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    Recent Activity

    This race ended 08/01/21 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

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    • SeaUrchin Aug 1, 2021
      7.7 miles
      7.75 miles of running/Walking = 7.75 miles
      Hiking with my friend high up in the Sandias - 10k Trailhead, Sandia Crest Scenic Highway, Cedar Crest, NM, USA
      That's high up, for sure.
    • MissB Aug 1, 2021
      5.2 miles
      5.2 miles of running/Walking = 5.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 417 days at 7.17 miles/day.
    • jerrmich Aug 1, 2021
      6.8 miles
      1.0 hour of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 6.8 mile
    • jerrmich Aug 1, 2021
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 61 days at 2.65 miles/day.
    • 4000footer Aug 1, 2021
      3.1 miles
      3.1 miles of running/Walking = 3.1 miles
      Hike before the rain on a quiet, calm evening to cap this race on the Livermore Road Trail. About 65 degrees and dark clouds. - Waterville Valley, NH, USA
       Extends streak to 10 days.
    • CaptDave Aug 1, 2021
      3.7 miles
      3.7 miles of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1025 days at 4.07 miles/day.
    • Bettymh Aug 1, 2021
      5.7 miles
      5.7 miles of running/Walking = 5.7 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 20 days at 3.36 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal run.
    • Seagull Aug 1, 2021
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 1.50 miles/day.
    • KDW Aug 1, 2021
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
    • AOMM Aug 1, 2021
      7.2 miles
      7.2 miles of running/Walking = 7.2 miles
      Entering the final miles for this virtual race, from the last few days. While this virtual race ends at 11:59 PM EST tonight, you can sign up for the next one that begins tomorrow, to start a new streak, or continue your current one: I'll also be emailing and posting info about the new race on the Facebook page, I'll be tallying up those who made special teams for this concluding race, so those who want the option to add team patches before medals ship can watch for those results on the Facebook page. Results of the giveaway will also be announced on the Facebook page. Thanks for everyone's patience as there are so many moving parts to a virtual race!
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  Back after 8 days.
      cant thank u enuff for all u have/done : )
      Thank you!!
      Thank you!
    • KDW Aug 1, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 228 days at 4.37 miles/day.
    • jackrabbit67 Aug 1, 2021
      4.5 miles
      4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 251 days at 4.60 miles/day.
    • DrI Aug 1, 2021
      8.5 miles
      90.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 8.5 miles
      Ready for Monday back at work.😁
       Longest personal streak grows to 215 days at 6.14 miles/day.
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker Aug 1, 2021
      2.1 miles
      2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
      Waited to go out until the rain stopped, ended up getting caught in a downpour anyway, cut it short and as I arrived back home the sun came back out.
       Longest personal streak grows to 473 days at 5.92 miles/day.
    • earthmuffin Aug 1, 2021
      0.1 miles
      0.1 miles of running/Walking = 0.1 miles
      In case I missed/didnt get email for sign up for next race, I am definately a go for it. I'll just keep logging in. Need to sign off now so I don't blow up my computer. SThunderstorm getting nasty.
    • earthmuffin Aug 1, 2021
      0.1 miles
      0.1 miles of running/Walking = 0.1 miles
      Torrential Thunderstorms starting as I type. Looking forward to next race and hanging out / moving on thru this life adventure with everyone.
    • GburgStina Aug 1, 2021
      2.8 miles
      2.75 miles of running/Walking = 2.75 miles
      - Gettysburg, PA, USA
       Longest personal streak grows to 329 days at 4.65 miles/day.
    • earthmuffin Aug 1, 2021
      1.4 miles
      1.43 miles of running/Walking = 1.43 miles
      6 pm with heat index at 108. So took a virtual stop at Abel's Lobster restaurant and a dip in Somes sound : ) to cool off : ).
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 41 days at 1.32 miles/day.
      And it only really got into low 70’s in Dedham, ME today. Still swam. Beautiful here. hope your weather cools so you can be comfortable
      All good. Staying inside mostly. Looks like a cyclone inside with all the clearing up projects i started : ) @jackrabbit67
    • dabetts Aug 1, 2021
      5.2 miles
      55.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 5.2 miles
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • TomZot Aug 1, 2021
      1.0 miles
      1.03 miles of running/Walking = 1.03 miles
      Recovery walk. - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
       Longest personal streak grows to 90 days at 6.96 miles/day.
    • bbarr Aug 1, 2021
      5.0 miles
      5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 5.43 miles/day.
    • sueluv Aug 1, 2021
      7.1 miles
      7.1 miles of running/Walking = 7.1 miles
    • TeresaM Aug 1, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       Back after 5 days.
    • Livylou Aug 1, 2021
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      Afternoon walk (:
    • Shellperry Aug 1, 2021
      3.8 miles
      40.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 3.8 miles
    • Shellperry Aug 1, 2021
      2.6 miles
      30.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 2.6 miles
    • JohnT Aug 1, 2021
      8.3 miles
      8.33 miles of running/Walking = 8.33 miles
      This gets me through 9 complete loops of the course. My legs were toast this morning.
