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#michiganmagic×748, #octaviabutler×426, #dogwalk×309, #standwithukra…×216, #saltysneks×202, #ministryofsil…×150, #golizc×92, #walkinbeforem…×74, #dog×64, #workbreakwalk×52, #climatechange…×51, #standwithbuff…×41, #standwithuval…×39, #streakkeeper×39, #elliptical×37, #associationof…×35, #aabcboard×33, #afterworkwalk×32, #treasonistrea…×32, #wisewomen×25, #walkinaftermi…×21, #canvassing×20, #deadzone×15, #dogs×14, #socold×14, #yaktrax×13, #nodog×12, #snow×11, #ice×8, #reststopwalk×8, #climatechange×7, #michiganmagic…×7, #moonlight×7, #treadmill×7, #waxinggibbous…×7, #citywalk×6, #preworkwalk×6, #coffee×5, #dogpark×5, #errands×5, #rain×5, #afterworkdogw…×4, #california×4, #covid×4, #democracy×4, #nighttimewalk×4, #rabbitsandsku…×4, #spring×4, #almostheaven×3, #chicago×3, #cold×3, #dogchasingrab…×3, #fallcolors×3, #fullmoon×3, #hound×3, #nurses×3, #stophate×3, #venus×3, #vote×3, #airportwalking×2, #associationof…×2, #beforeworkwalk×2, #berrypicking×2, #blackmaternal…×2, #catwalk×2, #deepsnow×2, #dogtrackingra…×2, #downtown×2, #elections×2, #glowingdog×2, #heatandhumidi…×2, #heatwave×2, #hotandhumid×2, #mentalhealth×2, #mentalhealthb…×2, #midwives×2, #mileagegoal×2, #moon×2, #neighborhood×2, #nighttime×2, #nodogthistime×2, #nursesrock×2, #postworkwalk×2, #publictransit×2, #saytheirnames×2, #selfcare×2, #sohot×2, #springtime×2, #tardis×2, #timewarp×2, #walking×2, #walkingbefore…×2, #wfh×2 … >>

  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 20
    0.9 miles
    0.9 miles of running/Walking = 0.9 miles
    I landed at the municipal building for Bussy-Saint-Martin. There is a flag and a French tricolor plaque. "Mairie" translates as "city hall" but is similar enough to a Gaelic spelling of my name (English Moira - Gaelic Maire) that I got a smile.
     🔥 Extends streak to 85 days.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 85 days at 1.41 miles/day.
    That's interesting. I'm glad your landing spot made you smile. It wouldn't surprise me if this happens again. You have a very pretty name by the way.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 19
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
    After-work walk. I ran into a colleague who works at the 🏥 where I teach, and she was feeling sad about the state of the building where she lives. I caught her at just the right time for a pep talk. 😊 - Flint, MI, USA
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race.  2nd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 84 days.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 84 days at 1.41 miles/day.
    Way to go! Glad you were there at the right time.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 18
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    Charming building downtown - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 83 days at 1.39 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 83 days.
    sure is. Looks like it's tucked in between some modern structures, but maintains its original beauty.
    and character
    thanks for sharing! I like seeing what others see on their walks/runs.
    Cute building!
    Very cute how it’s positioned in there!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 17
    0.9 miles
    0.9 miles of running/Walking = 0.9 miles
    Loved this sign! I guess Silverstein's work is public domain now. - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 82 days at 1.40 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 82 days.
    That is super clever. Great author!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 16
    0.6 miles
    0.6 miles of running/Walking = 0.6 miles
    Dog walk - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 81 days at 1.40 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 81 days.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 15
    0.6 miles
    0.6 miles of running/Walking = 0.6 miles
    And like so many of you, I periodically go airborne on this race. Not your average dog walk today, apparently. Beware the Ides of March. - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 80 days at 1.41 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 80 days.
    I wondered if that happened to anyone else! 🤣
    @BlueBirdJoy We can learn to enjoy it!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 14
    1.3 miles
    1.3 miles of running/Walking = 1.3 miles
    Observing Purim and enjoying this magnificent statue while walking in real life with my 🐕 Kimberly.
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 79 days at 1.42 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 79 days.
