CCF Challenge
Teams updated 6:05PM
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1.#bcch 12 racers × 50.0 avg = 600 miles
2.#wesleyan 10 racers × 13.9 avg = 139 miles
3.#optonline 6 racers × 21.4 avg = 128 miles
4.#socialendurance 2 racers × 38.7 avg = 77 miles
5.#conscrew1 3 racers × 22.2 avg = 66 miles
6.#atlantichealth 2 racers × 31.4 avg = 63 miles
7.#bcchbric 2 racers × 31.4 avg = 63 miles
8.#kapex 2 racers × 20.5 avg = 41 miles
9.#awcrap 2 racers × 19.7 avg = 39 miles
10.#armanroy 2 racers × 17.9 avg = 36 miles
11.#vyaswin 2 racers × 17.4 avg = 35 miles
12.#teamabbie 2 racers × 15.4 avg = 31 miles
1.BCHH - Shah Finished
2.BCCH- Movin Mammas!! Finished
3.BCCH-Walkaholic Finished
4.BCCH-Squad5 Finished
5.BCCH-Bains Finished
6.RunningForJohn3 Finished
7.BCCH-Bains CA Finished
8.BCCH-Striders Finished
9.BCCH-GTB Finished
10.BCCH-Shakthi Finished
11.BCCH- Seths Finished
12.RunFootForward Finished
13.BCCH-Gupta Finished
14.BCCH-100K Finished
15.BCCH-Kurves Finished
16.BCCH-DegnaMal Finished
17.BCCH-Saifee Finished
18.BCCH-olsonsingh Finished
19.BCCH-PAAIN Finished
20.Know Your Shit Finished
21.RunningForJohn1 Finished
22.BCCH-CUREsaders Finished
23.BCCH Vyaswin Finished
24.BCCH-GAC Team Finished
25.Danny's Girls Finished
26.RunningForJohn2 Finished
27.Padfam Finished
28.Wesleyan better team Finished
29.AwCrap Finished
30.BCCH-ATeam Finished
see more...
1.BCCH- Movin Mammas!! 359.0 miles
2.BCCH-DegnaMal 309.2 miles
3.BCCH-Shakthi 261.8 miles
4.BCCH-Bains 257.7 miles
5.BCCH-GTB 251.1 miles
6.BCCH-Squad5 242.6 miles
7.BCCH-Striders 239.8 miles
8.BCCH- Seths 216.8 miles
9.BCHH - Shah 211.1 miles
10.BCCH-Walkaholic 210.7 miles
11.Jeanette runs 201.5 miles
12.BCCH-100K 195.0 miles
13.RunningForJohn1 173.0 miles
14.RunningForJohn3 165.5 miles
15.BCCH-Bains CA 151.9 miles
16.RunFootForward 148.9 miles
17.BCCH Vyaswin 147.0 miles
18.BCCH-olsonsingh 145.7 miles
19.BCCH-CUREsaders 141.6 miles
20.Danny's Girls 140.5 miles
21.RunningForJohn2 130.6 miles
22.SocialEndurance 130.6 miles
23.BCCH-ATeam 124.6 miles
24.BCCH-GAC Team 119.2 miles
25.BCCH-PAAIN 111.5 miles
26.Padfam 104.9 miles
27.BCCH-Gupta 103.1 miles
28.Know Your Shit 100.1 miles
29.BCCH-BRIC team 97.6 miles
30.BCCH-DHL 94.8 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (271) updated 6:05PM
1.RajK Finished
2.kschill Finished
3.VNM Finished
4.Vand Finished
5.SethFamily Finished
6.AnitaS Finished
7.Pindar Finished
8.Nim Finished
9.B.O.B Finished
10.BB3 Finished
11.SSSS Finished
12.SINGHs Finished
13.Anju Finished
14.SabinaBainzzz Finished
15.DrewBains Finished
16.Lambas Finished
17.Simmi Finished
18.Suchi Finished
19.GTBBCCH Finished
20.Meenag Finished
21.IKap Finished
22.EvaG Finished
23.Netty Finished
24.L_M Finished
25.LucyD Finished
26.RunAnnieRun Finished
27.Runnin4beer Finished
28.Murry Finished
29.Pippin Finished
30.Jaina Finished
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1.Netty 201.5 miles
2.VNM 109.5 miles
3.RajK 103.0 miles
4.AnitaS 90.5 miles
5.Pindar 90.4 miles
6.Murry 85.0 miles
7.GTBBCCH 84.6 miles
8.Nim 82.9 miles
9.Simmi 81.3 miles
10.Vand 77.7 miles
11.Lambas 77.5 miles
12.EvaG 75.3 miles
13.SethFamily 75.2 miles
14.LucyD 73.0 miles
15.Morten 72.4 miles
16.SSSS 70.8 miles
17.B.O.B 70.4 miles
18.SINGHs 68.7 miles
19.Vrinda 67.9 miles
20.SabinaBainzzz 67.8 miles
21.L_M 65.4 miles
22.OhEmGee 64.2 miles
23.DrewBains 62.2 miles
24.Chutti 60.3 miles
25.Dipiano 57.9 miles
26.Suchi 57.6 miles
27.hknight 55.8 miles
28.Runnin4beer 55.2 miles
29.Meenag 54.8 miles
30.Pippin 54.3 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity updated 6:05PM
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Chappaqua, New York
- To: Central Park, Manhattan
- Start date: March 15, 2021
- End date: March 21, 2021
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 45 miles
- Total logged: 7,729.8 miles

About This Event:
The CCF Fitness and Fundraising Challenge takes participants on a virtual 45-mile journey through the past, present and future of the Colon Cancer Foundation. Participants can compete solo or in teams of five to complete the distance and the best part is, there are over 70 activities that convert into "mileage". Run, walk, ride, roll, or Zumba your way to your goal.
Plus, with each mile logged, participants will unlock amazing stories and photos from CCF's past and present and hear all about how CCF is helping to shape the future of colon cancer prevention, treatment, and care. At the end of event week, all athletes will get a special invite to the Virtual Concert for a Cause to celebrate their accomplishment!
Each entry will pay for a life-saving cancer screening kit for one person and help us reach our goal of screening 10,000 people in 2021. With thousands of colonoscopies delayed in 2020, we are facing massive healthcare access issues and these home testing kits are vital. Help us come from behind in the race to screen individuals ages 45+; join us today!
- We encourage each participant to fundraise to help us meet our goal of screening 10,000 people in 2021.
- You can fundraise for this campaign on the CCF Fitness and Fundraising Challenge website until October 30, 2021.
Want to support the Challenge with a donation? Just click the Blue Donate button on the map!
How to Participate:
- Sign up using the JOIN NOW button above. Teams can be anywhere from 1-5 people, so be sure to invite your friends and family to participate.
- Do you have a team bigger than 5? We encourage you to use the GROUP function. You can create as many teams of 5 as you like and give them similar names, for example BigBlueCrew #1, BigBlueCrew #2, etc. Create a BigBlueCrew group and then you can check out all your activities in one spot, message your friends and compete better, together.
- During event week, you can exercise anywhere you want. Log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media!
With participants from all over the world, we have developed some handy guidelines to help everyone have a good experience:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- The CCF Challenge allows you to convert 70+ activities into mileage. Check out the list here.
- With these activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- You may only backdate logs back to the start of the event on March 15, 2021.
- Only activities submitted between 12:00am EST March 15 and 11:59 pm EST March 21 will count towards the leader boards. Activities logged after the race ends will not count toward leaderboards.
Got questions about fundraising or the Colon Cancer Foundation?
Please email
Got questions about the event?
Then write!
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No mileage submitted yet.