Jes F
Groups: #krakens
Bio: Lap 1 March 27 -- Lap 2 June 15 .... 3 LAPS total.... biggest streak: 378 days 2022- HT#1 Lion Awakens, Botf S3E4 Cowabunga, HT#2 Bohemian Catsody, Botf S3 Finals Final Frontier, RAT TARDIS Thieves, Spooky BOTF Marnie's Army 2023- LAP 1: MARCH 11 -- Lap 2: June 26 -- Botf S4E1 What The Puck! WINNERS! BOTF S4E2 Shield Maidens- WINNERS! Summer camp: Krackens BOTF S4E3 Mora Miles S4 Finals Pucking Run
Jes's log
#finalfrontier×74, #myownpersonal…×68, #tardisthieves×60, #boldlygo×54, #makeitso×54, #qsaysyay×54, #redalert×54, #setphaserstor…×54, #shieldmaidens×52, #racerymademed…×50, #cowabunga×49, #itspartytime×49, #nunchuckyours…×49, #racerymakesyo…×49, #turtlepower×49, #itsatrap×48, #kesselrunning×48, #murderymiles×48, #notdyingyet×48, #thelionawakens×48, #moramiles×47, #timelordsfore…×38, #bohemiancatso…×34, #timeywimeywib…×31, #trekitall×30, #wibblywobblyl…×30, #nosleeptillva…×29, #ragnarockthis…×29, #thatsacap×28, #keeponkeepinon×25, #marniesarmy×25, #spookybotf×24, #somuchpucking…×23, #tallyhoturtles×23, #nunchuckyomil…×22, #forpuckssake×20, #mindthegap×17, #puckingrun×17, #dontstopmeow×16, #cap×14, #puckingchaos×14, #witchesandwei…×14, #hugsforrachel×12, #milesforkoda×12, #malcontent×11, #rtistrong×11, #shiny×11, #imtired×10, #nomoreuphillb…×10, #noschitt×10, #qapla×10, #streakbuilder×10, #wearethechamp…×10, #whitchesandwe…×10, #fortheloveofr…×9, #halloweenisco…×9, #whatdayisit×9, #itstoohotfort…×8, #numberdrawing…×8, #thelionmustgo…×8, #themobpitiest…×8, #c25k×7, #youpuckersare…×7, #ahuntingwewil…×6, #howdoyoumatha…×6, #likeatimelord×6, #longhotday×6, #midnightmile×6, #slothmile×6, #dwminutesfore…×5, #extraforthequ…×5, #blinkandyounap×4, #brainbroken×4, #dontblink×4, #fatbottomgryf…×4, #napsaredanger…×4, #nopuckingstab…×4, #oceanlife×4, #puckingstabby…×4, #runfrompuckin…×4, #runjbtovahalla×4, #tictactoe3cap…×4, #watchingdw×4, #allthepucking…×3, #crazypersonpa…×3, #deathon2legs×3, #hardfought×3, #itsthelifefor…×3, #mobmiles×3, #realorfake×3, #remembertostr…×3, #songnames×3, #stonecoldcrazy×3, #streakpreserv…×3, #thatsalap×3, #wewillwalkyou×3, #whospuckingid…×3, #back2backcap×2, #backwardmiler…×2, #bigregrets×2, #boobadcoworke…×2, #capinonego×2, #chakrabortych…×2, #chippingawaya…×2, #chipthehalfli…×2, #day3×2, #dropmidwalk×2, #firstcapinone…×2, #frtw2023×2, #grabthatcap×2, #likedoctorsto…×2, #milesforjo×2, #milesformallay×2, #milesfororeo×2, #moonlightmile×2, #mymanturns11×2, #noregrets×2, #pct×2, #shouldhavebee…×2, #shutuplegs×2, #slothmiles×2, #stealashoutout×2, #stolethismile×2, #streaking×2, #streakpreserv…×2, #timourousbeas…×2, #twoheartsimbe…×2 … >>

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