Beth Moody
F | 40-49 | Long Beach, CA (United States)Groups: #phrc19hufflepuff, #frcbattleofthefandoms, #teamonfire, #ateamhasnoname, #ceteonfire, #gettheracewon, #giveemhelgas, #legendary, #cedricgotthecupfirst, #jesuisprest, #tulachard, #helgasbadgers
Bio: I have participated in the following PHRC and FRC races: Diggory's Seeker (2017) Army of Leg-ends (2017) Helga's Badgers (2018) Get The Race Won (2018) Cete on Fire (2019) A Team Has No Name (2019) Team on Fire (2019) Violently Pink (2019) Je Suis Prest (2020) Helga's Badgers (2020) Tulach Ard (2020) Bark & Cheese (2020) Rubber Sole (2020) Revelio (2020) Defying Gravity (2020) Weakness: None (2021) In Need of a Shower (2021) Helga’s Badgers (2021)
Beth's log
#onemoodybadger×172, #forianfmurray…×42, #lovemesomejam…×42, #bringingsmore…×40, #allineedisone…×38, #cetetheworldo…×38, #solemates×36, #tof×36, #wecanwalkitout×36, #thenightsrolex×35, #giveemhelgas×31, #gettheracewon×29, #historyhasits…×29, #damnnearkiltme×27, #scotchonthero…×27, #giveemhelga×22, #troublemaking…×22, #revelio×21, #givethemhelga×20, #herekittykitty×19, #legendary×19, #barkingmad×18, #notoriouslyne…×17, #hiphiphooray×16, #limbitless×16, #cedricgotthec…×12, #defygravity×12, #forgood×12, #wickedmoody×12, #thatsacap×11, #whatyearisit×11, #yescake×11, #fueledbypopta…×9, #clickboom×8, #runningoutoft…×8, #bonnetsbehind…×5, #forfrasersrid…×5, #midnightmiles×5, #forclaire×4, #clairesgarden…×3, #formarsli×3, #forrogermac×3, #milesforchadw…×3, #wakandaforever×3, #badgermcbadass×2, #midnightmile×2, #nopuffleftbeh…×2, #stealashoutout×2 … >>

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