Womxn Run The Vote
All groups:
1.Hydration Team Finished
2.Ants race to WH Finished
3.Beachy Media Finished
4.Hindsight 2020 Finished
5.Nasty Womxn Finished
6.#FitAF Fam Finished
7.MRTT Vienna Finished
8.GreensboroSole Finished
9.You Betcha, We Run and Vote Finished
10.Impala RT Finished
11.BAMRS Too Finished
12.Impala BlueWave Finished
13.Wine&Pizza Finished
14.BallCo Run Club Finished
15.AntiracistsRun Finished
16.WePersist Finished
17.LeanStrongFast Finished
18.Lift Evry Voice Finished
19.Team Squirrel Finished
20.WolfpackWomen Finished
21.Team Joha Finished
22.SFe StrideHers Finished
23.ALWAYS41 Finished
24.RaleighDistance Finished
25.SassyMoodyNasty Finished
26.Team Nonstop Finished
27.HRC Finished
28.BALRs Finished
29.#NPVotes Finished
30.Don't Boo, Vote Finished
31.HOU Harriers Finished
32.Chingonas Finished
33.Masters Flame Finished
34.Crawlers4Votes Finished
35.Joha Inspires Finished
36.atx wings out Finished
37.NP-BOSTON Finished
38.Always 1 More Finished
39.LadyDaybreakers Finished
40.TheRunningMates Finished
41.DMV Volee #3 Finished
42.WonderWomxn Finished
43.BAMRs Finished
44.SunshineVoters Finished
45.Resist A Rest Finished
46.VT Volee Voters Finished
47.Let’sGoAZ Finished
48.RunWalkSkip Finished
49.Trackstreet Finished
50.RunVoteDissent Finished
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1.Beachy Media 1465.5 miles
2.#FitAF Fam 1341.7 miles
3.Hindsight 2020 1270.8 miles
4.Hydration Team 1220.3 miles
5.MRTT Vienna 1182.6 miles
6.Team Joha 1161.4 miles
7.Impala RT 1113.2 miles
8.WolfpackWomen 1106.0 miles
9.RunVoteDissent 1088.6 miles
10.SFe StrideHers 1071.0 miles
11.Nasty Womxn 1070.8 miles
12.Joha Inspires 1056.1 miles
13.Lift Evry Voice 1055.2 miles
14.Ants race to WH 1048.7 miles
15.GreensboroSole 1027.0 miles
16.BallCo Run Club 1020.1 miles
17.Impala BlueWave 1020.0 miles
18.You Betcha, We Run and Vote 1009.6 miles
19.Womxn R Power 997.3 miles
20.HRC 987.2 miles
21.Resist A Rest 983.3 miles
22.BAMRS Too 979.8 miles
23.Steph Bryant 971.2 miles
24.AntiracistsRun 970.8 miles
25.Team Nonstop 969.7 miles
26.RaleighDistance 967.6 miles
27.johamojo 960.5 miles
28.WePersist 959.4 miles
29.CPTC Wxm Vote 947.0 miles
30.Team Squirrel 943.0 miles
31.VT Volee Voters 932.1 miles
32.CA2DC VOTE! 932.1 miles
33.TrailSistersRFV 930.5 miles
34.DMV Volee #3 928.0 miles
35.ALWAYS41 925.2 miles
36.RR Womxn Voters 925.2 miles
37.BAMRs 921.1 miles
38.That's a Terrible Idea - What Time? 917.7 miles
39.PPTC 915.7 miles
40.HOU Harriers 915.0 miles
41.WonderWomxn 906.8 miles
42.GRRLS 906.5 miles
43.atx wings out 904.7 miles
44.LadyDaybreakers 902.8 miles
45.Let’sGoAZ 896.8 miles
46.Don't Boo, Vote 893.8 miles
47.Masters Flame 891.9 miles
48.Laces&LabCoats 891.6 miles
49.#NPVotes 891.6 miles
50.FACT Squad 890.2 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (10,000)
1.KatieYensen 193.3 miles
2.Krugiesara 192.8 miles
3.EfromAZ 189.4 miles
4.Wolt 185.1 miles
5.Baewood 185.1 miles
6.Beachy 179.1 miles
7.Runner32 175.9 miles
8.Smess6 175.6 miles
9.FOCOUnicorn 171.1 miles
10.PattyT 162.1 miles
11.Trejo 161.7 miles
12.rblendell 161.6 miles
13.CoachMer 161.3 miles
14.BeckFitz 152.9 miles
15.Silvis 149.6 miles
16.andreascottie 147.3 miles
17.runworkbarn 146.8 miles
18.KemenyAnemone 146.1 miles
19.clearchannels 145.8 miles
20.Ellebeelv 142.6 miles
21.RebaRice 141.8 miles
22.IndiaViva 139.7 miles
23.sdf07 139.2 miles
24.ChiefPal 138.7 miles
25.SarahG6 138.4 miles
26.TylerBehrends 137.1 miles
27.speasey 135.9 miles
28.Naman 134.8 miles
29.MarathonMarini 134.3 miles
30.13_Kuauhtli 133.6 miles
31.THaitz 133.2 miles
32.cdaug 132.9 miles
33.creatureteag 131.5 miles
34.TheCookieRunner 130.3 miles
35.LizzieNyitray 130.1 miles
36.SarahSarahSarah 129.2 miles
37.mscno20 128.1 miles
38.Marywangen 127.5 miles
39.BYoung 126.4 miles
40.Tinh 125.8 miles
41.KingofDoom 125.4 miles
42.LMW 124.3 miles
43.GeneTG 124.2 miles
44.Speedie 122.3 miles
45.N8isCOOL 121.0 miles
46.Zeezer 120.9 miles
47.SamanthaPalmer 120.7 miles
48.CaptainCowbell 120.5 miles
49.SKE 119.6 miles
50.FeAmarante 119.3 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
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About + Join
- From: Atlanta
- To: Washington
- Start date: September 21, 2020
- End date: September 27, 2020
- 3:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 687 miles
- Total logged: 405,471.6 miles

IMPORTANT EVENT UPDATE: We have a new video to help you get oriented, log miles, see Google street view and more in Racery. You can watch the video here.
A virtual race for real change, Womxn Run the Vote is a 680+ (686.85 to be exact) mile virtual relay from Atlanta to Washington DC.
This virtual course takes runners on an empowering journey from the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site in Atlanta to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial in DC. Along the route, you will travel on the US Civil Rights Trail and follow in the footsteps of generations of activists.
A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to support the Black Voters Matter Fund, an organization whose goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities through effective voting, which allows a community to determine its own destiny.
Designed to be accessible for as many people as possible, this event allows you to run, walk, ride (or any of 80 other activities) and then log your activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. You will be able to see a Google street view of your virtual locale and then cheer your real fellow teammates in the chat. Learn more about the activists and change makers that helped shape the modern civil rights movement with our interactive maps.
For more information about the history of this race and logistics, please visit our official event page.
We have also created some guidelines for logging activities:
- We rely on the honor system... you will not need to provide GPS tracks.
- No step counting, please use intentional miles.
- We have this event set up for running/walking primarily and employ an activity converter for 80 different activities, so you can log all of your exercise.
- We try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on approximate effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- When logging the WRTV workout of the day, please enter "1" for the completed workout.
- Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Exercise can be backdated one day, except on the race's final day.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Send us an email at volee@oiselle.com.
**Please note, the donation through your relay registration will be to Black Voters Matter unrestricted 501c4 fund. If you are looking for a 501c3 tax receipt and corporate matching form for your donation, please give directly to Black Voters Matter website and select 501c3 fund.**
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.