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        Athletes (271) updated 6:05PM 

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              Recent Activity updated 6:05PM 

              This race ended 03/21/21 - check out the final activity below.

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              • AlvaroChavez Wesleyan better team Mar 21, 2021
                1.9 miles
                60.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.9 miles
                 Passed 14 athletes.
              • Lancealot Know Your Shit Mar 21, 2021
                7.0 miles
                7.04 miles of running/Walking = 7.04 miles
                 3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 31 athletes.
              • Poodlema Metro NY WOCN Mar 21, 2021
                5.2 miles
                5.2 miles of running/Walking = 5.2 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.40 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 36 athletes.
              • Vrinda BCCH-Walkaholic Mar 21, 2021
                1.8 miles
                15.0 minutes of jumping rope, moderate = 1.8 miles
              • Andreaweithman Padfam Mar 21, 2021
                8.5 miles
                8.5 miles of running/Walking = 8.5 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.  Passed 33 athletes.
              • Yati BCCH-Bains Mar 21, 2021
                10.1 miles
                10.1 miles of running/Walking = 10.1 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.55 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Finished in 49th place.
              • Shebains BCCH-Bains Mar 21, 2021
                6.0 miles
                5.97 miles of running/Walking = 5.97 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 7.63 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
              • Keefe Con's Crew: 1 Mar 21, 2021
                1.8 miles
                30.0 minutes of basketball, recreational = 1.8 miles
                 6th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 7 athletes.
              • Keefe Con's Crew: 1 Mar 21, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 3.69 miles/day.  Passed 11 athletes.
              • FionaJHorgan Con's Crew 3 Mar 21, 2021
                10.0 miles
                10.0 miles of running/Walking = 10.0 miles
                Walking NYC
                 Back after 6 days.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 53 athletes.
              • Tinamomma Con's Crew: 1 Mar 21, 2021
                10.0 miles
                10.0 miles of running/Walking = 10.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.37 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 60 athletes.
              • Dhandas BCCH-DHL Mar 21, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
                 6th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 7 athletes.
              • Deepak BCCH-Gupta Mar 21, 2021
                4.6 miles
                9809.0 steps of steps = 4.6 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.  Passed 17 athletes.
              • TeamGupta BCCH-Gupta Mar 21, 2021
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 15 athletes.
              • UshaA BCCH-ATeam Mar 21, 2021
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
                 Passed 3 athletes.
              • Pippin BCCH-Striders Mar 21, 2021
                3.5 miles
                3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
                 8th Longest personal exercise.
              • UshaA BCCH-ATeam Mar 21, 2021
                1.1 miles
                60.0 minutes of cooking = 1.1 miles
                 Passed 8 athletes.
              • UshaA BCCH-ATeam Mar 21, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.23 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 20 athletes.
              • KomalD BCCH-CUREsaders Mar 21, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
                75 mins - running, dancing and yoga!
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.21 miles/day.  Passed 9 athletes.
              • VNM BCCH-Shakthi Mar 21, 2021
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
                 10th Longest personal exercise.
              • GTBBCCH BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                0.9 miles
                2000.0 steps of steps = 0.9 miles
                 8th Longest personal exercise.
              • Tated BCCH-NVN Mar 21, 2021
                4.6 miles
                9660.0 steps of steps = 4.6 miles
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 21 athletes.
              • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 21, 2021
                3.1 miles
                1.0 hour of dancing, party = 3.1 mile
                 4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 15 athletes.
              • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 21, 2021
                2.5 miles
                5300.0 steps of steps = 2.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.72 miles/day.  6th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 16 athletes.
              • hjkat Heather T Mar 21, 2021
                0.6 miles
                0.6 miles of running/Walking = 0.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 3.80 miles/day.  7th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 4 athletes.
              • SuzeFrancis #BestPersonEver Mar 21, 2021
                7.5 miles
                7.5 miles of running/Walking = 7.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.43 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 19 athletes moving #BestPersonEver into #60.
              • XxYyzz BCCH-Gupta Mar 21, 2021
                6.0 miles
                6.0 miles of running/Walking = 6.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 31 athletes.
              • Chutti BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                1.3 miles
                30.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.3 miles
              • dhruvseth7 BCCH- Seths Mar 21, 2021
                2.1 miles
                2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
                 7th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 9 athletes.
              • Dipiano BCCH-Khans Mar 21, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
              • Lambas BCCH-100K Mar 21, 2021
                2.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 2.6 miles
                Santosh activity
              • Lambas BCCH-100K Mar 21, 2021
                7.4 miles
                7.4 miles of running/Walking = 7.4 miles
                Santosh activity
                 3rd Longest personal exercise.
              • jenbbutler RunningForJohn1 Mar 21, 2021
                7.5 miles
                3.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 7.5 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.  Passed 29 athletes.
              • Shaan BCCH-GG Mar 21, 2021
                3.6 miles
                45.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 3.6 miles
                 3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 16 athletes moving BCCH-GG into #64.
              • Seblives BCCH-DHL Mar 21, 2021
                6.0 miles
                6.0 miles of running/Walking = 6.0 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.  Passed 38 athletes.
              • Jasmine123 BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                2.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 2.5 miles
                 5th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 14 athletes.
              • Jasmine123 BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                6.6 miles
                13887.0 steps of steps = 6.6 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.  Passed 29 athletes.
