Emily Junod
F | 40-49 | PHILADELPHIA, PA (United States)Groups: #phrc, #frc, #wrc, #2021phrcravenclaw, #2021wrctimelords
Bio: AKA: GrawpsGroupie, Bananasaregood, Goodbananalizar, Ranimal Teams: Silurian Bob 🦎 OUTABREATH 🛹 Diadem Files 🧙♂️ Moving Right Along 🐸 Attack Eyebrows 🤨 We Don't Need Roads 🛹 Mad Eye 🥒 For Amy 🌻 Executive Producer Dick Wolf 🔍 Bugging Out 💣 Rowena's Eagles 🦅 Violently Pink 💗
Emily's log
#grawpsgroupie×153, #bananasaregood×66, #yourkidsarego…×59, #dundundun×40, #somemilesarem…×40, #flyfirstclass×39, #buggingout×37, #milesincoming×37, #onyourradar×37, #runnersincomi…×37, #section8k×37, #snowstorksont…×37, #swampjuice×37, #criminalmiles×36, #independentst…×36, #dickiscoming×34, #milesfiled×34, #rundickrun×34, #runlikeheckho…×34, #joggawatts×33, #killerbrows×33, #cultofthetriv…×32, #drwhoyougonna…×32, #flockingaweso…×32, #gettingtherei…×32, #goodbananaliz…×32, #manamana×32, #ranimal×32, #rippertheothe…×32, #supergaylizar…×32, #walkawalkawal…×32, #wokkawokkawok…×32, #88mph×31, #fluxcapping×31, #makinglikeatr…×31, #noonecallsmec…×31, #wedontneedroa…×31, #alwayskeepfig…×29, #alwayskeeprac…×29, #forvincent×29, #ultimateginge×29, #vangogogo×29, #worthlivingfor×29, #youmatter×29, #allycat×28, #milesforally×28, #itsdelores×27, #sharkcoochieh…×27, #thedeloreanha…×27, #seteyebrowtos…×26, #chasingcones×24, #soarasone×24, #cloverpowered×23, #randomacts×23, #smelltheclover×23, #formaureen×22, #weresomcfly×22, #grabtheclover…×21, #riseup×21, #constantvigil…×20, #technicallyit…×20, #wereallmadhere×20, #idontthinkits…×19, #forjane×18, #getdiademmiles×18, #rahrahravencl…×18, #littlecamptha…×17, #nohats×17, #cawcaw×16, #flockingfabul…×14, #nosleeptilsin…×14, #richardiscomi…×12, #forjohn×11, #werezomcfly×9, #forafc×7, #herecomesthes…×7, #somuchgood×7, #thatsacucumber×7, #stealashoutout×6, #untiltheverye…×6, #flockrolled×5, #noplucksgiven×5, #whathappenedt…×5, #raidbattlecast×4, #battlecastbomb×3, #cincodeflocko×3, #flockotuesday×3, #forkeith×3, #maytheflockbe…×3, #midnightmiles×3, #miles4unclefr…×3, #ppp×3, #thatsacap×3, #theweddingofm…×3, #browbomb×2, #donutsfornorm×2, #forsandra×2, #noonerunsalone×2, #powerhour×2 … >>

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