Jennifer Roland
F | 50-59 | Phoenix, AZ (United States)Groups: #ravenclaw, #companions
Bio: Just keep moving!
Jennifer's log
#flightclub×23, #phoenixclaw×23, #fastandfuriosa×20, #talonsandtiar…×19, #strangetime×18, #unicorncabin×15, #strideandprej…×14, #neverrunscared×13, #strideordie×13, #austentatious×12, #duckponds×12, #foraslan×12, #fornarnia×12, #justduckit×12, #flightandfight×11, #rundalorian×11, #crewandfamily×10, #flightorfight×10, #powerinlove×10, #sparklyasflock×10, #alwaysbeaunic…×9, #believe×9, #cupofambition×9, #dddpower×9, #moondancer×9, #motherrunner×9, #booksbestweap…×8, #together×8, #hoptoit×7, #jigglyadipose×7, #torunornottor…×7, #wiseandslow×7, #yippykiyaymf×7, #dearestrunner×6, #flymypretties×6, #mugglelover×6, #9milesforglenn×5, #hohohonowweha…×5, #impervius×5, #mallotofdeath×5, #runningwater×5, #notrunningtoa…×4, #stabby×4, #fastnfuriosa×3, #furiosamaxima×3, #runwithtmnt×3, #talonsntiaras×3, #turnaboutther…×3, #turtlepower×3, #battlebonnets×2, #battleunicorn×2, #ettufeet×2, #forbonnetsand…×2, #lunchrun×2, #maythefourth×2, #midnightmile×2, #milesforcipher×2, #oohshiny×2, #ouch×2, #runlikeyousto…×2, #sorefreshing×2 … >>

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