Jordan Cavallaro
F | 30-39 | Horseheads, NY (United States)Groups: #phrchufflepuff, #hellhounds
Bio: Mile Liquidators | The Final Chaos | Poy-ta-toes | Game of Scones | Mojo Gogo | Totally Tonks | Racing Snails | Elevenses | Owl Bob | Sisterhood of Bob | Noisy Crickets | All Friared Up 🦡 | Ew, Running | Pitch Please | Point of No Return | Fawkes
Jordan's log
#yearofthebadg…×172, #battlebrows×170, #getlit×170, #whenisbreakfa…×138, #allfriaredup×124, #secondbreakfa…×119, #ewmiles×110, #notnymphadora×110, #sillytonkers×110, #tonkingfantas…×110, #holyschitt×107, #foldinthemiles×106, #wearesobs×97, #lovethisjourn…×94, #runyoufool×92, #taterpower×92, #liketotallyrun×85, #shufflinbadge…×81, #hufflepuff×77, #finalfellowhip×55, #forfrodo×55, #sidebysidewit…×55, #tatertime×55, #tweetusonrace…×52, #thatsacap×51, #friarpower×46, #savingtheworl…×46, #workthatmojo×46, #ewrunning×37, #unburnedwerise×34, #forfawkessake×33, #competipuffs×26, #firechaos×26, #friarstarters×26, #milesforuncle…×23, #twosday×20, #bestofbob×18, #firechaosshen…×18, #mamdinos×18, #rawrasone×18, #rawrrawrmd×18, #rawrthisway×18, #slothmodeisbe…×18, #stompystampede×18, #badgersarecom…×17, #milesforjoey×17, #moveyourschitt×17, #runlikeawolfc…×17, #sconewalkers×17, #thewinenotthe…×17, #elevenses×15, #forgloryandgo…×14, #dogwalk×13, #noisycrickets×13, #boop×11, #owlbob×8, #runyoufools×8, #slushywalk×8, #goingtothedogs×7, #owlin×7, #allthemiles×6, #coldwalk×6, #feastmode×6, #masquerademil…×6, #negative15mil…×6, #outsidemiles×6, #snailmiles×6, #birthdaymiles×5, #dinotakeover×4, #evl5k×4, #ilikemywingsf…×4, #kivawalk×4, #milesforchris×4, #nyc×4, #schittydust×4, #sconewall×4, #seizetheday×4, #winterwalk×4, #accidentalcap×3, #airportpacing×3, #forthescones×3, #halfcap×3, #heatwave×3, #letswrapthiss…×3, #pitchplease×3, #amwalk×2, #cap2×2, #capurday×2, #firstcapofthe…×2, #firstevercap×2, #frigidwalk×2, #icewalk×2, #milesforbecky×2, #milesforlandon×2, #seizethedaae×2 … >>

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