
Walkers (3,194)

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Group Mileage Log:

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    This race ended 01/02/18 - check out the final activity below.

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    • Eliza Jan 2, 2018
      5.8 miles
      This is my 2 day total.These frigid temps are no fun.Looking forward to the warmer temps tomorrow.
       Back after 7 days.  4th Longest personal walk.
    • justbeth7 Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 5.83 miles/day.
    • BreezyBragdon Jan 2, 2018
      4.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 5.16 miles/day.
    • JAKELINE Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 1.94 miles/day.
    • MightySmitey-B Jan 2, 2018
      1.7 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.50 miles/day.
    • Kat7 Jan 2, 2018
      3.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 24 days at 2.63 miles/day.
    • Tootie Jan 2, 2018
      5.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 4.54 miles/day.
    • Frazer Jan 2, 2018
      4.0 miles
    • Tica Jan 2, 2018
      4.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 25 days at 3.86 miles/day.
    • HeidiV Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
    • jdriley Jan 2, 2018
      3.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 2.57 miles/day.  5th Longest personal walk.
    • Coral74 Jan 2, 2018
      5.8 miles
       Extends streak to 5 days.
    • Java Jan 2, 2018
      3.0 miles
       4th Longest personal walk.
    • StephanieRose Jan 2, 2018
      3.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 3.63 miles/day.
    • PaulW Jan 2, 2018
      5.0 miles
    • Rette Jan 2, 2018
      0.6 miles
    • successfuljen Jan 2, 2018
      1.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 29 days at 1.58 miles/day.
    • AliRay Jan 2, 2018
      3.6 miles
      Ran 3.6 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 3.84 miles/day.
    • JRose Jan 2, 2018
      4.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 3.05 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal walk.
    • Tito Jan 2, 2018
      2.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 2.97 miles/day.
    • USED2RUN Jan 2, 2018
      3.2 miles
       Finished in 1295th place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+0.8 miles) in 42 days a PR.
    • Soccer Jan 2, 2018
      1.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 37 days at 4.21 miles/day.
    • PumpkinSpice Jan 2, 2018
      5.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 4.38 miles/day.  6th Longest personal walk.
      Mountain climbing today!
    • SUSIE1 Jan 2, 2018
      7.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 1.98 miles/day.  Longest personal walk.
    • QueenBe Jan 2, 2018
      1.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 3.73 miles/day.
    • LisaS9 Jan 2, 2018
      3.5 miles
      That's a wrap!
      You win!!
      Great job! :)
      A big finish!
      @BlueBird-- @TNvic We all did great!
    • MikeK Jan 2, 2018
      3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 4.73 miles/day.
    • Nik331 Jan 2, 2018
      2.5 miles
       6th Longest personal walk.  Finished in 1294th place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+0.2 miles) in 43 days a PR.
    • ropngal Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
    • Zen Jan 2, 2018
      2.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 3.47 miles/day.
    • Bubblegum Jan 2, 2018
      2.3 miles
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • Baby_Gap Jan 2, 2018
       Longest personal streak grows to 24 days at 5.95 miles/day.  8th Longest personal walk.
    • Christy16 Jan 2, 2018
      3.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.70 miles/day.  5th Longest personal walk.  Finished in 1293rd place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+1.1 miles) in 44 days a PR.
    • NCWalker Jan 2, 2018
      2.7 miles
      2 final loops at work. Paris Racery is at an end.
       Extends streak to 12 days.
    • Shawnee Jan 2, 2018
      0.6 miles
       Passed 19 walkers.
    • DVD Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 3.94 miles/day.
    • Hammy01 Jan 2, 2018
      1.5 miles
       Back after 5 days.
    • BeeLowC Jan 2, 2018
      0.7 miles
       6th Longest personal walk.  Finished in 1292nd place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+0.2 miles) in 10 days a PR.
    • Bilzo Jan 2, 2018
      5.0 miles
      station pubrun
    • CLo Jan 2, 2018
      1.7 miles
    • Don-G Jan 2, 2018
      5.0 miles
      24 degrees, brrr!
       Back after 12 days.
    • klbh Jan 2, 2018
      1.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 1.59 miles/day.
    • KitKatWalker Jan 2, 2018
      6.0 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 4.30 miles/day.
    • CourtneyB Jan 2, 2018
      3.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.45 miles/day.  Walked 26.2 miles (+1.6 miles) in 14 days a PR.
    • QuietDee Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Passed 58 walkers.
    • Dr.J Jan 2, 2018
      4.4 miles
    • Jenlaz Jan 2, 2018
      0.5 miles
    • No2little Jan 2, 2018
      3.0 miles
    • AKPeach Jan 2, 2018
      2.8 miles
       6th Longest personal walk.
    • prestojo Jan 2, 2018
      1.6 miles
       5th Longest personal walk.  Finished in 1291st place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+1.1 miles) in 21 days a PR.
    • Paria78 Jan 2, 2018
      3.7 miles
       3rd Longest personal walk.
    • Netti Jan 2, 2018
      6.0 miles
      walking and ellyptical
       Longest personal walk.
    • Traderbren Jan 2, 2018
      1.7 miles
       9th Longest personal walk.
    • Patsy Jan 2, 2018
      1.0 miles
       7th Longest personal walk.  Passed 26 walkers.
    • BeeLowC Jan 2, 2018
      6.8 miles
       2nd Longest personal walk.  Passed 140 walkers.
    • KKJW Jan 2, 2018
      1.2 miles
      Run/walk with the girls around the neighborhood. Youngest threw a temper tantrum, so that was refreshing. *sigh*
    • flowergirl6971 Jan 2, 2018
      1.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 1.15 miles/day.
    • PyroKat Jan 2, 2018
      4.8 miles
    • KikiRae Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Passed 55 walkers.
    • DJC Jan 2, 2018
      6.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 6.34 miles/day.
    • Pineapple Jan 2, 2018
      0.9 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 1.95 miles/day.
    • acbates Jan 2, 2018
      0.5 miles
       Finished in 1289th place.  Walked 26.2 miles (+0.3 miles) in 44 days a PR.
    • Kittlepuff Jan 2, 2018
       Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 2.26 miles/day.  5th Longest personal walk.
    • Brielle Jan 2, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 44 days at 1.84 miles/day.
    • Dr.J Jan 2, 2018
      1.1 miles
    • SIytheryAsFcuk Jan 2, 2018
      3.1 miles
      Tuesday d
    • lucyvanpelt Jan 2, 2018
      1.3 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 37 days at 3.39 miles/day.
    • Mistic Jan 2, 2018
      2.1 miles
       3rd Longest personal walk.  Passed 47 walkers.
    • Beerlady Jan 2, 2018
      5.0 miles
       4th Longest personal walk.
    • Runner5 Jan 2, 2018
      1.8 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 5.34 miles/day.
    • Parkfan Jan 2, 2018
      0.7 miles
       5th Longest personal walk.  Passed 16 walkers.
    • JennaLynn Jan 2, 2018
      1.0 miles
    • Shoeford Jan 2, 2018
      2.1 miles
       Passed 38 walkers.
    • MarathonMegan Jan 2, 2018
      1.4 miles
      Walk in the NC mountains.
    • Renia Jan 2, 2018
      0.6 miles
       5th Longest personal walk.  Passed 12 walkers.
    • see more...
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    This race ended 01/02/18 - check out the final activity here.