              • Jasmine123 BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                0.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of cooking = 0.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.95 miles/day.
              • KShep Stomp It Out Mar 21, 2021
                3.1 miles
                50.0 minutes of baseball = 3.1 miles
                 7th Longest personal exercise.  Finished in 48th place.
              • KShep Stomp It Out Mar 21, 2021
                4.5 miles
                4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 miles
                 Passed 9 athletes moving Stomp ItOut into #59.
              • KShep Stomp It Out Mar 21, 2021
                3.8 miles
                120.0 minutes of weight lifting = 3.8 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.82 miles/day.  5th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 11 athletes.
              • Aditya BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.45 miles/day.  Passed 8 athletes.
              • GTBBCCH BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                7.6 miles
                7.6 miles of running/Walking = 7.6 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.
              • GTBBCCH BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                7.5 miles
                3.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 7.5 miles
                 Longest personal exercise.
              • GTBBCCH BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                2.2 miles
                2.0 hours of cooking = 2.2 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 9.80 miles/day.
              • NikhilB BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                7.2 miles
                7.2 miles of running/Walking = 7.2 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.98 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 20 athletes.
              • MillyB BCCH-DegnaMal Mar 21, 2021
                8.0 miles
                8.0 miles of running/Walking = 8.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.22 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 18 athletes.
              • Simmi BCCH-DegnaMal Mar 21, 2021
                5.7 miles
                12000.0 steps of steps = 5.7 miles
                 5th Longest personal exercise.
              • Chutti BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                7.5 miles
                180.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 7.5 miles
                Laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, cooking
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.
              • Morten BCCH-DegnaMal Mar 21, 2021
                3.5 miles
                60.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 miles
                 8th Longest personal exercise.
              • Chutti BCCH-GTB Mar 21, 2021
                7.6 miles
                16000.0 steps of steps = 7.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 7.36 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Finished in 47th place.
              • SidVicious BCCH-DHL Mar 21, 2021
                0.1 miles
                15.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
              • SidVicious BCCH-DHL Mar 21, 2021
                5.7 miles
                50.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 5.7 miles
                High intensity spinning
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 25 athletes.
              • EliseAlex RunningForJohn3 Mar 21, 2021
                6.5 miles
                6.5 miles of running/Walking = 6.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.92 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 40 athletes.
              • Avani BCCH-PAAIN Mar 21, 2021
                2.8 miles
                30.0 minutes of circuit training = 2.8 miles
                 Passed 12 athletes.
              • OstomyNurses Metro NY WOCN Mar 21, 2021
                9.8 miles
                9.8 miles of running/Walking = 9.8 miles
                NYC walk/ AAPI Rally
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.09 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 54 athletes.
              • FritzSpofford Wesleyan better team Mar 21, 2021
                6.0 miles
                6.0 miles of running/Walking = 6.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.40 miles/day.  Passed 24 athletes.
              • MeMe3 RunningForJohn1 Mar 21, 2021
                1.3 miles
                30.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.3 miles
                 9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 6 athletes.
              • MeMe3 RunningForJohn1 Mar 21, 2021
                2.7 miles
                2.7 miles of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
                 3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 23 athletes.
              • Laurencranwell Con’s Crew- 2 Mar 21, 2021
                5.7 miles
                60.0 minutes of spinning = 5.7 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.22 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 26 athletes.
              • Geetu BCCH-100K Mar 21, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 5.63 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 21 athletes.
              • Smita BCCH-Walkaholic Mar 21, 2021
                4.2 miles
                1.0 Hour of hiking = 4.2 mile
                 4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 7 athletes.
              • Fastp BCCH-ArmanRoy1 Mar 21, 2021
                2.3 miles
                2.3 miles of running/Walking = 2.3 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 2.97 miles/day.  4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 12 athletes.
              • del_b7ypfw Running4Akin Mar 21, 2021
                1.0 miles
                30.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.0 miles
                 9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 2 athletes.
              • del_9jYnWw BCCH-PAAIN Mar 21, 2021
                0.7 miles
                0.75 miles of running/Walking = 0.75 miles
                 9th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Passed 2 athletes.
              • del_b7ypfw Running4Akin Mar 21, 2021
                3.8 miles
                3.8 miles of running/Walking = 3.8 miles
                 2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 20 athletes.
              • del_b7ypfw Running4Akin Mar 21, 2021
                0.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of yoga = 0.6 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 2.28 miles/day.  9th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 1 athlete.
              • DrewBains BCCH-Bains Mar 21, 2021
                3.9 miles
                1.5 hours of frisbee = 3.9 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 9.17 miles/day.  7th Longest personal exercise.
              • Viren BCCH-100K Mar 21, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of running/Walking = 5.0 miles
                 Passed 10 athletes.
              • Victoriasister May Wohlafka Mar 21, 2021
                1.4 miles
                1.41 miles of running/Walking = 1.41 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 1.50 miles/day.  4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 7 athletes.
              • SabinaBainzzz BCCH-Bains Mar 21, 2021
                3.9 miles
                1.5 hours of frisbee = 3.9 miles
                Some intense frisbee golf with my Elon squad. Got better and then got worse
                 6th Longest personal exercise.
              • hknight Kim's Krusaders Mar 21, 2021
                7.0 miles
                7.0 miles of running/Walking = 7.0 miles
                 Finished in 46th place.
              • see more...
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                  This race ended 03/21/21 - check out the final activity here.

