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Cat's log

#pivot×95, #mobmiles×49, #zebrastrong×40, #goingthedista…×39, #duckingmiles×32, #biteback×27, #submiles×24, #donebymarch31×23, #frak×23, #duckingbell×19, #gloriouspurpo…×16, #haveyourselfa…×15, #oursafespaces…×14, #aloha×13, #bringthechaos×13, #pieishome×12, #thepiehos×12, #imgoinghome×10, #milesforkellie×10, #mobivation×10, #toruffy×10, #wayoftheleaf×10, #whatsthetea×10, #fasterthenatr…×9, #milesforkoda×9, #chaosbites×8, #hoghug×8, #powerhour×8, #fromruffy×7, #minimob×7, #squadghouls×7, #teamspirit×7, #bloodybaruuun×6, #carriehastheo…×6, #duckingdreadf…×6, #fabboolousmil…×6, #ghostwiththem…×6, #hauntedhorde×6, #ideclareathum…×6, #izzyhandssent…×6, #jbonepower×6, #mobmile×6, #runrunrunbite×6, #slothmodeisbe…×6, #teamzebra×6, #walkitthrough…×6, #willdieoffun×6, #alohajb×5, #cancersucks×5, #massiveagress…×5, #milesforjean×5, #onepowerhour×5, #politemenace×5, #runnersreborn…×5, #runningonspoo…×5, #werunasone×5, #zebracap×5, #awducksaremod…×4, #buddymiles×4, #carrierocksth…×4, #dreadfulducki…×4, #forcarlos×4, #foroverlord×4, #maythemagicbe…×4, #onepowerfinal…×4, #passoverlorda…×4, #sotired×4, #soundsgay×4, #spiteandvineg…×4, #themobmademe×4, #voidyellsforo…×4, #10in3day1×3, #awducksarejus…×3, #backdateasaur…×3, #banjowalk×3, #byebyeli×3, #carrierocks×3, #dontduckwithus×3, #duckingawesome×3, #duckingpacing×3, #duckingtired×3, #ducksflytoget…×3, #forwilf×3, #halfcap×3, #hotelhallwayp…×3, #humpbump×3, #jb×3, #jbmiles×3, #keepmovingfor…×3, #literallyded×3, #meetcute×3, #milesformarcus×3, #quackquackmf×3, #rememberremem…×3, #sleepyzebra×3, #sodiumphosoph…×3, #stedeyaswego×3, #subasaurus×3, #thatsacap×3, #themobiscomin…×3, #wewalkformmiw…×3, #whateverfloat…×3, #zebratired×3, #10in3day2×2, #always×2, #baruuuuns×2, #charmcitymiles×2, #chasingacentu…×2, #chasingthecen…×2, #choosetobeawe…×2, #covidsucks×2, #december10×2, #dreadfulducki…×2, #duckingdreadf…×2, #duckthis×2, #everywhereadu…×2, #fornessie×2, #freaksinthesh…×2, #funtrailfind×2, #gentlethempir…×2, #getthosemiles×2, #happybirthday…×2, #happynewyear×2, #hereaduck×2, #hotelpacingwi…×2, #hugsforrachel×2, #imcominghome×2, #ipaceforicecr…×2, #jbchallange×2, #keepthestreak×2, #lateoclockmil…×2, #legolandmiles×2, #letsdothis×2, #letsduckinggo×2, #lockedandkeye…×2, #midnightmiles×2, #milesforjane×2, #milesformigra…×2, #milestilegame×2, #milestilegame…×2, #mileswithmiles×2, #mobbingthecas…×2, #mobholes×2, #mobmademedoit×2, #mugoftheday×2, #onelastduck×2, #ovelasneks×2, #pacepacepaceb…×2, #packandpace×2, #pitchforksand…×2, #plantobedoneb…×2, #prefuneralhal…×2, #raisethosefun…×2, #riverwalk×2, #rolloutcheerm…×2, #scroogeyou×2, #sneakylittles…×2, #tacoslater×2, #teatime×2, #thatsadazzle×2, #thatsahalfcap×2, #thatsawrap×2, #theartofducke…×2, #theendisnear×2, #themobmademed…×2, #themobpitiest…×2, #theonepowerof…×2, #thepowerofthe…×2, #thereaduck×2, #tutwotuesday×2, #variantsbring…×2, #variantsevery…×2, #villanaazuler…×2, #villanaazulru…×2, #waspwalk1×2, #wellduck×2, #zebrahike×2, #zebrasleepy×2 … >>

  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte 5h ago
    0.6 miles
     #2 fundraiser.  #4 team fundraisers.  9th Longest personal run of this race.  9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.  Passed 5 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA 5h ago
    0.6 miles
    0.63 miles of running/Walking = 0.63 miles
     8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 22
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race.  2nd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 22
    2.0 miles
     #2 fundraiser.  #3 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 11 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 21
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
     3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 21
    1.2 miles
     #2 fundraiser.  #3 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 4 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 20
    1.0 miles
    1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 20
    1.0 miles
     #2 fundraiser.  #3 team fundraisers.  Passed 6 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 19
     #2 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  Passed 9 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 19
     #2 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 9 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 19
    1.0 miles
    1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 18
    $100 from Cat Peterson
    Keep on moving team! We’ve got this!
     #2 fundraiser.
    Thank you! 💛
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 17
    1.0 miles
    1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 17
    2.0 miles
    2.01 miles of running/Walking = 2.01 miles
     5th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 17
    1.0 miles
     #5 team fundraisers.  4th Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 13 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 17
     #5 team fundraisers.  Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 28 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 16
     #5 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 19 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 16
    1.0 miles
    1.03 miles of running/Walking = 1.03 miles
     2nd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
  • AwDarjeeling D-See You Latte Mar 15
    1.3 miles
     Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 30 runners.
  • AwDarjeeling Runasaure TADA Mar 15
    1.3 miles
    1.3 miles of running/Walking = 1.3 miles
     9th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 27 days.
  • see more...

Active races

Start: 3/14/25 | End: 3/24/25
Running 623 miles in 10 days!
Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
Exercise 365 miles in 365 days!
Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
Exercise 1532 miles in 365 days!

Awards and current bibs