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    You need to validate this device to chat.

    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • ChicaBella Jan 8, 2018
      Waited until I got back from a two week winter break (at an elementary school) and I see I can no longer log my miles, darn!
      Hey @ChicaBella ! This challenge has ended but check our current races here: :) -Emma
    • scyrus30 Jan 2, 2018
      Is there a way to download the badge (for completion of the marathon)?
      Hey @scyrus30! There's not a direct way to download your badge, but you can either screenshot it from your phone or right-click and 'save image' from a computer! Hope that works for you! :) -Emma
      Hey @scyrus30! I wanted to follow-up on your question as I realized you could be talking about a different type of badge we've sent out. If my original answer wasn't helpful can you shoot me an email at -Emma
    • Lmds Jan 2, 2018
      I have completed three marathons but only see a badge for my first marathon.
      Hey there @lmds! You only receive a new 26.2 mile when you complete a new personal record or 'PR'. So, next time you complete 26.2 miles in less days than your first marathon, you'll receive a new badge! Hope that helps. :) -Emma
      Hey @Lmds! Following-up on your question. I realized there's another type of 'badge' you could be referring to! Please reach out to me at if your question wasn't answered fully! -Emma
    • TNvic Jan 1, 2018
      How can I see the Eiffel Tower in the views of Paris? I did 2 loops but never saw it. Is there a certain mileage point that I could somehow go to? Thanks!
      ? no response?
      Hey @TNvic! The mileage to see the Eiffel Tower may be very specific! You can try clicking around the Google Street Views of other racers' around the finish line to see if they hit the right spot! :)
    • SusieT Dec 29, 2017
      Just completed the 100 mile walk. I've enjoyed every mile. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this event. See you next year. Happy New Year Everyone!!!
    • Lmds Dec 26, 2017
      looking for my badges, etc
      Hey @Lmds ! Are you looking for your 26.2 mileage badge? Happy to help once I know more. :)
    • SusieT Dec 20, 2017
      Starting my 4th time around. 100 I come....
    • Beth7Cam Dec 20, 2017
      A bit behind with logging! I've finished the first loop, but is there is a way I can see the last day I logged my activity? And how do I get credit for multiple days(I know I can't log if it's been longer than a week.)
      Hey @Beth7Cam ! If you click on your nickname here in the messageboard, or in any other the other tabs, you'll see your profile and past logs. :) Also, feel free to log miles up to two weeks before today! -Emma
    • Deb47 Dec 17, 2017
      I thought I was at 16.9 2 days ago and just added 1.1 and only have 17
      Hey there Deb! You can check on your logs by clicking your nickname here in the messageboard, or any other tabs. :) If you think you're missing miles, feel free to backdate them! -Emma
    • LisaS9 Dec 14, 2017
      I finished the second loop (have 52.9 miles currently), but didn't get the "badge" for completing this loop. Aren't we supposed to get a badge each time we finish the 26.2 mile course?
      Hey @LS9! You badge appears in your activity feed. :) If you click on your user name here on the race page, you can scroll down your activity logs and see your 26.2 mile badge for your Dec 2 log! Hope that helps! -Emma
      Also, you only get a new badge if you completed your next 26.2 miles in less time than before. :)
      @RaceryEmma Thanks for your reply. Kind of a strange rule, but that's ok. At least my total miles shows.
    • Roman_Walker Dec 13, 2017
      100 miles down! Going for more!
    • Donnie Dec 13, 2017
      Just finished Mile 86....going around again
    • Sharene Dec 13, 2017
      Going for third marathon. I'm loving this walking.
    • Pammie33 Dec 12, 2017
      WOO HOO.....Bum knee and all I finished the marathon this weekend. And lost a few pounds too. Gonna see if I can make it a double marathon.
    • Donnie Dec 12, 2017
      Just finished my second time around and on to the third one
    • MelissaN Dec 11, 2017
      How often are we supposed to "validate this device"? I'm having to do it frequently and I'm clicking on the same link in the same e-mail.
      Hey Melissa! You have to validate unless you stay logged in! Are you on your desktop or mobile? If you're on a mobile device, are you using the app? We'll get this figured out! -Emma
      @RaceryEmma I'm on my desktop. What's confusing is that I log out after I log my mileage. I seldom look at Racery more than once a day. Some days I don't have to validate and some days I do.
      @MelissaN Since we don't have a password log-in, validating is how we know it's you! If you'd like to validate less, you can stay logged in to Racery after you log your miles. :) -Emma
    • SusieT Dec 11, 2017
      I'm a little closer to 100 miles...Starting Round 3.
      Wow! Way to go SusieT!!
    • Fuzz Dec 11, 2017
      I'm almost done!! Makes me a little sad...:( This has been fun!!
