

All groups:

#oisellevolee×64, #oiselle×51, #impalaracingteam×29, #womxnrunthevote×26, #run4allwomen×18, #nastywomenvote×12, #pemwomenvote×11, #yallmeansall×11, #bigskybirds×10, #blackgirlsrun×10, #iowans4justice×10, #shehewevote×10, #bamrsthreepeat×9, #chingonas×9, #hugegroupofgrls×9, #nastywomxn×9, #oiselleteamdmv×9, #run914×9, #trackstreet×9, #womenrunthevote×9, #bamrs×8, #galentines×8, #ilbirdherd×8, #mischiefandmoxie×8, #mumsontherun×8, #nastywomxnmovn×8, #run4goodtrouble×8, #runningmates×8, #sherunsplaces×8, #thosewomenfrmmi×8, #togetherwewill×8, #wmnswingthevote×8, #abqsolesisters×7, #ballantynerunningclub×7, #bamrs4ever×7, #brgitw×7, #goldengirls×7, #pptc×7, #smartwomen×7, #together4change×7, #togetherwewin×7, #totheleft×7, #trackstreetruncrew×7, #wepersist×7, #azcheetahsvote×6, #bluehayesct05×6, #bluestockings×6, #bmorebringdvote×6, #californiavolee×6, #diversewerun×6, #hydrationteam×6, #jerzrunsthevote×6, #knighttraining×6, #leanstrongfast×6, #lexrisetogether×6, #milestyle×6, #moveforjustice×6, #mrtt×6, #oregonvolee×6, #pickyambadassador×6, #portseattle×6, #rowcyclerunvote×6, #running4change×6, #runvotevoice×6, #sba×6, #seapigsco×6, #sfestridehers×6, #srttmass×6, #superiorstrider×6, #teamsierra×6, #the504th×6, #volee×6, #antsracetowh×5, #atxwingsout×5, #badassladygang×5, #boogiedownbronxrunners×5, #boothrunners×5, #bosswomxn×5, #dmv×5, #esdalumni×5, #girlsontherunaz×5, #gofarandvote×5, #harlemrun×5, #hogwartsrunningclub×5, #loudrunners×5, #mastersflame×5, #novemberproject×5, #pnwladies×5, #powerfulmuskox×5, #race2thepolls×5, #run4us×5, #runvotedissent×5, #stronggirlsrun×5, #swans×5, #teamsloth×5, #theheartbreakers×5, #togetherwevote×5, #ultravoters×5, #washington×5, #weruntheworld×5, #whorunstheworld×5, #wonderwomxn×5, #arete×4, #atlwomxnstrong×4, #balrs×4, #bdbr×4, #betasrun2vote×4, #blacklivesmatter×4, #bmorevotersrun×4, #crazybadasslove×4, #exercise4votes×4, #ffcrew2×4, #fitaf×4, #foxyladies×4, #hervotecounts×4, #hrc×4, #johamojo×4, #lcxc×4, #letsgoaz×4, #mdrt×4, #merrymarauders×4, #milesforjustice×4, #mumsontherunusa×4, #ohheyctvolee×4, #oisellevolee_can×4, #oisellevolee_co×4, #oisellevolee_ny×4, #oisellevoleetn×4, #pantsuitnation×4, #pelolawmaracers×4, #pelolawmoms×4, #persisttogether×4, #pptc2×4, #prospectparktrackclub×4, #racery×4, #ravenclaw×4, #rocksteady×4, #running4justice×4, #runningmuskies×4, #runrisevote×4, #saltyloves×4, #shoewomxnvote×4, #soulspollsgoals×4, #strava×4, #teamjoha×4, #teamrunningbunnies×4, #the×4, #therunningmates×4, #trailsisters×4, #txvoleevoters×4, #unleash_athena×4, #vote×4, #voterunwinewin×4, #waverunners×4, #wearblueruntoremember×4, #wedonutgiveup×4, #wegohigh×4, #whenthereare9×4, #whentherer9×4, #womxnrpower×4, #womxnsportsfilm×4, #20forthe19th×3, #actionfaction×3, #always1more×3, #alwaysready×3, #badgerbirds×3, #bamrs4allwomen×3, #bamrsrun×3, #bamrstoo×3, #barrierbreakers×3, #bethechange×3, #bkstrengthvotes×3, #bocosolesisters×3, #boisebetties×3, #bosstrong×3, #brujasrunyvote×3, #buckeyebrdsvote×3, #byanymeans×3, #ca2dcrun2vote×3, #california×3, #calivoleevoters×3, #canada×3, #carrbororunclub×3, #chasingchange×3, #cityfitgirls×3, #colorado×3, #cunningrunts×3, #dash2district×3, #dbrunners4equity×3, #empoweredrunnersempowerrunners×3, #equalmeansequal×3, #exerciseourvote×3, #exerciseurvote×3, #exerciseyrright×3, #factsquad×3, #fleshman_flyers×3, #gdcheetahs×3, #getoutthvote×3, #grabbythevote×3, #heartbreakers×3, #hou_harriers×3, #justiceontherun×3, #laceupandvote×3, #ladiesrundc×3, #letsgonorcal×3, #lilbirdtoldme×3, #lmjs×3, #miles4equality×3, #millcityrunning×3, #mnconnection×3, #move4change×3, #mrttvienna×3, #napawomenmove×3, #nematx×3, #nofuninrun×3, #nosleeptildc×3, #notoriousrunbg×3, #npvotes×3, #nyc×3, #oisellevolee_fl×3, #oregon4womxn×3, #outspokenwmntri×3, #pelotonlawmoms×3, #quarunqueens×3, #radicalwomen×3, #readthinkvote×3, #reignruns2vote×3, #run×3, #run4nellie×3, #runasone×3, #runbrunarun×3, #runpersistvote×3, #salomonwmn×3, #sbrc×3, #sbsatx×3, #sherunsatx×3, #shethepeople×3, #snapthevote×3, #solematesws×3, #solestothepolls×3, #sunrisewomxn×3, #sunsphere2sn×3, #superiorstriders×3, #sweat4change×3, #tacoboutvote×3, #teamgoodtrouble×3, #teamnonstop×3, #teamnuunlegacy×3, #teamtango×3, #texas×3, #tsnash×3, #unboughtandunbossed×3, #venadosrunning×3, #votebit×3, #votebymail×3, #wap×3, #werun22q×3, #wickedsmahtrunnahs×3, #wolveswhovote×3, #women×3, #womxnofsteel×3, #womxnsactivistpossewap×3, #womxnunited×3, #womxnvotersunite×3, #womxnwithwings×3, #wwtri4justice×3, #5thdistrict×2, #680_strong×2, #a_allrun×2, #and×2, #antiracistsrun×2, #aretefriends×2, #awaken×2, #babs4bvm×2, #baddiesbuddies×2, #ballotstrong×2, #bamr×2, #barracudas×2, #bcsbroncos×2, #beachtoballot×2, #bgr×2, #blacklivesmeter×2, #chiltonrunningclub×2, #coharriers×2, #cptcwxmvote×2, #cvillevotersrun×2, #daughterofdust×2, #dinosores×2, #diversewerun21×2, #dreamteamqueens×2, #dwrunningwomen×2, #exercisingright×2, #fact×2, #flockthevote×2, #for_julia×2, #forthebirds×2, #fyoupayme×2, #girlsrtheworld×2, #giveumheller×2, #glam_runners×2, #go×2, #goodtrouble2×2, #grabembythevote×2, #gramembythevotes×2, #greensborosole×2, #grittyphillybirds×2, #grrls×2, #happyrunners×2, #hearusroar×2, #hindsight2020×2, #hitsquad×2, #hlearangers×2, #hopefulvoters×2, #hopkintonrunningclub×2, #houstonharriers×2, #idabwell×2, #idabwelldone×2, #immersionruns×2, #jabsomxwomen×2, #justiceleague×2, #kelloggkweens×2, #kickasskamalas×2, #lead×2, #letsgetvoting×2, #lfginmo×2, #liftevryvoice×2, #lonestarbirds×2, #lonestarbirdsvote×2, #mad×2, #magirlsontherun×2, #marauders×2, #merry×2, #michigan×2, #midwestnasty×2, #midwestvolee×2, #millcityrun×2, #movetogether×2, #mrttvotes×2, #mrttwomenunited×2, #nc_volee×2, #ncvolee×2, #nemmoco×2, #neverthelessrun×2, #noexcusemomsaustin×2, #npboston×2, #npseasisters×2, #ohiovolee×2, #oisellemt×2, #oisellevolee_il×2, #oisellevolee_mi×2, #oisellevolee_tn×2, #oisellevolee_vt×2, #oisellevoleenewmexico×2, #oisellewa×2, #oregon_volee×2, #outrunning×2, #pacers×2, #pals×2, #pnwrunthevote×2, #powerwithin×2, #proudtovote×2, #rise×2, #rogue×2, #rogueshesquad×2, #ruffwear×2, #run_liberation×2, #runstreet×2, #runvotemimosas×2, #runvoteriseup×2, #runvotewine×2, #runwalkskip×2, #sandiegotrackclub×2, #screamin19×2, #sestra×2, #settle4biden×2, #sglrgvoters×2, #sharkattack×2, #shevotes×2, #sojournerztroops×2, #speedless×2, #srtt×2, #srttmn×2, #stationpubrun×2, #stronger2gether×2, #strongfemalelead×2, #strongrunchicks×2, #strongwomenvote×2, #suffergettes×2, #suffrnsuffrjets×2, #sweatmonsters×2, #sweatthenvote×2, #tatasonthemove×2, #teamdirtandvert×2, #teamlfg×2, #teammfi×2, #teamnonstop2×2, #teamsfq×2, #themightyaphrodites×2, #therunnermomchronicles×2, #thetortiosecollective×2, #titlenine×2, #tlbvoters×2, #tmirce_nyc×2, #toughasnails×2, #u_cantrunwithus×2, #unnamed×2, #virtualvixens×2, #vote4miles×2, #votephlandburbs×2, #washburnac×2, #washingtonvolee×2, #wattieink×2, #wavolee×2, #wavoleeteam2×2, #we×2, #weheartmoms×2, #werunthiscity×2, #whovianrunningclub×2, #wokeandpetty×2, #women4women×2, #womenrunningny×2, #womensmasters×2, #womxn_powered×2, #womxnrunstrong×2, #wrtv_brooklyn×2, #wrtvrtw×2, #wvtc×2, #youbetchavote×2 … >>


