
Fundraising ($52,646 raised) updated 5:44PM 

Support Indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice!

Raised: $52,646
Contributors: 1,453

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    Anonymous $500
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    Anonymous $400
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    Mary Darling $350
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Teams updated 5:44PM

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#oisellevolee×37, #oiselle×33, #impalaracingteam×19, #nastywomenvote×14, #teamnuumuu×11, #run4allwomen×10, #ilbirdherd×9, #yallmeansall×9, #oiselleteamdmv×8, #orithyia×8, #bamrs×7, #bigskybirds×7, #thosewomenfrmmi×6, #womenrunthevote×6, #womxnrunthevote×6, #abqsolesisters×5, #bodwegroup×5, #diversewerun×5, #endurafitsatx×5, #microsoft×5, #pantsuitnation×5, #pickyambadassador×5, #portseattle×5, #pptc×5, #tatasonthemove×5, #teammfi×5, #thegoldengirls×5, #volee×5, #wildwood×5, #babygottrack×4, #badgerbirds×4, #bamrs4ever×4, #canadianbirds×4, #earthmothers×4, #lcxc×4, #michigan×4, #novemberproject×4, #oisellevolee_can×4, #run2extremes×4, #runbrunarun×4, #20fast20furious×3, #afterparty×3, #allthewomxn×3, #atltrailrunners×3, #bamrs4allwomen×3, #bamrsrun×3, #bamrsthreepeat×3, #bluestockings×3, #boisebetties×3, #brasstacks×3, #camas×3, #canada×3, #dash2district×3, #exercise4votes×3, #fitaf×3, #girlsontherunaz×3, #hou_harriers×3, #illinois×3, #issycats×3, #jacuzzigirlsac×3, #microcosm×3, #microsoftcela×3, #njvolee×3, #oisellemt×3, #oisellevolee_il×3, #oregonvolee×3, #portofseattle×3, #powerfulmuskox×3, #rowcyclerunvote×3, #runningforreal×3, #runningmuskies×3, #runningwithpurpose×3, #runvotewine×3, #sbrc×3, #shoewomxnvote×3, #smartwomen×3, #sobirds×3, #srttmass×3, #stoelmates×3, #therestorers×3, #trailsisters×3, #trailsistersrfv×3, #txvoleevoters×3, #wedonutgiveup×3, #wegohigh×3, #weheartmoms×3, #4thewampanoag×2, #baddiesbuddies×2, #bamr×2, #bamrstoo×2, #barracudas×2, #blackgirlsrun×2, #californiavolee×2, #calivoleevoters×2, #cascadiasisters×2, #colorado×2, #diversewerun21×2, #fleshman_flyers×2, #forthebirds×2, #friendsshowup×2, #galentines×2, #glam_runners×2, #groundedpod×2, #harlemrun×2, #houstonharriers×2, #justiceontherun×2, #justusforall×2, #kcexpress×2, #kln×2, #lonestarbirdsvote×2, #loveoneanotter×2, #mastersflame×2, #merrymarauders×2, #mischiefandmoxie×2, #montana×2, #mountaingoats×2, #movetogether×2, #nastywomxn×2, #npchi×2, #nyc×2, #oisellevolee_co×2, #oisellevolee_fl×2, #oisellevolee_mi×2, #oisellevolee_ny×2, #oisellevolee_vt×2, #oregon4womxn×2, #pkparakeets×2, #queenbees×2, #racery×2, #renewearthrunning×2, #rumwithit×2, #runforthehills×2, #running4mara×2, #runvotedissent×2, #sacnasosu×2, #sandiegotrackclub×2, #sfestridehers×2, #sglrgvoters×2, #snapthevote×2, #somervilleroadrunners×2, #stayclassysd×2, #stickorsnake×2, #strongwestand×2, #suffrnsuffrjets×2, #teamdirtandvert×2, #teamgoodtrouble×2, #teamlfg×2, #teamlfg20×2, #teamnonstop2×2, #teamnuunlegacy×2, #teamopal×2, #teamscoutbean×2, #teamsierra×2, #teamsugarruns×2, #thenotoriusrbg×2, #tiedye×2, #together4change×2, #togetherwewill×2, #toughasnails×2, #uncommonloons×2, #washington×2, #washingtonvolee×2, #wavolee×2, #wearblueruntoremember×2, #wedonutgiveup2×2, #wocrunburque×2, #womxnrunstrong×2, #xcountryracers×2, #yellowstone×2, #yvdp×2 … >>