       Longest personal streak grows to 715 days at 9.88 miles/day.
      Congratulations @JohnT - if there were a virtual race in the Olympics, you would be Gold Medal winner!!
      Wow!! My guess for you was totally off. Congrats!!
      I’m just curious what you guess was?
      I guessed 7. with race extension 8.5
      You are a machine
    • Coastwalker Aug 1, 2021
      4.3 miles
      4.3 miles of running/Walking = 4.3 miles
      York Days 5K + w/u, c/d. Finished as 1st racewalker - not that there were many of us. This was my 1st in-person race in over 15 months.
       Longest personal streak grows to 454 days at 6.81 miles/day.
      Congratulations on the 454-day streak and first racewalker finish @Coastwalker! The pandemic didn't slow you down in your first real-life race in over 15 months. Virtual Gold Medal to you!
      Congratulations to you!
      Bet that felt great to do in person
      Super @Coastwalker York nice spot for it, too.
    • muddz Aug 1, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 356 days at 2.46 miles/day.
      Almost a 365-day streak @muddz - and you'll be there with the start of the next virtual race tomorrow, details to be emailed and announced later today. A virtual Gold Medal to you as well!
    • QueenMarsha Aug 1, 2021
      5.0 miles
      5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
      Morning jaunt with the girls
      Like your new (to me) Racery photo, @QueenMarsha - looks like you are crossing the finish for the Virtual Gold Medal - congratulations!!
      Thank you!!!
    • NancyinNC Aug 1, 2021
      3.6 miles
      42.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 3.6 miles
      Congratulations on the 3-times around @NancyinNC - Virtual Gold Medal for you!
      @AOMM "I'd like to thank my dogs and my husband for getting me out there every day, and the Cape Fear Triathlon Club for all the swim and bike miles"
    • NancyinNC Aug 1, 2021
      1.8 miles
      1.8 miles of running/Walking = 1.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 185 days at 3.54 miles/day.
    • Shellperry Aug 1, 2021
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1420 days at 3.78 miles/day.
      Unstoppable @Shellperry with 1,420-day streak or 3.89 years - and with the start of a new virtual race tomorrow, you'll be crossing the 4-year mark before you know it. Congratulations!!
      @AOMM thank you! I am looking forward to continuing it with the next race! My next surgery is this Thursday and the surgeon has already told me I can start walking that day - so my streak can continue!!!
      Awesome! @Shellperry
    • Livylou Aug 1, 2021
      3.3 miles
      3.3 miles of running/Walking = 3.3 miles
      Morning run! (:
       Longest personal streak grows to 357 days at 2.64 miles/day.
      Almost a year streak @Livylou - and if you join the next virtual race starting tomorrow, you will be there! Details of new race being emailed, posted, later today. Congratulations!!
      excited to hear about the new race! And keep my streak going! @AOMM
    • CaptDave July 31, 2021
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 1024 days at 4.07 miles/day.
      Nice view of the bogwalk along the western shore of Jordan Pond. Last time @4000footer and I walked that stretch, we measured the bogwalk at 0.75 mile. Amazing feat of trail construction by Acadia trails crew and Friends of Acadia volunteers.
      And also congratulations on the 1,024-day streak @CaptDave - 2.8 years and going strong!!
    • JalaSue July 31, 2021
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
       Longest personal streak grows to 450 days at 4.13 miles/day.
    • MissB July 31, 2021
      8.9 miles
      8.9 miles of running/Walking = 8.9 miles
      5 miles with training group in AM
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 416 days at 7.18 miles/day.
    • jackrabbit67 July 31, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      Is this the last day?
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 250 days at 4.60 miles/day.
      This is it @jackrabbit67 Onward
    • jerrmich July 31, 2021
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 60 days at 2.64 miles/day.
    • Bettymh July 31, 2021
      4.7 miles
      4.7 miles of running/Walking = 4.7 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 19 days at 3.23 miles/day.  9th Longest personal run.
    • 4000footer July 31, 2021
      2.3 miles
      2.3 miles of running/Walking = 2.3 miles
      Bushwhack along the river and then a regular hike along the Livermore Road Trail. - Waterville Valley, NH
       Extends streak to 9 days.
      I love to bushwack
    • Xanthippe July 31, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      92' elevation gain, 10 mph wind, 75 degrees at 6 am!
    • Xanthippe July 31, 2021
      2.5 miles
      50.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 2.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1809 days at 5.35 miles/day.
    • Seagull July 31, 2021
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 1.50 miles/day.
    • Bryantbunch July 31, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      Morning walk with my sister in York Harbor. Evening walk at the lake.
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  6th Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 3.50 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 31, 2021
      1.4 miles
      1.4 miles of running/Walking = 1.4 miles
      Afternoon trek around the neighborhood.
    • DrI July 31, 2021
      3.4 miles
      40.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 3.4 miles
      Home and back to the pool. Freestyle and breathing drills.
       Longest personal streak grows to 214 days at 6.13 miles/day.