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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity

              This race ended 09/27/20 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

              Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

              • Laurenann Swift Justice Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.1 mile
              • RDumanian Gritty Womxn Sept 27, 2020
                4.7 miles
                65.0 minutes of kayaking = 4.7 miles
              • Lizzle Issy Cats Sept 27, 2020
                20.0 miles
                20.0 miles of running = 20.0 miles
              • LFHenshaw Better Together Sept 27, 2020
                0.9 miles
                20.0 minutes of pilates = 0.9 miles
              • Jopanee RacetoVote Sept 27, 2020
                5.0 miles
                2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
              • BadAssLady #StepsforChange Sept 27, 2020
                1.0 miles
                2136.0 steps of steps = 1.0 miles
              • KikiJoy Strava Sept 27, 2020
                0.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of cooking = 0.6 miles
              • Jopanee RacetoVote Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.1 mile
              • GsMom BoCoSoleSisters Sept 27, 2020
                3.5 miles
                1.0 hour of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 mile
              • KristinM SRTT Mass Sept 27, 2020
                1.7 miles
                40.0 minutes of pilates = 1.7 miles
              • PattyDukes DaughtersOfDust Sept 27, 2020
                1.3 miles
                60.0 minutes of yoga = 1.3 miles
              • PattyDukes DaughtersOfDust Sept 27, 2020
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • Kirstie101 Always 1 More Sept 27, 2020
                5.1 miles
                1.0 Hour of hiking = 5.1 mile
              • Jenny_Sue_Haan stronger2gether Sept 27, 2020
                3.8 miles
                7958.0 steps of steps = 3.8 miles
              • Chamandmusic Team Delta Sept 27, 2020
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
              • Aliceruns CrazyBadassLove Sept 27, 2020
                1.3 miles
                1.0 hour of yoga = 1.3 mile
              • MariMari Votes + Voices Sept 27, 2020
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                Walk + talk with @eryodi - Santa Barbara, CA, USA
              • JaredflyboiHaan stronger2gether Sept 27, 2020
                2.5 miles
                5235.0 steps of steps = 2.5 miles
              • Morgan4Mayor #IDA B WELL DONE Sept 27, 2020
                2.2 miles
                2.2 miles of walking = 2.2 miles
              • OliviaD WomxnWithWings Sept 27, 2020
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • kaminicole Barracudas Sept 27, 2020
                0.9 miles
                10.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 0.9 miles
              • Meggz Vote by Mail Sept 27, 2020
                6.4 miles
                6.39 miles of running = 6.39 miles
              • kaminicole Barracudas Sept 27, 2020
                0.2 miles
                5.0 minutes of stair climbing, down stairs = 0.2 miles
              • Suzysylvester Better Together Sept 27, 2020
                0.1 miles
                15.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
              • maryannps Team Resilient Sept 27, 2020
                0.7 miles
                40.0 minutes of cooking = 0.7 miles
              • Runrunrae RWOLrunthevote Sept 27, 2020
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
              • maryannps Team Resilient Sept 27, 2020
                3.0 miles
                6239.0 steps of steps = 3.0 miles
              • Runrunrae RWOLrunthevote Sept 27, 2020
                4.0 miles
                2.0 hours of shopping = 4.0 miles
              • MMOB PortSeattle Sept 27, 2020
                1.3 miles
                30.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.3 miles
              • Shanisha Team Resilient Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.1 mile
              • Rizzuto WolfpackWomen Sept 27, 2020
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of walking = 4.0 miles
              • KatieYensen Kickass womxn Sept 27, 2020
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of running = 4.0 miles
              • kaminicole Barracudas Sept 27, 2020
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • MMOB PortSeattle Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                60.0 minutes of cooking = 1.1 miles
