Lindsey May
F | 40-49 | Macomb Township, MI (United States)Groups: #2021phrc, #2021phrcgryffindor, #2021wrc, #2021frc
Bio: I'm a 46 y.o. mom of 2 kiddos, 3 dogs, a cat, a gargoyle gecko, 2 ball pythons and a bearded dragon. My goal for 2025 is to start moving on purpose every day this year! I plan to walk the dogs every day I am able, and to train for and run 2 half marathons, and possibly another full. I want to stay healthy physically and mentally, and this is one piece of the puzzle!
Lindsey's log
#chinookmomma×701, #frc×546, #phrc×339, #wrc×247, #wearethefire×199, #whiskersaway×71, #milesforlandon×59, #treadmill×48, #chinookmommab×45, #dudelookslike…×39, #werunasone×37, #jogofeternals…×36, #mcmtraining×29, #wearethebomba…×28, #fanggang×27, #mcm×27, #theteamwithth…×26, #wegetfang×26, #cap×24, #snitchplease×19, #riseup×18, #untiltheverye…×18, #sixmonthtomar…×15, #always×13, #crapisignedup…×13, #ifimtalkingim…×12, #marniesarmy×11, #octobermarath…×11, #postmarathonr…×11, #rumble×11, #puckaroundand…×10, #teamwiththepo…×10, #whatthepuck×10, #milesforchris×9, #comebackkid×7, #gryffindor×7, #chasingmyfirs…×6, #everylioncoun…×6, #marathontrain…×5, #3dogwalk×4, #3dogwalks×4, #dogwalk×4, #forfawkessake×4, #halfcap×4, #huffledor×4, #longrun×4, #makeuprun×4, #phrcgryffindor×4, #rockcf×4, #slowandsteady×4, #stressrelief×4, #trainingrun×4, #3dogs4miles×3, #doubledigits×3, #everyhalfmile…×3, #halfwaythere×3, #melting×3, #passthewind×3, #rockcftraining×3, #snitchperfect×3, #treadmillmiles×3, #10kaday×2, #10miles×2, #3dogsandaspou…×2, #6monthtomarat…×2, #babyitscoldou…×2, #backontrack×2, #coldwalk×2, #dogwalking×2, #dogwalks×2, #dogwalksafter…×2, #dogwalksx3×2, #earlymorning×2, #eveningrun×2, #finalcountdown×2, #firstdog×2, #fortheglort×2, #frozenmiles×2, #ginnydoground2×2, #golions×2, #horsesandwalk…×2, #humidity×2, #indyminibound×2, #jogofstench×2, #lastdogwalk×2, #lincolnmemori…×2, #meltingmiles×2, #newshoes×2, #niagarafalls×2, #nightrun×2, #octobermarath…×2, #ppdr×2, #rainraingoaway×2, #recoveryrun×2, #restartingaga…×2, #rockcfhalfmar…×2, #roundtwo×2, #runmagicrun×2, #seconddog×2, #shortrun×2, #stretchingism…×2, #thirddog×2, #thursday5k×2, #walk×2, #walkaroundthe…×2, #walkingdogs×2, #wearethe×2, #windy×2 … >>

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