    • KDW July 31, 2021
      10.0 miles
      10.0 miles of running/Walking = 10.0 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • bbarr July 31, 2021
      5.0 miles
      5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 5.46 miles/day.
    • CobraJet July 31, 2021
      3.2 miles
      3.25 miles of running/Walking = 3.25 miles
      Goodbye July
    • TomZot July 31, 2021
      40.3 miles
      40.3 miles of running/Walking = 40.3 miles
      Bucks for Bernie's Kids 12 Hour Solo Trail Race - Whitaker Woods, White Mountain Highway, North Conway, NH, USA
       Longest personal streak grows to 89 days at 7.02 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Ran 100.0 miles (+7.1 miles) in 11 days a PR.
      Awesome 👏
      Amazing! Congrats!
      Super run. Wow, almost 10 hours.
      OMG - Awesome!!!!!
    • Shellperry July 31, 2021
      9.3 miles
      98.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 9.3 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.
    • JohnT July 31, 2021
      26.7 miles
      26.73 miles of running/Walking = 26.73 miles
      Bad Idea 2021 is complete! Ran the Moolicous Ice Cream Trail Run three times and had ice cream each time and then added on a little to make it a trail marathon!
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal streak grows to 714 days at 9.89 miles/day.
      What can be better that an actual Ice Cream Trail: ).
    • Livylou July 31, 2021
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      HOT afternoon walk
    • Trvlngrl July 31, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      Casco Days 4 miler
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker July 31, 2021
      2.3 miles
      2.28 miles of running/Walking = 2.28 miles
    • dabetts July 31, 2021
      18.2 miles
      192.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 18.2 miles
       Longest personal run.
      Go DB!!
    • NancyinNC July 31, 2021
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
    • NancyinNC July 31, 2021
      2.3 miles
      2.3 miles of running/Walking = 2.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 184 days at 3.55 miles/day.
    • muddz July 31, 2021
      2.7 miles
      2.7 miles of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
      morning walk on the railtrail
       Longest personal streak grows to 355 days at 2.45 miles/day.
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker July 31, 2021
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      Perfect weather for walking - 64 degrees and partly cloudy. The high for the day is supposed to be 79 degrees. Loving it! Never seen this plant before - Italian Aram.
       Longest personal streak grows to 472 days at 5.93 miles/day.
    • Shellperry July 31, 2021
      0.7 miles
      35.0 minutes of yoga = 0.7 miles
    • Shellperry July 31, 2021
      2.4 miles
      2.4 miles of running/Walking = 2.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1419 days at 3.77 miles/day.
    • Livylou July 31, 2021
      2.6 miles
      2.6 miles of running/Walking = 2.6 miles
      Morning walk!
       Longest personal streak grows to 356 days at 2.63 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 31, 2021
      3.7 miles
      3.7 miles of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
      EZ RW workout in breezy 54° temps under clear skies with the sun rising. We're heading back to NH today, after a great vacation next door in Maine.
       Longest personal streak grows to 453 days at 6.81 miles/day.
    • GburgStina July 31, 2021
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
      - Gettysburg, PA, USA
       Longest personal streak grows to 328 days at 4.66 miles/day.
    • jennsjourney July 31, 2021
      5.5 miles
      5.5 miles of running/Walking = 5.5 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  Back after 6 days.
    • earthmuffin July 31, 2021
      0.9 miles
      0.91 miles of running/Walking = 0.91 miles
      Another hot steamy day in SC. 108 plus.
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 40 days at 1.32 miles/day.
    • Doodle July 31, 2021
      2.4 miles
      2.4 miles of running/Walking = 2.4 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 79 days at 5.88 miles/day.
    • QueenMarsha July 31, 2021
      14.2 miles
      2.5 hours of bicycling, vigorous pace = 14.2 miles
      20.3 along the Penobscot with my girls
    • bgizzi July 30, 2021
      1.8 miles
      1.8 miles of running/Walking = 1.8 miles
      Hot! And a bit smoky.
    • MissB July 30, 2021
      6.4 miles
      6.4 miles of running/Walking = 6.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 415 days at 7.17 miles/day.
    • Seagull July 30, 2021
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
    • Bryantbunch July 30, 2021
      1.7 miles
      1.75 miles of running/Walking = 1.75 miles
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 3.45 miles/day.
    • 4000footer July 30, 2021
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
      A cool hike for July with a chilly wind and about 60 degrees. Felt more like a September day. - Waterville Valley, NH
       Extends streak to 8 days.
    • jerrmich July 30, 2021
      2.2 miles
      2.25 miles of running/Walking = 2.25 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 59 days at 2.64 miles/day.
    • CaptDave July 30, 2021
      2.9 miles
      2.9 miles of running/Walking = 2.9 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 1023 days at 4.07 miles/day.
    • DrI July 30, 2021
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
      After dinner stroll with family. This should balance out the driving tomorrow😂
    • DrI July 30, 2021
      4.9 miles
      90.0 minutes of swimming, treading water = 4.9 miles
      Last full day on the beach. Lots of choppy waves today and lateral drag but thankfully no riptides.. Kids were fine with not going out on their boards today due to conditions. Had some time in the pool. Windy conditions were welcome given the heat advisory..but when is there never a heat advisory at the beach🤔🏖.
