
Athletes (4,297)

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#olemiss×93, #hawaiidoh×92, #centurylink×86, #polkcountyschools×68, #madisoncollege×61, #sarasotacountyschools×57, #raymorepeculiarschooldistrict×56, #schneck×56, #bismarckstatecollege×48, #cravenstrong×46, #ampholidaychallenge×44, #charlottecowellnessatwork×43, #vilascounty×42, #cityofwilson×35, #columbiahamiltoncounties×35, #dohmarion×33, #fdohjeffersonmadison×31, #schooldistrictofjefferson×29, #waupunschooldistrict×28, #unityhealth×27, #vidantbc×27, #wwo×25, #dunncounty×24, #saukcounty×23, #seminolecountygov×21, #wsdot×21, #southernionics×20, #westallis×20, #childserve×19, #fitoneweightlosschallenge×18, #steubenco×18, #cityofriverfalls×17, #sphp×17, #cityofsanangelo×16, #dohcolumbiahamilton×16, #naroofing×16, #ecmhsp×15, #employeebenefitfunds×15, #ihcrc×15, #jeffersoncohealthdept×15, #morganproperties×15, #stlukeshealthsystem×15, #ladlake×14, #lewisandclarkcounty×14, #marshallcountyky×14, #michigantech×14, #thighsb4pies×14, #expectopatrorun×13, #balancedwellness×12, #dohpasco×12, #eastportholdings×12, #livewellcms×12, #missionhealthhealthyweight×12, #riversideelectronics×12, #warnersstellian×12, #fredcchurch×11, #lickingcohealthdept×11, #gckschools×10, #johnsonhardwarecollc×10, #pikecoschoolcorp×10, #signetjewelers×10, #tenangels×10, #cityofknoxville×9, #employerscouncil×9, #lccu×9, #pheinc×9, #southwesterncommunitycollege×9, #thedacare×9, #cccc×8, #citruscounty×8, #eua×8, #minutemannashobahealth×8, #associatedbank×7, #hwmpax×7, #pattersonpope×7, #riverstonehealth×7, #stlhealthyfriends×7, #wilsonnc×7, #azdhs×6, #bmb×6, #carolinapanthersfans×6, #easttroyschools×6, #gapgi×6, #haywoodcounty×6, #hillsboroughcopublicschools×6, #hrc×6, #phnb×6, #tucsonoffice×6, #dohpascoinparis×5, #foreverfehling×5, #lhindustries×5, #nutrien×5, #oldcolonyymca×5, #raleighalumnaedst×5, #stillwaterbillingsclinic×5, #arkansasdepartmentofhealth×4, #azbentons×4, #beckercommunitycenter×4, #jocogov×4, #kentcountymi×4, #northporthigh×4, #rpsfacilities×4, #saukprairiehealthcare×4, #slneurology×4, #steubencounty×4, #traviscounty×4, #ummc×4, #walkandroll×4, #wrc×4, #wthreeinsurance×4, #wyomingdepartmentofhealth×4, #2021frc×3, #2021phrc×3, #2021wrc×3, #3sisters×3, #activemarionproject×3, #apples×3, #artmovements×3, #bighornvalleyhc×3, #bylfitandrec×3, #challenge×3, #college×3, #crosscountrymortgage×3, #diplomat×3, #ehonphn×3, #health×3, #heartandsoleofwellnessteam×3, #heartthrobs×3, #hendersoncountync×3, #heritagehealth×3, #holidayhustlers×3, #kcva×3, #meadowbrookelementary×3, #nvdhhs×3, #payingforthepie×3, #phrc×3, #ravenclaw×3, #redlandscc×3, #redriverfamilymedicine×3, #runscript×3, #slsleeplab×3, #thetrevitrotters×3, #uf×3, #walkthisway×3, #westallishealthdept×3, #2018dohbrevard×2, #2021phrcravenclaw×2, #acrsupply×2, #adhs×2, #affirmative×2, #campanella×2, #charlottecountywellnessatwork×2, #cogandgucwellnessprogram×2, #community×2, #county×2, #cscofsouthernhancockcounty×2, #department×2, #dohbrevard×2, #dwindlingdivas×2, #ejpope×2, #epalumni×2, #familiaguzaja×2, #fanfictionaddicts×2, #fitforlife×2, #floridadepartmentofhealthbradford×2, #gsa×2, #gsocdsa×2, #gwcarver×2, #hawaii×2, #healthcaredistrictpalmbeachcounty×2, #hidoh×2, #hivprevention×2, #hogwartsrunningclub×2, #holiday×2, #hrc18ravenclaw×2, #idaho×2, #indianhealthcareresourcecenteroftulsa×2, #it×2, #justawalken×2, #kcstransportationwalkers×2, #krakens×2, #michigantechnologicaluniveristy×2, #michigantechnologicaluniversity×2, #mr×2, #nashcommunitycollege×2, #nc×2, #ncstate×2, #none×2, #northamericanroofingservices×2, #of×2, #okieturkeydokey×2, #oniriskpartners×2, #pima×2, #potterheadrunningclub×2, #public×2, #rebelrunners×2, #redlandscommunitycollege×2, #ren×2, #rexwellness×2, #rexwellnessgarner×2, #riversidemedicalcenter×2, #sbcrehab×2, #schools×2, #selfregionalhospital×2, #sld×2, #solefamily×2, #st×2, #stlhealthyrunners×2, #stlukes×2, #t1×2, #tandg×2, #team_kane×2, #teamchdc×2, #teamkoester×2, #teamolemiss×2, #teamsalty×2, #teamtimelords×2, #treasure×2, #unity×2, #unknown×2, #vadeptofhealth×2, #valley×2, #walkwithhart×2, #waupunschools×2, #wisconsin×2, #wphl×2, #wyoming×2, #wyoshark×2, #yourmortgageguys×2, #alarisencore×1, #andersonsinc×1, #appleton×1, #atiworksitesolutions×1, #beckercity×1, #etf×1, #healthcenterinc×1, #ketteringfairmonthighschool×1, #marinetteschooldistrict×1, #milwaukeeacademyofscience×1, #primeriskpartners×1, #qcentrix×1, #allencountypubliclibrary×0, #atchisoncounty×0, #autosoft×0, #breeze×0, #brookslawgroup×0, #cfcu×0, #cityofraleigh×0, #cityofwilmington×0, #communityhealthclub×0, #customalarm×0, #durhamcountygovernment×0, #edisonstate×0, #ejpopeandson×0, #epestransport×0, #flahertyandcollinsproperties×0, #flemingcounty×0, #kansascityfederalexecutiveboard×0, #kyriverdistricthealthdept×0, #mcleancounty×0, #muhlenbergcounty×0, #neighborhoodhealthclinic×0, #newknoxvillelocalschool×0, #oceanspray×0, #owsleyco×0, #peabodyretirement×0, #pgboxelder×0, #reedsburgambulance×0, #rutlandregional×0, #schuylercounty×0, #snakerivercrossfit×0, #springmoor×0, #thompsonthrift×0, #townofhertford×0, #trinityhealth×0, #upstate×0, #vidanthealth×0 … >>
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Group Mileage Log:

