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Lane's log

  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Oct 1, 2022
    1.7 miles
    1.5 hours of cooking = 1.7 miles
    Shalane Flanagan Fartlek Chili for the win!!
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Oct 1, 2022
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
    Signed up to write BVM postcards!
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Oct 1, 2022
    6.0 miles
    6.0 miles of running = 6.0 miles
    Glorious sunny day with mixed run. Started with slow continuous 3 miles, then returned the 3 miles while mixing up intervals and some speedy bits. Great finish to #wrtv3 and great start to Runtober!
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Oct 1, 2022
    1.9 miles
    1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Oct 1, 2022
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
    DOUBLING UP per Racery's instrcutions. This is Day 2 Action (Sept 28) when I did sign up to write 10 letters to voters in GA for Vote Forward. Have also sent 75 postcards to fellow voters in my county. Get the word out! - Lummi Island, Washington, USA
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Sept 29, 2022
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
    Joined the mailing list for Power on the Line and learned more about redistricting. Our big initiative in Washington state is implementation of proportional voting. I feel like this is another way to build more diverse representation.
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Sept 29, 2022
    5.2 miles
    5.2 miles of running = 5.2 miles
    Easy 5 miles running along the shoreline and waving at harbor seals sunning themselves on rocks near the beach. Sent best wishes across the border to Canada - on a clear day, I can see downtown Vancouver. No deep thoughts to share. - Lummi Island, Washington, USA
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Sept 28, 2022
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Sept 27, 2022
    1.9 miles
    1.0 hour of weight lifting = 1.9 mile
    I really like using the Reminders app to keep track of my strength training workouts. Here’s a screen cap
  • LummiIslandBird WAS Volée 2.0 Aug 14, 2022
    $10 from Lane Davis-Coury
     #86 fundraiser.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 26, 2021
    6.2 miles
    2.5 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 6.2 miles
    Working on different schemes for reconditioning our older wood floors, and today focused on floor cleaning and polishing. Labor of love.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 26, 2021
    5.1 miles
    5.1 miles of running = 5.1 miles
    Got out there between the rainshowers and had a good time trying to execute Lesko’s “3/3/3” assignment for 10K Training Plan. Modified goals based on my run/walk race strategy and able to get in a good set of STRONG and also STEADY segments today. * Last day of WRTV came faster than I expected! Will miss “chatting” with you folks. Looking forward to making plans for implementing what we’ve learned.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 25, 2021
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 25, 2021
    5.0 miles
    2.0 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 5.0 miles
    Washing windows, painting flowerpots, doing laundry and setting up clothes lines … so many Saturday projects! This view from the upstairs balcony soothes my soul.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 24, 2021
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
    Fortunately, this small island has very clean beaches. It was still fun to walk the shore and pick up a few stray pieces of trash under close supervision of the harbor seals 🦭. What a variety of sand, shells, small stones up to massive boulders, amazing driftwood of every size, 🦀. We used an app called Clean Swell to collect data on marine debris for the Ocean Conservancy.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 24, 2021
    3.5 miles
    1.0 hour of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 mile
    Gardening today, adding local lavender plants to satisfy island bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 24, 2021
    5.7 miles
    1.0 hour of circuit training = 5.7 mile
    I am a senior WABird who is fortunate to have a superb workout option made possible by the Lhaq'temish, The Lummi People, on Kwina Road near Bellingham. This is a convenient location that I can reach via ferry plus city bus (or run/bike on an ambitious day).The Lummi Fitness Center has very affordable memberships available for Non-Tribal members like myself. Well equipped with a variety of machines and free weights, big windows and great airflow, staffed by very helpful professional staff, and group classes are available.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 23, 2021
    7.1 miles
    75.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 7.1 miles
    Today I was blessed to cycle on Lummi Island, part of the Salish Sea. This area has been inhabited by the Lhaq’temish, The Lummi People, for thousands of years.
    The Lhaq’temish nation’s website explains: “We envision our homeland as a place where we enjoy an abundant, safe, and healthy life in mind, body, society, environment, space, time and spirituality; where all are encouraged to succeed and none are left behind.”
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 23, 2021
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of walking = 1.2 miles
    I watched a bald eagle perched on its nest, observing fishing boats busy with reef net fishing. This is a sustainable, low impact method to harvest salmon which was developed by the Lhaq'temish (The Lummi People), many years ago. Much to appreciate and reflect upon.
  • LummiIslandBird WAVolee WingsUp Sept 22, 2021
    5.0 miles
    1.0 Daily Action of wRTV Daily Activations = 5.0 mile
    After working on the Day 3 assignment, I realized that I have work to do before joining/donating to our local heritage trust. I don’t find any acknowledgement of the Lhaq'temish, The Lummi People, who have cared for this land and waterways over thousands of years. The definition of “heritage” currently seems to recognize only the colonial inhabitants. I will get in touch with my knowledgeable neighbors to find out how I can be a better, more informed, and active co-conspirator in this community. Thank you for defining our actions so clearly that I can now see specific steps to take.
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