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Christina's log

#gottosavemyass×43, #notmygumdropb…×43, #ogreshavelaye…×43, #runrunrunasfa…×43, #shrekasaurus×43, #someofyoumayd…×43, #venividiconfo…×37, #icameisawista…×36, #unicornsaurus…×36, #stabbysayrun×31, #miles4coco×30, #nomoaningmore…×30, #tequilahoingm…×30, #hermajestyhuf…×27, #kegyanstolemy…×27, #dukesofbadgers×26, #strideoftheva…×16, #wingingit×16, #witchesridedi…×16, #milesforritch…×14, #2460run1more×12, #2460runasone×12, #allthisforalo…×12, #baguetteabout…×12, #baguettebriga…×12, #dinnafashjust…×12, #dinoanddutch×12, #dinosatthebar…×12, #dinosdontwear…×12, #dinossansculo…×12, #francefrancer…×12, #gotellthebees…×12, #ithoughtyousa…×12, #lerawr×12, #viveleroar×12, #whiskeyfixese…×12, #brainsoperati…×10, #dinogodess×10, #itgrowsback×10, #mostfearedhum…×10, #nowyallrunning×10, #oldnbustedhot…×10, #onceugoworm×10, #wholetthedogs…×10, #chickenponies×9, #crossiantthef…×9, #flyingbadgers×9, #buaidhnobs×8, #givemethebolt×8, #milesformason×8, #norestonaquest×8, #runningonnect…×8, #bootycanyon×7, #gentlethempir…×6, #iamadequate×6, #izzyhandssent…×6, #massiveagress…×6, #politemenace×6, #safespaceship×6, #soundsgay×6, #stedeyaswego×6, #stedeypace×6, #thasinntapaidh×6, #walkitthrough…×6, #whateverfloat…×6, #willdieoffun×6, #milesforpatty…×5, #piratecathysb…×5, #stabbysaysrun×5, #thirdornothing×5, #chocolatemilk×4, #idontknowifid…×4, #letsgogetsome…×4, #paynoattentio…×4, #sorrydarlingw…×4, #talkingisthew…×4, #thatwhyigetto…×4, #yousawnothing×4, #cowsette×3, #letired×3, #thatsacap×3, #uranus×3, #10kwasntenough×2, #1st10kever×2, #absentmindedr…×2, #ahexuponye×2, #atleastifinis…×2, #evilmiles×2, #forkeith×2, #formorale×2, #ieattacos4bre…×2, #ifyourenotthi…×2, #keygancantcat…×2, #lavieenrun×2, #letsgostreakin×2, #mamdinos×2, #mighthavebeen…×2, #my1stcap×2, #neverleft×2, #newstreakwhod…×2, #nocapcaptosho…×2, #nowthatsaduck…×2, #passiveaggres…×2, #rawrasone×2, #rawrrawrmd×2, #rawrthisway×2, #stealashoutout×2, #stillstreaking×2, #stompystampede×2, #tellusastory×2, #totaleclipseo…×2, #tyrumosaurusr…×2, #valentinesmil…×2, #walklikeadino…×2 … >>

  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone 7h ago
    0.9 miles
    0.85 miles of running/Walking = 0.85 miles
     8th Longest personal exercise of this race.  3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
  • Hufflesaurus B-Dinomite! 7h ago
    0.9 miles
     #80 fundraiser.  #2 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 4 runners.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Mar 22
    1.2 miles
    1.15 miles of running/Walking = 1.15 miles
     5th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 65 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus B-Dinomite! Mar 22
    1.2 miles
     #57 fundraiser.  #2 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 1 runner.
  • Hufflesaurus B-Dinomite! Mar 18
    0.5 miles
     #138 fundraiser.  #2 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 5 runners.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Mar 18
    0.5 miles
    0.54 miles of running/Walking = 0.54 miles
     10th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 61 days.
  • Hufflesaurus B-Dinomite! Mar 15
    1.4 miles
     #1 team fundraisers.  Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  Back after 110 days.  Passed 24 runners.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Mar 15
    1.4 miles
    1.38 miles of running/Walking = 1.38 miles
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 58 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 16
    0.8 miles
    1771.0 steps of steps = 0.8 miles
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 14
    0.6 miles
    1272.0 steps of steps = 0.6 miles
     8th Longest personal exercise of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 1.03 miles/day.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 13
    3.3 miles
    6899.0 steps of steps = 3.3 miles
     Longest personal exercise of this race.  Back after 9 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 12
    2.2 miles
    4617.0 steps of steps = 2.2 miles
     Longest personal exercise of this race.  Back after 8 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 11
    0.5 miles
    0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
     Back after 7 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 10
    0.7 miles
    1480.0 steps of steps = 0.7 miles
     5th Longest personal exercise of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 0.79 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 9
    0.3 miles
    703.0 steps of steps = 0.3 miles
     8th Longest personal exercise of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 0.80 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 8
    0.5 miles
    1018.0 steps of steps = 0.5 miles
     7th Longest personal exercise of this race.  8th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 0.85 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 7
    0.8 miles
    1751.0 steps of steps = 0.8 miles
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Extends streak to 7 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 6
    0.5 miles
    1048.0 steps of steps = 0.5 miles
     5th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Extends streak to 6 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 5
    1.5 miles
    3084.0 steps of steps = 1.5 miles
     Longest personal exercise of this race.  Extends streak to 5 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
  • Hufflesaurus RunasaureAlone Jan 4
    0.5 miles
    0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
     3rd Longest personal exercise of this race.  Extends streak to 4 days.
  • see more...

Active races

Start: 3/14/25 | End: 3/24/25
Running 623 miles in 10 days!
Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
Exercise 1532 miles in 365 days!

Awards and current bibs