3.25 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 5.20 miles
Epic Afternoon of Laundry (8 loads), Steam Cleaning Furniture, Power Washing patio, Cleaning Bathrooms, Washing Dishes, and trying to take care of a sick family - Arlington, VA, USA
Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 22.61 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.
AWS_Virginia moves into #28.
Working with DC127 & Central Union Mission to help those in need or at risk of need. - Washington D.C., DC, USA
Longest personal run/walk of this race.
Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 24.34 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.
2nd Longest personal run/walk.
Passed 2 participants moving AWS_Virginia into #30.
3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.
3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 20.26 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 9 days.
4th Longest personal run/walk.
Passed 1 participant.
88 minutes of Bicycling, vigorous pace = 11.7 miles
Peloton - 88 min 8 sec Just Ride: Outdoor - View on Strava
3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.
3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 20.25 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 9 days.
4th Longest personal run/walk.
Passed 1 participant.
Starting the morning off Right - Volunteering through coaching T-Ball and Little League Baseball! - Arlington, VA, USA
Longest personal run/walk of this race.
Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 19.36 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 9 days.
2nd Longest personal run/walk.
Passed 2 participants moving AWS_Virginia into #30.
2.75 hours of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 9.63 miles
Filling the Potted Plants, Getting new perennials, and trimming and lining the bushes - Arlington, VA, USA
4th Longest personal run/walk of this race.
4th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 20.76 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 8 days.
5th Longest personal run/walk.
AWS_Virginia moves into #29.
6th Longest personal run/walk of this race.
6th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 18.89 miles/day.
🔥 Extends streak to 7 days.
7th Longest personal run/walk.
Passed 1 participant moving AWS_Virginia into #32.