              • Shanisha Team Resilient Sept 27, 2020
                0.1 miles
                2.0 minutes of stair climbing, down stairs = 0.1 miles
              • SamBikes4Votes GrabEmByTheVote Sept 27, 2020
                0.1 miles
                20.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
              • kiwi6fruit PNW Ladies Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                1.0 hour of cooking = 1.1 mile
                Made pesto to have for fall/winter season.
              • Shanisha Team Resilient Sept 27, 2020
                0.2 miles
                2.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 0.2 miles
              • ECarey Issy Cats Sept 27, 2020
                5.0 miles
                2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
              • KatieYensen Kickass womxn Sept 27, 2020
                10.3 miles
                2.0 hours of swimming, freestyle = 10.3 miles
              • TiffB WomxnWithWings Sept 27, 2020
                0.3 miles
                15.0 minutes of cooking = 0.3 miles
              • WhitneyG WomenRunTheWorld Sept 27, 2020
                1.1 miles
                1.1 miles of walking = 1.1 miles
              • IHaveAdream SRTT Mass Sept 27, 2020
                5.6 miles
                5.0 hours of cooking = 5.6 miles
              • Rownancy The Pals Sept 27, 2020
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
              • Rownancy The Pals Sept 27, 2020
                1.7 miles
                30.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 1.7 miles
              • Rownancy The Pals Sept 27, 2020
                1.7 miles
                1.5 hours of cooking = 1.7 miles
              • Rownancy The Pals Sept 27, 2020
                5.0 miles
                2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
              • kris.p_lettuce PortSeattle Sept 27, 2020
                11.1 miles
                3.0 hours of basketball, recreational = 11.1 miles
              • DCarlis WaveRunners Sept 27, 2020
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
              • Ashmcdash RADicalWomen Sept 27, 2020
                3.9 miles
                3.9 miles of walking = 3.9 miles
              • see more...
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                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 09/27/20 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • MeandmyLilPup Wolves who VOTE Sept 28, 2020
                    There is hope, there are many of us who believe that ONE"s effort has a ripple effect on ALL. If you are happy with how life stands VOTE, If you are discouraged, hopeless, disappointed VOTE If you want to change, BE part of the Change and VOTE If you want to help, be a voice of compassion, kindness, equality, respect, honor, example BE THAT VOICE If you agree or disagree with someone EDUCATE yourself QUESTION, EVALUATE and LEAD to and educated voice> We ALL are and can BE part of the World we WANT and Deserve, for us and for our children. Thank you to the 10000 voices who participate in this not just for a relay run but as a voice of HOPE and UNITY. My respects to you all.
                  • FancyPNW TCB Agility Sept 28, 2020
                    Well damn, I ran my fastest 5k and longest distance 10k and it didn’t log when I used the app, so my team only got credit for half of my miles.
                  • HLorraine Intello Sept 28, 2020
                    I somehow forgot to log nick and i’s runs Friday - Sunday... I feel so bad. Mine was 30.5 total for 3 days & nick was 27 miles for all three days.
                  • Mrshgr3 Sweat4Change Sept 28, 2020
                    @Sweat4change Amazing work for our small but mighty team. We didn't get to the finish line but we worked hard.
                  • Rabbitston PersistTogether Sept 27, 2020
                    #persisttogether amazing job team....we did it!!! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me to run more miles in a week than I have in a very long time. You ladies rock!!
                  • SMCPDX DeedsNotWords Sept 27, 2020
           Hi, I have a delinquent team member who is trying to put her miles in but is unable to log in. It isnot recognizing her e-mail but she is on the roster.
                    Please have her also send an email to
                    @CarolynG thank you, I did
                    Just seeing this now. It turns out the email address Shannon used was different (no h)... wish she'd discovered this sooner!
                    Sorry, no "r."