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        Athletes (3,740) updated 5:44PM 

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            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity updated 5:44PM 

              This race ended 09/26/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

              Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

              • peeden not good 4 u Sept 27, 2021
                3.2 miles
                40.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 3.2 miles
              • peeden not good 4 u Sept 27, 2021
                2.6 miles
                45.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 2.6 miles
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                0.8 miles
                45.0 minutes of cooking = 0.8 miles
              • KrystiBean CascadiaSisters Sept 27, 2021
                13.9 miles
                2.0 hours of rock climbing = 13.9 miles
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                0.1 miles
                15.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                5.0 miles
                1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                2.3 miles
                4861.0 steps of steps = 2.3 miles
              • Cyntie Impalas Second Sept 27, 2021
                3.0 miles
                90.0 minutes of shopping = 3.0 miles
              • EKayGeee SoBirds 🫖🪶 Sept 27, 2021
                0.8 miles
                0.8 miles of walking = 0.8 miles
              • MJforshort L.A. Legends Sept 27, 2021
                4.3 miles
                85.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 4.3 miles
                I think it's fair to consider how much I had to lug my bags around today as well
              • MJforshort L.A. Legends Sept 27, 2021
                0.8 miles
                25.0 minutes of shopping = 0.8 miles
                Yes I spent at least this much time shopping thru Wawa
              • MJforshort L.A. Legends Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                4302.0 steps of steps = 2.0 miles
                Freaking out at LAX and Liberty International - Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), Brewster Road, Newark, NJ, USA
              • NBCR Laces&LabCoats Sept 27, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
              • NBCR Laces&LabCoats Sept 27, 2021
                6.7 miles
                59.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 6.7 miles
              • NBCR Laces&LabCoats Sept 27, 2021
                8.4 miles
                2.0 hours of rowing = 8.4 miles
              • LisaP09 Sea Girls + BAR Sept 27, 2021
                5.0 miles
                1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
              • Denita All the Womxn+ Sept 27, 2021
                2.7 miles
                45.0 minutes of aerobics, low impact = 2.7 miles
              • Denita All the Womxn+ Sept 27, 2021
                8.3 miles
                200.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 8.3 miles
              • Wildfox Wapiti Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • Yodie StrongWeStand Sept 27, 2021
                1.4 miles
                3051.0 steps of steps = 1.4 miles
              • JustJoyJess Fit4Mom Boise Sept 27, 2021
                7.1 miles
                75.0 minutes of spinning = 7.1 miles
              • Fastasmolasses JacuzziGirls AC Sept 27, 2021
                1.7 miles
                90.0 minutes of cooking = 1.7 miles
              • Fastasmolasses JacuzziGirls AC Sept 27, 2021
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
              • Fastasmolasses JacuzziGirls AC Sept 27, 2021
                1.2 miles
                20.0 minutes of bicycling, easy pace = 1.2 miles
              • Fastasmolasses JacuzziGirls AC Sept 27, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
              • EKayGeee SoBirds 🫖🪶 Sept 27, 2021
                5.0 miles
                1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
              • EKayGeee SoBirds 🫖🪶 Sept 27, 2021
                5.1 miles
                45.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 5.1 miles
              • EKayGeee SoBirds 🫖🪶 Sept 27, 2021
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of walking = 4.0 miles
              • SlimNicky Microsoft CELA Sept 27, 2021
                5.7 miles
                60.0 minutes of tennis = 5.7 miles
              • SlimNicky Microsoft CELA Sept 27, 2021
                3.5 miles
                3.5 miles of walking = 3.5 miles
              • EJnash NativeWomenRide Sept 27, 2021
                3.5 miles
                1.0 hour of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 mile
              • Dawn28 Mind Over Miles Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • ktid #EnviJustUS Sept 27, 2021
                6.2 miles
                2.0 hours of dancing, party = 6.2 miles
              • Dawn28 Mind Over Miles Sept 27, 2021
                6.9 miles
                60.0 minutes of lacrosse = 6.9 miles
              • Akgirl Pantsuit Nation Sept 27, 2021
                7.7 miles
                90.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 7.7 miles
