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(team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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        Athletes updated 1:31AM 



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          Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.

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        (team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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              Recent Activity updated 1:31AM 

              This race ended 03/30/24 - check out the final activity below.

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              • leon Funsterism Mar 30, 2024
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
                 Longest personal exercise of this race.
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              (team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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                  This race ended 03/30/24 - check out the final activity here.

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                  (team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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                      About + Join

                      • From: Hopi Reservation
                      • To: Piestewa Peak
                      • Start date: March 23, 2024
                      • End date: March 30, 2024
                      • 0:00
                      • 0:24
                      • Route distance: 200 miles
                      • Total logged: 1.0 miles

                      Build a team of up to 8 participants or join one of our wear blue teams (# sqd wear blue) as an individual and collectively move 200 miles in honor of women who have given their lives in military service.
                      Your team will virtually move from the Hopi Reservation to Piestewa Peak, with each mile dedicated to the courage and sacrifice of an American Hero.
                      The Piestewa Challenge honors the 179 women who have given their lives in combat operations around the globe since 9/11, 177 of whom died during the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Campaign, as well as ALL women who have died while in service to our nation. This effort is inspired by the sacrifice of SPC Lori Ann Piestewa. SPC Piestewa is the first Native American woman service member to be killed in combat on foreign soil, as well as the first female service member killed in Iraq.
                      Launching on 23 March 2024, we invite our community to create teams of 8 and collectively move 200 miles through 29 March to honor the lives of ALL women who died while in service.
                      If you are re-joining us for the 2024 Piestewa Challenge, you will see that we adjusted the mileage for our event from 177 to 200 miles. The additional 23 miles symbolize the 23 years since the beginning of combat operations following 9/11. Each additional mile represents all women who died while serving our nation during each of those 23 years. wear blue supports families of all fallen service members, and honors all those who wear a uniform, regardless of the manner in which they lost their lives.
                      Each mile of activity will honor the women who made the ultimate sacrifice, celebrate the women who died during service, and unite our community with a shared effort of purpose, health, and connection. Thank you for being a part of this community, and specifically this challenge.
                      #wearblueruntoremember #piestewachallenge
                      No mileage submitted yet.