                  • Resilnx SmartWomen Sept 27, 2020
                    2teamSmartWomen, thank you everyone, I really enjoy this relay. Hopefully the next one we can do it in-person. Ana
                  • MaureenPell Wicked Smaht Runnahs Sept 27, 2020
                    2wickedsmahtrunnahs thanks team! Well Done! 💪
                  • RacerySupport Steph Bryant Sept 27, 2020
                    A number of race emails noted that backdating would be disabled on the race's final day As a workaround, some racers are logging past exercises today to be sure their team gets across the finish line.
                  • AlisonDesir Black Womxn Lead Sept 27, 2020
                    What an amazing week. Thank you everyone for SHOWING UP! To those still racing, finish strong!
                  • Tsizzle Diamond Cutters Sept 27, 2020
                    We may not make to the finish with 10 people but man, we came close!!! Proud to virtual race with you all!!!
                  • Kezha CO Volee 1 Sept 27, 2020
                    2CO Volee 1-We did it! It was great relaying with you! Be well.
                  • SweatyBette Boise Betties Sept 27, 2020
                    Way to go @boisebetties!
                  • janmarcar The Snowbirds Sept 27, 2020
                    2teamTheSnowbirds @TheSnowbirds WE ARE SOOOOOO CLOSE!!!!! Go team!!!! Let’s finish this!!!! ❤️🇨🇦❤️
                  • ActiveBrandNYC ABCNYC Sept 27, 2020
                    To all those teams out there pushing, striving for that finish line: you've got this! Keep moving forward!
                  • Susi SoleMates Sept 27, 2020
                    To all the teams who are still running: you got this!! The finish line is close! Keep hustling!! 🥳🥳🥳
                  • Anastasia Salty Loves Sept 27, 2020
                    2SaltyLoves SO proud of you all!! We did it!!❤️
                    Did we hit 687? My app is showing we have a couple more to go?
                  • Mamafrof MomsThatRun Sept 27, 2020
                    A huge thank you to the team at Oiselle and all the 9,999 other participants. It’s been such a privilege racing with you! Keep well. M.
                  • momara Good Trouble 2 Sept 27, 2020
                    We did it! From sea to shining sea!
                  • Jergs Run4Good Sept 27, 2020
                    2run4good only 10 miles to go! Let's get out there! And don't forget, the workout of the way is super easy and counts for 5 miles if your legs are tanked! We can do it!
                  • Pushing65 Sweat, Then Vote Sept 27, 2020
                    Are we there yet or do I need to go run another loop?
                  • JKF DeedsNotWords Sept 27, 2020
                    Great work everyone!!!
                  • LisaBerry TogetherWeVote Sept 27, 2020
                    @SaraMooser Brava and thanks so much for your encouragement this week!
                  • agilis Sweat, Then Vote Sept 27, 2020
                    2Sweat_Then_Vote only about 5 miles per person we can do this! Thank you to our leader @ketakata!
                  • Xandwich WA Volee Sept 27, 2020
                    2wavolee We have just over 100 miles to go! Only 5 per person! We are so close. Also, I wanted to confirm, the cut off to finish is 9pm pacific?
                    So close!! Just logged a 10-mile run and will do the workout later. We got this! And, yes, I read somewhere that the cut off is 9pm PST.
                    Yes! 10 miles is huge! @Birgit
                    Confirmed- Cut off is 9pm pacific. You've this!!
                  • CaroleKM Wicked Smaht Runnahs Sept 27, 2020
                    @2team let’s go, Runnahs! Only a few more team miles to finish it up!
                  • KatieMac CO Volee 2 Sept 27, 2020
                    2CO Volee 2 86 MORE MILES TEAM!! Thats 4.3 per person - WE CAN DO THIS!!
                  • Suerusso Nasty NJ Womxn Sept 27, 2020
                    2NastyNJWomxn 24 miles to goooo!!
                  • LDicks 716WeRunThis Sept 27, 2020
                    Way to go everyone! Such a fun challenge and special shout-out to #716werunthis thanks for joining and Go Bills!!!
                  • Hatfield No Sleep til DC Sept 27, 2020
                    Nice job everyone, and thank you for inviting me to join. Enjoyed it!
                  • Meeksie Awaken Sept 27, 2020
                    2awaken Last day push - create some fun this last day!
                  • MamaZimm RunVoteVoice Sept 27, 2020
                  • Ebet No Sleep til DC Sept 27, 2020
                    Yay! So glad to have been part of this team!!
                  • Minddoctor713 Black Girls RUN Sept 27, 2020
