (moderate of vigorous) and input how many minutes you did that activity. The software will automatically convert to running/walking miles.
    4. Only intentional miles please!
    5. Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.
    6. Please only backdate mileage for a race up to two weeks in the past.
    7. Miles submitted after the race ends on December 31st, 2019 at 11:59:59EST will not count toward race leaderboards.
    8. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.

    **Note: All optional conversions are based on a translation of steps into hour/mile. For example, an hour of cycling will register as 4.83 miles on the route, while the same period of swimming will register as 5.14 miles. If you use a step counter while you are intentionally walking or running, just enter those as steps and we’ll convert them too!

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