Shaunna Winton
F | 40-49 | WA, United StatesGroups: #readysetgozer, #tardisthieves, #grimrunningghosts, #whatthepuck, #runsummoners, #ghidorah, #dragons, #hohoho, #whiskersaway, #run2345, #fanthropysru, #thezalords, #bisonbrigade, #sallyforth, #fireball, #fromfrcwithlove, #whorunnit
Shaunna's log
#walkbreakatwo…×43, #hauntedfaerie×40, #hauntedgrisha×32, #hohoho×32, #runsummoners×32, #summoningmiles×32, #midnightmiles×31, #shouldvebroug…×31, #forpucksake×27, #puckaroundand…×27, #somuchpucking…×27, #whatkindofpuc…×27, #whatthepuck×27, #latenightmiles×24, #fanthropysru×21, #puckingrun×21, #runanotherday×20, #tardisthieves×19, #dragonsintrai…×17, #ghidorah×17, #chillingwithm…×16, #humpandbone×16, #mfmysteryguest×16, #mysteryguest×16, #readysetgozer×16, #siveth×16, #yippeekiyaymf×16, #bethemayday×14, #offrc×14, #blessedbe×13, #nevergiveupja…×13, #doyouwannahid…×11, #justhereforth…×11, #bonenbauer×10, #grimrunninggh…×10, #bisonbrigade×7, #bisonbuddy×7, #hellsbells×7, #icanexplain×7, #itwasntmyfault×7, #jbmiles×7, #starsandstones×7, #walkingthestr…×7, #remembertosto…×6, #slothmilessti…×5, #walkatwork×5, #workbreakwalk×5, #latenightpuck…×4, #nightshift×4, #rovingthetunn…×3, #thezalords×3, #fromfrcwithlo…×2, #haunteddreams×2, #midnightpucki…×2, #milesafterpuc…×2, #milesafterwork×2, #nottherunsemi…×2, #werunasone×2 … >>

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