      Keep going Fuzz! Keep doing the loop and see how many marathons you can get- you will see different sites in Paris with different mileage amounts : )
    • MaryT Dec 10, 2017
      Don’t know if this is happening for anyone else, but i signed up for the 5 postcards and I’ve only received the Norte Dame postcard. I’m nearly done with the race. Wondering where the other cards are?
      Hey Mary! It looks like you've only passed the mark for 1 postcard so far! Keeping logging and you'll find your other postcards within the first 3 loops. :) Keep up the good work! -Emma
      @RaceryEmma. I'm at mile 25. When I wrote to you I was at mile 23? 3 loops? Do I have to do more than 1 marathon to get all of the cards?
      Hey @MaryT ! Great question! You'll receive postcard #2 when you complete your first marathon. And yes, to find all 5 postcards you'll need to keep logging and complete more than one marathon. This is to keep the motivation going past the first loop! You'll uncover postcard #3 soon into your 2nd lap. :)
      @RaceryEmma. Gotcha! Thanks 😊
    • Pepsishot Dec 9, 2017
      I was wondering if anyone knew why the mileage I’ve done in this challenge are not showing in the My Trek. The last challenge I took part in carried over there. Just curious.
      Hey Amber! Great question! Since this is set up as a 'walking' race, not a 'running' race, the miles don't count directly to your mytrek. You're welcome to log your miles from this race to your mytrek directly if you'd like to keep track! :) -Emma
      @RaceryEmma - Thank you for letting me know. I would like to know how I go about adding them to My Trek. Since I thought it did that already I’m not really sure how to.
      Hey @Pepsishot! Actually, you will need to wait until this race ends to add your miles to your MyTrek, sorry about that! After Jan 2, to manually add miles to your MyTrek, select your avatar in the upper right corner of the race page and select MyTrek from the drop down. This will take you to your MyTrek race page, where you can log miles as normal. :)
    • Debjones Dec 8, 2017
      Hey it has been a nice walk. It is good interacting with all of you guys. The next steps for me is to practice for the Iron Mike Marathon that will take place on Fort Bragg in March 2018 I believe. Hope to see some of you here. Peace
      Wow! Very impressive, way to go Deb. We would love to hear how it goes for you- you can email us or post in the Facebook group! Best of luck!!
      is it a virtual walk or a street and two feet walk
    • K-ri Dec 8, 2017
      Thank you
    • K-ri Dec 8, 2017
      why do I keep getting the error that I need to validate my email? I have done it three or four times since the race started? Thank you,
      I had the same problem until I started logging in on the email link they send everyday instead of a link I saved in my favorites. Try this link I hope this works for you?
      Hey @K-ri! You'll need to validate your device unless you stay logged in. Were you trying to use your phone or desktop to log? If your phone, are you using the app? Happy to help! :) -- Lesley
      Not sure, @RaceryKayla @RaceryEmma can you chime in? Thank you!
      I have to use the email link to get in. I couldn't get in so I sent an email and got an error back and then used the link that came with it. That's how I logged in
    • walkthehills Dec 7, 2017
      Am off the track until next Tues. doctor's orders- looking forward to getting back to walking.
      We look forward to "seeing" you join us again after Tuesday, hang in there! : )
      well if you can't walk can you walk in place or better yet just lift each foot up and down sitting in a chair that will help you make tracks in one place
    • Krany1 Dec 7, 2017
      How do I go back to check if I have Logged for a specific date?
      Hey there Karen! You can click on your nickname in your post here in the message board, or another tab, to open up your activity history. :) Hope that helps! -Emma
    • tcraft Dec 7, 2017
      I really enjoy the Healthful Meal tips, and the e-mails. They keep me on track.
    • KCHFLA Dec 7, 2017
      I don’t want to do this in a public message but I keep getting a response that my messages could not be understood. I can’t access the postcards I paid for. I want my money back. I will not recommend this app to anyone else nor participate again. Very disappointed because I like the idea of my miles getting me somewhere.
      I should have said emails I’ve attempted to send keeps getting returned with a message they cannot be understood.
      Hey there Kira! So sorry for the inconvenience with accessing your postcards and the confusion with the responses -- these are automated (grabbed by a computer). We understand that this might be confusing and we'll look into a solution for this. We did receive your emails and will be looking into this for you and responding shortly! -Emma
    • Lisacc Dec 5, 2017
      My treadmill was trying to conk out on me. I did a little work to it. Still not at it best. But I will take it slow and continue to finish the race.
      walk around the house . That is what I do I walk until it clocks in as a mile. It's not ideal but it works
    • KCHFLA Dec 5, 2017