    Recent Activity

    This race ended 12/17/18 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

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    • jtk80 Dec 17, 2018
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
    • SMILE Dec 17, 2018
      1.2 miles
      2500.0 steps of walking = 1.2 miles
    • MamaNini Dec 17, 2018
      2.9 miles
      90.0 minutes of weight lifting = 2.9 miles
    • Learn346 Dec 17, 2018
      7.4 miles
      15604.0 steps of walking = 7.4 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 9.45 miles/day.
    • MamaNini Dec 17, 2018
      4.6 miles
      9800.0 steps of steps = 4.6 miles
       7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 6.47 miles/day.
    • KED Dec 17, 2018
      2.1 miles
      4497.0 steps of walking = 2.1 miles
      - Vail, AZ, USA
       5th Longest personal exercise.
    • CHB Dec 17, 2018
      3.8 miles
      3.8 miles of walking = 3.8 miles
       3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • Sunshine1 Dec 17, 2018
      5.8 miles
      1.0 hour of elliptical trainer = 5.8 mile
    • Bnell Dec 17, 2018
      13.4 miles
      28388.0 steps of steps = 13.4 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 9.86 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.
    • KitKatWalker Dec 17, 2018
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.75 miles/day.
    • qp Dec 17, 2018
      8.5 miles
      18023.0 steps of walking = 8.5 miles
       9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Toby_B Dec 17, 2018
      4.1 miles
      8662.0 steps of walking = 4.1 miles
       3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • CDunning Dec 17, 2018
      5.4 miles
      11306.0 steps of walking = 5.4 miles
       4th Longest personal exercise.
    • CDunning Dec 17, 2018
      2.7 miles
      50.0 minutes of water aerobics = 2.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.40 miles/day.
    • SAL4JC Dec 17, 2018
      3.3 miles
      3.3 miles of walking = 3.3 miles
      - Dunnellon, FL, USA
       7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Angie913 Dec 17, 2018
      1.8 miles
      3805.0 steps of walking = 1.8 miles
    • 4Lynn Dec 17, 2018
      2.6 miles
      5535.0 steps of steps = 2.6 miles
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Toots Dec 17, 2018
      4.0 miles
      8547.0 steps of walking = 4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 4.54 miles/day.  10th Longest personal exercise.
    • del_WwCcIA Dec 17, 2018
      8.3 miles
      17599.0 steps of steps = 8.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 7.81 miles/day.  10th Longest personal exercise.
    • MinHarris Dec 17, 2018
      10.0 miles
      21205.0 steps of walking = 10.0 miles
       3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • JAVrunner Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
    • Tweety1062 Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
    • MinHarris Dec 17, 2018
      3.3 miles
      60.0 minutes of water aerobics = 3.3 miles
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 6.92 miles/day.
    • JAVrunner Dec 17, 2018
      4.2 miles
      45.0 minutes of circuit training = 4.2 miles
       4th Longest personal exercise.
    • Desha Dec 17, 2018
      3.2 miles
      6847.0 steps of walking = 3.2 miles
       7th Longest personal exercise.
    • PumpkinSpice Dec 17, 2018
      5.8 miles
      5.78 miles of walking = 5.8 miles
      #ByeRome #NoMoreHalfPeople #MerryChristmasColumbia-Hamilton
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.43 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • Chatuge Dec 17, 2018
      5.4 miles
      11401.0 steps of walking = 5.4 miles
       3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • mcmother Dec 17, 2018
      1.1 miles
      50.0 minutes of yoga = 1.1 miles
    • Blendermann Dec 17, 2018
      7.2 miles
      15215.0 steps of walking = 7.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 5.20 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • Doune Dec 17, 2018
      7.1 miles
      7.1 miles of walking = 7.1 miles
      Walking and Cardio Dance
       Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 5.37 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.
    • Tweety1062 Dec 17, 2018
      1.3 miles
      2800.0 steps of steps = 1.3 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 3.42 miles/day.
    • mcmother Dec 17, 2018
      3.5 miles
      7300.0 steps of walking = 3.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 2.76 miles/day.  4th Longest personal exercise.
    • Pegasus Dec 17, 2018
      4.5 miles
      45.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 4.5 miles
    • LadyBee Dec 17, 2018
      5.0 miles
      10485.0 steps of walking = 5.0 miles
    • Luddie57 Dec 17, 2018
      5.3 miles
      11250.0 steps of walking = 5.3 miles
       9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 27 days at 7.06 miles/day.
    • Jess213 Dec 17, 2018
      7.3 miles
      15483.0 steps of steps = 7.3 miles
       6th Longest personal exercise.
    • Amyjasper Dec 17, 2018
      2.6 miles
      5576.0 steps of steps = 2.6 miles
       4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • katiel2004 Dec 17, 2018
      2.9 miles
      6149.0 steps of steps = 2.9 miles
       2nd Longest personal exercise.  Finished in 2019th place.
    • Chew Dec 17, 2018
      0.3 miles
      600.0 steps of walking = 0.3 miles
    • Lorilee70 Dec 17, 2018
      4.0 miles
      3.98 miles of walking = 4.0 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise.
    • MRV Dec 17, 2018
      2.6 miles
      2.61 miles of running = 2.6 miles
       4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • AllieK Dec 17, 2018
      5.2 miles
      55.0 minutes of circuit training = 5.2 miles
    • AllieK Dec 17, 2018
      3.4 miles
      35.0 minutes of elliptical trainer = 3.4 miles
       9th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 9.20 miles/day.
    • 1977fun Dec 17, 2018
      1.1 miles
      1.11 miles of walking = 1.1 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Weezer Dec 17, 2018
      2.7 miles
      80.0 minutes of shopping = 2.7 miles
    • Toby_B Dec 17, 2018
      0.9 miles
      10.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 0.9 miles
    • Weezer Dec 17, 2018
      5.0 miles
      62.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 5.0 miles
    • BevCruz Dec 17, 2018
      3.8 miles
      8074.0 steps of walking = 3.8 miles
    • StephanieRose Dec 17, 2018
      2.6 miles
      2.6 miles of walking = 2.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 2.84 miles/day.  8th Longest personal exercise.
    • SAD Dec 17, 2018
      6.9 miles
      14520.0 steps of walking = 6.9 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 28 days at 6.47 miles/day.  9th Longest personal exercise.
    • djkimcheelove Dec 17, 2018
      6.3 miles
      66.0 minutes of elliptical trainer = 6.3 miles
    • Catt Dec 17, 2018
      2.0 miles
      4230.0 steps of steps = 2.0 miles
    • Shela Dec 17, 2018
      7.9 miles
      7.92 miles of walking = 7.9 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 8.87 miles/day.
    • Athena Dec 17, 2018
      3.0 miles