       Longest personal streak grows to 213 days at 6.13 miles/day.
    • JalaSue July 30, 2021
      3.2 miles
      34.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 3.2 miles
    • JalaSue July 30, 2021
      4.5 miles
      4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 449 days at 4.13 miles/day.
    • jackrabbit67 July 30, 2021
      1.0 miles
      20.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.0 miles
    • jackrabbit67 July 30, 2021
      0.8 miles
      0.8 miles of running/Walking = 0.8 miles
      More walking at Y
    • CobraJet July 30, 2021
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
      Running Index = 4
    • Bettymh July 30, 2021
      5.5 miles
      5.5 miles of running/Walking = 5.5 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 3.21 miles/day.
    • NancyinNC July 30, 2021
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 183 days at 3.55 miles/day.
    • OGKatie July 30, 2021
      1.5 miles
      30.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.5 miles
      Part 1 of my Crossfit workout. Lifted the heaviest I’ve lifted since my back flared up in January. Felt weird to be back at it but no pain! - CrossFit Fairbanks, Old Richardson Highway, Fairbanks, AK, USA
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 1 runner.
      Glad your back is feeling better.
    • OGKatie July 30, 2021
      3.4 miles
      30.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 3.4 miles
      Part 2 of my Crossfit workout! Slogfest but hit some deadlifts and handstand push-ups for the first time in awhile…. Not a bad way to start a Friday! - CrossFit Fairbanks, Old Richardson Highway, Fairbanks, AK, USA
       Passed 1 runner.
      Yay! But you lost me at deadlift😬😂
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker July 30, 2021
      1.4 miles
      1.41 miles of running/Walking = 1.41 miles
      Forgot my water bottle at home so I didn't go far.
    • Shellperry July 30, 2021
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    • Shellperry July 30, 2021
      2.6 miles
      30.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 2.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1418 days at 3.77 miles/day.
    • Slogger July 30, 2021
      2.2 miles
      44.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 2.2 miles
    • jackrabbit67 July 30, 2021
      2.7 miles
      2.7 miles of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
      Today I finally hit 1,000 miles!! I had a trainer at the Y take my picture at exactly the 2.7 mark. Then finished my workout
       Longest personal streak grows to 249 days at 4.60 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 30, 2021
      1.3 miles
      1.3 miles of running/Walking = 1.3 miles
      Good walk around town and to the local historical society, returning just before a T-storm - good timing.
    • cdgmc350 July 30, 2021
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      Nice run around the back bay in Portland
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Livylou July 30, 2021
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
      Walk walk walk (:
    • JohnT July 30, 2021
      9.4 miles
      9.39 miles of running/Walking = 9.39 miles
      Trying to go easy today. A little bit longer walk with the dogs and then 5.5 easy pace miles in Bear Hole Watershed Area
       Longest personal streak grows to 713 days at 9.86 miles/day.
    • del_4bkkhg July 30, 2021
      3.8 miles
      3.8 miles of running/Walking = 3.8 miles
       Back after 7 days.
    • DSea July 30, 2021
      15.3 miles
      220.0 Minutes of hiking = 15.3 miles
      Mt Rainier Summerland trail
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 4 days.
    • muddz July 30, 2021
      3.1 miles
      3.1 miles of running/Walking = 3.1 miles
      Manson Park in Pittsfield followed by a surprise coffee delivery to a friend.
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 354 days at 2.45 miles/day.
    • see more...
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    This race ended 08/01/21 - check out the final activity here.

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • AOMM Nov 29, 2021
      Announcing the winners of the gift giveaway from the last virtual race, gifts being mailed this week in time for the holidays: @Wu @Mainewildflower @Mystik @JohnT @DSM414 @Cha @Coastwalker and @jackrabbit67 - details can be found at And if you are signed up for the current race ending Dec. 31, you're eligible for the next gift giveaways as well, And thanks for helping to raise funds for charity, amounts also summarized on that Facebook group page.
      Very cool! thank you!
      Thanks, This is a fantiastic bonus!
      @jackrabbit67 @Coastwalker - and you are both eligible for the gift giveaway in the current race that ends Dec. 31 too - thanks for being part of the virtual race, and being an inspiration to us all!! Safe racing and walking!
    • AOMM Aug 22, 2021
      Just posted on the virtual race's Facebook group page the special team qualifiers, who are eligible for special team patches for completing 25+ days streak or 25+ miles in one day, or completing a 100+ day streak or at least one extra loop of 250.3 miles. Those tagged here can check out their special team qualifications at @TomZot @JohnT @BryanD @rocnaddie @KrisBrazil @JenHB @Whoopie @Mainewildflower @Bryantbunch @Andreawhowell @TaraMcK @Mystik @bgizzi @Doolietots @Xanthippe @Shellperry @CaptDave @QueenMarsha @MA.ME.MD.Walker @Coastwalker @JalaSue @MojoChris @MissB @Livylou @muddz @RoughNess @GburgStina @Doodle @jackrabbit67 @KDW @sueluv @DrI @NancyinNC @Luluphi @bbarr @jlock333 @earthmuffin @Bettymh @jerrmich @MissB @Trvlngrl @dabetts @bgizzi @DSea @ScottL And if you didn't make special teams this time, there's always the new race going on now You can backdate entries to Aug. 2 and you have until Dec. 31 to log your miles. All medals begin to ship this week - thanks for everyone's patience during the pandemic! And winners of raffle will be announced shortly here.