      Is there a way to stop the emails asking if I’ve been active. They are annoying as I do my walking after work in the evening so to ask me at noon if I’ve been active defeats the purpose.
      Hey there! You can opt out of any email you'd prefer not to receive at the bottom of that email. I hope this helps! :) -- Lesley
      @RaceryLesley I clicked the link to opt out and it just took me to the place in the app to enter my mileage. This also happened to me for the special postcards I paid for. Only got one email messsge and never could access it.
      Actually it takes me to the last place I was in the app.
      I am going to give it a try. Those emails are really annoying.
      @photobug it didn’t work for me and is one of several issues I’ve had. Sadly this will be my first and last use of this app.
      Thank you for the feedback Kira! For now, I'm going to opt you out of all emails from this race (happy to add any back that you would still like to receive). We'll take a look at your issue as well. --- Lesley
      @RaceryLesley thank you.
      I get them and just ignore them then after I walk I go back to the email hit the link and log in. I think they go out at a set time as the time is different depending on where you live.
    • RockinNurse Dec 5, 2017
      The Holiday Challenge Paris Virtual Marathon-ers...... Keep Moving and Keep Smiling. Today is another day of blessings and if you SMILE at someone I guarantee they will SMILE back!!
    • JeB Dec 4, 2017
      How can I find a list of my own activity...don't remember if I already logged last week's activity
      Hey Janet! To see you activity history, just click on your nickname here in the message board in any of the other tabs! -Emma
    • MaryT Nov 30, 2017
      Is there a way to search team names instead of scrolling through? I also would like to find specific walkers that should be listed in my team. Right now I'm the only one listed even though they said they put the team name in.
      Hey @MaryT! To search team names, go to the Walkers tab, scroll to the top, and then click the >> arrow to expand the list. Then, hit Control F (or Command F on a Mac) and search for the team you'd like. To add racers to your group then can click this URL and join the group: Let me know if you have any other questions! :) -- Lesley
    • kaylaaanicoleee Nov 30, 2017
      This challenge has been so inspiring!! We'd love to hear all the ways (little and big) this race has impacted your life during this year's Holiday Challenge. I'll start: I had been in a workout rut for the last couple of months. Being a part of this challenge, surrounded by literally THOUSANDS of inspiring people has given me the push I needed to start fitting more activity back into my daily life :) THANK YOU!
      This race has encouraged me and my mom @Susie5706 to get out and walk more!!
      I too was in a rut and getting the emails that showed how far people were in the journey made me start walking again. I am grateful
      This race inspired me to start working out again. I even started running again, and I haven’t done that in over a year. I feel a 100 times better than I did before this challenge! And it inspired me to join another virtual race! 💜
      I find this challenging even though i'm not on a team. I walk everyday because I am accounting for it. Silly though it seems but I think when we have to be accountable we do more
    • RockinNurse Nov 30, 2017
      To everyone on the great Holiday Challenge Paris Virtual Marathon wagon.... YOU ROCK!
      Woop woop!!! Way to go everyone!!
    • flowergirl6971 Nov 30, 2017
      Is there a way to just see me on the map? Hard to tell where I'm at with a lot of walkers on top of me.
      Hey Tricia! On desktop, if you hover your mouse over your name in the 'walkers' tab you're avatar will hop up and down on the map! Hope this helps. :) -Emma
      You can zoom in on the map and it will spread everyone out. If you are on a desktop you can do this by clicking the small + sign in the upper right hand corner. Hope this helps! :-)
      Thanks! This helped greatly. :)
    • SusieT Nov 30, 2017
      Here goes "Round Two"...I'm on my way to 100 miles!!
      Wow! You go SusieT!
    • StarrChild42 Nov 29, 2017
      I have been fairly inactive this year. I had major surgery last December. This was just the motivation I needed to get back into exercising. I'm starting out slowly and hope to stay motived throughout this challenge!
      Way to go StarrChild42!!! That is amazing! Thank you for sharing your experience, keep up the great work and keep us updated with your progres!! :D
      me too! foot and ankle bone grafts last october. so thanksful tobe able to walk again!!!
    • GrammaLisa Nov 29, 2017
      I am proud of the fact that even tho we were out of town to visit family for Thanksgiving, I still made it a priority to get some miles in.... keep on walking everyone!
      Great job GrammaLisa! It can be hard when traveling so that is great you made it a priority AND you are now inspiring others here to do the same! :-)
    • Auntiedarling Nov 29, 2017