                    Congrats Team!!! We did it!!! Thanks @jayellalexander!!!
                  • Christinaref Team Nonstop Sept 27, 2020
                    I have teammates asking "what can we do next?" Does anyone know of a challenge like this that combines activism and exercise that we can consider?
                    1 million miles for justice
                    Thanks! I'll look it up!
                  • LaurieB Ladies Run DC Sept 27, 2020
                    I have 2 days missing that I logged in. This app is horrible.
                    Hi there, have you emailed for help? They said sharing specific information (email address, logged activity amount, device) can help them troubleshoot this stuff. Good luck to you!
                    Hi lady, soory those issues are occurring, the racery team will fix it. They are pretty fast in responding to issues. Use the email
                  • sgtsparkles RuntothePolls Sept 27, 2020
                    @KPA because we're headed into the last day and there are only 3 of us, I have found a team to merge with for completion of the the 680 miles. Keep up the awesome work ladies! One more day to rack up those miles/activities :) BTW, the team we will be joining is named RuntothePolls in case you see it switch
                  • Tbird63 NastyMomVoters Sept 27, 2020
                    @NastyMarge -- guess I misapplied my 4.5 miles for Friday -- do you know how I can fix it -- other option is to add to today's total but we're not supposed to do that -- really bummed I messed that up --let me know if you know how to fix errors -- thanks! Tara
                    I think you add the difference to today’s log. Great job!!
                  • GeneTG CalamaRIcomebak Sept 26, 2020
                    I have logged all miles from today - and it is showing up in my athlete profile - but has not been added to the team's total??????
                    I'd email for support in this! They said specific information (email address, logged activity amount, device) is very helpful for troubleshooting. Good luck!
                    There's often a delay. I wouldn't worry. Sometimes the mobile app and the website also show different totals...if it's in your profile, the team total will likely catch up soon...
                    If it doesn’t appear by this afternoon maybe re submit. Great job!
                  • Acrawford Black Girls RUN Sept 26, 2020
                    Yayyyyyy WTG EVERYBODY!!! THANKS Captain @jayellalexander for leading us, keeping us updated and informed.
                  • Susi SoleMates Sept 26, 2020
                    2team!! We did it!!! I’m so proud of this team!!! You did great!!! 💕🥳💕🥳💕🥳
                  • Becmp Ballot Squad Sept 26, 2020
                    2Ballot Squad Hey team! Just saw today that we can log cooking and shopping to our activities! But you can only back date one day. Let’s log these miles!
                    Logged!!! We’ve got this!!
                  • Kezha CO Volee 1 Sept 26, 2020
                    2CO Volee 1 - still getting a hang of this messaging so you may have received this twice:) We're so close-go awesome team go!
                  • Kezha CO Volee 1 Sept 26, 2020
                    @COVolee1 - we're so close! Go awesome team go!
                    Yes. So close!!! 70 miles to the finish
                  • hollyween Gritty Womxn Sept 26, 2020
                    2Gritty_Womxn Heading out for my 25! Turned out to be a tough week to do much on the weekdays but thankfully this coincides w/ my biggest mileage weekend before my 50k!
                  • KatieMac CO Volee 2 Sept 26, 2020
                    2CO Volee 2 YES TEAM those miles are adding up!!
                  • NKemp Race2ThePolls Sept 26, 2020
                    Phonebanking healthcare workers right now for Biden and will log some miles later!
                  • Mrshgr3 Sweat4Change Sept 26, 2020
                    @Sweat4change remember change starts with us! Lets rock and roll!
                  • janmarcar The Snowbirds Sept 26, 2020
                    2team@thesnowbirds just notices that cooking and household chores are an option! Go back to your week and add any of these miles - awesome for our family since we have been housebound all week! 🙌🏻
                  • CasEVoteS NotoriousRunBG Sept 26, 2020
                    I’m so glad to be a part of this positive movement for change!
                  • see more...
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      • total miles
                      • miles/week
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                      's Log