    I thought about you when I saw Purim was coming up. @MidwifeTCoffee
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 13
    0.9 miles
    0.9 miles of running/Walking = 0.9 miles
    Here's a pic from my walk in Fenton, Michigan, yesterday. I just like the pop of color.
     7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 78 days at 1.42 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 78 days.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 12
    3.2 miles
    3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
    I took an after-work walk in a beautiful town that I have rarely visited. And it has the same name as my late father! He would have loved "Fenton's Open Book." And he used to buy me the occasional Neapolitan ice cream sandwich as a child so I thought he would like this bench, too. - Fenton, MI, USA
     5th Longest personal streak grows to 77 days at 1.43 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 77 days.
    Cool bench! 🍨
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 11
    0.8 miles
    0.8 miles of running/Walking = 0.8 miles
    A recent canal view in France. Looks like a good place for a walk, although my walk in the States was good as well.
     7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 76 days at 1.41 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 76 days.
    Glad you had a good real and virtual walk. It is good to see your posts again. I have been missing you. @MidwifeTCoffee
    @Duck-Rabbit Thanks! I'm so glad we're teammates.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 10
    3.2 miles
    3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
    A wonderful walk with Kimberly 🐶 that involved crossing a busy street which we don't take Jenny 🐈 to. Kimberly enjoyed the 🐿️ show here.
     Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  6th Longest personal streak grows to 75 days at 1.42 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 75 days.
    Glad Kimberly had a good time and you were able to keep Jenny save. @MidwifeTCoffee
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 9
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    Walked to do my errands. Picture from the Saint-Saëns opera "Samson and Delilah" with my favorite cast of Jon Vickers and Shirley Verrett. I did not know until recently that Shirley Verrett ended up as music faculty at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where I live, and there is a Shirley Verrett Award that recognizes faculty who promote women and underrepresented people in the arts.
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 74 days at 1.39 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 74 days.
    I don’t follow opera, but just read up on Shirley Verrett. Sounds like she was immensely talented. Very neat that she ended up at U of Michigan.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 8
    1.9 miles
    1.9 miles of running/Walking = 1.9 miles
    A view of a neighbor's garden. His landscaping is unique for our area. - Oakwood Street, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  6th Longest personal streak grows to 73 days at 1.39 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 73 days.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 7
    1.1 miles
    1.1 miles of running/Walking = 1.1 miles
    To me this license plate means "West Virginia registered nurses." I don't know what the owner actually thinks it means. But I enjoyed it while on a walk. - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 72 days at 1.39 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 72 days.
    My daughter is also an RN. Go RNs!!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 6
    1.0 miles
    1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
    I was reminiscing with my mother about a place her family lived in England. Here's Bridge House in Ambleside, north of Lake Windermere. My mum's family owned a house right across from this. - Ambleside, UK
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 71 days at 1.39 miles/day.
    That's neat! Love the rock work
    Love it!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 5
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    Late night 🐕 and 🐈 walk - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 70 days at 1.40 miles/day.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 4
    0.6 miles
    0.6 miles of running/Walking = 0.6 miles
    Squeezed in some walking today.
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 69 days at 1.40 miles/day.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 3
    1.3 miles
    1.3 miles of running/Walking = 1.3 miles
    A late-night dog walk and storm drain inspection. - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
     6th Longest personal streak grows to 68 days at 1.41 miles/day.
    Glad to know Kimberly’s on the job!
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 2
    1.2 miles
    1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    Miles while petsitting my grand cats. This is Louis. He finally trusted me enough to take a nap on me. - Alliance, OH, USA
     7th Longest personal streak grows to 67 days at 1.41 miles/day.  Merlin'sWizard moves into #10.
  • MidwifeTCoffee Merlin's Wizard Mar 1
    1.1 miles
    1.1 miles of running/Walking = 1.1 miles
    Exploring after a day at a midwifery conference. - Twinsburg, OH, USA
     7th Longest personal streak grows to 66 days at 1.42 miles/day.
    Neat old buildings, still looks pretty cold where you are.
    @Kim43 I was in Twinsburg, Ohio, which is near Cleveland. It was a happy accident to be there, as Google maps redirected me when the interstate was too crowded.
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Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
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4369.3 mi since 04/01/19

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