      How do I fix a date. I put yesterday in under 11/25/ instead of 11/ 28. It was so cold when I walked yesterday afternoon that I think my brain is still frozen :)
      Hey there Debra! To edit the date, you'll need to delete and resubmit. :) You can delete activity by clicking the down arrow in the upper right hand corner of your activity log in your bio or the 'walkers' tab. -Emma
    • Annice Nov 29, 2017
      How does the "walkers" list order people? I see people with fewer miles than me ahead of me on the list.
      It will show you who is "around" you in your pack of walkers. It should show a few ahead and a few behind you. You can click "see more" on either end to see the progression of everyone else.
      @HC_Admin, some of the people around me have 15-20 fewer miles. Thanks for responding. I get that it's just for fun. I was just curious, LOL!
    • K.J Nov 29, 2017
      I am walking in the mornings and lunch time. I run in the evenings at the Park.
      Wow! Way to go KJ!!!!
    • Fuzz Nov 29, 2017
      Halfway there!!!
      Woop woop!! You can do it!
    • Dolittle Nov 28, 2017
      // can I start another race I finished the paris one yesterday
      Yes, as long as you log your miles you can do the marathon several times.
      Absolutely! Please keep going around the loop and become an ultramarathoner! See different sites as you log different mile amounts!
      I finished the race and am now on my way back home :)
    • pamelakaye Nov 28, 2017
      Do I have to document my miles each day or can I do document a few days a week?
      you can put in a bunch a days. I yesterday put in from the 20th to the 26th.
      Hey there Pamela! You can log as frequently as you'd like, as long as the mileage is accurate! :) -Emma
      @RaceryEmma Thanks so much, I try only to document once or twice a week.... Iset to long at the computer as it is!!!!
    • Stovall Nov 27, 2017
      Keep up the good work Pammie33. Praying for you.
    • Pammie33 Nov 27, 2017
      I was doing fine until my knee started acting up. I can empathize with you. little by little and we will get there!
      Don't get discouraged. Remember - each step gets you closer to the finish :)
      Any movement is good movement! Just stay focused on the good!
      //Thank you...and so true....any movement is matter how slow I am. LOL
      I broke my leg back in 2012 and there are some days when the humidity and temp are just right to cause me some discomfort or pain, depending on the conditions. I don't walk as much on those days and just wait for the next good day. I had a torn meniscus back in 2008... before the surgery it was unbearable so I can relate for sure. After surgery it has been fine. The better shape you can be in, the better your surgery and recovery will be too, so don't give up but don't overdo it!
      //Thank you....not looking forward to surgery, but I know my knee will be better. Dr. has told me to build up the leg muscles so that's what I'm trying to do. Thanks for the encouragement.
      You'll get there Sammie! I have an inner ear infection, I couldn't walk or run right now if my life depended on it. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Prayers!
      //I hope you get to feeling better soon. And thank you for your support.
      Pammie, auto correct changed it, sorry
      You are doing great Pammie33!! Take it slow with your injury- every step counts. Keep up the great work!
      //Thanks. The turtle won the race and that's what I feel like. LOL But he didn't give up and neither will I. Thanks for the support.
      I had kept working out as best as I could before a scheduled surgery for miniscus and ACL tears in my left knee back in 2009. I am glad that I kept that muscle strength because I lost so much during the 5 weeks of non-weight bearing restriction post-surgery. I lost a lot of muscle mass. On the plus side, no issues after I recovered. :)
      The point of my previous post was to encourage you to keep up the effort within reason of course. We are here for you to vent if needed. :)
      //Thanks....doing the race is keeping me going on days when it's hard and I appreciate all the kind comments. I want to finish the race but some days are downers when you hurt. I feel like I have support to get through this when I know others are or have gone through issues like knee problems. Thanks for the support.
      I am slow at this as well. Glad there are others that are with me. I am just trying to build stamina each day. We're in it together.
    • Dolittle Nov 27, 2017
      // had so much fun doing this, my first time doing a race like this. It keep me accountable///
      If you have a fitbit, you can do challenges like this everyday. It's fun
      Great!! We love to hear that, thank you for sharing Dolittle!
    • Sweetea48 Nov 27, 2017
    • Flash51 Nov 27, 2017
      Way to go, Jean! Keep up the good work! I'm off to run around the tennis courts this morning.
    • Bobbie Nov 26, 2017
      This is only walk/run miles isn’t it? Just checking because I just cycled almost 10 miles and thought it’d be sweet if I could use them here.
      Just walking and running for this one! :) BUT great job on the cycling! -- Lesley