      30.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 3.0 miles
    • Athena Dec 17, 2018
      2.5 miles
      5204.0 steps of steps = 2.5 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 3.12 miles/day.
    • AnaJ Dec 17, 2018
      0.6 miles
      10.0 minutes of bicycling, easy pace = 0.6 miles
       Back after 15 days.  10th Longest personal exercise.
    • Catcher Dec 17, 2018
      3.2 miles
      3.25 miles of walking = 3.2 miles
      Treadmill for 2 miles and walking dog for 1.25 miles.
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 5.31 miles/day.  6th Longest personal exercise.
    • Sharifab Dec 17, 2018
      3.3 miles
      100.0 minutes of shopping = 3.3 miles
       Longest personal exercise.
    • SLO Dec 17, 2018
      2.1 miles
      2.09 miles of walking = 2.1 miles
       4th Longest personal exercise.  Finished in 2016th place.
    • DMPSWM Dec 17, 2018
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
       Passed 65 athletes.
    • Gita Dec 17, 2018
      1.4 miles
      2946.0 steps of steps = 1.4 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.42 miles/day.
    • tdarby Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      30.0 minutes of shopping = 1.0 miles
    • Lyneanay11 Dec 17, 2018
      4.9 miles
      10270.0 steps of steps = 4.9 miles
       9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 6.13 miles/day.
    • Reimer Dec 17, 2018
      5.8 miles
      12304.0 steps of walking = 5.8 miles
       5th Longest personal exercise.
    • LAS Dec 17, 2018
      5.1 miles
      10863.0 steps of walking = 5.1 miles
    • LAS Dec 17, 2018
      0.0 miles
      16.0 steps of walking = 0.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 6.03 miles/day.
    • herbert616 Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
      Walked the dog
       4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 24 athletes.
    • GEM Dec 17, 2018
      0.6 miles
      1305.0 steps of walking = 0.6 miles
       Longest personal exercise.  Passed 41 athletes.
    • Dlehman Dec 17, 2018
      4.5 miles
      9545.0 steps of walking = 4.5 miles
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.19 miles/day.
    • LBHLBH Dec 17, 2018
      2.4 miles
      5011.0 steps of walking = 2.4 miles
       7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 2.17 miles/day.
    • Theresa1955 Dec 17, 2018
      9.4 miles
      19845.0 steps of steps = 9.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 5.05 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.
    • PhatLabrador Dec 17, 2018
      0.0 miles
      2.3 steps of walking = 0.0 miles
    • kldfrench Dec 17, 2018
      3.9 miles
      8133.0 steps of walking = 3.9 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.32 miles/day.
    • SusanD Dec 17, 2018
      1.7 miles
      3563.0 steps of walking = 1.7 miles
       7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Chew Dec 17, 2018
      1.2 miles
      2440.0 steps of walking = 1.2 miles
       9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.10 miles/day.
    • PhatLabrador Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running = 1.0 mile
    • EricS Dec 17, 2018
      2.4 miles
      5000.0 steps of walking = 2.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 2.84 miles/day.
    • momof5 Dec 17, 2018
      23.2 miles
      6.0 hours of children's playground game = 23.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 19.15 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal exercise.
    • Cele Dec 17, 2018
      4.2 miles
      8800.0 steps of steps = 4.2 miles
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 3.50 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal exercise.
    • Baf Dec 17, 2018
      3.3 miles
      3.3 miles of walking = 3.3 miles
      Weather warmed up. Walks melted off. - Rapid City, SD, USA
       3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.55 miles/day.
    • herbert616 Dec 17, 2018
      0.2 miles
      460.0 steps of walking = 0.2 miles
       9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 14 athletes.
    • redmorning Dec 17, 2018
      8.7 miles
      18301.0 steps of walking = 8.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 6.60 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.
    • kingac Dec 17, 2018
      3.6 miles
      3.62 miles of walking = 3.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 2.91 miles/day.  8th Longest personal exercise.
    • halfcrazy Dec 17, 2018
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running = 2.5 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise.
    • Lorilee70 Dec 17, 2018
      6.0 miles
      60.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 6.0 miles
      LesMills Bodypump
    • NoGremlins Dec 17, 2018
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
       6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Jules17 Dec 17, 2018
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of walking = 0.5 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 1.06 miles/day.  Finished in 2015th place.
    • Ltk Dec 17, 2018
      2.0 miles
      4252.0 steps of walking = 2.0 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.18 miles/day.
    • Nikki9513 Dec 17, 2018
      0.5 miles
      0.51 miles of running = 0.5 miles
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Finished in 2014th place.
    • MaryLou Dec 17, 2018
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of walking = 4.0 miles
       Passed 141 athletes.
    • mwg25 Dec 17, 2018
      0.3 miles
      0.34 miles of walking = 0.3 miles
      #flitwickinreallife #expectopatrorun - Shaker Heights, OH, USA
       9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 6 athletes.
    • mwg25 Dec 17, 2018
      3.3 miles
      3.3 miles of running = 3.3 miles
      #flitwickinreallife #expectopatrorun - Mandel Jewish Community Center, South Woodland Road, Beachwood, OH, USA
       3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 88 athletes.
    • Becca2 Dec 17, 2018
      10.0 miles
      4.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 10.0 miles
    • BeagleEarl Dec 17, 2018
      3.9 miles
      8300.0 steps of walking = 3.9 miles
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 13 days at 3.64 miles/day.
    • E-May Dec 17, 2018
      1.5 miles
      30.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, ect.) = 1.5 miles
    • Beanhead1 Dec 17, 2018
      6.6 miles
      6.58 miles of walking = 6.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 5.93 miles/day.  5th Longest personal exercise.
    • PCSandra Dec 17, 2018
      10.0 miles
      5.0 hours of shopping = 10.0 miles
       Longest personal exercise.
    • E-May Dec 17, 2018
      2.8 miles
      30.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 2.8 miles
    • BigCountry Dec 17, 2018
      4.8 miles
      10160.0 steps of walking = 4.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 4.85 miles/day.  7th Longest personal exercise.
    • NCWalker Dec 17, 2018
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
    • see more...
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    This race ended 12/17/18 - check out the final activity here.