              • ktid #EnviJustUS Sept 27, 2021
                4.5 miles
                48.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 4.5 miles
              • ACSweet Team FS Sept 27, 2021
                1.9 miles
                45.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.9 miles
              • EJnash NativeWomenRide Sept 27, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of running = 5.0 miles
              • ACSweet Team FS Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • ACSweet Team FS Sept 27, 2021
                1.1 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.1 mile
              • kcpdh WeHeartMoms Sept 27, 2021
                3.7 miles
                1.5 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.7 miles
                Laundry laundry laundry!
              • kcpdh WeHeartMoms Sept 27, 2021
                0.3 miles
                15.0 minutes of cooking = 0.3 miles
                School lunch prep
              • marissakay Aki’s Athletes🐕 Sept 27, 2021
                3.7 miles
                90.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 3.7 miles
              • marissakay Aki’s Athletes🐕 Sept 27, 2021
                0.2 miles
                30.0 minutes of stretching = 0.2 miles
              • marissakay Aki’s Athletes🐕 Sept 27, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
              • Akisfavcousin Aki’s Athletes🐕 Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
              • marissakay Aki’s Athletes🐕 Sept 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running = 2.0 miles
              • BeagleDad #WalktheVote21 Sept 27, 2021
                4.3 miles
                45.0 minutes of spinning = 4.3 miles
              • Vy PortofSeattle Sept 27, 2021
                2.4 miles
                5000.0 steps of steps = 2.4 miles
              • see more...
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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  This race ended 09/26/21 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • Gemy Run 2 Extremes Sept 26, 2021
                    Just figured out that the relay is on Eastern time so keep that in mind as far as logging activities.
                  • Rundonna Run 2 Extremes Sept 26, 2021
                    @Run2Extremes Hey team! Less than 2 miles to Seattle. I wonder if we will magically pop through a portal and get to celebrate together in IRL. Once we are finished- we can still log miles until midnight! Great work every one ❤️❤️❤️
                  • Rundonna Run 2 Extremes Sept 26, 2021
                    Hey team! Less than 2 miles to Seattle. I wonder if we will magically pop through a portal and get to celebrate together in IRL. Once we are finished- we can still log miles until midnight! Great work every one ❤️❤️❤️
                  • IndigiBikes NativeWomenRide Sept 26, 2021
                    Is everyone getting the pin drops? I haven’t gotten any!!! I need to email Racery
                    I did not get them 😞
                    I only got one or two at the start
                  • RERunning ReNew Earth Run Sept 26, 2021
                    Soooo close! Are we going to get there? 😬
                  • Katosullivan Brown Thrashers Sept 26, 2021
                    Just go into the log and use the drop down to change the activity to steps. Log away!
                  • Gemy Run 2 Extremes Sept 25, 2021
                    I wonder if I am the only one who didn't get Day 6 Daily Action.
                    It came early in an email last night.
                  • LIZBETT NorCal Runners Sept 25, 2021
                    How do I add daily activations?!?!
                    It’s located at the very end of the activity list, add 1 for daily activation. Hopefully that helps
                  • JenAnders SuffrnSuffrJets Sept 25, 2021
                    Super work, Everyone! I really enjoy this week with you all.
                  • Sullrun SuffrnSuffrJets Sept 25, 2021
                    Wow! Wahoo! Great team! Finished early and on top 10! So proud to be moving through this race with you all!! Cheers!
                  • Gamma Team Nuu-Muu Sept 25, 2021
                    Thx! I didn’t even think about adding steps
                  • Gamma Team Nuu-Muu Sept 25, 2021
                    Sorry to post late yesterday! No internet in the mountains
                  • Gamma Team Nuu-Muu Sept 25, 2021
                    Wow 🤩 that is fantastic!!
                  • Andrea505 Grounded Pod Sept 25, 2021
                    Love the part “Are you sure you ran 14.05 miles” when trying to log. Actually I probably crawled the last part and there wasn’t an entry for that. 🤪
                  • Gamma Team Nuu-Muu Sept 24, 2021
                    Way to go Teamies!!! You ladies rock
                  • A.Love No Planet B Sept 24, 2021
                    @noplanetb - we are halfway there! Let’s keep it going 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 two days left
                  • cculling2 DeedsNotWords2 Sept 24, 2021
                    I was going to note the City has this program of green energy that I participate in, but I'll not bother.
                  • DebWepman GLAM Runners Sept 24, 2021
