Memorial Day
Donate ($6,720 raised) updated 6:05PM
Top groups:
1.#brownadvisory 105 racers × $59.48 avg = $6,245
2.#baltimore 7 racers × $55.24 avg = $386.67
3.#wearblueruntoremember 7 racers × $21.43 avg = $150
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Top fundraisers:
1.Brett Gibson $1,000
2.Sanjeev Joshi $425
3.Teague Avey $231.36
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Top contributors:
1.Bruce Whelihan $1,000
2.David Schuster $700
3.Teague Avey $200
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Small-Cap Squad $1,580
2.DC Run2Remember $1,000
3.B-ATeam $905
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Latest contributions:
Small-Cap Squad May 28, 2021
Small-Cap Squad May 26, 2021
VASquad May 25, 2021
DC Run2Remember May 25, 2021
VASquad May 25, 2021
NeverQuit May 24, 2021
Small-Cap Squad May 19, 2021
Small-Cap Squad May 18, 2021
Small-Cap Squad May 18, 2021
Team LCIA May 10, 2021
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Teams updated 6:05PM
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1.#brownadvisory 105 racers × 21.0 avg = 2204 miles
2.#baltimore 7 racers × 20.5 avg = 143 miles
3.#wearblueruntoremember 7 racers × 11.6 avg = 81 miles
4.#washington 3 racers × 7.4 avg = 22 miles
5.#piestewachallenge 2 racers × 3.2 avg = 6 miles
6.#addagroup 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
1.Small-Cap Squad Finished
2.Team LCIA Finished
3.B-ATeam Finished
4.BostonRemembers Finished
5.VASquad Finished
6.BostonTeam2 199.0 miles
7.VA B-Team 164.8 miles
8.NeverQuit 148.8 miles
9.B-More MD 129.0 miles
10.Did You Restart 113.0 miles
11.wear blue squad 81.2 miles
12.fitNICE 68.3 miles
13.Money Moves 65.9 miles
14.DC Run2Remember 21.0 miles
1.Team LCIA 304.1 miles
2.BostonRemembers 273.5 miles
3.Small-Cap Squad 259.8 miles
4.B-ATeam 255.5 miles
5.VASquad 253.4 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (115) updated 6:05PM
1.Oke 77.0 miles
2.AJG 67.6 miles
3.J-Coleman 62.1 miles
4.RRRRWWWW 60.7 miles
5.SarahPenne 55.4 miles
6.abonner 54.3 miles
7.AliBayler 52.1 miles
8.Sanjeev 50.6 miles
9.BWoodland 50.5 miles
10.JWang 48.6 miles
11.cchandler 48.2 miles
12.LindsMcD 43.1 miles
13.Holcombe 42.0 miles
14.EmyM 39.8 miles
15.smeehan2000 38.9 miles
16.KBHF12 34.5 miles
17.JFerg 33.8 miles
18.Greenspan 33.5 miles
19.ashleyoliveira 32.1 miles
20.Kearns 32.0 miles
21.B-Gordon 31.8 miles
22.RedBadge 30.4 miles
23._KK 29.8 miles
24.SAMooney 28.7 miles
25.Dave_Ely 27.4 miles
26.DeNuto 26.8 miles
27.Melynda 26.3 miles
28.Chudy 25.9 miles
29.CareyTaylor914 25.3 miles
30.JKnightBrown 25.2 miles
31.BrandonParrish 25.1 miles
32.Leary 25.1 miles
33.CKR 24.8 miles
34.SKhazaeli 24.1 miles
35.Pmahone2 24.0 miles
36.GinaFalzone 23.9 miles
37.ESJ 23.9 miles
38.Pierce 23.6 miles
39.kgoldman 23.5 miles
40.Gungagalungala 23.2 miles
41.FastFeet 23.0 miles
42.KevShark 22.5 miles
43.KFunk 22.3 miles
44.CBerrier 22.0 miles
45.Kanned 22.0 miles
46.CLarsen 21.6 miles
47.AngW 20.0 miles
48.BCobb 20.0 miles
49.AKing 19.5 miles
50.CBSF 19.4 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity updated 6:05PM
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: One World Trade Center
- To: The Pentagon
- Start date: May 24, 2021
- End date: May 31, 2021
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 230 miles
- Total logged: 2,337.4 miles

This Memorial Day, Brown Advisory and wear blue: run to remember come together to actively honor our nation’s fallen military heroes.
From May 24 through May 30, in teams of up to 12, we will run, bike, and swim our way from One World Trade Center to the Pentagon - a total of 230 miles. During this time, each of us will be matched up with the name of a fallen service member to add additional purpose to our steps.
Although we are working together as teams and as a firm, we are also part of a larger effort. wear blue: run to remember is seeking to ensure each of our nation’s 65,502 service members who have given their lives since the first days of the Vietnam War through the present day are spoken for on Memorial Day.
The median age of a Vietnam veteran is 74-years old. We must recognize the critical moment before us and collectively honor this generation’s fallen service members within their lifetime.
Our steps will ensure that generations of names are spoken, stories learned, and legacies honored, from PFC Dan Bullock who, at 15 years-old became the youngest American killed in the Vietnam War, to SCPO Shannon Kent, a talented linguist who was a casualty of our most recent conflict.
This Memorial Day, remembrance of these men and women is our solemn obligation.
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