      @RaceryLesley thanks, I thought so but it doesn’t hurt to ask 😁
    • TrackStar Nov 23, 2017
      Correction: Only four miles and some change to go. #GratitudeGanster #girltrek
    • Netti Nov 23, 2017
      I'm trying to see the sites that I missed by doing a big workout yesterday...can I backtrack for the google street view?
      You can click on other runners and see where they are, which would allow you to look at the different spots
      Unfortunately the only option might be to look at places the other walkers are currently at or delete the activity and add it in smaller increments. I hope this helps, keep up the great work!
      How do I view the other players sites?
      To see where others are, go to the Recent Activity tab and click on the map icon image next to the submission. It will take you to the Google Street View of that person's location. :) Lesley
    • EKOGalpower Nov 22, 2017
      I am part of a group, but how do I view my group. There are only instructions on joining a group. Now that I joined, I do not see my group. Please help!
      Hey Esther! Groups are listed at the top of the ‘walkers’ tab :) You can expand the list of groups and scroll down to find yours! Hope that helps! -Emma
    • EKOGalpower Nov 22, 2017
      I have no photo of where I am on the route after logging my activity. It is simply a black box. Is this a bug? Others have reported the same issue.
      Hey Esther! I double checked your last submission, and I’m seeing an awesome view of the Arc de Triomphe! Please try again! If it’s still not working, I’ll dig further. :) -Emma
    • mayberrygirl Nov 22, 2017
      Good afternoon from Chester, SC. Loving this challenge.
      We are so glad you are enjoying it!
    • KCHFLA Nov 22, 2017
      Walking in Virginia I have these weird things called hills to contend with. The weather is also a bit cooler than I normally have in Florida. Not walking as far but definitely more of a workout.
      The hills will do it for ya! 😂👍
    • BLT5 Nov 22, 2017
      How can I start a team for the holiday challenge
      Hey Beryl! To create and join a group, you will need to add your group name to your bio! Full instructions are in the about tab :) -Emma
    • SassyUnicorn Nov 22, 2017
      RaceryLeslie....when I hit the share button on Facebook nothing happens. Trying to use on my cell phone
      Hey there -- are you on iphone or Android? Happy to help!
    • KWilli Nov 22, 2017
      I’m sorry! I posted cycling because I didn’t know it was just walking or running. Im trying to delete it and it won’t let me!
      Hey there! When you look at the activity, there should be a white arrow next to the time (ex 23 m ago). When you click that there should be a delete option. :) If you're not seeing it, please let me know! -- Lesley
      Hey Kathy! I've deleted your miles for you! :)
    • Steamer Nov 22, 2017
      There is nothing like a good jog at 5:00am to get your heart pumping:)
    • SassyUnicorn Nov 22, 2017
      Trying to use the share on Facebook button but NOTHING happens? What am I doing wrong?
      Hey there! Happy to help! When you click the button are you on mobile or desktop? Also, does anything appear, or does the button just remain as is (no screen popup) -- Lesley
    • Ritz Nov 21, 2017
      I have no photo of where I am on the route after logging my activity. It is simply a black box.
      Me, too. If I try to move the "picture," I only get a bit...
      Hey there! Can you try to take another look? I'm seeing a photo for your latest submission. If not, I'll dig into it further for you! -- Lesley
      Working now
    • Pineapple Nov 21, 2017
      Go team go!!!!
    • Queentee Nov 21, 2017
      Loving it. So motivated. Thank you.
      Yay! So glad it hear that!!
    • BabyLove Nov 21, 2017
      Who's doing a Turkey Trot or 5K Thanksgiving Day????? #PumpedForTurkeyTrot
      No on a Turkey Trot, but yes on the National Arthritis Foundation Jingle Bell Run on Sat.
      @Hombre awesome :)
      Yes!! In Madison, WI- so excited! Where are you running/walking?
      @Chrissee The Greenway at the Park, Gastonia NC
      My brother & I are participating in a Turkey Trot the day after Thanksgiving.Just a small local event.
      We are running a 5k here in Raleigh at a local HS. Looking forward to it!
      @SarahCp thats great, get your heart pumping before the turkey slaying lol
    • Lula Nov 21, 2017
      How do I log as a runner and not a walker? Also I'd like to do join this event both as a runner and a walker. Can I do this for the same event or is it better to log different activities for different events?
      This event is for both running and walking, so you can log miles for both here under the same registration. :) You can comment when you log, so if you'd like to personally track your running vs walking, you can add something like, "1 mile running, 2 miles walking!" -- and then put a 3 as the total miles for the day. I hope that helps! Lesley
    • JWorkman Nov 21, 2017
      I accidentally put my total mileage on Monday instead of only my workout mileage...can you delete?
      There is an option to delete. Go to "Edit My Bio." For the day you want to delete select the down arrow/menu and "Delete this Activity" is the third option. Hope this works!