                    Go Team go!! We’re over half way there with only 427 miles to go, combined! We can do it! Did you know that activities like shopping and wrestling all count towards miles? You can play on a playground or do yard work and they all count! Also, the daily actions that Racery is sending are really interesting and thought provoking. Take a peek if you have time. I’ll be putting miles in hiking tomorrow out in the cascades. Be amazing and be you!
                    I'm going to see if James is up for wrestling 😁
                    TMI 🤣
                  • POS_Christina PortofSeattle Sept 24, 2021
                    I love the map with the informational points of interest. Is there a way to save the map to a document or share it with others not in the race?
                    we will be archiving all the pins and sharing post race. you are exactly right - this work needs to be shared with the world!
                  • Andrea505 Grounded Pod Sept 24, 2021
                    Love today’s action in the WRTV challenge but an hour dedicated to cleaning the trail … would be better on weekend or with at least a day’s notice? I’m going to do this but can’t on a workday.
                    Same. So I’m going to do it tomorrow and book it as a second WRTV daily activity!
                    If you plan to do it this weekend, log today and just be sure to do it. Thanks for the feedback on what could be improved!
                  • AthenaF EnduraFitSATX Sept 24, 2021
                    Saturday, tomorrow 7am Zoo parking lot for 8 miles. Run the mileage you can.
                  • Gemy Run 2 Extremes Sept 24, 2021
                    Is everyone clicking on the red markers on the map as we travel along the route? It The information is worth the click.
                    Thank you! I hadn’t found this and wanted more information. I was wondering why the emails had stopped.
                  • Sue01 Team Nuu-Muu Sept 24, 2021
                    Excellent work Friends Show Up! You finished in 4 days. Way to go.
                  • Zander ATLTrailRunners Sept 23, 2021
                    If anyone here is in the Atlanta area and looking for a weekly trail running group give us a follow on Instagram at Atlanta Trail Runners! We also do pretty cool stuff for and with the community. Hope everyone is enjoying the virtual relay thus far! :)
                    Yes. I am going to follow you right now. I would love to join the group!!!!!
                    @Whyvonee woohoo! Let me know if I need to write some trail runs into your training!!!
                    Yes. I would like to join this group at Stone Mountain. But looking to start after the Atlanta ten miler on 10/17.
                  • Tormus Friends Show Up Sept 23, 2021
                    Yaaaaasssss..... friends do show up!
                  • alison16 GA 5th District Sept 23, 2021
                    I just fixed my Garmin so I can my activity for the week but there is no way to go back and log 9/20 and 9/21. Help!
                    Hi, you could just log it on one of the current days, you did the work so I don’t see any harm in that. My two cents.
                  • DPN Friends Show Up Sept 23, 2021
                    Good thing I am not just a cyclist. I do triathlon and more :)
                  • DPN Friends Show Up Sept 23, 2021
                    I just biked 44.19 miles and it will only let me add in minutes or hours. Plz assist.
                    I think that is by design unfortunately. Trying to even the playing field for all types of activities. Cyclists get the short end of that equation.
                  • CC510 Laces&LabCoats Sept 23, 2021
                    @Laces&LabCoats Hi @ChemProf my email is
                  • MaritaL Stay Classy SD Sept 23, 2021
                    Has anyone been getting those emails about where we are on the course and the ancestral territory we are in? I got them for a day or so, but then they stopped. My team is moving along, but no email updates about where we are running.
                    I got two at the beginning but nothing since then either.
                    Exactly what I got.
                    We on Team Nuu Muu aren’t getting them either.
                    According to Racery, they have replaced the emails with the red pins on the map.
                  • SeaGriffin ATLTrailRunners Sept 23, 2021
                    Hey, I just logged in today for the first time and the system will not allow me to enter 3.19 miles from Sept 21st. Can you add it? Thought this started on 9/20?
                    Hope I’ll hear back
                  • ktid #EnviJustUS Sept 23, 2021
                    activity log will only allow minutes not miles for running and hiking :(
                    Is there the option on the drop down box next to the number to to change from minutes to miles? I have the option.
                  • Gamma Team Nuu-Muu Sept 22, 2021
                    Too bad driving doesn’t count, drove 7 hrs today 😆
                    that's such a long drive!!
                  • Bradhenrypotter 4ABetterUs Sept 22, 2021
                  • ChemProf Laces&LabCoats Sept 22, 2021
                    @Laces&LabCoats @CC510 Hi! Welcome to team Laces&LabCoats! I'd love to add you to our team email thread if you don't mind sending me your email address. Thanks and keep on logging those miles! :) -Liz
