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Manvinder's log

  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 26, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
    After dark walk with the dog.
     Passed 34 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #293.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 25, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
    Morning walk drinking and talking with a dear friend.
     Passed 34 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #293.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 24, 2021
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
    Shorts and t-shirt weather today 🤷🏽‍♀️
     Passed 68 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #277.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 22, 2021
    2.8 miles
    2.8 miles of walking = 2.8 miles
    Walked and talked as a work break.
     Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.81 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal walk.  Passed 49 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #280.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 21, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
    Back to 70 degree weather in Texas, beautiful day to walk
     Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.82 miles/day.  Passed 41 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #292.
    What? How is that possible?
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 20, 2021
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
    Nice walk in the sunshine. Got the dog tired and resting.
     Longest personal walk.  Passed 91 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #284.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 19, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
    Got the poor dog out and myself out for a walk today. Dallas snow is melting.
     Passed 66 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #301.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 18, 2021
    1.3 miles
    30.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 1.3 miles
    Helped clean a flooded office and then go on the hunt for gas and milk. 4 gas stations, 2 convenience stores and 2 grocery stores later, had success!
     3rd Longest personal walk.  Passed 31 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #299.
    Stay safe Dr. Kainth. Our thoughts are with you and your entire community.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 18, 2021
    0.5 miles
    6.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 0.5 miles
    Didn’t have the umph to do much today. Tomorrow will assess the house damage and see about riding a stationary bike or bundling up and walking in the Texas snow
     5th Longest personal walk.  Passed 6 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #308.
    Stay safe Dr. Kainth!!
    Luckily you have a stationary bike for weeks like these. : )
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 16, 2021
    0.9 miles
    10.0 minutes of stair climbing, up stairs = 0.9 miles
    Tried to get a few more steps in
     2nd Longest personal walk.  Passed 28 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #317.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 16, 2021
    0.6 miles
    30.0 minutes of yoga = 0.6 miles
    Mid-day yoga, thankful for one family house having power.
     2nd Longest personal walk.  Passed 28 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #317.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 16, 2021
    0.4 miles
    10.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 0.4 miles
     3rd Longest personal walk.  Passed 15 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #321.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 14, 2021
    0.5 miles
    25.0 minutes of yoga = 0.5 miles
    End of the day yoga.
     2nd Longest personal walk.  Passed 28 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #283.
  • DrKainth MPCare2021 Feb 13, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
    Chilly Texas weather but the sunshine felt great @walkwithadoc #mapleprimarycare @mapledpc
     Longest personal walk.  Passed 48 walkers moving MPCare2021 into #137.
    Ice storm central Texas. Makes us stronger?👍😊
  • DrKainth Nov 27, 2020
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    Walked the dog - Carrollton, TX, USA
     #173 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 3.22 miles/day.  Passed 13 athletes.
  • DrKainth Nov 26, 2020
    3.5 miles
    3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
    Walked and talked with a friend - Dallas, TX, USA
     #172 fundraiser.  4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 12 athletes.
    No guys it wasn’t me.
  • DrKainth Nov 26, 2020
    3.7 miles
    60.0 minutes of bicycling, easy pace = 3.7 miles
    Bought a shiny bike :)
     #172 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.84 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 25 athletes.
  • DrKainth Nov 25, 2020
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    Walked the dog. He was happy. I was happy
     #171 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.67 miles/day.  Passed 16 athletes.
  • DrKainth Nov 24, 2020
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
    Quick walk outside and swivel board in front of the tv :)
     #171 fundraiser.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.84 miles/day.  4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 20 athletes.
    Love it! Way to go Dr. Kanith!
  • DrKainth Nov 23, 2020
    0.5 miles
    25.0 minutes of yoga = 0.5 miles
    Yoga before bed. Always helps me wind down and helps calm my mind
     #171 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 4 athletes.
  • see more...

Manvinder's personal tracking

57.5 mi since 11/14/20

Awards and current bibs