    • 0922 Nov 21, 2017
      I am loving it !
    • RaceryEmma Nov 21, 2017
      Woo Day 2!! Keep up the awesome work everyone! Please let us know if you haven’t been able log your miles yet or have any other questions. :) -Emma
      Emma, here's my question: How do I log as a runner and not a walker? Also I'd like to do join this event both as a runner and a walker. Can I do this for the same event or is it better to log different activities for different events?
      @Lula I answered above, but putting it here as well! :) This event is for both running and walking, so you can log miles for both here under the same registration. :) You can comment when you log, so if you'd like to personally track your running vs walking, you can add something like, "1 mile running, 2 miles walking!" -- and then put a 3 as the total miles for the day. I hope that helps! Lesley
    • Lisacc Nov 21, 2017
      I got up at 5:30 this morning and walked over a mile on the treadmill. Didn't do well yesterday.
    • Smiler Nov 20, 2017
      Are people able to race as a team this year? Three of us want to be team FLUF.
      Hey Sharon! This year we’re using ‘groups’ to connect you with teammates! You and your team can add FLUF as your group in your bio (full instructions in the about tab here on the race page). Please let me know if you have any other questions!! -Emma
      @RaceryEmma Thanks--but last year, the team names showed up on our profiles when we logged in miles. I'm not seeing that this year. Two of us already have #fluf in our bios.
      @Smiler Awesome! I see your group listed in the walkers tab. :) We're doing things a little differently this year with groups, different than teams from last year, so that people can sign up as individuals or with a group/team! Shout if you need anything else!
    • EKOGalpower Nov 20, 2017
      Just excited to get on my treadmill and actually use it. Day one feels great! Encouraged to stay the course. Let's go, go! #catmgt
      Question: I thought I logged in my miles, but I don't see it when I click on 'recent activity' or 'walkers'. Do I need to logout and log back to see it? I refreshed the page and nothing changed.
      Hey Esther! I’m not seeing any miles logged for you either! Please try again and let me know if you need any help!! :) -Emma
      @RaceryEmma Hi Emma! I tried again and it worked this time. Merci beaucoup!
    • user123456 Nov 20, 2017
      Each time I attempt to log into racery, I'm told to validate my device by entering my registered email, receive an email and then have to click "confirm" in the received email. This is a bit annoying as I should be able to log directly into the website or app? Is this a technical issue? Thanks! : )
      Hey @kimpossible! Happy to help. :) Do you already have the app downloaded (and if so, are you using Android or iPhone?) --- Lesley
      @RaceryLesley I was excited to learn you had an android app and decided to download it to my personal phone (Samsung 8). When I attempted to log in to the app, I entered my registered work email of The app would display a message that an email was sent to my work email to confirm the device. I would open my work email and click "confirm", but it would then open the web version and I nothing happened in the app version. I then set up a personal account in the app version as KJ17 with and joined the Holiday Challenge and joined the #OLTCS group I had originally created with my work registration. Since I did this, the app displays a message to enter my personal email to confirm the device every time I log out. Thanks!
      Ok - great, thanks! Can you try this for me: delete the app, then download it again. When you click the confirm link this time in the email you received, it should ask you how you'd like to open the race page: "Open Racery: Just once/always in App, or Use a Different App - Chrome" -- with that, you'll choose "ALWAYS" -- that should keep you logged in to the app without having to validate each time. :) Please let me know if that doesn't work for you! -- Lesley
      @RaceryLesley Yes, this worked. Human error at work...I initially clicked the confirm link from my laptop rather than opening my work email from my cell phone. It now works as you stated below without having to validate my device each time I log into the app. However, it doesn't look like I can log into the web version from my work laptop without validating each time. And now that I attempted to revalidate my work laptop, I'm caught in the previous cycle. I will repeat the same steps and just log in to the app until dual login methods are accepted. Thanks for your prompt assistance!
    • SDJ Nov 20, 2017
      There are two of us walking under this name. I thought I registered us as individuals. Please advise.
      Hey Steve/Donna! Happy to help! :) You'll need to register again with a separate email for the second person. If you need help, please shoot us an email at! -Emma
    • LeniRose Nov 20, 2017
      I love looking at where I am in Paris.
    • see more...
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    Inactive user!