                    One of my favorite team names so far!
                  • ChemProf Laces&LabCoats Sept 22, 2021
                    @Laces&LabCoats @wmayhew4 Hi! Welcome to team Laces&LabCoats! I'd love to add you to our team email thread if you don't mind sending me your email address. Thanks and keep on logging those miles! :) -Liz
                  • ChemProf Laces&LabCoats Sept 22, 2021
                    @Laces&LabCoats @aellahi Hi! Welcome to team Laces&LabCoats! I'd love to add you to our team email thread if you don't mind sending me your email address. Thanks and keep on logging those miles! :) -Liz
                    Sure! My email is
                  • GayleO Friends Show Up Sept 22, 2021
           Keep getting error message telling me I cannot log activity more than one day back when I am trying to log activity for yesterday 9/21 (which is 1 day back), even though I can pick it on the calendar and 9/21 is only 1 day back.
                  • MMac SoBirds 🫖🪶 Sept 22, 2021
                    I noticed cycling is logged in hours? Why not miles?
                    Maybe they figured it'd be too easy to rack up the miles if you were biking?
                    I saw that too but it's probably as the other person mentioned, we'd zip through the whole dang thing on a bike :)
                  • Shan-bo Wapiti Sept 21, 2021
                    Who is sending the “Daily Actions” and is it coming via email. This message board or social media? I’m not seeing these.
                    I have received them through my email. I hope you figure it out.
                    I don’t get the emails either... But you can see the daily actions in the Oiselle Volee app, Carolyn Gardner posts them every morning. They are also featured on Instagram in Oiselle’s stories. I hope this helps! :)
                    if you aren't getting the daily action emails you can contact and they will make sure you are on that distribution list.
                    I'm not getting them either :/
                  • Branwen WomenWhoRock Sept 21, 2021
           How do I find the Daily Action emails? I don't seem to be getting them. (& I did check my spam folder : )
                  • LTG Team NonStop 2 Sept 21, 2021
                    Does anyone know how we post our WRTV to Racery? (meaning the actual post, not logging it)
                    It's listed on the list you choose from. Like running etc. Just scroll down., Click wtrv, 1 and it will convert to 5 miles
                    What is it?
                  • tabxm5 Brown Thrashers Sept 21, 2021
                    Disregard my previous question. I found it. Thanks.
                  • tabxm5 Brown Thrashers Sept 21, 2021
                    Has anyone been logging in WRTV Activity? If so, how? Thanks in advance
                    Scroll through activities to find WRTV & log just 1 (not 5)….1 activity will be credited as 5 miles
                  • Ladyfire PortofSeattle Sept 21, 2021
                    I fixed my miles 😇
                  • ravensojourns ReNew Earth Run Sept 21, 2021
                    Oh no! I made a logging error, I logged 25 miles worth of Learning activities instead of 5.Does anyone know how to edit??
                    Same question!! I did that for Monday and Tuesday and need to fix it!
                    Ok so I just had to delete the activities and re-do it. 1 daily activation will equal the 5 miles
                    Yes - just pick ‘1’ and the system will assign 5 miles great job!
                    You can delete for the day and reenter
                  • Koconnor47110 SomervilleRR Sept 21, 2021
                    Hello! Can we edit previous entries? I think I goofed on my biking units. Thx!
                    I did the same… logged miles for today that were meant for yesterday!
                  • LauraJJean Big Sky Birds Sept 20, 2021
                    Hi everyone! How do we log the 5 mile daily action? Is that 5 miles added to our other activities?
                    In the drop down menu you pick the WFTV daily action and when enter 1 it will convert it to 5 miles.
                    @Noonan Thank you SO MUCH!
                  • Yinlan CA Volée Fly Sept 20, 2021
                    I’m confused about the daily actions. Each day there is only 1 daily action correct? For example, today’s daily action is to read, reflect and journal? That’s not 3 daily actions, if you do all 3 it counts as 1 daily action?
                    My understanding is that it is just 1 daily action and 5 miles a day regardless of how many steps there are in the daily action. :)
                    That’s my understanding too
                  • Yinlan CA Volée Fly Sept 20, 2021
                    I’m confused about the daily actions. Each day there is only 1 daily action correct? For example, today’s daily action is to read, reflect and journal? That’s not 3 daily actions, if you do all 3 it counts as 1 daily action?
                    Each day you can do the daily action. Then log it by picking it in the drop down (starting with ‘W’) and pick the unit ‘1’. You will get 5 miles. I would log one per day - if you did yesterday’s add it to yesterday’s log
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      Inactive user!