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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • jenbbutler RunningForJohn1 Mar 19, 2021
                    Our cooking session with Chef Claes will be starting at 3:25pm today! Tune in!
                  • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 19, 2021
                    The link for Friday virtual session with chef Claes Panera bread chief food innovation officer at 3 pm https://stream.lifesizeclou... The link for sat meditation & breathing class with Sangeeta Bansal on sat from 9 to 945
                  • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 18, 2021
                    * Free BREATHWORK AND MEDITATION WORKSHOP sat March 20th 9 am EST to 945 hosted by Sangeeta Bansal ( 🙏) — zoom info in trail * * about the class * Did you know that with our breath we can improve the quality of sleep, fire up digestion, manage mental stress, regulate emotions, enhance energy levels, relieve asthma symptoms, and even improve our immune system? It is possibly the most powerful yet under-used item in the toolkit of self-help practices that support our physical and mental well-being. Come join us this Saturday at 9 am on Zoom for an active session on learning breathing techniques. In our 45 minute workshop, we will learn at least 4 different breathing techniques - ranging from Dynamic Breathing to give ourselves a boost of energy, Box Breathing to increase focus, Belly Breathing to induce relaxation and sleep, and Victory Breath to improve cellular oxygenation. We will also practice a short meditation at the end, and set the tone for an energized yet relaxed weekend. * What do Bring: * A somewhat empty stomach, a few cushions to sit on, and a blanket. * Zoom Login: * Sangeeta Bansal is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Sangeeta Bansal's Zoom Meeting Time: Mar 20, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 420 548 6363 Passcode: Breathe * ABOUT SANGEETA* Sangeeta is the founder of My Inner Resources, a company dedicated to providing high quality mindfulness and meditation coaching to corporate clients and academic institutions. She is a certified coach and instructor for breathwork and mindfulness practices. Her programs include mindful yoga, breathwork, mindfulness for stress reduction, improving productivity, and raising happiness and life satisfaction. She also offers workshops on mindful eating, training in emotional intelligence, finding life purpose, and creating a compassionate workplace. Sangeeta is dedicated to helping others reduce stress and anxiety, and improving their quality of life through these scientifically proven practices. Since 2013 she has offered her courses at top Ivy League universities, several top-ranked high schools, and corporate leadership teams. During the pandemic, she has led private groups on zoom.
                  • kerrihorgan Con's Crew: 1 Mar 18, 2021
                    Hi Teams! Join me and some other CCFChallenge participants in a 30 minute Peloton ride tonight at 6PM EST! Link and details are below: Cody Rigsby HIIT & Hills 30 minute from 3/15 at 7:30 PM EST https://members.onepeloton....
                  • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 17, 2021
                    Reena Singhvi a experienced yoga teacher is conducting a FREE zoom Yoga class today wed, March 17th from 7 to 8 pm to support the Bery Colon Cancer Helpers (BCCH) team taking part in Colon Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) week long virtual challenge. * March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. So please wear your “blue” outfit for the class. Stretch & relax your muscles for this virtual week Do the class at the level you want Note you will get Racery miles for participation in the class — select yoga as the activity Thanks Reena Singhvi for your support to BCCH & donating your time to Colon Cancer Foundation 🙏 The following is the zoom link
                  • kerrihorgan Con's Crew: 1 Mar 15, 2021
                    Any Peloton users out there? Would anyone be interested in a group ride this week? If there is interest I will pick a 30 minute ride that we can do later this week. Evening time, EST timezone. I have created the hashtag #ccfchallenge to add to my profile this week! Join me there :)
                    What a great idea!! I’m in! I’m PeloJen on Peloton 🙂
                  • SanjayBery BCCH-BERY FAMILY 13 yrs & Counting Mar 15, 2021
                    Reena Singhvi a very experienced yoga teacher is conducting a free zoom Yoga class on wed, March 15th from 7 to 8 pm for all Colon Cancer Foundation (CCF) virtual Racery participants Stretch & relax your muscles for this virtual week Do the class at the level you want The zoom link will be shared on wed morning Note you will get approx 1.3 Racery miles for participation in the class Thanks Reena Singhvi for donating your time to Colon Cancer Foundation 🙏 Please edit as needed
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                      About + Join

