Shannon Schwerdtfeger
F | 50-59 | Los Angeles, CA (United States)Groups: #trustnorun, #stepintime, #notinkansas, #narf, #wanttobelieve, #grimrunghosts, #carbivores
Shannon's log
#xmiles×58, #imready×29, #paranormalbou…×29, #trustnorun×29, #stretchgoals×28, #iwanttobelieve×27, #mulderspencils×24, #myfirstracery×22, #boingyboingy×21, #thosearethefa…×21, #totallyinsaney×21, #zanytothemax×21, #dingdongthele…×20, #illgetyoumypr…×20, #ineedapoppyfi…×20, #rubyredconver…×20, #walkingtheyel…×20, #californianin…×16, #chimchimhurry×14, #magicalmiles×14, #rosycheeksnow…×14, #woodenlegname…×14, #dontblinkdodr…×13, #madeyoublink×13, #meepingangel×13, #treadmill×13, #areleprechaun…×12, #futuremiles×12, #goneinablink×12, #idontknowmyti…×12, #lookingforufo…×12, #actuallystret…×10, #funnylookingd…×10, #sneakymiles×10, #tightropeball…×9, #carbivore×8, #foolishwalkin…×8, #grimrunninggh…×8, #treadmillmiles×6, #feelslikeahou…×4, #forpap×4, #onefootinfron…×4, #personalbestd…×4, #slowandsteady×4, #airportmiles×3, #meanderingmil…×3, #carbivores×2, #dizzymiles×2, #iforgottothin…×2, #lunchtimemiles×2, #oilcan×2, #saxetninainro…×2, #slooflirpa×2, #stcafehteraes…×2, #xamehtotynaz×2, #yenasniyllatot×2, #ygniobygniob×2 … >>

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