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • Fujimotor Dec 19, 2018
      I was motivated to move more, and got to see Rome. Great Fun. Thank You!
    • Justbless Dec 18, 2018
      I've enjoy Rome and my personal challenge. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.
    • BeBe Dec 18, 2018
      The race was a great motivator to keep moving. Thanks!
    • Zaza Dec 18, 2018
      Thank you. It was a lot of fun.
    • Roman_Walker Dec 18, 2018
      Thank you for the great challenge! This is awesome!
    • suecansam Dec 18, 2018
      I was thankful for this challenge to get my focus back on healthy living and consistence exercise and I lost 5lbs. I enjoy seeing everyone all over the world and the different sites in Rome. It was a nice moment. Thanks guys and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.
    • AllieK Dec 18, 2018
      This challenge came at a perfect time for me as it provided extra motivation to eat healthy and increase my workouts. Thanks to all!
    • PCSandra Dec 18, 2018
      Thank you so much for this challenge and opportunity! I surpassed my personal goals. I not only maintained, but I lost weight. This challenge pushed me to schedule exercise versus just focusing on steps. Thank you again!
    • Missjoany Dec 17, 2018
      This was an awesome challenge and kept me motivated. Loved the google pics and encouraging emails and notes from the organizers as well as team mates. Will re-read emails for further motivation. See you again next year.
    • september23 Dec 17, 2018
      This was a fun and engaging challenge! Thanks to all of the organizers. Any and all incentive to better health is welcome.
    • qp Dec 17, 2018
      Thank you - Racery; Eat Smart, Move More and Weight less program and Dr. Stephy Bryant. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
      SO happy to have you in this challenge :) it's been great!
    • Roman_Walker Dec 17, 2018
      Can we enter today's activity tomorrow and have it count or does it need to be entered today?
      yes, u can.
      See my answer in this thread :)
      Hi! All activity needs to be submitted before the race closes at 11:59:59EST. You can check the About Tab for other rules/suggestions :)
    • qp Dec 14, 2018
      if u record steps, u do not convert activity: shopping, stair climbing steps. It does not help u to maintain weight. (:
    • sbee Dec 13, 2018
      Fun to do. Loved the incorporation of Google Maps. A couple of suggestions: - Allow bikers to log miles in addition to minutes. The miles I bike do not line up with the miles calculated here when I log my minutes - Allow racers to log in versus verifying a device each time
    • RhodyJoe Dec 8, 2018
      who do I align with my group? I thought it was to be entered under athlete tab. Can't find where
      It is under "my bio". Click your picture in the upper left. Then you will enter your group name preceded with a hash sign in the groups section.
    • Moogoo Dec 7, 2018
      I need to know what day I last entered information so I can pick up at that point!
      Hey there! Just go to your bio by clicking on your username or avatar :)
    • del_d00xoA Dec 7, 2018
      How cool is it to be able to see the sites of Rome from wherever you are! Today - Temple of Saturn, beautiful bas relief and Ionic columns. Looks like a cool, shady spot to take a break before pushing on with the ultra! If you're in the neighborhood - enjoy!
    • FlowerPower Dec 7, 2018
      Almost every time I login to the site I’m asked to verify my device. I’m then sent an email that I have to reply to before I can continue to my account. Is it just me having these issues? Im not using/rotating with various phones, iPads, laptops, etc. so I’m wondering if it’s just a glitch in the system. Anybody else having this issue? Just wondering. Thanks
      Hi! Happy to help -- it's possible you have certain cookie settings on your device. For example, if you have your cookies set to clear information, you will be logged out of your account on a certain schedule, which will cause you to have to log in every time. I recommend using your passcode to login (can be used on ANY device) -- I've gone ahead and regenerated on for you and sent via email. You can change it any time under your settings :) You can email me at if you have any issues/questions!
      @RaceryKayla Thanks, Kayla. I think that was the issue. I have a new phone and I’m still in the process of adjusting all my settings.
      I was having the same problem... I set up a pin# and it's a little faster. You just have to type in your e-mail address & pin# each time.
    • Aries Dec 5, 2018
      Hey, wasn't aware that house cleaning was on the activity log. Anyhow, went back to update my weekend and so did my accumulated miles. I was at 8.7 today 12/5 and went back into Nov. to input house work and now it updated me down to 5.0 miles. So, I guess you really can't go back to enter previous activitie?
      Hey there!! You can absolutely log backdated miles :) I'm seeing your house cleaning mileage log. What log do you think you're missing? I'm seeing your mileage total to be 11 miles!
      It is actually the amount of miles you had on that date if you went in order of the days, so in November it was the 5.0 miles and the first one entered was actually after that, so when you reboot to the current day, you will see the actual mileage you have.
    • Jayne Dec 4, 2018
      I added a bunch of days where I meant to log 30 minutes of walking but used the default "steps" instead. Can you change these dates to reflect minutes? Nov 30, Dec 1-3. Thanks. Jayne Boyer
    • burroug Dec 4, 2018
      I can no longer open my bio to see what I've logged, access my settings to change my passcode or log my activities with the correct measurements. For example, when I log my steps, the measurement defaults to wheelchair. I have to keep changing it. I am able to log activity, but I get what looks like a error message after each submission. This happens on a PC, my phone and a tablet. Is there something wrong with my account? I log about every 3 days. I've deleted and reinstalled the app on my phone. I revalidated my PC, but that didn't fix things. Any suggestions or advice?
      Hi! Can you send me over an email at We'll get it figured out :)
      @RaceryKayla Everything is working now. Thanks for fixing it!
    • bchaffee Dec 3, 2018
      Micheleruns Michele Stidham You have logged enough miles that you would have to be running at 50.4 miles per hour since the start of the race. Perhaps there was an error?
      Something wrong with the tracking. I have walked 16.9 miles Some days like today I log for 3-4 days at a time.
      @nursehobbit I went back and looked at her log. It appears to be an honest error in logging. She logged Over 13,000 miles in one day. Oops.
      I've removed those miles to get stats back to normal :) looks like the day in question was meant to be a steps log instead of miles! No harm, no foul :)
      @RaceryKayla Thank you. You cannot know, but I am not able to run. Thank you for fixing the data.
    • WsW Dec 3, 2018
      Keep on Keeping On! : ~ )
    • Tealbiker Dec 1, 2018
      I was a little disappointed in how the mileage was converted for vigorous bicycling. I rode for 1 hour and 45 minutes today, which was about 30 miles. I had to increase my time to almost three hours just to get 24 miles to post. Bicycling should be given an option of miles, not just minutes and hours.
      AGREE 100%
      No hills here. Mostly flat roads, makes for faster speeds on the bikes.
      I totally agree. I use my stationary bike and it gives me the mileage and it is always way off, yet other activities get a huge amount of miles for what doesn't seem right.
    • Missjoany Nov 29, 2018
      I inadvertently deleted the award for the race. How do we get another?
      Great job, Polk County! This was fun.
      @NFish It’s getting to the point where I schedule my day around my workout . Today I’m trimming shrubs😛
    • Angie57 Nov 29, 2018
      Thanks for the holiday challenge; I appreciate all the help I can get to keep trying to do better! Everyone, keep up the good work and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
      Right back at you. It’s fun watching everyone’s progress,