      Thank you for cheering us on all.tjis year!❤
    • AOMM Aug 1, 2021
      Just put the finishing touches on the new virtual race, which begins tomorrow. Here's the link to register: I'll be putting together the special teams for this race that's ending tonight, for those who want the option of adding patches to their medals before they ship. I'll also be emailing folks and putting info on the virtual race Facebook page, Thanks to everyone for being part of the virtual race and helping to raise funds for charity, and for your patience during this still-crazy pandemic-affected time.
    • JohnT July 31, 2021
      Thanks to the short extensions I will be able to finish the race course 9 times tomorrow. I only need about 4 miles!
      Congratulations @JohnT - you can do 4 miles in your sleep! I'm putting the finishing touches on the virtual race that's starting tomorrow, so your streak, and those of other streakers like @CaptDave @MA.ME.MD.Walker @Shellperry @KDW can continue unbroken. Will be posting the link here, on Facebook and emailing it, along with other news about this round of medals, option for special team badges, and winners of giveaways. Thanks to all for helping to raise funds for charity, and for your patience as it was busier than usual with work and other stuff.
    • AOMM July 23, 2021
      Hi everyone, you may have received an email today about there being only 2 more days to log your miles in this virtual race - that was before we got one final mini-extension to Aug. 1, so that I can put the finishing touches on the next virtual race to start Aug. 2 and coordinate with the race director of the real-life MDI and Millinocket Marathon and Half races, before the official 2021 Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Edition of the Sea to Summit Series begins. That means you have until Aug. 1 to log all your miles here. Announcement of new race, medals, Virtual Racing Hall of Fame and other news to be announced here, by email and on the Facebook group page soon.
      thank you, hooray, we've missed you! This gives me a hope of finishing my third loop, maybe, too. <3
      @NancyinNC - you can do it!!
      FINISH STRONG, everyone! Thanks, @AOMM !
      Thank you for all of your hard work with this!!!
    • TomZot July 21, 2021
      You beat @4000footer to the punch @TomZot ! He's out logging his miles now, and was going to add the link to his virtual race log.
      @AOMM @4000footer Great job! I will be ordering my copy after we get back from next week’s vacation. I saw the interview from one of his virtual race logs that was posted.
      Thanks @DrI Seriously, the people at the station did an awesome job in editing that piece.
    • muddz July 19, 2021
      oh man. I missed a 5.2 mile run yesterday 7/18) is there a way to plug that in so I don't loose my streak?
      I think I figured it out.
      @muddz - glad you figured it out!
    • AOMM July 2, 2021
      With the mini-extension on this virtual race to July 25, that gives me time to poll virtual racers about medal options for the next virtual race to start July 26, and get the current race medals, special teams, patches and giveaways in order. Thanks for everyone's patience! Here's where you can vote on medal options for the next virtual race, poll pinned to the top of the Facebook group page:
    • muddz June 30, 2021
      Is this the last of these races? I'm really sad to think it'll be over.
      I was wondering the same thing? Is this really the end of this race? Is there a new race starting tomorrow?
      No, not the last - just did a mini-extension on this race until July 25, and am working on the course for the next virtual race, @muddz and @JohnT - sorry I've been MIA, as things have been really busy with work and other stuff going on. Will also be putting together the special teams and badges for this race, as well as announcing the virtual racing hall of fame. Putting together the medals with optional badges for shipping as well. Thanks for everyone's patience!!
      No worries. Thanks for the update
      @AOMM was just about to ask if there will be another race for the fall. Glad to hear even with your busy schedule you're working on it! I'm determined to get back into better habits and get back into shape and another race will be a good motivator! Excited to see what fun things you come up with!
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker June 11, 2021
      Any idea why .10 mile is sometimes dropped off the total?
      Hi @MA.ME.MD.Walker sorry didn't see this until now. Perhaps it has something to do with the behind-the-scenes rounding? For example, upon entering the data you can put in thousandths of a mile, but in the public display, it shows only tenths of a mile, so there's behind-the-scenes rounding, whether up or down. That's my guess, anyway. Hope that helps! About to catch up on entering my miles, as work has been all-consuming and finally getting a little breather.... Thanks for your patience!
      @AOMM I know it rounds up or down from what is entered. In this particular case one of my entries ended in .50 and the other was .49 which it rounded to .50 but when it totalled them it dropped it to .90 I have seen that happen a couple of times. A tenth of a mile is not a big deal to me, I was just wondering why it sometimes did that.
