Started spring break with my younger daughter today and was able to get a quick 4 miles in before we head off for a get away! Semper Fi Team Alpha!
#28 fundraiser.
#6 team fundraisers.
Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 6.00 miles/day.
3rd Longest personal exercise.
Passed 157 athletes moving JLLAlpha into #36.
I was in the office today so I walked 2 miles (Port Authority to Lex and back) and then ran 6 miles when I came home. My hips are a bit sore today but still feeling great! Yut! Yut! Yut! Semper Fi Team Alpha!
#27 fundraiser.
#6 team fundraisers.
Longest personal exercise.
Passed 577 athletes moving JLLAlpha into #21.