    • Cindy79 Nov 29, 2018
      Thank goodness for my Fitbit Charger 2. It kept records of all my miles and steps. I was unable to Log in during the 1st week, too many doctor appointments to go to. I enjoyed my walk in Rome. It was fun.
    • Pirate Nov 29, 2018
      I really enjoy the race and the 360 views!!
    • kaylaaanicoleee Nov 29, 2018
      Hey all of my wonderful Holiday Challengers! For those that received an email about being opted out of Daily Report email -- you don't have to worry! I actually disabled that email last week because it was TOO LARGE because there are so many of you participating :) For our other email notifications, we opt people out if they don't interact, so that we don't continue to clutter up their inboxes with unwanted mail. This will not affect your ability to participate in the race, and you can opt back in to the ones you like. Shout if you have any questions!!
      I have been recording my miles/exercise but still got this email. I opted back in. Will this happen again?
      @twinsmom Hi! It actually has nothing to do with your mileage logging -- and like I mentioned, this is a disabled email, so you won't receive it :) Nothing to worry about!
      I love that Racery is so considerate to remove me from an email subscription that I wasn't reading. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that message today. :)
      @Fitness4Life Awww yay!!!! So glad you like that feature. I know that there are so many times that I just won't take the step to opt out of something -- sometimes it can take me years to finally unsubscribe from something I'm not using LOL.
      Thank you so much RaceryKayla. That is exactly the issue! Thank you for all that you do!
    • MattS Nov 29, 2018
      Is there a way to see the activities of people on your team?
      Yes, on your profile you will see the groups that you have signed up for. They start with #. Click on the group that you want to look at and you will be able to see everyone else who have added themselves to that group.
      Your profile is at "my bio".
    • PCSandra Nov 29, 2018
      I received two of the same e-mails, and I log my activity daily, except over Thanksgiving. I logged five days at one time.
      Hi! Nothing to worry about -- see my main message above :)
    • WanderWoman Nov 29, 2018
      I received the email about not opening my emails and being opted out also. What's up with that? I open those emails each day. I clicked "opt back in." Hope that wasn't the wrong thing to do!
      Hi!! No worries at all -- this is just an opt out of a specific email template (The Daily Report) -- and we actually disabled this email for this event anyways, because with ~4,200 people to report on, it was a HUGE report ;) No action needed on your end :)
    • deFrog Nov 29, 2018
      I thought I was going crazy. I got the same message. I knew I had been entering my information.
      Hi! Nothing to worry about -- see my main message above :)
    • MRV Nov 29, 2018
      Ditto to what SheilaP, pammiegator, and Trisha3 & Apricon have said. Sounds like a minor glitch.
    • SheilaP. Nov 29, 2018
      I got it too! I clicked to opt back in, but don't even know what the Daily Report is? If they mean the email they send, then yes I need it because I click on the link to log my exercise.
      Hi!! No worries at all -- this is just an opt out of a specific email template (The Daily Report) -- and we actually disabled this email for this event anyways, because with ~4,200 people to report on, it was a HUGE report ;) No action needed on your end :)
    • pammiegator Nov 29, 2018
      I got the email too. I don’t open them but they help me remember to enter my info. Hopefully that won’t happen every 7 days The app days seems fine.
    • Trisha3 Nov 29, 2018
      I get in through the automatic daily link that us sent to me email as well. I also got the opt out email??? I have been recording my miles every couple of days.
      Hi!! No worries at all -- this is just an opt out of a specific email template (The Daily Report) -- and we actually disabled this email for this event anyways, because with ~4,200 people to report on, it was a HUGE report ;) No action needed on your end :)
    • Apricon Nov 29, 2018
      what's this email about not opening my race reminders for 7 days and being opted out unless I respond? Is this legit?
      I got it too. Very strange!!!
      Hi!! No worries at all -- this is just an opt out of a specific email template (The Daily Report) -- and we actually disabled this email for this event anyways, because with ~4,200 people to report on, it was a HUGE report ;) No action needed on your end :)
    • FlowerPower Nov 28, 2018
      Is anyone else having problems loading the app? The only way I can get to this website is through the automatic daily link that is sent to my email asking for me to update my a exercise activity. I know it’s not my internet connection because I don’t have any issues logging into other sites/apps on my phone. Just wondering. Thanks.
      I wasn't able to get the app either and my phone didn't support the website via the email I used as well.
      I’m going to reload the app and hopefully that will do the trick. I’m thinking the administrators might need to update some things that aren’t compatible with the newer model phones.
    • Hari Nov 26, 2018
      I was having issues logging my miles from last week and now I see I have it double. Can I delete one??? Thank you!!
      Yes. You click the right top corner of the action and choose "delete".
    • jfcarr Nov 26, 2018
      After completing the 26.2 miles, can you continue logging in miles?
    • DisneyGrammy Nov 26, 2018
      My miles are not being added. I tried to ad on the day I did them this week and today. Neither one has moved me, from mile marker 5. Any other suggestions?
      Did you make sure you are in miles & not steps?
      yes did.
      Hi!! According to your log, you've logged steps, not miles -- those small amount of steps translate to 0 miles. You can delete those logs and log your miles :)
    • kitekari Nov 26, 2018
      Do you have standup paddling? or Hiking?
      I would like to see these, as well.
      Great suggestions!!!! I'm capturing all of these ideas for next year's challenge :)
    • Catcher Nov 26, 2018
      Activity log - need to add snow shoveling.
      hahaha you're so right!! For now, "Yard Work" is probably the most accurate!
    • bigstac Nov 25, 2018
      Theresa1955 did anyone ever answer your question?
      Yes, they said keep doing
      Great job!
    • Theresa1955 Nov 24, 2018
      Can I still keep logging my activity even if I have crossed the finish line?
      yes, keep doing (:
    • Rose07 Nov 24, 2018
      I figured it out. Thanks
    • Rose07 Nov 24, 2018
      How do I delete an entry?
    • MizzouMom Nov 23, 2018
      Good morning. Can I log two activities for one day? Or do I have to combine the two activities into one entry?? I really like the street views. My sons were in Rome this past summer. I am able to see what they experienced. Blessings, Carol H.
      i have done two. once in the am and the second in the pm. both have been accepted.
      @Lunasco Thank you! Have a fantastic weekend!
    • sk1tter Nov 23, 2018
      Cool! I just noticed that when I use the phone app the "Street View" of Rome changes when I move my phone!
      Isn't that wild? Even looking up or down.
      @RaceryHenry yes! Fun challenge!
    • Joyous_One Nov 22, 2018
      Hello Muggsy - what is your secret - you have accumulated 16,850 miles in only 4 days?
      Ha, looks like a mistake, with steps logged as miles. @Muggsy you can delete that and resubmit as steps if you want to return from the moon to Rome. :)
      @Muggsy I've removed that mistake log :)
    • 1977fun Nov 21, 2018
      Can't get my personal profile picture to upload. It's only 454 in. Any tips?
      Sorry about that! Is our software giving you any particular error message? And can you restate the dimensions?
      @RaceryHenry thanks for your response. Autocorrect made my image 454 in, but it's 454 kb. And there's no error message, I just get booted back to my bio without any image being uploaded. 😕
      @1977fun . Should be good up to 5MB. Please send to and we'll take a look see.