                      • From: Chappaqua, New York
                      • To: Central Park, Manhattan
                      • Start date: March 15, 2021
                      • End date: March 21, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 45 miles
                      • Total logged: 7,729.8 miles

                      About This Event:

                      The CCF Fitness and Fundraising Challenge takes participants on a virtual 45-mile journey through the past, present and future of the Colon Cancer Foundation. Participants can compete solo or in teams of five to complete the distance and the best part is, there are over 70 activities that convert into "mileage". Run, walk, ride, roll, or Zumba your way to your goal.

                      Plus, with each mile logged, participants will unlock amazing stories and photos from CCF's past and present and hear all about how CCF is helping to shape the future of colon cancer prevention, treatment, and care. At the end of event week, all athletes will get a special invite to the Virtual Concert for a Cause to celebrate their accomplishment!

                      Each entry will pay for a life-saving cancer screening kit for one person and help us reach our goal of screening 10,000 people in 2021. With thousands of colonoscopies delayed in 2020, we are facing massive healthcare access issues and these home testing kits are vital. Help us come from behind in the race to screen individuals ages 45+; join us today!


                      • We encourage each participant to fundraise to help us meet our goal of screening 10,000 people in 2021.

                      • You can fundraise for this campaign on the CCF Fitness and Fundraising Challenge website until October 30, 2021.

                      Want to support the Challenge with a donation? Just click the Blue Donate button on the map!

                      How to Participate:

                      • Sign up using the JOIN NOW button above. Teams can be anywhere from 1-5 people, so be sure to invite your friends and family to participate.

                      • Do you have a team bigger than 5? We encourage you to use the GROUP function. You can create as many teams of 5 as you like and give them similar names, for example BigBlueCrew #1, BigBlueCrew #2, etc. Create a BigBlueCrew group and then you can check out all your activities in one spot, message your friends and compete better, together.

                      • During event week, you can exercise anywhere you want. Log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media!

                      With participants from all over the world, we have developed some handy guidelines to help everyone have a good experience:

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips.

                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.

                      3. Update your passcode in settings.

                      4. The CCF Challenge allows you to convert 70+ activities into mileage. Check out the list here

                      5. With these activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                      6. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.

                      7. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                      8. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!

                      9. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.

                      10. Only log intentional exercise please.

                      11. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      12. You may only backdate logs back to the start of the event on March 15, 2021. 

                      13. Only activities submitted between 12:00am EST March 15 and 11:59 pm EST March 21 will count towards the leader boards. Activities logged after the race ends will not count toward leaderboards.

                      Got questions about fundraising or the Colon Cancer Foundation?

                      Please email

                      Got questions about the event? 

                      Then write!
                      No mileage submitted yet.