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Carolina's log

  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 15
    5.1 miles
    1.0 hour of swimming, freestyle = 5.1 mile
    AM swim
     2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  3rd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 91 participants moving PXTGS into #41.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 15
    1.9 miles
    3.0 kilometers of running = 1.9 miles
    AM Run
     🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 28 participants.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 14
    3.1 miles
    5.0 kilometers of running = 3.1 miles
    PM run/workout
     3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 73 participants.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 14
    1.2 miles
    2.0 kilometers of walking = 1.2 miles
    AM walk
     6th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  6th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  7th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 29 participants moving PXTGS into #37.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 13
    2.2 miles
    1.15 hours of weight lifting = 2.19 miles
    PM workout
     Passed 62 participants.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 13
    1.9 miles
    3.0 kilometers of walking = 1.9 miles
     Passed 47 participants.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 13
    2.9 miles
    1.5 hours of weight lifting = 2.9 miles
     3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 95 participants moving PXTGS into #35.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 11
    2.2 miles
    1.15 hours of weight lifting = 2.19 miles
     3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 82 participants.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 10
    1.9 miles
    3.0 kilometers of running = 1.9 miles
    - Manually logged in Costa Rica
     Back after 355 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 41 participants moving PXTGS into #46.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 8
    8.5 miles
    1.5 hours of circuit training = 8.5 miles
    - Manually logged in Costa Rica
     Back after 353 days.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 509 participants moving PXTGS into #38.
  • Caro_Bogantes PXT GS Mar 8
    3.2 miles
    2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 3.2 miles
     Back after 353 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 223 participants moving PXTGS into #46.
  • Caro_Bogantes AWS CST Mar 20, 2024
    7.3 miles
    03/20/2024 60.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 3.0 miles
    Light weights training this morning - Manually logged in Costa Rica
    03/14/2024 4.27 miles of running = 4.27 miles
    Good run tonight - Manually logged in Costa Rica
     Back after 7 days.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 315 participants.

Awards and current bibs