      Worked for me. (See my current profile photo... to be changed shortly!) What is your browser and hardware?
      Taking it down now. :) Look forward to more info.
      @RaceryHenry I'm using chrome on an Android device.
      Looks like you solved it! Did you chance devices or get the Android/Chrome combo to work?
      @RaceryHenry I helped her on our end and we're working on figuring out the issue :)
    • Aries Nov 21, 2018
      Wow. Nice to see where I walked to in Rome.
    • Auntiedarling Nov 21, 2018
      I can't see if I actually submitted yesterday and todays walk. I know it's just operator error but HELP lol
      Hi!!! Just take a look at your mini-bio by clicking your name or avatar :)
    • CLM Nov 21, 2018
      How do I change my color to purple?
      Hi! You can't change the color of your automatic avatar color BUT you can update your avatar image. Go to your bio (you can get to it by clicking "my bio" from your navigation bar at the top right of your Racery screen and you can edit whatever you want :)
    • Evanim06 Nov 21, 2018
      Every time I open your daily email it freezes my phone. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
      Hi! Can you email me at I'm curious what email you're talking about and what phone/email app you're using :)
    • LittleEster Nov 21, 2018
      How do I get to see the street and buildings as I walk?
      HI!! Every time you log miles you'll see a 360 degree Google Street View of where you are in Rome :) You can see this RIGHT after you log OR check out any of your activities (or anyone else's activity) and click on the map in the right corner -- a GSV will pop up :)
    • JBP Nov 21, 2018
      is there a way to share on Facebook?
      Of course! Just share the race link:
    • YZ Nov 21, 2018
      how to convert weight lifting to mileage?
      Hi, there's a weight lifting activity you can select :)
      I tried, but it asks for the time spent on the machine...
      Unfortunately, there's no 'X reps of Y pounds = Y miles' conversion that we're aware of. If you know of one, please send to us and we'll consult with ESMMWL about incorporating it.
    • FitFun Nov 21, 2018
      Is there a way to see a map with just our group participants on it (Roman Holiday Challenge)?
      Not at the time, but I like that idea :)!!!
    • Maureen1220 Nov 21, 2018
      How do I log walking flights of stairs?
      Hi! I would select the "Stair climbing, machine" option :)
    • Carol73 Nov 20, 2018
      Is there a way to link my Fitbit to this race?
      Hey Carol!! Racery doesn't connect directly with any fitness tracker. You'll need to log your intentional miles manually via the Log Activity tab :)
    • Gam Nov 20, 2018
      How do I see total number of steps that I've taken instead of total miles?
      You'll only see your total miles -- but you can look at your activities to see your Step # per submission :)
    • Steak Nov 20, 2018
      How to delete activity logged more than once
      I just didn't log in today's activity so I'm about even.
      Head to whatever activity you'd like to delete and select the "v" at the top right of the activity -- then select DELETE ACTIVITY :)
    • Missjoany Nov 20, 2018
      Being in this challenge is helping me workout more. I had a hip replacement 5 months ago and was diligently doing my PT and my Walks. Once I was cut loose from PT I slacked off a bit. I’m back at it and maintaining my 92 lb weight loss.
      LOVE to hear this <3 Thank you so much for sharing :)
      Way to go!
      I had both my hips replaced which is why I can even do this. Best thing ever!!! Fabulous weight loss.
    • Race-on Nov 20, 2018
      Can I delete from the race? I don't need so many emails. I'd rather continue exercising without going into this daily. Thanks.
      Certainly! Send me an email at :) Heads up, you can opt out of any email type (or even ALL race emails) and continue to participate if you'd like. Check out the options at the bottom of each email! I'm happy to help either way :)
    • Katen Nov 20, 2018
      Am I supposed to see photos and thin during the race? When do we see the first one? I am 4 miles in.
      HI!! Every time you log miles you'll see a 360 degree Google Street View of where you are in Rome :) You can see this RIGHT after you log OR check out any of your activities (or anyone else's activity) and click on the map in the right corner -- a GSV will pop up :)
    • DebbieU Nov 20, 2018
      Thank you for fixes, activity is now logged. But unfortunately because I didn’t think it was processing I Entered my activity 3 times how can I edit? Thanks for time!
      No worries!!! You can delete duplicates by clicking on the "v" at the top right of the activity log you'd like to delete :) And again, thank you so much for your patience!!!
    • Roseard Nov 20, 2018
      Where do I see the activity converter? I only see the option to put in miles or steps not minutes of an activity?
      Hi! There are different units depending on the type of activity you are logging -- most have the option to input minutes, but RUNNING is miles or steps :)
    • PH51 Nov 20, 2018
      Good morning, I was able to log my miles this morning; however, when I look at the map at the bottom of the page it show me going from Florida to Alaska. Have I done something incorrectly?
      Hey there!! SO happy to hear about your mileage logging success :) It sounds like you're looking at your personal trek instead of the map of the Roman Holiday Challenge. Your personal trek will capture all of your activity logs from any event you do with Racery (or after an event is over you continue tracking your progress there.) You can ignore it for now though -- in your nav bar you'll see the 2018 Roman Holiday Challenge and "My Trek" -- make sure you're on the Holiday Challenge :)!
    • kaylaaanicoleee Nov 20, 2018
      Hi Holiday Challengers!!! As many of you are aware, some racers had trouble submitting activities yesterday. Overnight, we identified the cause -- a configuration that created a backlog in interactions with the race engine. We changed the configuration and everything returned to normal as of 4 AM, EST. We apologize for the difficulty! Please let me know if you experience any issues moving forward and thank you for your patience yesterday :)!!!
      If anyone has DUPLICATED miles from trying to submit multiple times yesterday, you are able to delete duplicates yourself by clicking on the little "v" to the top right of each activity log :)
    • Cany Nov 20, 2018
      I'm excited!!
    • SusanL Nov 20, 2018
      I just submitted a spin class activity and the computer calculated less miles for me than the actual mileage on my bike.
      Hey Susan! This year we're accepting LOTS of different activity, instead of just walking/running. Because we're trying to create a roughly even playing field, all activity conversions are based on a translation of activity time into steps into miles. The conversions appear extremely precise but are in fact necessarily fuzzy -- there is as yet no way to affordably and scientifically equate all these activities :)
      Thanks for the reply. Maybe this is something that racery could look at revising in the future. It’s a little discouraging on this site that my 4.6 miles of stationary “hill climbing” equated to 3.1 miles and another user’s 2 hours of housework equated to 5.5 miles.
    • delight Nov 20, 2018
      I do not see Zumba on the activity conversion sheet. What would be the most equvialating? Thanks
      Great question :) Looking at the list, I'd think "aerobic dancing class" would be pretty close!!
    • SORic Nov 20, 2018
      I meant 'zooming in". Yeah, I'm awake lol.
    • SORic Nov 20, 2018
      Thanks for the responses, everything worked fine for me once I explored a bit and learned how to find myself in the pack. Refreshing the page and enlarging the map (zooning in) helped a lot.
    • Roman_Walker Nov 20, 2018
      Will activity logs get corrected today? Some had there activity logged multiple times.
    • imalonerdottie Nov 20, 2018
      Why is the activity from 2018 adding to the activity from 2017? Is there a way we can just see our 2018 mileage?
      Same on mine
