Betsy BornABadger
Washington, DC (United States)Groups: #hufflepuff, #wrcteamcompanions, #hrc, #dorasaurors, #raisinsgivemetrustissues, #districtofcolumbia, #teamsexy, #cetetheday, #badgerup, #yesfit, #poufsouffle, #melodysmaniacs, #pawstoremember
Bio: Inveniam viam aut faciam. I will either find a way or make one.
Betsy's log
#hrckisssquad×9, #teamriversong×9, #teamsexyifyou…×9, #risethefawkes…×8, #powerofthehair×7, #teamcompanions×7, #kissykissy×6, #hrcdementors×5, #teamsexy×5, #fawkesfliers×4, #getfawkesy×4, #flybigorflyho…×3, #onewayoranoth…×3, #basicallyrun×2, #bisoux×2, #imglidinghere×2, #imgonnagetcha…×2, #imsotired×2, #poweroftheswe…×2, #riversong4ever×2 … >>

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