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Support wear blue: run to remember!

Raised: $6,720
Contributors: 78

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              This race ended 05/31/21 - check out the final activity below.

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                  • Nikraven wear blue squad May 28, 2021
                    My fallen hero is 19 year old US Army Cpl Casey Mellen of Huachuca City, AZ. He was assigned to 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), Fort Lewis, Wash.; died Sept. 25 in Balad, Iraq, of injuries sustained when his mounted patrol came in contact with enemy forces using small-arms fire during combat operations in Mosul, Iraq. I will run purposeful miles for Casey and 3 other personal names that I run for everyday.
                  • Melynda wear blue squad May 28, 2021
                    @LindsMcD we are so glad you saw the wear blue interview on Wavy News 10! We would be honored to have those Brown Advisory members who can join us in Williamsburg on Monday for a Circle of Remembrance and run. Kyle, the local leader, is actually my husband :)
                    My family and I will be there! Sending a message to our Virginia team members now. :) I can’t wait to meet you.
                  • JanaRoss wear blue squad May 27, 2021
                    I'm running in honor of United States Marine Corps 1LT Dennis Frederick Grace, killed in the Vietnam War on 11/3/1970. To learn more about 1LT Dennis Frederick Grace and his story @
                  • Melynda wear blue squad May 27, 2021
                    Have you received your Hero Match? I was given the honor of carrying LCPL Garry Price Owen. He gave his life in service in the Vietnam war. This website gave me the most information about him:
                    I was given Army Specialist Kimball Branden Tyme, killed in Bagram on February 12, 2020. Thank you!
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                      About + Join

                      • From: One World Trade Center
                      • To: The Pentagon
                      • Start date: May 24, 2021
                      • End date: May 31, 2021
                      • 0:00
                      • 23:59
                      • Route distance: 230 miles
                      • Total logged: 2,337.4 miles

                      This Memorial Day,  Brown Advisory and wear blue: run to remember come together to actively honor our nation’s fallen military heroes. 

                      From May 24 through May 30, in teams of up to 12, we will run, bike, and swim our way from One World Trade Center to the Pentagon - a total of 230 miles. During this time, each of us will be matched up with the name of a fallen service member to add additional purpose to our steps. 

                      Although we are working together as teams and as a firm, we are also part of a larger effort. wear blue: run to remember is seeking to ensure each of our nation’s 65,502 service members who have given their lives since the first days of the Vietnam War through the present day are spoken for on Memorial Day. 

                      The median age of a Vietnam veteran is 74-years old. We must recognize the critical moment before us and collectively honor this generation’s fallen service members within their lifetime. 

                      Our steps will ensure that generations of names are spoken, stories learned, and legacies honored, from PFC Dan Bullock who, at 15 years-old became the youngest American killed in the Vietnam War, to SCPO Shannon Kent, a talented linguist who was a casualty of our most recent conflict.

                      This Memorial Day, remembrance of these men and women is our solemn obligation.

                      No mileage submitted yet.