      Hi!! Happy to help :) Your main bio will have ALL of your Racery mileage (including your logs from any previous race) -- your bio found by clicking on your avatar/name in this race will show your logs for this race only :)
    • Crys Nov 20, 2018
      I added a group yesterday, KCVA, but i cannot see it on the list of groups.
      Once more than 1 person is in the group, it will appear on the Group leaderboard :)!
    • PatT Nov 20, 2018
      How do I tell if my activity posted yesterday
      Click on your name or avatar and look at your bio :) I'm seeing .9 miles for you for yesterday!
    • NFish Nov 20, 2018
      So, now my activity logged more than once! I tried to delete with no luck.
      I'll rake care of it this morning :)!!! Site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!!
      @RaceryKayla Great! I appreciate your help
      Your account looks good to me!! Let me know if you're seeing something I'm not seeing :)
      @RaceryKayla Why does my activity map show me going from Florida to Alaska? I thought it would show progress in Rome
      Hi!! Sounds like you're looking at your personal trek (where all of your Racery mileage will go if you do more races with us) -- in your navigation bar at the top right you should see two options, 2018 Romany Holiday Challenge and "My Trek" -- If you're looking at this messageboard, you should be seeing the Roman Holiday route when you go to the map tabb :)
      Yes, I found the Rome map. Thanks. But everyone’s markers are all stacked up. Can’t find myself. @RaceryKayla
      @RaceryKayla never mind! I’m figuring this out. Found my marker.
      Fantastic!!! Let me know if you have any other questions :) Should be smooth sailing going forward!!
    • EagleScoutmom Nov 20, 2018
      I didn’t think my logon worked last night either. Look under the Menu, find athletes and see if your initials are there with your distance from yesterday.
      I tried that but there are thousands of entries now. You can click on your initials in top right then click on your bio page to see your own progress.
    • SCA Nov 20, 2018
      I could not log in on 11/19/18
      Your logs will have gone through :) And we found/fixed the site slowness overnight so you shouldn't experience anymore problems!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • DebbieU Nov 20, 2018
      Cannot log activity. Waiting for 30 minutes after multiple tries..
      Hi! Your miles will have logged -- it was just SLOW yesterday. With some overnight fixes, site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • JShawv Nov 19, 2018
      Scroll down - they are working on it
      Thank you <3! Yes, everything should be back to normal this morning -- and all miles from yesterday DID log, they were just slow to process. We found the issue overnight and all should be good to go this morning :)
    • JShawv Nov 19, 2018
      Same problem on 2 devices
    • coachritah Nov 19, 2018
      Unable to log any activity!
      Your miles will have logged -- it was just SLOW yesterday. With some overnight fixes, site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • wolfpackdelta Nov 19, 2018
      I am having trouble logging as well.
      Your miles will have logged -- it was just SLOW yesterday. With some overnight fixes, site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • BeBe Nov 19, 2018
      I'm having the same problem. I've tried twice and it just sits and spins.
      Hi!! Your miles will have logged -- it was just SLOW yesterday. With some overnight fixes, site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • Steak Nov 19, 2018
      I am unable to log activity it just sits and spins
      Your miles will have logged -- it was just SLOW yesterday. With some overnight fixes, site loads are back to normal now so you shouldn't experience any issues today!!!! Sorry for a frustrating first day :(
    • Justbless Nov 19, 2018
      I'm having the same issues.
      So sorry for the frustration!! All miles will be posted — there’s just a small delay! Slowness will be fixed overnight and if you have any continued issues, feel free to email me directly at ❤️
    • ZippySteps Nov 19, 2018
      It is taking extremely long for the program to enter my steps. If it doesn't finish, am I able to enter my Monday steps on Tuesday?
      Hi!! Please see my message a couple of posts down :) your miles WILL post and slowness will be fixed overnight!!! Sorry about the delay. But to answer your other question, backdating is always acceptable!! Check out the about tab for more information on that, and thank you so much for your patience today!!
      You can pick the date to enter
    • Maui.Kristin Nov 19, 2018
      Is there a way to edit entries after they've been entered incorrectly?
      Hi!!! You'll just need to delete the entry that's wrong and enter the correct info. If you have any issues with that because of some longer than normal load times, please email me at and I'll make sure everything's good to go by the morning time :)
    • kaylaaanicoleee Nov 19, 2018
      WEBSITE UPDATE: Hi Holiday Challengers!!! I just wanted to hop in and let you know that we are aware of some website slowness and we're working on a fix over night! I'm so inspired by all of the activity submissions (even if they're crashing our servers HA) and I promise you will be able to log your miles. For those of you that are seeing our "this is taking longer than usual..." message, THOSE MILES WILL BE LOGGED!!! There's just a slight delay. Thank you so much for your patience -- and please rest assured that me (and the rest of Racery team) will make sure everything is accounted for :)
      And if anyone would like to email me to be certain everything is correct in the morning, don't hesitate to send me a message at <3
    • Evanim06 Nov 19, 2018
      I have the same logging issue as everyone else... anyone get a solution yet?
      Hi!! I promise we're working on it!! See this message for more info: #chat" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
    • KristiM Nov 19, 2018
      I am unable to log my miles. I've tried twice now and it just sits and spins and says "This is taking longer than usual....."
      I know this seems like a canned message, but it isn’t!! Just easier for me to copy/paste since I know most of you are experiencing the same problems: Your entires will post (like the message mentioned) — there are just tons of wonderful holiday challengers trying to post at the same time (which is amazing!) — we’re working on load times over night!!! Again, so sorry!!
      Same issue here
      @Kik same issue
      Thank you for letting me know!!! We're working on a fix overnight -- and please email me at if you need me!!
    • Happiness Nov 19, 2018
      My miles aren't loading. Tried three different times.
      So sorry for the delay!! Your entires will post (like the message mentioned) — there are just tons of wonderful holiday challengers trying to post at the same time (which is amazing!) — we’re working on load times over night!!! Again, so sorry!!
    • Sydsmemere Nov 19, 2018
      very frustrating. Not sure if miles are logged in or not. 3 entries. no results.
      So sorry for the delay!! Your entires will post (like the message mentioned) — there are just tons of wonderful holiday challengers trying to post at the same time (which is amazing!) — we’re working on load times over night!!! Again, so sorry!!
    • kvangirl Nov 19, 2018
      Why did my bib number change? I got a confirmation email on Friday with a bib and today my number is different.
      Hi!! Your bib number is reflective of the number racer you signed up as — once the race starts (today) the leaderboard is in order of peoples progress, not what they signed up as. So your bib number hasn’t changed :)
    • Storytime Nov 19, 2018
      It took a long time to log for me. I just let it go and walked away to do other work. Came back later and I'm up and running. First day bugs. Maybe tomorrow better. I saw my first picture of where I'm standing. Can't wait to tell my son. He will be in Paris with his wife this week!
      Thank you SO much for your patience — you’re totally right about the first day bugs :) it just means all of you are trying to log a ton of amazing mileage. We’re working on the page speeds overnight ❤️
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    's Log

