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Andrew's log

  • AndrewL AWS-ES-WWPS-TW1 Mar 22, 2024
    139.6 miles
    03/22/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    Chest tris shoulders
    03/21/2024 5.0 Hours of reading = 15.0 miles
    Study prep for SAP exam
    03/21/2024 5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
    03/20/2024 4.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 6.4 miles
    Finished the barn door, got it hung. Called in some neighbors for help carrying it in because it was heavy
    03/19/2024 3.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 4.8 miles
    Finishing the back of the barn door. Attached a mirror and built a frame around it.
    03/19/2024 3.0 Hours of reading = 9.0 miles
    SAP prep
    03/19/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    Back and biceps
    03/19/2024 5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
    desk treadmill
    03/16/2024 2.0 hours of sledding = 9.0 miles
    Neighborhood hills with my son
    03/18/2024 5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
    Desk treadmill
    03/18/2024 60.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.9 miles
    Chest + Triceps
    03/17/2024 4.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 6.4 miles
    Barn door build. More painting, lots of 45 degree cuts to attach the wood slats to the door. Stained wood slats.
    03/16/2024 2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 3.2 miles
    Painting prepping and cutting up wood to build out a barn door
    03/15/2024 20.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 1.2 miles
    More shoveling snow
    03/15/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    Abs, Biceps, Back
    03/14/2024 2.0 Hours of reading = 6.0 miles
    Study study
    03/14/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    03/14/2024 1.0 hour of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 3.5 mile
    Shoveling. "the storm of the century!!!" was a bust, but still ~6 inches.
    03/14/2024 3.5 miles of walking = 3.5 miles
    03/13/2024 30.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.0 miles
    Just shoulders. Skipped leg day, the shame!!!!
    03/12/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    03/12/2024 3.5 miles of walking = 3.5 miles
    03/11/2024 3.0 Hours of reading = 9.0 miles
    Crossroads of twilight Book 10 in the Wheel of Time. Must finish this series this year....
    03/11/2024 60.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.9 miles
    03/11/2024 5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
    Desk treadmill
    03/10/2024 2.0 Hours of reading = 6.0 miles
    More practice exams
    03/09/2024 3.0 Hours of reading = 9.0 miles
    Practice exams for Solutions Architect Pro
    03/09/2024 30.0 minutes of children's playground game = 1.9 miles
    Playground with my 3 and 1 year old swinging and tag
    03/09/2024 1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    Legs shoulders and abs!
    03/08/2024 20.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 1.2 miles
    Shoveled my driveway. Yay snow.....
    03/08/2024 60.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.9 miles
    Back and Biceps!
    03/08/2024 3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
     Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 37.76 miles/day.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 1613 participants moving AWS-ES-WWPS-TW1 into #6.

Awards and current bibs