    • DrI June 5, 2021
      Please disregard the previous message about removing an entry. I saw how to delete it and did so.
      You're faster than a virtual race administrator! Just answered your question before saw this @DrI - sorry have been so busy with work, and finally getting some breathing room and starting to catch up with all the inspiring Racery entrants like you!
    • Sumo Apr 22, 2021
      Hi how long before I get my medal
      HI @Sumo normally not going out until the race completes July 2, but they can start shipping earlier, within the next few weeks - I'll keep you posted. Thanks for being part of the virtual race! Will be announcing an Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Racing Hall of Fame shortly, and will post details on this messageboard and on the Facebook page.
    • Pasta Apr 13, 2021
      Does anyone know which is more accurate between Strava and MapMyRun? I get the same time for the same run, but different distances. Today, over 40 minutes, they were off by .28 mi.
      I use google fit and MapMyRun and fit is usually 0.1-0.2 miles longer
      Okay thanks, that helps. Strava is longer too, so probably MapMyRun run is just shorter than all the others.
      Phone apps are never as accurate as gps watches. Strava on my phone is usually over generous with the mileage.
      Thanks, that helps
    • jackrabbit67 Apr 7, 2021
      Today, April 7, is National Walking Day. Let’s all celebrate. Happy walking!
    • Wu Mar 25, 2021
      Congrats to BryantBunch for finishing! We’ve been neck and neck for a while and the competition has spurred me to keep up! Hoping to finish today.
    • MissB Mar 19, 2021
      Can you remove the 40.4 aerobic class- I put in 11.2 for my mileage and was tired and didn’t change off of the aerobic before I hit submit
      Thank you!
      Hi @MissB - sorry didn't see this earlier, been busy with work. You are able to delete it yourself and re-enter it. In that day's entry, go to the cog in the upper right hand corner (looks like a flower) and from the drop down menu you will see the "Delete" function. Then you can re-enter the information correctly for that same day. Hope that helps!
    • Luluphi Mar 12, 2021
      Thinking about travel post-pandemic. I'd love to take B & G to Alaska. I was there in 1996 for a wedding week. Beautiful, rugged, a great adventure destination. Who has been recently?
      @OGKatie is living in Fairbanks now, and perhaps may have some insights @Luluphi
      Depending on what interests you, there are a lot of places to visit! I’d advise Valdez if you’re big into fishing, Kodiak if you really want to see the bears, Anchorage is nice and from there you can take the train to Seward which is supposed to be a beautiful trip, Juneau if you want to then head over to Glacier Bay National Park, and I’d advise Fairbanks if you want to sort of be in the middle of the interior as from here you could easily drive to Denali (or Anchorage) or hit the hot springs. If you really want an experience you can head above the circle to the north slope but there’s not a whole lot to do there per say, but if you really want to say you did it and head to Prudhoe Bay, Fairbanks would probably be the best jumping off point.
      @luluphi see Alaska tips from @OGKatie
      Oops, case sensitive @Luluphi
    • MarathonME Feb 27, 2021
      GburgStina - Did you grow up on Mount Desert Island?
      @GburgStina - a message from @MarathonME to you
      @AOMM and @MarathonME - yep, mostly. I lived in Somesville when I was little and then came back during summers to be with my Dad. My Grandmother lived on the island as well.
      @AOMM @GburgStina. I knew you, your parents and your grandmother. I am Meredith and Chris' mother, Isabelle. I am now remarried and living in Ithaca, NY. So exciting to touch base with you again after so many years!
      @MarathonME Hiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! I saw your name and wondered if that might be you?!?! How absolutely fantastic!! I'm so thrilled! You made my night! (Did I grow up on MDI? LOL - in your house!!) :-)
      @AOMM @GburgStina, didn't know exactly how to approach you. Didn't want to seem creepy. Chris and Meredith will be so excited to hear the news. Do you ever make it the island? Is your Mom still in the area. I was so sorry to hear about your Dad a few years back.
      @MarathonME No worries there - I have a public job, so I'm used to people coming up to me in all sorts of places - it doesn't creep me out. My Mom lives is SW Missouri - she's been there for a long time - a job took here there when I was in HS. I used to get back to MDI almost every year, but haven't been back in a few years - both my maternal grandmother and my father died about 90 days apart - and 2 funerals there in one year have been enough to keep me away since. I talked to Meredith right after my Dad's funeral - it was so nice to talk to her - she sounds like she's thriving!
      @AOMM @GburgStina. That must have been a horrible time for you. I can understand your feelings about the island. Please say hi to your mother from me when you talk to her. Meredith is thriving right now. She is married and now has a 6 month old, Charlie. Chris is in Denver. I also have a 24 year old daughter, Emily, in Saint Paul. I retired from Cornell last December. My husband is still working there. What is the work you are doing?
      So glad to play a small role in reconnecting you two, @MarathonME and @GburgStina - how wonderful! Have seen some other long lost friends connect as a result of this virtual race. And it's a fun way to keep up with each other's fitness regimen!
      @AOMM, Thank you!
