Melinda's log
#flyfirstclass×15, #runnersincomi…×13, #soarasone×12, #flockingfabul…×10, #flyingwithcla…×9, #flywithclass×9, #cawcaw×8, #flockingaweso…×8, #flockingclawe…×8, #rahrahravencl…×8, #riseup×8, #flyingfirstcl…×6, #soaringtosing…×6, #2021ravenclaw×4, #2021timelord×4, #untiltheverye…×4, #whathappenedt…×4, #bombardathemw…×3, #duckingawesome×3, #flockrolled×3, #nosleeptilsin…×3, #2021phrc×2, #2021wrc×2, #cincodeflocko×2, #dontduckwithme×2, #duckduckgo×2, #duckduckno×2, #duckingmiles×2, #duckingtired×2, #duckit×2, #duckthehaters×2, #duckthesemiles×2, #duckthis×2, #duckyeah×2, #everywhereadu…×2, #flockaflockaf…×2, #flockingtacos×2, #getscrooged×2, #gettheduckout…×2, #icryfowl×2, #idontgiveaduck×2, #justduckingdo…×2, #justducky×2, #maytheflockbe…×2, #neverduckinge…×2, #noduckstogive×2, #nomoreducks×2, #onelasttime×2, #qqmf×2, #scroogeit×2, #soduckinggood×2, #theartofducke…×2, #thefinalfinals×2, #wesoarasone×2, #whattheduck×2 … >>

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