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    's Log

    About + Join

    • From: Bois de Boulogne Park
    • To: The Eiffel Tower
    • Start date: November 20, 2017
    • End date: January 2, 2018
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 26.2 miles
    • Total logged: 96,794.3 miles
    Welcome to the 2017 Holiday Challenge, brought to you by Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less!

    Join a group/team! Here's how:
    1. Click your avatar in the upper-right corner
    2. Select "my bio" from the dropdown list
    3. Click Edit Bio
    4. Type your group(s) in 'groups', separated by spaces.
    (examples: company, department, runninggroup)

    To boost your motivation in this year’s Holiday Challenge, we invite you to come race with us through beautiful Paris. NEW this year -- looping! If you finish the 26.2 mile route early, you can become an Ultramarathoner! That means, that you can loop the route as many times as you'd like before the close of the challenge.

    Walk/run anywhere you want! (See below for what counts as miles!) Then log miles and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google Street View of your virtual locale, then cheer on your real fellow racers through the group message board!

    We've got racers participating all over the country so to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices. To track your miles with GPS or on your phone, use apps such as Google Maps, MapMyWalk, Nike+, Underarmour, etc.

    2. Only intentional running or walking miles please – this does not include general step counting throughout your day from a Fitbit, Jawbone, etc. This keeps everyone on a level playing field! If you do wear a step counter while you are intentionally going on a walk or run, 2,000 steps is a mile.

    3. Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don't combine mileage from multiple days.

    4. Please only backdate mileage for a race up to two weeks in the past.

    5. If you finish the route early, keep submitting your miles to become an Ultramarathoner! A new leaderboard will appear and you can continue until the race officially closes! Keep that competition alive ;)

    6. Only mileage added before the race officially closes on Tuesday, January 2nd at 23:59:59 EST will count in the race leaderboards.

    No mileage submitted yet.