    • CobraJet Feb 18, 2021
      Off the crutches today, can start walking again. The running is still weeks away...
      good luck in your recovery!
      Great news!
      Sorry to hear about the crutches, but glad you're on the road to recovery @CobraJet
    • Sumo Feb 7, 2021
      Just signed up and logged all my runs since the first of Jan in Scotland, now in India hoping to complete the race in the next few weeks, good luck and be honest everyone
    • St3 Feb 4, 2021
      Good Day. I am signed up and have started the Acadia to Katahdin virtual race, however I am seeing street views of a location along a route in Massachusetts. I am new to the site and was wondering if this is normal? If not how do I ensure that I am tracking along the Acadia to Katahdin route? Thanks for any information and kind regards
      @St3 This virtual race takes you along the Boston Marathon route, Denali National Park and Gettysburg National Park in addition to Acadia National Park, Millinocket Marathon route and Baxter State Park. (I think I included everything in this list.)
      @MA.ME.MD.Walker. Thank you very much for the information. I guess I should have read the description!
      Thanks @MA.ME.MD.Walker for answering @St3 as I am lagging a little behind on my virtual race director duties! And @St3 - you can backdate your miles - whether treadmill, walking, running, or any other activities in the dropdown menu - all the way back to Jan. 1.
    • KatiePye Jan 21, 2021
      Hello.... how and where do I see where I am on route to katahdin? I just looked at my location and I am in Alaska on this race route. Has this happened to anyone else?
      Hi @KatiePye - yes, Denali is segment 4, and Katahdin is segment 8. Here's the link to the guide showing what the different segments are, on the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Jan 19, 2021
      OK everyone, I'm going to start a thread here to highlight mileage markers with special Google Street Views, inspired by @DSea landing on his second Denali view at 89.6 miles. Anyone who wants to try to land on the same view can inch along at 0.05- to 0.01-mile increments as you approach the particular view, to avoid overshooting on the virtual race map. Check back periodically on this thread to see updates, or feel free to add special mileage markers you land on yourself to share with others. If I have the time, maybe I'll do a guide to post on the Facebook page.
      Special views of Denali at the following mileage markers as of now: 83.3, 85.9, 88, 89.6
      One special view of The Narrows in Zion at 182.3
      Oops, make that inch along at 0.05- to 0.1-mile increments.
      Eternal Light Peace Memorial at Gettysburg National Military Park at 142.6 miles
      Polychrome Overlook in Denali at 121.5 miles
      Thanks to @earthmuffin we now know South Bubble is at 45.5 miles
    • AOMM Jan 18, 2021
      Just congratulated @DSea for being the third virtual racer to unveil a Denali pop up view, and @JohnT for virtually switchbacking up the West Rim Trail in Zion. Also mentioned @JenHB @RoughNess @DrI and @MA.ME.MD.Walker in the Facebook group page post: For those not on FB, here's an excerpt from the post: Pro tip: If you want to land on the same view that @DSea unveiled at 85.9 miles, you'll want to inch along at 0.05- to 0.1-mile increments as you approach that mileage marker. As Racery allows you to log entries in 0.05-mile increments but displays mileage in pop-up street views rounded to tenths of a mile, you could inadvertently overshoot, as it looks like may have been the case when @DrI landed at 88 miles but didn't get the same view as @MA.MD.ME.Walker did at 88 miles. Could be that the pop-up photo was anywhere between 79.51 and 88.44, even though the display showed 88 miles.
    • AOMM Jan 17, 2021
      Just mentioned @JohnT @GburgStina @Coastwalker and @OGKatie in Facebook group, For non-FBers like @BryanD the post highlights the views that @JohnT recently got of The Narrows in Zion and an historic farm that played a role in the Battle of Gettysburg (courtesy of @GburgStina expertise), as well as of the Alaska-Maine connection discussion in racery conversation with @Coastwalker and @OGKatie . Finally post reveals the mileage marker to land on, if you want to get a view of The Narrows, and it is 182.3. You can inch along in 0.1 increments as you get close or break up that day's entry into a couple of segments to land at about that spot.
    • AOMM Jan 17, 2021
      OK everyone, just added "vigorous" and "moderate" activity in the drop-down menu, in case those general descriptions fit your activity / pace of the day better. Vigorous activity could include HIIT, spin, cardio class and roughly translates to 6.84 miles per hour (or 1.14 miles for every 10 minutes), while moderate translates to 3 miles per hour, or 0.5 mile for every 10 minutes, and could include weights or perhaps shoveling snow. The vigorous option is at the request of @CaptDave and could be good for @JenHB's recent bootcamp activity, while the moderate option might be good for shoveling snow like @KimmiGibbler recently did.
      Thank you!
    • AOMM Jan 14, 2021
      Just mentioned @MA.ME.MD.Walker @Shellperry @OGKatie @earthmuffin @QueenMarsha and @DrI in Facebook group post about Denali: And for @BryanD and other non-FB'ers, the pro tip mentioned in FB: If you want to land on a Denali pop-up photo, aim to land on mileage marker 88 or 83.3 miles in the virtual race course. Inch along at 0.1 mile as you approach if you want, to avoid missing the image.
