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Kumaragurubaran's log

  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 16
    2.5 miles
    50.0 Minutes of reading = 2.5 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.58 miles/day.  ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 25 participants.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 15
    3.4 miles
    3.4 miles of walking = 3.4 miles
     8th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  8th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 3 days.  9th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 27 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #108.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 14
    1.0 miles
    20.0 Minutes of reading = 1.0 miles
     10th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  10th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Passed 7 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #105.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 14
    1.3 miles
    25.0 Minutes of reading = 1.3 miles
     10th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  10th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Passed 8 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #106.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 14
    3.4 miles
    45.0 minutes of pickleball = 3.4 miles
     8th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  8th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  9th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 29 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #104.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 13
    6.8 miles
    90.0 minutes of pickleball = 6.8 miles
     2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 69 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #101.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 11
    4.7 miles
    50.0 minutes of tennis = 4.7 miles
     2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 6.87 miles/day.  ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 5 days.  3rd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 41 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #96.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 10
    4.2 miles
    65.0 minutes of children's playground game = 4.2 miles
     2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 6.45 miles/day.  ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 4 days.  3rd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 55 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #96.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 10
    3.8 miles
    3.8 miles of walking = 3.8 miles
     3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 6.36 miles/day.  ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 4 days.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 50 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #96.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 9
    3.7 miles
    3.7 miles of walking = 3.7 miles
     ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 3 days.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 52 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #87.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 9
    3.0 miles
    90.0 minutes of bowling = 3.0 miles
     ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 3 days.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 42 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #88.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 9
    0.7 miles
    15.0 Minutes of meditation = 0.7 miles
     ðŸ”¥ Extends streak to 3 days.  5th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 9 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #91.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 8
    3.9 miles
    3.93 miles of walking = 3.93 miles
     2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 315 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #107.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 8
    8.5 miles
    90.0 minutes of tennis = 8.5 miles
     2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 442 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #84.
  • Kumaran AWS CS_acctbill Mar 7
    1.7 miles
    1.7 miles of walking = 1.7 miles
     Back after 361 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 60 participants moving AWSCS_acctbill into #115.
  • Kumaran AWS-Support Mar 11, 2024
    21.3 miles
    03/11/2024 7.0 miles of walking = 7.0 miles
    03/09/2024 120.0 Minutes of reading = 6.0 miles
    03/10/2024 3.0 minutes of rock climbing = 0.3 miles
    03/09/2024 8.0 miles of walking = 8.0 miles
     Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 987 participants moving AWS-Support into #44.

Awards and current bibs