    About + Join

    • From: Colosseum
    • To: Colosseum
    • Start date: November 19, 2018
    • End date: December 17, 2018
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 26.2 miles
    • Total logged: 129,999.6 miles
    Looking for fun motivation? Welcome to the 2018 Roman Holiday Challenge, brought to you by Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less!

    This year, thousands of people will track their exercise to advance on a virtual route in Rome, Italy. Forward this link to bring along colleagues and friends!

    **We recommend you sign up with a personal email address. Some government or corporate email servers interfere with emails, making it hard for you to register, log miles and earn bling.**

    Start logging your activity on the race page on November 19th, 2018. Watch your own progress on the map of Rome! Catch a Google Street View of your current spot in Rome’s streets, then cheer on your real fellow racers with comments on their posts! Share your bling on social media or print it for the office bulletin board! Complete your virtual marathon -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before December 17th!

    We've got participants from all over the world, so to keep everyone on the same page, we suggest these guidelines:

    1. We believe in the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices if you’re logging actual miles.

    2. This year, LOTS of intentional activity -- dancing, swimming, yoga-ing, and many more -- can be converted to miles. (See full list here .) Note: All conversions are based on a translation of steps into hour/mile. For example, an hour of moderate cycling will register as 4.83 miles on the route, while the same period of breaststroke will register as 5.14 miles. If you use a step counter while you are intentionally walking or running, just enter those as steps and we’ll convert them too!

    3. If you finish the 26.2 mile route early, keep logging to become an Ultramarathoner! An Ultra leaderboard appears below the marathon leaderboard. Keep that competition alive right up to 12/17!)

    4. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on Monday, December 17th at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards.

    5. Last but not least, Racery is more fun if you log activities as part of a group, comparing progress with friends and colleagues. With thousands of people participating in this year’s event joining a group can make a big difference. Go to the Athletes tab , click the group you’d like to join, and select “race with this group.” (If you don’t see a group you want to join, read this blog post about creating a new group that others can jump into!)

    No mileage submitted yet.