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Gardiner
                      • To: Seattle
                      • Start date: September 20, 2021
                      • End date: September 26, 2021
                      • 0:00
                      • 23:59
                      • Route distance: 907 miles
                      • Total logged: 173,477.6 miles

                      *Race Registration is Now Closed*

                      In 2020, Oiselle and Run for All Women teamed up with 10,000 of you on the historic virtual relay that contributed $272,000 to Black Voters Matter. We are beyond honored to bring you Women Run the Vote 2.0, now open for registration. Women Run the Vote 2.0 is a 907 mile virtual relay, completed in teams of 20, from Apsaalooké (Crow) lands at the Yellowstone National Park and ending in Duwamish territory (Oiselle HQ, Seattle, WA), taking place September 20th - 26th, 2021.

                      Throughout this 900+ mile journey, we will be sharing stories about the Native people and nations whose land we will traverse along the way. You will be introduced to the connection between Environmental Justice, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls epidemic, and the fight for #landback and #waterislife for (start here with Real Rent Duwamish). You will also learn about the deeply problematic history of the National Parks. And you will meet amazing leaders in the movements to protect Indigenous lands, waters, and our non-human relatives.

                      "This planet is everyone's responsibility"

                      This is a virtual race, so you can complete it wherever you are in the world. There are over 70 different activities that can be converted into mileage, so you can run, walk, ride, paddle or even swim your way through this event. To help everyone get started, we have compiled a list of helpful guidelines: 

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips. PLEASE NOTE: This event is keyed to your local timezone; you will have until 11:59pm in your time zone on the final day to complete your activity logs. 

                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues. 

                      3. Running solo and need a team? Then join Teams Cobalt, Copper, Mercury, Platinum or Iridium. 

                      4. Update your passcode in settings.

                      5. If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                      6. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.

                      7. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                      8. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!

                      9. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.

                      10. Only log intentional exercise please.

                      11. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      12. Only backdate logs for 1 day. Please note that on the final day of the event, backdating will not be possible. 

                      13. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      14. To buy free entry coupons as gifts for friends or colleagues, click this link

                      Do you have questions about how to register, log miles or set up a team? Send a note to!

                      Have questions about the event beneficiaries, the WRTV bandanna or similar? Send a note to!

                      Want to communicate with your teammates? Click the "teams" tab above and type in your message. The default setting will be messages to your team. 

                      No mileage submitted yet.