Fundraising ($90 raised)
Top groups:
1.#pressflex 2 racers × $35 avg = $70
2.#b888 1 racers × $70 avg = $70
3.#blogads 6 racers × $1.67 avg = $10
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Top fundraisers:
1.Kristóf Stróbl $70
2.Zsolt Reményi $10
3.Zsolt Remenyi 103 $10
Top contributors:
1.Kristóf kik $50
2.hano grimm $20
3.Zsolt Remenyi $10
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Latest contributions:
zsolttest103 July 19, 2016
remecz Mar 7, 2016
kristofstrobl Jan 26, 2016
kristofstrobl Jan 26, 2016
kristofstrobl Jan 5, 2016
kristofstrobl Dec 28, 2015
kristofstrobl Dec 21, 2015
kristofstrobl Dec 13, 2015
kristofstrobl Dec 7, 2015
Runners (63)
Total Progress:
All groups:
… >>
1.#blogads 6 racers × 126.5 avg = 759 miles
2.#pressflex 2 racers × 268.3 avg = 537 miles
3.#budapest 2 racers × 179.3 avg = 359 miles
4.#b888 1 racers × 214.5 avg = 214 miles
5.#racery 5 racers × 12.2 avg = 61 miles
6.#indiana 2 racers × 20.6 avg = 41 miles
7.#loudloudloud 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
8.#test_one_two_three 0 racers × 0.0 avg = 0 miles
1.hanogrimm Finished
2.zsolttest001 Finished
3.remecz Finished
4.zsolttest12 Finished
5.kristofstrobl 214.5 miles
6.RacerySupport 41.3 miles
7.zstest20181120 34.1 miles
8.hbot10nick 31.0 miles
9.zsolttestbiburl 31.0 miles
10.zsolttestblings 20.0 miles
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About + Join
- From: Empire State Building
- To: The White House
- Start date: May 10, 2020
- End date: December 31, 2021
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Total logged: 2,541.9 miles
Start on top of Cadillac in Acadia, the highest point on the US Atlantic coast, and the first place in the US to see the sunrise between October 7 and March 6. Then run the Mount Desert Island Marathon and Half Marathon route, and head north for the Millinocket Marathon and Half route. Finish atop Katahdin, the highest peak in Maine and the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. Wherever you are in the world, you can participate virtually by running or walking and logging your miles, and watch your avatar move along on a map of the 200-mile route from Cadillac to Katahdin, including the routes of the MDI and Millinocket Marathon and Half Marathon.
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© 2025 Pressflex LLC
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