                      About + Join

                      • From: Atlanta
                      • To: Washington
                      • Start date: September 21, 2020
                      • End date: September 27, 2020
                      • 3:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 687 miles
                      • Total logged: 405,471.6 miles

                      IMPORTANT EVENT UPDATE: We have a new video to help you get oriented, log miles, see Google street view and more in Racery. You can watch the video here. 

                      A virtual race for real change, Womxn Run the Vote is a 680+ (686.85 to be exact) mile virtual relay from Atlanta to Washington DC.

                      This virtual course takes runners on an empowering journey from the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site in Atlanta to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial in DC. Along the route, you will travel on the US Civil Rights Trail and follow in the footsteps of generations of activists.

                      A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to support the Black Voters Matter Fund, an organization whose goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities through effective voting, which allows a community to determine its own destiny. 

                      Designed to be accessible for as many people as possible, this event allows you to run, walk, ride (or any of 80 other activities) and then log your activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. You will be able to see a Google street view of your virtual locale and then cheer your real fellow teammates in the chat. Learn more about the activists and change makers that helped shape the modern civil rights movement with our interactive maps.

                      For more information about the history of this race and logistics, please visit our official event page.

                      We have also created some guidelines for logging activities:

                      1. We rely on the honor system... you will not need to provide GPS tracks.

                      2. No step counting, please use intentional miles.

                      3. We have this event set up for running/walking primarily and employ an activity converter for 80 different activities, so you can log all of your exercise.

                      4. We try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on approximate effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                      5. When logging the WRTV workout of the day, please enter "1" for the completed workout.

                      6. Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      7. Exercise can be backdated one day, except on the race's final day.

                      8. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      Questions? Send us an email at

                      **Please note, the donation through your relay registration will be to Black Voters Matter unrestricted 501c4 fund. If you are looking for a 501c3 tax receipt and corporate matching form for your donation, please give directly to Black Voters Matter website and select 501c3 fund.**
                      No mileage submitted yet.