Bio: I'm a single mom of a 16 year old who has ADHD, ASD, OCD and Learning difficulties we run together on most days when he can tear him self away from his X box! My goal for 2016 is to complete a virtual medal for a distance of 1000k for the year as this year I turned 40 in April
Well it stayed dry until the last .5 of my run and all of a sudden it started to bloody rain just because I left my running coat at home why didn't it wait till I got back to the car hey ho it is only rain I suppose ;)
Extends streak to 4 days.
7th Longest personal run.
Passed 17 runners.
3 miles for a chocolate run at the home of UK chocolate Bournville Cadbury.....and 2.3 Saturday night run just because.....and the rest of mules was from walking from train station to venu and back again ;)