    • AOMM Jan 11, 2021
      Just mentioned @KDW in the Facebook group post, - @KDW strong!
    • AOMM Jan 9, 2021
      Just mentioned @JohnT and @OGKatie in the Facebook group page, in reference to a "30 percent club" for those who actually see the peak of Deanli (formerly known as Mount McKinley). Whoever is the first to land on a Google Street View showing Denali's summit gets to join the virtual 30 percent club!
    • AOMM Jan 3, 2021
      Just mentioned @MA.ME.MD.Walker @Angelion @RoughNess @QueenMarsha and @BryanD in latest post on Facebook group page, about special team patches from the last race. @BryanD - I just let you know to check your email if still interested in special team patch for last race. Congratulations to all who made special teams in last race! Final tally of last race results, along with announcement of Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Racing Hall of Fame, to be announced soon, so stay tuned.
    • Coastwalker Jan 3, 2021
      Do you know, and can you share the formulas for converting other activities to running/walking miles? 5 of us are teaming up on our own challenge, and a couple want to contribute bike or skiing miles. Thanks.
      Sure, I can put up the formulas for various activities from the Racery dashboard and tag you. Might be easiest if I upload image to Facebook, as can't put image here in messageboard. If virtual racers are interested in other activities being added to the dropdown menu, perhaps I can put up a poll. One activity we put up last race - housework - was determined to be a bit unfair, so that was eliminated from the dropdown. Not sure how Racery calculates these things, as it can depend so much on someone's pace and level of exertion. Interested to see what the 5 of you come up with (assuming all of you are currently in this virtual race!) - perhaps there's a way to make use of the group / team function to add to your challenge? There have been teams that have carried over from previous virtual races, plus I've added a couple of new ones for this virtual race. You can check out the teams already in place at the top of the runners tab, and click on any that you might want to join. There's also a way to create a new team. Let me know if you need any info on setting up a new team, @Coastwalker
      @AOMM Thanks for getting back to me. I'll look for that info on FB. The five of us are all racewalkers, which is why we decided to work together on a challenge. However, some of us also want to log other kinds of mileage, which is where those formulas can come in handy. Let me check with my mates about creating another team here, and I'll let you know.
      @Coastwalker - just put up the chart of formulas for activities currently in the dropdown menu, along with formulas for a couple of other possible options that can be added. As you and your teammates think about refining your challenge, let me know if there's additional info I can provide that can be helpful. There is also the ability to develop a customized formula, which could be labeled Racewalking, if that is of interest. I wonder, is there a standard handicap that puts racewalking and running/walking on a level "racing field" so to speak? Although of course, as 1 mile equals 1 mile for the default running/walking, creating a Racewalking conversion based on minutes could throw comparisons off. And then we might need to come up with a formula for fast runners vs. slow walkers - the complexity could be mind-boggling!
    • AOMM Jan 2, 2021
      Just posted on the Facebook group page a virtual course guide, so you will know where you are on the map, and where the next virtual race segment will take you. @BryanD and anyone else who isn't on Facebook, I'll email the virtual race guide. Here's the Facebook group page:
    • earthmuffin Jan 2, 2021
      All set. Working now
      Good to know! Pro tip: If you want to be sure a fellow virtual racer sees your comment, put the AT symbol in front of the racer's name, so that it gets highlighted in blue. @earthmuffin
    • earthmuffin Jan 1, 2021
      Why did I get this??
      Hi @earthmuffin what do you mean?
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    Inactive user!

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    's Log

    About + Join

    • From: Acadia
    • To: Katahdin
    • Start date: January 1, 2021
    • End date: August 1, 2021
    • 0:01 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 250.3 miles
    • Total logged: 45,617.5 miles
    Help raise funds for Acadia National Park and Millinocket, the gateway to Baxter State Park, home to Katahdin, Maine's highest mountain. And help support the National Parks Conservation Association, which helps protect and preserve special places around the country, and Girls on the Run-Maine, which inspires girls through running all across the state.

    Participate in this special 2021 edition of the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race, which includes marathon-length distances and more in Denali, Gettysburg, Zion and other special places across the USA, and earn a medal (or two or more) at the same time - including a "Maine STRONG" medal featuring your option of ribbons - either #team_camo, #team_lumberjack, I LOVE Friends of Acadia or I LOVE Millinocket Memorial Library ribbon, or an "Acadia to Katahdin" medal featuring either a #team_lobster, #team_moose, I LOVE Friends of Acadia or I LOVE Millinocket Memorial Library ribbon.

    Start atop Cadillac, the first place to see the sun rise in the USA between Oct. 7 and March 6, with a few laps around the summit loop, then hop over to virtually race the route of the Boston Marathon, where the unofficial Crow Athletics' 17th New Years Boston Marathon begins at 6 am on Jan. 1, 2021.

    Jump back to the top of Cadillac and virtually climb all 26 peaks of Acadia, then criss-cross the country, fr